#FEARNOT - I have Great Plans For You | Graham Tugume

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[Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] welcome to church today wherever you're tuning in from whether on air or online you are most welcome and we are so glad that you chose to celebrate jesus with us today my name is comfort and i serve here at pototo as one of the pastors now we would like to know who you are and where you're watching from so if you're watching online in the comment section let us know what is your name and where are you watching from but also i know that there's some of us tuning in for the very first time and you are so so welcome now here's what you're going to do you're going to write to connect with the and during the course of the week someone from our team will reach out to you now the bible tells us that i was glad when they say to me come let us go to the house of the lord so right now wherever you are get up on your feet and let's celebrate together yep come on drop those hands and celebrate jesus today come on [Music] how could i begin to thank you [Music] you make me come alive again [Music] come on come on so come on everybody it's time to celebrate we will never stop singing [Music] you make me come alive again you make me come alive [Music] come on crazy on i am good [Music] everyone sing it [Music] i pray [Music] everything changes [Music] come on with everything you have praise him praise him [Music] you are good [Music] amen amen grab those hands like [Music] come this [Music] who he's coming on the clock [Music] for who can stop the lord [Music] [Music] drop [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh you are the lord [Music] who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty who can stop the lord almighty every vote singing who can stop the lord [Music] two three six [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] come on yes lord that is who you are the lion of judah the king of kings the lord of lords your sovereign all power and authority belongs to you you are the lamb that died in our place because you love us you're committed to us come on we need to lift up your hands and thank you for his love for you it's never ending come on just say jesus thank you for your love [Music] one you are the one that goes before me i am covered by your [Music] i've hand seen the righteous forsaken i've never seen the children back from breath thank you the god that never leaves me you provide for all i need you're the god of abraham you're the god of [Music] it will come to pass [Music] though i walk through the darkest path i will not fear because you're with me you're the god of abraham you're the god of covenant [Music] is [Music] it will come to pass [Music] my confidence is [Music] my confidence is [Music] you will never [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] do you believe that he's a god of covenant that his covenant will always come to pass why because he loves us he will not let you fall he will hold you he will uphold you that is the god we serve i love what the bible says this is what the scriptures say mark 10 verses 27 but jesus looked to them and said with man it is impossible but not with god for with god all things are possible i know we are going through a trying moment as a nation in uganda some of you are wondering is it possible for me to be healed i'm here to tell you today that it is possible it might be impossible with man but with god it is possible maybe you're wondering that is my business going to survive with man it's impossible but with god all things are possible maybe you're grieving you're wondering god are you there will you comfort me i want to tell you if you are overwhelmed with guilt or shame or grief god is able to take all that away so today i want us to pray i want us to pray that the god of possibilities will come in your room he will come in your living room he'll come in that hospital he will come and revive your economy let's pray father in the name of jesus we thank you for you are the great i am your what clearly says with man it is impossible but with you god all things are possible so today we ask you would you come and take away the sickness in the name of jesus with the doctors it seems impossible but with you today we believe it is possible lord we know that people who are anxious will they will the economy survive what will they eat they are sick in their bodies they are wondering where they will get comfort you the god of covenant you're the god of possibilities would you come and speak life into their lives or god lord we are reminded of what the psalmist says we look unto the hills where does our help come from jesus it comes from you so we're leaning we're leaning on your god we trust you jesus we know that all things are possible to them that believe today we are believing healing today we are believing provision today we are believing that you will comfort us today we are believing that you'll come through for us lord we pray that all things will work out for your glory in jesus name we pray and everyone says amen amen amen god is a god of possibilities he's a god of possibilities welcome to church once again i pray that you have enjoyed worship now let's get ready for the word come on get ready for the word get your bible and we dig into the word of god he is the creator of all things the seas will obey him the waters will obey him so god is in control god can move a mountain for you god can move a river for you god can dry a river for you so that you would know that he is in charge and he is in control he is the god who makes a way where there seems to be no [Music] way [Music] [Music] watota family wherever you may be watching on air or online or listening in on power fm praise god it is so awesome that you are here today my name is graham from water to church and barara and it's a privilege for me to be bringing the word of god to you today you know the word of god is the bread of life and it really can transform somebody when they take it and put it on the inside of them it can really change their lives and so i'm hoping that today your life is also going to be changed by an encounter with god's life-giving word i know that the season we've been in has been a bit tough and people have had to cope with a couple of losses maybe a loss of a job maybe loss of a loved one maybe you know your supplies may be running low or maybe they've already ran out maybe you're watching me this morning from your hospital bed i am here to bring you a word from god because when you're wondering whether god remembers you whether he sees you whether he cares about you i'm here to assure you from his word that he does the psalmist said i look up to the mountains where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the mecca of heaven and earth look to god today and fear not no matter