Feature History - Emu War

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inaudible high pitched screaching of happiness

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Fumblerful- 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

Lol im subscribed to this channel on youtube and immediately thought of this subreddit

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Zachrabbit567 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
good iMac and welcome to a feature through special episode today is a good day for it is Australia Day a day where every true-blue Ozzy legend goes out and enjoys a snag on the barbie but instead you're sat here watching this video you pathetic little worm now I'm just kidding you can tell yourself up moving on anyway so this special day I have prepared the long requested video of the great in you all because you think you're absolutely hilarious don't you writing your comment due to any war or you're not right disrespectful but I am a for positive praise I'm doing it anyway let's cut the crap and not beat around the bush any longer get a push back the outback yeah let's just tell straight into this the start of our story begins the end of the Great War Australian veterans return to their home Girt by sea and many decide to take up farming and Western Australia on the land they had been rewarded with for their services farming though isn't that easy especially when a Great Depression happens in 1929 farmers are instructed to increase their wheat production and the government promised to subsidize farmers little problem subsidies didn't you know actually happen the wheat market will only become worse and worse and by October 1932 the farmers were on the brink of protest then they came in use numbering in the tens of thousands stormed the farms of the camping district you see these little Hellspawn migrate after their breeding season and typically head to the coast those farms they were closer to their breeding grounds they made themselves very attractive with dams and cultivated grounds the emus would consume and spoil the crops on top of this that also leave large gaps and fence incidents that will grab at allies to enter the farm and grab that caused an even bigger mass the farmers and places such as Chandler and wall Gulen were terrorized and their farms threatened with imminent destruction at the hands or rather wings of the e-news the farmers pleas for help would be heard when a committee of axe soldiers approached them and after a defense Sir George Pierce with an idea they commented on the effectiveness of machine guns when used against them and campaigns such as Gallipoli and how it would be great doesn't study getting those shot at them to instead uses the form of advanced pest control Pierce loved this idea so he wanted to add some stipulations if they were going to use military equipment he wanted his military to handle them the farmers would also flip the bill and open their home from the military for the length of the operation the plan was set the government could win back the hearts in mind of the discontent farmers by unloading some thousand odd bullets into hordes of Amyas as deer said it would make for some great target practice Maj Meredith of the Royal Australian artillery regiment was to oversee the operation though unfortunately despite him being of the artillery regiment they were not going to bolognese credits back to the hell they came from akin to the scene an inglorious basterds who stayed each and every man under my command owes me a hundred in new skins and I don't want my skins and my men will get me a hundred EMU skins on the bodies of a hundred dead in use or you will die tryin I'm paraphrasing of course he just want some feathers for some hats equipped with two Lewis guns the troops would deploy to the district on October 1932 they were going war but then it rained so they went inside making biscuits but on November 2nd never could of war when they got to the area they were a bit lost like a school group I'd just gotten off a bus they had no idea what to do they decided that had the locals help them head to Amy's into an ambush where at that point they've released a full firepower of the Lewis guns into the swarms of em usin be done in time for dinner it turns out though amis are not domesticated animals and don't take very well to being herded they dispersed them to staff basically one gunner decided trays lock anyway an open fire to only find out about em either actually reincarnated ninjas they dodged every shot he could fire at them when asked how many he killed he was wanted with a number of birds you know a quantifiable amount of them on November 4th they launched the operation a new execution not the real name of course on field that was probably called can we just get the already they'd set up near a dam that they knew would have 1,000 Amyas heading towards it like a scene straight from Iwo Jima they'd wait until the emus were in close proximity until they sprung the trap and released fire the plan was so good too good and sullen has forgotten to clean the gun and it jammed after only 12 birds were downed the rest run away Meredith's decided they'd set up south where the birds were reportedly tamer turns out a team EMU is still an absolute monster at one point they got so desperate that is decided to place a gun on a truck and chase the herds while mowing them down they would craft their own personal mechanised war machine this is a knocking od standard truck though so it was slower and rock like crazy off-road the gunner wouldn't even be able to shoot the ground straight after six days of what would be cool Oakley referred to as a pain in the ass Mary decided to say it and go home it was happy to report though they hadn't lost anyone the military would return again in future and see some more success but still barely leaving a dent in the new population after expending far too much ammunition they decided this is about as effective as attempting to smash a brick wall with your knackers there's leaf once again the farmers would continue to bring up the government again and again only to be turned down again and again the government though would finally wise up and decide that veterans probably actually do know how guns work and so let him go crazy using a bounty system where enews were most wanted they would be able to eliminate fifty seven thousand of them over a six-month period so while some reparations had been paid in the end we couldn't possibly have forgotten about it by the time news reached the ponds a bunch of moral busybodies decided this coal was an extermination of the way in you we call these people wankers the war has also developed a legacy online where common practice for not shut up about it when I find out you're Australian at the end of the day though we must always remember this war it is our duty to never forget its importance in Australian history society culture and legend god of Our Fathers known of old Lord of our far-flung battle line beneath whose awful hand we hold dominion over palm and pine Lord God of hosts be with us yet lest we forget lest we forget I knew if we have to record this outro but I'm doing it now so that's a that's good right Israel thanks for patrons you're all pretty cush personal mentions go to Zedd sir rub it oh and also anal scrub the nectar is your episode should be coming out over next um so look out for that and goodbye kisses mwah
Channel: Feature History
Views: 740,934
Rating: 4.8881769 out of 5
Keywords: Feature History, History, Education, Entertainment, Academic, Presentation, Emu War, Emu, Australia, Western Australia, Wildlife, Great Emu War, Military, Comedy, Funny, Interesting, Great Depression, World War 1, Great War, Major Meredith, George Pearce
Id: loZyBEfwpJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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