Feaster's On Teaster's-Pigeon Forge, TN (2nd Review)

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okay everyone we're back here once again at uh the restaurant called feasters on tasters here in pigeon forge yeah let me show you where we're at we were here back in january and we liked it so much we've actually looked forward to our next trip in this area to come back and try some other things on the menu so we're going to come back tonight and hope that it's as good or better than uh it was the first time we both know we're going to be getting turn this around a little bit so you can see our lovely faces or one of us has a lovely face my wife's okay but no i'm just kidding but we're back here again trying it out and last time we really really enjoyed it and we're hoping it'll be as good tonight as it was before we're going to get something different this time last time we tried the smoked prime rib and we gave our review of that this will be our second review of easter's on tasters and there's about five other things on the menu i want to try as well so we can't do them all in one trip obviously but we're gonna uh do several reviews over the next upcoming months of this place uh unless we just have a really bad experience this time we will be back but tonight um i already know what i'm gonna get you know what you're gonna get 100 all right we'll let you know how it [Music] goes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're back in here inside of feasters on tasters once again and if you watched our first review then you know that this is a native american themed restaurant so let me just get a little bit of the decor or the decor in here my wife actually said she's going to try this on for us here in just a minute so i'll look good if she yeah you'll look good in it i'll pan around here just a little bit and again native american theme i love the booze here the plates are pretty neat too but we haven't gotten our meal yet they have the indian flute music playing now like i say we wanted to come back here there are so many things on this menu we want to look at so i'm going to let you see the menu once again i'm going to hold it up this time this will take a while there's about like i say five or six different things on here we were looking forward to trying and can't do it all in one trip last time we were here we got the smoked prime rib and that was really good we had a really good experience here last time except for one side that i got and that was what they call the three sisters because right here is the last one on there um three sisters if you're a gardener is squash beans and corn you plant those together and um go ahead what are we living in water okay i'm gonna go get you some bread and chips and okay sounds good thank you now what i was saying about the three sisters it's supposed to be squash beans and corn but it had a lot of other stuff it should have been called the seven or eight sisters because it had onions and stuff i don't even know what it was that was terrible that's the only thing maybe yeah well beans i mean i would expect that but um that was probably the ab well not probably that was the worst part of the meal so yeah i think so let me go down to the bottom part of the menu here and um all kinds of neat stuff on here tonight i'm going to try the ribeye steak and i know what some of you are thinking does he get steak everywhere he goes the answer is no and i don't eat steak every day but [Music] we are on kind of a quest to try the main steak houses in this area and review them i do have a favorite but that's subject to change and we're going to try this one out tonight i saw this one on another review and it looked absolutely great all the steaks here from omaha steaks so if it's as good as it looks this one might unseat my favorite and lord willing we're going to go there saturday so there will be a review posted on that one as well i'm not going to say what it is just yet but so far it's the best steak we've had in the area um but uh a lot of stuff on here i want to try but the other side that i got last time was the garlic mashed potatoes those were very very good i will be getting those again and one of you have you decided yet what you're going to get i am going to get these i didn't get the bottom part of the menu pull it away sorry i can't read it upside down that's all right that's lunch i'm getting the chicken cord on blue chicken cordon bleu and i'm gonna get great dumplings yeah great dumplings i'm excited to try that yeah that's that sounds exciting though it does hopefully it'll be worth the six dollars me i'm going to get the one dollar bowl of banana pudding for dessert so i try to be practical when it comes to dessert but all right well we'll let you know how it goes here we're getting ready to bring the sides out and i will say one thing about not the sides the appetizers they bring out a bowl of okra my wife loves fried okra yeah i didn't even get she ate it so quickly the camera didn't even pick it up last time so we're going to try to get it this time i didn't even get to try one i'm gonna try one this time well they bring that's unlimited they'll bring you more so uh but they usually bring out three types of bread the indian fry bread the cornbread and the um