what's going on around you have faith that god has great plans for you let us pray together now father as i preach your word i pray that you anoint me and give me clarity and that you open every heart that hears it so that this word can be sown deep in their souls to transform them for the glory and honor of your name in jesus name and everybody said amen in the year 586 bc the southern kingdom judah was carried off into exile in babylon this was a fulfillment of a prophecy that they would get punished if they did not repent and turn to god while they were there there was some social pressure from the local prophets wondering how they can bring a word of encouragement to the people who are so downcast and forlorn and so there comes a dude in jeremiah chapter 28 named hananiah now hananiah is a prophet and he comes and says guys in less than two years we're going to be back home we're going to be back to where things are the way we remember them but he was not speaking from god he made it sound quite soon you know like thursday like we're going home soon and so god sends jeremiah to put the record straight and jeremiah comes and says guys this is what god is saying we're not going anywhere tomorrow god is saying settle down plant vineyards and eat what they produce marry and build houses and basically chill it's going to be a while and so he tells them to even pray for this place that if it prospers they too shall prosper and this is what he writes down in jeremiah 29 it says when seventy years are completed for babylon i will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and the future god reminded the children of israel that they could trust him that he was trustworthy especially because he already had a plan for them maybe you are listening to me today and you feel like you're in a bit of an exile you feel internally displaced by a lockdown i'm here to encourage you today and say look to god and do not fear he has wonderful plans for you as well and so this is what i want you to hear today from the voice of god number one god will carry us through trials a trial is a difficult situation that we all go through it is a part of life but if you survive it and if you go through it you come out better for it there is no place in the world where you can advance from one step to another step without going through some kind of test whether it is from nursery to p1 you do an interview when you're going from one level of education to another you do some kind of exam tests are part of life there is a time for everything the tests that come your way is not because the devil is on your case or because something is going on and you're somehow out of the favor of god it's just life life happens in fact when solomon got a reckoning of this this is what he wrote down in ecclesiastes chapter 3 he said there's a time for everything and the season for every activity under the heavens a time to be born under time to die a time to plant on the time to uproot a time to kill and the time to heal a time to tear down and a time to build up a time to whip and a time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them a time to embrace and the time for social distance a time to search and the time to give up a time to keep and the time to throw away a time to tear and the time to mend a time to be silent and the time to speak a time to love and a time to hate a time for war and a time for peace friends we are not promised or guaranteed anywhere in the scripture that we're going to have a smooth sailing life with no trials with no tests with no problems in fact so much so that jesus himself suffered jesus went through trial in the desert he had to contend with his best f some of his best friends betraying him and the society around him with religious leaders plotting and maligning and trying to figure out how to kill him when he was at his point of the most anguish in the garden of gethsemane he prays while feeling the separation he has from the father and says not my will but he always be done in fact in john chapter 15 he doesn't promise his disciples that because you've been with me somehow you are immune from suffering and from trial and from pain jesus said no servant is greater than their master if they've done this to me they're gonna do it to you also he sort of promised them suffering go figure consider james james is the brother of jesus now you cannot be more connected than that but even when he had an opportunity to write about suffering this is what he says james chapter 1 verse 2 to 4 my brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces passions but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing friends regardless of the trials that we go through god has a plan for you he cares for you and he loves you and he has a plan to bring you through he cares for us he carries us they say tough times don't last but tough people do i know of all kinds of stories i've heard of people who since the first lockdown lost their nine to five jobs but were able to pick up a new skill a new way to make ends meet and they're now thriving and they don't think they're ever going back to work because somehow god brought them through i know of big companies whose founders have autobiographies that have happened to read and those companies are here today because those founders did not quit at a certain time when things were tough but they endured and they went through it strong marriages that last 30 40 50 years that we hear about is not because they lack challenges and not because they lack trials and tests but because somehow god has worked out a patience in these people and it has grown into this fruit that gets them to endure difficult circumstances so that they can stick together for the glory of god and up there in front in the future god lays out a plan that is dependent on them being together for the glory and honor of his name it's not suffering forever but there will be tests there will be trial there will be suffering will you endure it now none of these founders or the people that i'm talking about who are particularly grateful when they were going through the trials but they cannot exchange the insight and the character and the strength they got during that time with time and perspective my friends most of us can see some good out of the trials that we go through persevering through these tests and trials will get you to god's plan in your life this is what the scripture says in another version don't run from tests and hardships brothers and sisters as difficult as they are you will ultimately find joy in them if you embrace them your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true passions as you endure the true passions brought on by endurance will equip you to complete the journey and cross the finish line material complete and wanting nothing god will not tempt you beyond what you can endure in fact when we