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hey doll so today I'm going to be showing you how to make this gorgeous glamorous feather chandelier DIY and that all of this is under $100 so grab a coffee at the team let's do dusty our white dolls need a glue stick which is this one here you would need a glue gun you would need you would need this cold oak and I've never worked with this before but it makes sense that I would use something like this to hold this I heard can hold a chandelier up as well depend on the size you get and this is galvanized wire you know you can see it here and used here to cut it I've got mine on Amazon so here's the wires here's how it looks like and this is what we're gonna be used to hang our crystals and so I'm about to show you that and let's show you different so here the crystals so I've got all of my crystals on Amazon and then show you what which ones I'm using so I bought lots of them this is all of our crystals cost under $30 20 and I'm working with two different types of crystals so I want this one that dangles that looks like this the ends look like this and these are plastic like kind of like an oocyte type of material like plastic then the other one I've got is this one here which is more expensive so I think those were like $10 this is 20 this one is you can hear it's really heavy this is glass so this is like really this really looks nice in the Sun when you have it against the Sun as you can see it there's no Sun right now and it looks gorgeous so this hand looks like because you can see it has like this rainbow reflection and I like this I'm going to pair it with so this will be on there and I'm going to pair it with these ones okay so you're going to need feathers as well my surface I got free server and this is how they look like when you take them out the bag depending how big this how they look like depending how you and I'm gonna link all of this all of this is on Amazon so I'm gonna link the seller down below depending how big your lamp is for me I'm using free you can use something as the lamp so instead of making a lamp from scratch I've got this lamp on I got it from Target and I'm gonna put the information in the link down below and I think it's just better to go with something already done and it's just much easier less stress and this is it I've got it is called fresh cold and I've paid $16 for it and it's really big that's why it's not fitting into this frame and this is where your crystals are gonna hang from here we're gonna attach them with this so I guess we can get started now that way you know all you need very simple and very easy to make DIY and yeah so let's get started - I found that - was not enough so I'm going to use free for extra fluffiness this is very fluffy by the way so you're gonna make some lutes with your wires and you're just gonna thread them through with your hand with your fingers right through your crystal and you're gonna keep going yes it does kind of get boring so I would advise to put on music and just chill as you do it I love how it comes with a little razor we can cut it that is such a handy feature instead of using scissors or anything called pliers you can just cut it with the razor and just repeat this process on and on [Music] and you'll end up with a bunch of crystals like this all wired through now must say put them down on the corner somewhere nicely and row by row instead of having them bunched up like how I have it here because they're gonna get tangled and I learnt by I learnt the hard way because I had to reroute all of these again can you see how gorgeous these glass crystals look as I was saying they shine of really really nicely and they have a nice reflection to it when it hits the light right okay so the next one I have is the plastic one and still very pretty about the glass beats it out and I just like the length of this one so I'm gonna do the same process and just take my wire and loop it through so we're going to repeat the same process with the oak and we're just gonna I found it hard with that plastic cover over it so just use some scissors to cut it away so we're gonna loop it we're gonna roll it out and there's like no measurement I'm just eyeballing so I did waste a lot of this wire I'm just eyeballing where I want it to hang I would say go long then go short because you're gonna waste a lot if you do it short so my tip is to go long like make sure this is as long as you can get it and then you can tie it on the top of the chandelier so yeah make sure you do longer wire wires wire loops turn doing shorter ones because you're gonna regret if he's short you can't cry you can't do anything you're just stuck with a short piece and that's a wasted piece of wire so that's my tip I rather go long then go short at least we should long do you can cut it okay so I love this little feature that has the Rays on the end it's just so much easier so yeah again Lou and then they go you've got your piece and keep doing this until you get the desired effect you want you can skip this part of the video because it's just gonna be me doing the same exact thing on and on and on just so you can get the point because I feel like if I do like a speed up video part of it if I speed up the video here most people are not going to get what I did so I let this I left this piece in the video so you can see exactly what I'm doing because if I was watching this video myself I like to see in detail how I loop here and why I do so I left this part of the video just so whoever's watching this can get an idea of how to do it the more you see something I guess the more you learn how to do something so if you want to learn how to do this they watch the whole of this today watch all of this clip to the end before I speed this process up oh and this wire can get really tangled as well I just wanted to let you know and you just have to be really really careful with that wire