what's the other one roll easter with flavored butters i think they had a raspberry butter or um last time i think i said maple i believe it's brown cinnamon or brown sugar and cinnamon and then plain um and then they had homemade potato chips which were really good i enjoyed those so looking forward to that when it comes [Applause] a little bit of the native american decor in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he thinks he's going to eat some okra but i told him he could have i'm going to draw one um see if it's really as good as she says so we'll find out if i'm not a okra person [Applause] it's mine the rest of them are yours i mean i guess for okra it's not not terrible but you go right ahead though thank you i'm going to dig into these chips here the potato chips are really really good and the butters and the bread so this will be the raspberry regular and then the cinnamon sugar so the rolls that's the indian fries that's any fry bread and then cornbread which are absolutely amazing love the fry bread they only brought one cornbread i guess you'll have to do without cornbread no you can have it no i don't care we'll split it i don't want to use straw so all right i'm going to eat now all right which butter you got there is that the raspberry raspberry have you tried the other one you have the cinnamon so tell us what you think of the fry bread with the raspberry butter good all right you gonna try it with the other butter i don't know if it's maple or brown sugar salmon let's do a little comparison here and see which one you like better i've just done both of them and to me it's a toss-up they're both very different but both good [Music] so here's going to be what is that maple or brown sugar and cinnamon cinnamon all right sugar down the hatch how's that one good which one's better [Applause] raspberry raspberries all right i love raspberries all right folks you got to see this here this is my wife's second and third bowl of oakland and an answer for that one yeah i know y'all asked for one um she brought her two and i i guarantee you a bit of a big home so wife loves over i i don't get it but that's why we're up that's why god made us all different all right dig in let's see if this bowl's as good as the fur as good as the first bowl is it hot well can i try one more since you got an extra bone i don't have to learn to like this stuff you have one bowl i don't want them all actually mine that's that's hotter that's actually better than the last one they're fresh those are fresher all right this is kind of what i was afraid of uh the main meal arriving while we were still eating the uh pre-meal stuff um so anyway here's my wife's tell them what you got again cordon bleu chicken cordon bleu um garlic mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese it looks like an orange wedge and a kale sausage kale i got the ribeye steak looks good garlic mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese so the garlic mashed potatoes were good enough to get again i'll never get that three sisters thing again so all right you wanna take a bite and tell us how your chicken cordon is i'll eat a potato chip butter all over my knife you're not supposed to be stuffed with ham it's got it in the middle okay that was really good really good okay here he is getting ready to try the macaroni and cheese i didn't try this one last time but a lot of people said it's really good it's got some kind of crumbs on it i don't know what that is crackers [Music] delicious it's good it's kind of pasty like dry but it's yeah it's good yeah it's fine it's very thick i already ate cinnamon and i will say i already had some potatoes too very good [Music] let me get about those and see how good these are still as good as they were i'm going to need another okra that's still the side of the choice it is very good i got it this time too all right i'm still working on my okra all right now he's getting into the good stuff the moment i've been waiting for is to try the ribeye steak so here it goes let's see [Music] oh yeah isn't it good it looks good i don't think it's going to unseat the other one but it would give it a run for its money the other place it will be going to on saturday [Music] i put it up there with among the top uh that i've had in the area it looks really good yeah it does [Music] [Applause] i'm still working on my okra over here too [Applause] okay my wife's dessert has arrived now all the way up here i have heard grape dumpling grape dumpling grape dumplings so let's hope it's good big bowl for six dollars it should be so where's that ice creamer is that cool with ice cream there's like no breading in it so i hope this is good actually is really good it's really good yeah it is it's different okay and i like it all right i'm glad you're happy i'm happy all right she's happy all right here's our bill for tonight um comes to the grand total of 57.60 and that's for my glasses on two waters which hopefully is nothing rib eye 20 ounce or 12 ounces i'm sorry 27 chicken cordon bleu 19. and one grape dumplings six dollars so aren't you glad i got the dumplings i've been wanting them no i'm not glad they were six dollars i'm glad you enjoyed them been really bad if you didn't like them but anyway that's that was our bill