Federal Agencies Arming Themselves

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foreign [Music] choices about how we live our lives freedom in America is shrinking and according to one expert the Constitution has effectively been terminated the power of the federal government is way out of control the FBI is spying on Americans Dale Hurd brings us the details in this eye-opening report when the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 there was a wave of optimism and excitement that freedom had been Unleashed and there would be no going back to totalitarianism but along the way something went wrong Global Studies show that for most of the world Freedom has been in Decline for many years add to that an economy consolidating under larger companies with consumers seeing their purchasing choices restricted small business optimism is now at its lowest point in 10 years nearly two in five small businesses could not pay their rent in May consumers are having choices taken away from them especially if the product they want runs on fossil fuel mainly because of those in power supporting the belief in a man-made climate emergency energy analyst Dr Marlo Lewis accuses Washington of trying to regulate the fossil fuel industry out of the economy this is put a big damper on on capital investment in in oil companies natural gas companies it's also made it very difficult for a Coal Company in particular but even for a natural gas company to get a substantial loan from the banks driving energy costs up and the reliability of the nation's power grid down Christian civil liberties Attorney John Whitehead takes the radical view that the constitution has been effectively terminated because so much of it is now regularly ignored he says the many heavily armed government agencies and local police forces constitute a standing army on U.S soil ready to raid homes in violation of the Fourth Amendment which protects our right to be secure in our persons and property the IRS has 4 500 guns 5 million rounds of ammunition the Veterans Administration has 11 million rounds of ammo the Department of Health and Human Services believe it or not has four million rounds of ammo the Social Security Administration has 800 000 rounds of ammo for their special agents and armors and guns even NASA has a SWAT team since 1980 SWAT raids have risen from 3 000 a year to eighty thousand a lot of our police have to have grenade launchers and mraps which are tanked so entire in communities of 5 000 people the fourth amendment's dead and the First Amendment which was intended to protect speech the majority doesn't like no longer prevents people from being censored canceled the platformed or even debanked a Penn State poll showed most Americans believe they've lost more personal freedoms in the past 10 years than they have gained while another survey found that one-third of Americans think having a strong leader who doesn't have to bother with Congress or elections would be a good system of government one of the forces behind the fall of the Iron Curtain and a leader of the Czech Velvet Revolution yaroslav fleeter told us he never expected the Free World to turn out like this and said he's especially upset that many Americans seem okay with a loss of rights when it's used against their political enemies people whose rights are being you know removed they really do not perceive it that way they sometimes actually think it'll almost see like as a benefit you know as a beneficial process because sometimes these rights are taken from people they don't like and they applaud it and I in this situation situations like that always tell them you know yeah it might be actually pleasing now just wait until you are the object of this process when your rights are violated and when when it's going to be done to you you won't find it as much you know fun as you know you're finding it now Dale Hurd joins us now here in the studio Dale you presented it in your report there was great optimism after the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed and then within a generation uh this we've arrived at this point how did that happen yeah I think it shows how wide the chasm is in our society between right and left and people want to see constitutional violations used against their political opponents which is a big mistake but it also begins with the government our own government is is you trying to and sometimes using constitutional violations but in terms of the public it really isn't 50 50. I didn't stress this in my story but it's primarily Democrats who believe in limits on speech and they see the Constitution as an impediment to their remaking America in a more liberal image John Whitehead says look uh Constitution's dead you have the all these federal agencies now that have either guns or riot gear and so forth what do they say when when they're asked about that why do they need it I don't think any of us have heard a good explanation I mean how many armed confrontations does Social Security have in a year with people what I think is the Deep state looks out on the country they see all the armed citizens and they're thinking we need to to somehow balance this we need to protect government and and that's the only explanation I can come up with and the check uh Velvet Revolution there one of about the warning that they're giving I mean they know firsthand they've gone through this what about These Warnings how come we're not heeding These Warnings does anybody really care are we listening yeah again because I think the chasm is so wide I mean we're in we're at some part of a pre-civil War Phase in this country I don't know maybe we're very far from it and when we're praying that the Lord will unify this country and bring us together but the the division is so wide what we should be doing right and left is we we should object when constitutional violations are used against our political opponents because the Constitution was essentially created to protect the minority or views we don't like but we're not seeing that we're seeing these violations as a as a great hammer to beat down our political opponents the left views the Constitution as as the what conservatives want to use to thwart them and the left would like would like the Constitution Rewritten or out of the way okay we're very polarized so how do we come together yeah yeah we need to pray yeah well Dale heard that's a good note to end on thank you Dale what an excellent report keep up the good work we appreciate it thanks for being with us
Channel: CBN News
Views: 273,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbn, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, 4th amendment, gary lane, the global lane, john whitehead, social security administration, american freedoms, federal agencies buying weapons, federal governnment, dale hurd, iron curtain, fbi, heavily armed government agencies, rutherford institute, hhs, ammo, armor
Id: O9pelswg9FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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