when it's or when it's like in the coil like that it kind of does get tangled and again just repeat the process put some music in your ear and it will go fast I promise you now we are gonna take our glue and take our lamp and start with the seam of the lamp is that way you can know that you've gone round really good you just have a direction and just start gluing I guess this is the funnest part well it is kind of annoying actually at this part because you know this is not like a this is a fluffy fabric it gets everywhere and a warning get prepared to have hair all over you but it's worth it in the end I promise you just get ready to vacuum and Hoover your floor and to get rid of all this like chicken here I don't know what animal this is is this a chicken someone let me know in the comment section down below what this feather boa is made of but just get ready to have chicken hair all over your floor so yeah and just go around make sure you and what you can do is you can use some pins to push back because they you would get all that hair everywhere as you're trying to glue the new hair so just use some pins or something to push it back the ones that you've really glued down down I'm using my hands as I go along you just have to be very patient and very observant with this if not you can mess up the project leave don't rush it take your time it's very fast it takes time because you want to make sure you're gluing properly but it's not a long project it's not like you have to cover a big piece of area so take your time as you do it and as I said put some music in your ear it'll go by faster faster than you think or watch a Netflix documentary and shake it out you'll get to shake it out I've done the first row so shake it out and then do the second row and depending how big your lamp is I need it free so if you have a smaller lamp which is next time I'm going to do a nightstand and lamp so if you haven't if you're doing like a light nightstand lamp you probably need well you probably need two servers so shake it out you're gonna get this everywhere you're gonna have it all over your hair you can have it all over your clothes but it's okay it can go away it's not like glitter it's not as annoying as glitter is so yeah so we're done now ready to start looping the crystals onto the chandelier Oh min I went to Target and I came across something so I cut all of my stuff really short the wires so I needed instead of starting all over again and getting new wires I'm using the same wires but I went to Target and I got this heavier wire which is right here and it's used for picture frames and this is the size and it can hold a weight of 30 pounds and that's how it looks like you use it to hold picture frame so that's how they hold you know how you hold picture frames of wire that type of wire so it's this is how it looks like you can screenshot this its picture hanging wire and it's just a little bit thicker than the wire that I originally got and I'm just using it almost like an extension to hold it to make them longer so if that happens do that by this to make it longer and also to hold the weight of and so what I do is I tie it around like I tie a knot around it focus let me show you this one so I tie a knot around it you see I just wrap it around really really tight and it was holding the corrals don't there crystals and as you can see these ones have more weight so this works really well because I felt like if I use this alone this wire here it may not hold the weight but this the weight has been held by this thick wire that I got from Target so that's just a note you can also go ahead and get a thick thick thick wire as big as this but what I do like about this technique is that at the bottom you don't want this thick wire to show that's holding the rhinestones this wire is there to be seen so in a way this does work out well so basically use the same wire technique and not lit not this to pick a wire at the top you get it I hope that helps so I'm going to take my wires and tie them which I found with this new way I got from Target the picture frame hanging wires it is so much more sturdy and it holds it really really good so I say that's a really good idea you Pitts entire loop them together and tie it like this you can tie them anyway like just as long as it's secured hanging on this wire you're good as you can see throughout this video I'm going to tie it in so many different ways you can knot them you can tie them together like that until you have it like this you're good and this took me about I'll say thirty minutes to an hour to do all of this it didn't take that long at all it's actually really fun this dolls this is how it looks like after absolutely gorgeous and this video is filmed at night that's why it's kinda dark in here but this is how it looks after I mean for my first toy came out really pretty more than I expected and I just loved it it's so beautiful and it's so glamorous and so easy and so cheap to make if you ought to buy one of these will probably be in the thousand or near the thousands am so happy of the power mine turned out and under fifty dollars under $100 it's very cheap to make so here is [Music] so if you enjoyed this video give it a big thumbs up if you new to my channel subscribe down below let me know if you're going to be trying your hand at making one of these I would like to see add me on Instagram up on my Instagram information down below as usual thank you so much for watching dalton if you want to see some glam DIYs like this stay tuned to my channel thank you so much and I'm so obsessed with this locus so these not lamp chandelier let's get it right so yeah so gorgeous thank you so much for watching dolls [Music] [Music]
Channel: EL-Bee London
Views: 78,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TejC3Af4kXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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