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so this is where i'm gonna be spending the next seven days of my life since y'all are going to be spending the next part of the episode in here with me i'm going to give you a crash tour of the place just so that you're not completely lost throughout this video so this is the entrance dining room dish storage some of the spice wreck our cooking space the bakery baby room slash relaxing room dishwasher freezer milk room second entrance potato peeling room and the mop room the head cooks fridge and this is the head cook's mini walmart it's got everything you need and whatever it doesn't have you probably don't need and the coffee counter by far the most important place in the kitchen kinda here's a little disclaimer before we start it would take an entire film crew to document one day of a cook week and since i am a one-woman cameraman i just took my camera to the kitchen every day for an entire week so no we don't eat this much food no we don't do this much stuff in one day this video was just a little exaggeration for educational purposes only but i will be going through the day as the day would go it's just a little exaggerated for educational purposes only but it kind of gives you a glimpse inside the average day of a cook cooking for 170 people alrighty let's get started so you know i'm just saying too many cups in the kitchen spoil the soup well we have four and the soup tastes amazing at least that's what i've heard this girl is cooking here liz you're cooking again you always seem to be the instigator of all my work the first cook is responsible for planning the week's menu pinteresting the recipes and generally oversees everything and she gets the brunt of the blow if things don't turn out and then we have the second cook the third cook and the cook the fourth cook gets all the compliments if the food does turn out which i have nothing to do with for some reason that's just the way it works what are two words you would use to describe your mom slash the head cook as a head cook yes raw commitment this is the inventory manager she goes by the real name of head cook but no i don't cook i manage and that's on mark in a nutshell she manages all the groceries needs fruits and the cooks anything we need for our wacky recipes we just scribble it on this board here and she gets it for us from town she does all the shopping and basically whenever she sees a need here in the kitchen she comes on over and helps us out [Music] i'm getting my morning dose of stability [Music] hmm time to tackle the beast so let's talk about this dishwasher for a second this dishwasher is the best asset in this kitchen next to me of course anyways she's pretty great she washes at a very very high temperature and you basically push all your dishes in on this side and it comes out and the other side completely clean and sanitized truly an amazing asset invest in a dishwasher that's the morally story time to tackle the beast part two [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi what are you doing are you trying to sneak away from me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] just kidding [Music] it's good stay caffeinated kids [Music] [Music] [Music] great this is my third time rinsing the bean the manager makes me do things but she knows best this this is how clear the water should be for the beef now we have clean meat [Music] check out my new ride it's showing off my interior [Music] [Music] this is also part of the mission hey maryboy so we actually pre-fry our fries the day before and then a few minutes before dinner you just take them out of the fridge really turn that temperature up on your fryer and then you just fry them to a crisp [Music] so [Music] technically we had this meal as supper but i need to incorporate it into my video [Music] [Music] so [Music] washing my hands corona style look at this heart [Music] thank you whenever people see me holding my camera everybody's just like what in the world is this kid up to now well you know there's always something going on [Music] in an ideal universe i would have seeped these out and then ran the oil through but now i just gotta deal with the consequences i'll do better next time see this is me learning from my mistakes [Applause] she's not a very good advertiser i don't think my family is a very good uh representation of my cook weed how's the chicken how's the chicken i see they like my chicken hey how's the chicken how's the chicken father we want to thank you for daily providing our needs for these gifts of food and drink that we daily enjoy feed as he bless us spiritually and physically lord we have all that we need for life and for godliness and lord we attribute it to you as you are the source of our strength and our hope a lift drop of our souls and you have made it possible lord that we are what we are thank you help us daily live by that watch over us leave and guide us thank you again in jesus name amen [Music] i am terrified of hot oil such nice ones [Music] so right after kitchen cleanup the cooks usually go home and have their afternoon nap kind of thing i personally however am not a fan of sleep it's a very unpopular opinion i do it when i absolutely have to when i am beat but other than that i'll just occupy myself with other things outside of sleep [Music] 30 ducks if you want to make everybody happy to see you bring a pot of coffee [Music] yes coffee see i told you [Music] what incarnation [Music] oh you know just the effort just another day [Music] he's got a little carried away yeast got a little excited this morning [Music] i need 75 cups of white flour 16 24 32 14 48 6 64 [Music] okay sonny you to grow at least twice your size in one hour alrighty don't disappoint me [Music] this is an old hutterite staple it's called greiten flick crackling bread would be your english word for it but we all go by great click and it used to be an old hutterite staple i invented way back when and still loved by all today we usually call the ladies over when there's a lot of work to be done and so today we called them over to make sure kaplan which is another hutterite staple in english you would call it um cottage cheese pierogis and it's so so good so this is the fried sugar it's got dough on the outside and cottage cheese on the inside it's hot so good so you dip it in whipped cream and then you just put some syrup on that whipped cream and then you just this is my third one and i am lactose intolerant so i'm gonna have a good night so what's the behind we always have them right we always have these these are the old version of the chicken cup we just bread them and then bake them for health purposes it's good to be healthy trust me but let me show you how i ate healthy we're not gonna show this part of the pit so this chart is the main attraction for a lady gathering at least once a week it's the cook week calendar okay so every girl and lady from the age of 17 to 50 gets a cook week man as you can see as a right here adina i'm gonna be cooking april and the 25th week allegedly the reason i see allegedly is sometimes these cook weeks get a little mixed up due to babies operations trips or anything that upsets the fruit basket so yeah that's that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i know one thing for sure it slips down the hatch real easy good job on mark another thing this outfit does is prepare the meals five days in advance so today is um tuesday and this is saturday's dinner no it's not true [Music] sometimes it's calm and peaceful here other times it's the exact opposite for example right now i'm trying to hurry with this they're trying to worry about that because we gotta beat the clock in five minutes look up that wasn't working [Music] my poor camera [Music] are you okay [Music] okay bye bye for supper good evening everybody it's summer time summer time [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] how are the ribs the ribs were awesome how are the ribs very good very good very good they were awesome scrumptious kenzie how are the ribs [Music] exquisite [Music] michelle were you in edmonton without me yes how dare you this is so weird dude this is so weird so every week i'm just every other week just to be safe my uncle goes to the city like edmonton and he brings you a whole bunch of groceries because it takes a lot to feed um 170 ish people and lloyd can't sustain us lloyd is too lloyd is too small for for this [Applause] i do know how crazy i look [Music] here she sucking up the kitchen once again hi so today i want to introduce you to another one of the biggest supporters and that is my aunt miriam i call her myrna for short so myrna has pushed me everywhere where i am right now she pushed me onto youtube for like months and months before i decided to do it i just got tired of her nagging me and then i was like fine myrna i'll do youtube videos okay okay and then she um forced me to do that car commercial but it's okay because i got a lot of experience from it then she just pushes me into every small cranny and crack that she sees possible she believes in me way more than i believe in myself and i am entirely grateful for that and i hope someday i can be just like her she kind of deserves the credit for this channel okay so thanks myrna [Music] seven o'clock and the gang's still here what's what you call a hard-working bunch of police homo sapiens we don't have proof of that word homo sapiens i do know what a human sapien is but it sounds like and woman we're not humans we're ladies are you dumb are you dumb how does your mind work [Music]
Channel: Adina Walter
Views: 133,545
Rating: 4.9271622 out of 5
Keywords: cooking for crowd, hutterite, community, fort pitt, german, Mennonite food, hutterite food, German food, homemade food, large meals, Christian community, Christian, together
Id: IwEC8QUfglE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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