The Local Goat-Pigeon Forge, TN (Review)

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all right well hello again we are getting ready to leave pigeon forge gatlinburg area and head back home but before we do we're going to try another restaurant that's not been here too awfully long that we've not tried yet but has a lot of good reviews it's called the local goat i think you can see it behind us here again it's supposed to be a restaurant that uses a lot of locally sourced beef and vegetables so they got a pretty variety of variety good variety on the menu excuse me um get a little tongue tied today so not sure what we're going to have yet but we're going to go in and give this one a shot before we head home all right here we are on the inside of the local goat and i'm gonna go ahead and let you see the menu here how to get it out of that glare a lot of varied offerings on the menu here and again everything is supposed to be locally sourced had a little bit of a bad experience getting in here and i'll say more about that when we do the final review um i certainly want to keep an open mind to the food though i wasn't very impressed with the lady who i guess she said she was a part owner [Music] all right i believe that's it [Music] and i'm not sure what shaughnessy is going to get i think i have decided on the black and blue burger that's right here right in the light creamy blue cheese smoked bacon crispy onions i'm going to have them leave the onions off and blackening spice wait which one are you getting um yeah black and blue have you decided yet yeah are you gonna get a burger you're gonna get a burger okay then you're gonna teach it oh there's actually another side to the menu so let me get you that as well it's amazing what you find when you flip it over and right here's a little story about the restaurant what makes local go different resource locally grown and sustainable foods whenever possible month old beef non-gmo that's good um [Music] okay here is my meal i got the black and blue burger i did end up going with that without the onions make sure they didn't put any onions on it blue cheese coleslaw and my wife has an egg on her burger you try what is it i don't want to try it what is it called farmhouse farmhouse farmhouse burger and those french fries look really good i am gonna have to try a few of those because um hand-cut french fries so actually i just came for a basic lunch meal today but uh burger looks good see how it goes okay well that was interesting uh we just completed our lunch here at the local goat um i'm gonna let my wife go first and tell you what she had because i've got a lot to say so you go right ahead let's get that out of the way i had the farmhouse burger it had a fried egg on it lettuce tomato mayonnaise just the usual stuff cheese it was good i mean just to me was nothing special but it was good and then i had the fries and they were good i mean my meal was good it wasn't anything spectacular but you know it's okay you'll see it all right is that is that that's about my favorite all right um i don't know if i should ask if you'll do it again or if i should go but we'll get to that part in a minute all right well it was kind of started off as an adventure we did our intro over there in the parking lot and uh we got here just a few minutes after 11 right as they opened uh i think maybe it's 1102. uh we noticed there was still a crowd of people outside um probably 25 30 maybe 40 people there so when we walked up to the door a big old guy comes out and he's got a part his party with him i don't remember how many he had and he says everybody better wait out here you'll get cussed out he was coming out of the lobby i thought well i'm sure nobody cussed him out but i figured they'd made him come back outside maybe they just hadn't opened yet or whatever but i thought maybe he just had a bad attitude well i hadn't seen the bad attitude yet but anyway um so we're standing out there a few minutes just kind of waiting for people to get seated i realized i'd forgotten my reading glasses and i cannot read a menu in a dark restaurant without them so i went back to the car to get them i had to go inside and put her name yeah so when i come back my wife's inside so i thought well i hope she's not in there getting cussed out um i saw her inside the door so i did go in and i said we're not supposed to be in here yet she said well uh we can come in and put our names in and then we have to go back out well the next thing i know the owner comes out and she tells us and i think two other people in there that we have to go outside uh the lady will come to the door and take our names we are not allowed in the restroom so i thought well are you not open yet and then i see other people getting seated but this restaurant is still 90 empty and there's a crowd of about 30 or 40 people outside freezing to death this is a cold rainy damp day out here um so she runs everybody back outside this is the owner now so one thing led to another so i just asked her um i said i thought that there weren't any more gatherings in tennessee on how many you can have in a restaurant and she said yeah but we can't have people congregating in the lobby and that's that's fine i didn't want to congregate in the lobby like i say 90 of the tables were still empty so i thought they would be seating people by then but they weren't they were running everybody back outside except maybe seating people that had reservations so we come back outside another lady looks at us she says we just stayed here yesterday and the restaurant was packed and now it's like they weren't letting anybody in so we were talking about that and then i heard this owner come out to somebody else it was gonna be 30 to 40 minutes and uh that i don't i think they had a bigger party so i just walked up to the owner i don't know what we got going on over there i guess the titanic um i walked up to the owner and said ma'am did i and i was nice i said did i hear you say it's going to be a 30 to 40 minute wait and she said it's just whenever we get people seated so i went back and told my wife i said i'm not sure if i want to stand out here and freeze uh for 30 or 40 minutes because honestly we got a three-hour drive ahead of us right now we're getting ready to head home and i did not want to just sit out here for 40 minutes and we could just go leave and get something quicker and be on our way well apparently she heard my wife ask me that she looks over me says sir we're not going to disobey the governor and i'm like okay i'm trying not to lose my patience here because i'm like i didn't ask anybody to disobey the governor i don't want anybody to disobey the governor and i was actually just discussing with my wife what our plans are we we can do that we can decide to leave or stay correct okay so she started getting mouthy and she kept looking at him it's like everything yeah if i said something to her or somebody else out there she had something to say to me so i'm like okay i'm going to get ready and we're just going to go somewhere else well finally she emotionally says you can come on in now and then as i walk by she goes i will make sure my husband pays a visit to your table this is no lie i guess her and her husband are co-owners i said ma'am that's not necessary i said i i'm done i said i just had a few questions we were deciding what we were going to do it's over let it go so anyway her husband never did come that's a good thing i didn't have anything to say all right now let's get to the food all right i ordered the black and blue uh hamburger and i did not get the fries i got uh they had on the menu of blue cheese coleslaw um it's actually not listed on the sides but it's listed under the baby back ribs i thought it sounded good so i got it they brought it out the slaw was really just slow it was good it was not anything i didn't taste blue cheese at all in the slaw i didn't really taste blue cheese on my burger it tasted just like a decent hamburger to me the burger was average not bad not not great it was a very big big bun compared to the thickness of the meat the bun was very thick homemade yeah maybe but a lot of bread not necessarily a lot of meat so you know we ate it there was nothing bad about the food i don't want to discourage anybody from coming here uh food was not bad now i will say her fries i really liked her fries they were cut really thin um and i she did let me try some of those i did like the fries the burger to me um if you want a good burger go to three jimmy's in gatlinburg and i've had mixed uh experiences there too but the burgers they do right so as far as there's nothing that's gonna draw me back here i don't think would you come back again no not because the food was terrible but because you can get average food without a snotty manager just to be honest with you yeah i would have been fine if we had left yeah yeah and that's what we were actually going to do if she had not motioned us on in it's like okay we're here now so we did try i i don't see us coming back that's that's our review of the place i don't like to negatively review a place but quite honestly um she left a bad taste in her mouth just the way that she came off and continued to interfere in conversations we were having amongst ourselves and i hope she sees this review um and maybe makes the changes necessary to make this a place worth coming to but that's our feelings about it so thank you for watching
Channel: NCMemoryMakers
Views: 3,025
Rating: 4.7979798 out of 5
Id: bmhBfN1kq8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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