that's probably about typical for um that kind of meal in this area about anywhere so all in all we'll get outside and give you our review of the place all right we're back over here once again in the store outside of feasters on tasters and they've got these native american herbal teas here and each of them has a name that kind of describes what it does for you the healer supports immune system and respiratory shake sniff and drink that's the one that you sniffed last time probably the biggest mistake in my life since we started doing these is not having the camera on when she sniffed that thing last time that was hilarious shake and sniff yeah you better sniff lightly like it says on the lid because last time that was rough bear in the woods that's um a laxative buffalo bone calming the storm cloud walking i have the hulk i'm not going to read all these but you can see what they see less of me huh see less of me supports a healthy that's a weight loss thing there share my blanket provide energy and stamina for love okay um storyteller for memory and focus tp that's a good assist in providing prostate support well all kinds of stuff there are you gonna are you gonna give the healer a sniff again it says sniff lightly she didn't do that last time and again i highly regret it did not have the camera so i'm scared to do it just sniff lightly don't just like you did before it still goes right still goes right back to the back of your sinus cavity not i don't think it's just strong man i think this bottle has been sitting down i think we sniffed it a little lighter straight yeah i think it's probably time to go now all right smile you're gonna smile for everybody we gotta all right you look lovely in that i'm sure i do yeah why don't you buy that yeah we start wearing that for all of our reviews i think we need hats yeah well that would that would definitely be a hat okay how much is it [Music] 100 i don't guess all right okay well we're back in our room now uh we're going to give you a review of feasters on tasters my wife thought it was too cold to stand outside the restaurant and i didn't want to do it in the vehicle because i didn't want everybody to see the mess that was in our van behind us so we decided to come on back to the room and give our review this is our second time eating at feasters on tasters the first time we really enjoyed the biggest part of it tonight this review at least my part of it we haven't discussed what we're going to say it's going to be all over the place so let me uh let her i'm going to i'll let you go first like i usually do tell them what you had and what you thought what was good what was nice i saw what i had but i would say the okra is always delicious very good the indian fry bread very good um i asked her for another bowl of okra she brought me two more so that was a total of three i could lead to i hate wasted food the garlic mashed potatoes were good and the macaroni and cheese was good um i think they put them in the little serving dishes and then let them sit and then take them as needed so they weren't like popping hot they were they were warm but they were still tasty um i had the chicken cord on blue which was good first couple of bites um and it could be because i was getting so full so quickly but it's got kind of a salty flavor or seasoning whatever too it got kind of salty and i guess where they roll the chicken over the ham they use toothpicks i found a piece of a toothpick in my mouth so thankfully it didn't hurt me but i did find that so be careful if you get that um but it was still good um and then the grape dumplings when i took the first bite i thought that was actually the grapes but it's actually the dumplings yeah cause you told them there was no bread yeah but that's actually what it is and then it's kind of like i don't know like a grape pudding almost it was warm and then they they said they make it fresh with ice cream which melted and so it was good it was really good i'm glad i got it i it was a lot of dessert and he only ate a couple bites and i couldn't finish it so i'm glad i got it but i probably won't get it again but i still love the place i still want to go back and try some of the other stuff that they have all right so scale let me ask you this compared to the hero last time was this a better overall experience or a little less a little less but you know i think she was just a little overwhelmed or server um but you know the food yeah but i'm still going back i still thought it was good all right well like she said i was gonna use actually that same word overwhelmed our server was really nice really sweet person um no problem at all there she did seem to forget things if you ask her for more drink we went a long time without a drink refill we just had water but we we sat quite a while and actually had to ask uh the hostess that seated us she came she saw us looking around so we had to ask her say we have to have some water i have to have a drink to be able to swallow food i have a swallowing issue so i i can't really eat solid food without something to drink so that was that could have been problematic but um like i said she was really nice and it was not rude at all last time we were there we did not get the same server we had there we were very very impressed