Feet Forward Motorcycles are Technically Better

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finally news of a revolutionary form of transport that has just started coming off the production line it's not quite a motorbike and it's not quite a sports car either what it is is an armchair and a slippery fish and a road train [Music] [Music] they call it a feet forward as an idea it predates jeremy clarkson and post-dates man's invention of the shed 27 home builds and three mayfly production runs have culminated in one universal response [Music] that technically is the correct way to design a motorcycle [Music] wow suddenly the world i used to know i see it differently [Music] baby baby you are really hurting me in 1818 people straddled horses gross in 1819 carl dries connected two wheels with a raised frame so people could straddle his dandy horse in 1867 sylvester roper put an engine in one it was faster than any horse so he straddled it until he died that's how paradigms work we take an arbitrary model and progress within it motorcycles got more comfortable more faster but they're still horses with wheels [Music] what if a motorcycle wasn't something you sat on but something you sat in and that could solve a few anomalies a few cracks in the paradigm of the straddled motorcycle [Music] it's 2022 and motorcycles can't accelerate any faster without flipping over nor can they break any harder without flipping over this dead end to advancement is us smacking into the glass walls of our paradigm see modern rubber can accelerate at 2 times gravity but earth only gives us 1g downward so trigonometry says any center of mass higher than 15 inches will flip over backwards to accelerate at full potential we need an abnormally low motorcycle an anomaly [Music] if the future is greener on the electric side then wind resistance is the fence sneak under a 0.3 coefficient of aerodynamic drag to stretch 500 kilometers on a charge but motorcycles have an arrow factor of 0.4 your main mast drags range below 200. not far enough but remember that horseless carriages were also crap it wasn't until motor cars reinvented the paradigm that the automobile made sense shouldn't electric drive merit similar rethinking low and enclosed a drag coefficient of 0.19 for 400 kilometer range is trivial this electron pulls as hard at 70 as it does from a standstill i'm not wasting any power fighting the wind i have the frontal area of a lawn dart [Music] 1970s quasars ran on old reliant robin engines and could hit 180 kilometers an hour dan gurney's alligator made 230 from a single xr 650 motor it's possible to achieve range without battery and speed without power you just need brilliant aerodynamics you need an anomaly [Music] that's very nearly 100 miles an hour six inches from the ground wow [Music] highway pegs inflatable seat bar all frills for what is testily speaking a pommel horse whereas a recliner requires no core strength and no penis durability gore-tex jacket heated grips smart helmet all unnecessary in the bubble and i've seen feet forwards with heaters air conditioners voice commands and always trunks you gotta fill the aerodynamic rear vacuum anyway so an anomalously fat booty designs itself [Music] straddled motorcycles are inescapably ejector seats so putting airbags on bikes doesn't work great and putting airbags on riders is like putting life jackets on cannonballs why not have seat belts why not keep the rider in an engineered cocoon so crashes cost nothing more than a penny in the swear jar because that means one final anomaly the seating position that is unthinkably weird in the way one paradigm always looks from another i don't like it but i don't have to the feet forward position implores itself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: FortNine
Views: 2,129,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uk2ou5gt_94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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