with their server and again this this lady's sweet and they were busier tonight in all fairness they were busier um although they weren't packed they were still you know having one empty table in between tables where people were seated but as you all know i got the ribeye steak i got the garlic mashed potatoes and i got the macaroni and cheese and like my wife said i believe the sides have been set in a while there's nothing wrong with the flavor of any of them uh the macaroni and cheese was good um but you know how macaroni cheese gets when it sits so while it gets kind of like paste and solid and uh that's what that's the way it was the taste was fine it was still light years better than that three sisters thing i don't know if i mentioned before i didn't care for that but i think you said that yeah but anyway um it was light years ahead of that the garlic mashed potatoes were excellent again that will be something that i will always get as a side whenever i go there um those are just good the fry bread was good it was probably as good as last time the potato chips were about the same as good as last time the cornbread is really good i did not try you stroll they were good i ate one yeah and one must have been sitting there because they gave us two yeah i'll eat one i had all that other food like my wife said she ate at least two bowls of okra i had like a couple of pieces of okra the second bowl actually was okay it was hot and fresh when she brought it out i don't know why she brought two bowls out but my wife had just asked for one because i like to say i don't eat the stuff but i did eat a few so i don't like to waste food either um i got the ribeye steak now i will say the ribeye steak my wife said that her second experience was a little less i'm going to say mine's a little better than the last time and my last one was good i had the smoked prime rib the ribeye steak was i'm not gonna say it will unseat the one that was previously my favorite which we were going to go there saturday but i would put it right up there with it it was the seasoning it was seasoned uh excellent it had it had flavor you can go to some of these places in the state just has no flavor that was not the case here the steak was was tender it was good it had a very good real taste very flavorful i would i would put the steak way way up there it was really really good i also tried some of her great dumplings and the way i described that to her if you ever pick up these scented candles like a sugar plum that tasted like that candle smells so it was unlike anything i've ever had but if you ever smell a sugar plum candle that's what it actually tastes like and yeah it was good i didn't have any complaints about that so overall i would say the sides this time maybe were not as fresh as last time the bread was about the same i'm gonna put that steak above even the smoked prime rib last time and i would say that you know the steak made it worth it and the garlic mashed potatoes you got to get those i mean when they say garlic they taste like garlic if you like garlic you're gonna like these if you don't like garlic you you probably won't um we're gonna go back several more times and try different things the next thing i'm gonna go ahead and tell you what i'm gonna get next time it may be months before we get back is the pork loin i've watched two other videos on youtube of people that got the pork loin and it looks like the portion size it's only 15 on the menu and the portion size looks huge it looks like they give you a lot of meat for that money i think didn't they say they marinate it or they cook it an apple cider so that sounds really good so i think next time um i'm going to go back and try that but so my review of the place feasters on tasters we've been there twice have not had a bad experience this time you know and like i say we may have different viewpoints depending on what we got we're not out to hurt any business or help any business we're out to give an honest review of what our experience was and um we've been to feasters on tasters twice i'm looking forward to going back many more times so thank you all for watching if you have not liked and subscribe please do that and you'll be notified when we upload another video we're going to have a couple of reviews coming just from our trip this weekend uh this is thursday night april 1st and we're going to be here through that's my phone going off that's that's pierre's bark that i have is my ringer if you can hear that pierre is no longer with us but i found a video of his bark and i put that as my rainbow so i can remember him and um i didn't mean for it to go off during the review but anyway that that happens sometimes but uh what was i saying before oh yeah this is april 1st um we're here through we're going to leave sunday morning go back because i have to teach sunday school at church sunday morning so we're going to be here for three three days so we're going to do a couple more restaurant reviews for you so if you enjoy our reviews let us know if you don't you can let us know that too but just be nice and doing it all right thank you for watching
Channel: NCMemoryMakers
Views: 2,430
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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