go through the valley of the shadow of death as the psalmist writes we know that he is with us god has great plans for you will you hang in there my brother my sister he will carry you through but we can also count on god to keep his promises many of us may be ready to return to our old lives we are quite tired of this situation as it is and we are ready to move on maybe some of us don't have the privilege of going back to the lives the way we remember them maybe you lost a spouse maybe you lost a close relative maybe a colleague from work with whom you used to share food in the cafeteria now you're afraid to go back and sit at that same table and your person was not across the table and you're wondering what the world has come to and in some cases it sort of makes you afraid i'm here to encourage you today fear not god has wonderful plans for you and he is sure to fulfill his promises in his timing put your faith in god he is still almighty he's still the miracle worker he's still able and willing to bring his plan in your life to pass in the scripture jeremiah says this when 70 years are completed for babylon i will come to you and fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and the future in god's timing he makes everything beautiful consider abram in genesis chapter 12. the scripture tells the story of a man who in his old age trusted god it stands out he did not have children but god makes a promise to him to birth an entire nation from this one man but abraham failed the timing test he tried to rush the promise because he felt that after waiting 25 years it was about time he had a child but that was not the child of promise fortunately our god is a god of grace and he gives abraham a second chance and gives him the sign of promise who is the father of jacob who's the father of the twelve sons who are the tribes of israel we know the rest in god's timing he will fulfill his promises you may be watching today and you're like pastor i don't know god's plan for my life never mind the timing for it when is all of this going to happen what good is this that i'm hearing maybe god has not shown you the plan he has for your life because you may run away maybe you will not believe him maybe you will find a new way to mess it up like abraham almost did look at wato ministries we have been here 37 years but i guarantee you that if you ever had a coffee with gary and and skinner our founders they'll tell you that there were tough times there are hundreds of times they could have quit and gone home and said hey we tried but it wasn't worth it but no when tough times came god carried them through and they knew that god had promised that this was going to be a life-giving church and they trusted in the promise of god and they stuck it out today 37 years later we are not able to gather physically as a congregation and across the nations and across the world maybe the situation is the same who knew that by not quitting during those tough times the word of god would still come and be a ministry of hope into your living room into yourself on screen into wherever you are seeing or hearing this voice from 21 years ago if you had told me i'd be here declaring the word of god to the nations i would have thought you're out of your mind because 21 years ago i was a club dj in silver springs in bugolovi if you had told me then that i would be declaring the word of god today i would not believe you either and so this is a bit of an awkward uh sin where i'm here and you're there but both of us are here because of the faithfulness of someone who did not quit when the going got tough perhaps you are feeling perplexed and persecuted and pressed on every side because of the situation that we are in perhaps you wonder if god still remembers you if he really has a plan for your life i'm here to encourage you today to wait on the lord some of you may try to attempt witchcraft and say these are quick answers that i can guarantee it's going to be a waste of your money it goes nowhere some of you are going to attempt substance abuse and say why don't i try out this drug and this alcohol because i have all this time on my hands trust me that's not what you want you want to be drunk on the holy ghost not on any of those things trust in god's timing he will bring the plans he has for you to pass in his time don't give up don't give in persevere and fear not let patience walk in you and bring about well-formed maturity in you until then paul writes the philippians and says be anxious about nothing but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will gird your hearts and your minds in christ jesus commit everything to god allow him to take charge he will see you through and he will bring you out of this tough time out of this tough trial for we know romans 8 that god works all things for the good of those who love him and who've been called according to his purpose god is at work to fulfill his plan in your life will you trust him today he will carry you through he's trustworthy to bring it to pass i'm here to tell you today that also one day there will be no more suffering we can count on him to bring all suffering on earth to an end christians live in anticipation of the joyous celebration that will happen and an expectation of jesus when he ashes in the full kingdom of god right here on earth it is the magna carta of perfection i could try to describe it but i'd only prophesy in part in fact this is how paul writes it in first corinthians it says now our knowledge is partial and incomplete and even the gift of prophecy reveals only part of the whole picture but when the time of perfection comes these partial things will become useless fortunately john was not as shy as giving us a good record of what he had seen in his vision in chapter 21 verse three to five this is what he says i heard a loud shout from the throne saying look god's home is now among his people he will live with them and they will be his people god himself will be with them he will wipe every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death no more sorrow no more crying no more pain all these things are gone forever and the one sitting on the throne said look i am making all things new friends jesus is coming back and when he does he will turn the world right and there will be no more pandemics no more wars no more suffering no more pain none of this when is that gonna be we don't know it's not recorded in the scripture in fact the disciples try to ask jesus that same question and he says man the issues of timing are for my father you deal with being my witnesses all around you in jerusalem judea and sumerian to the outermost ends of the earth jesus is coming back are you ready he is ready to execute his plan in your life but are you ready for it maybe you may be a bit less ready than you think i read a story about a little boy who often had tooth x and he knew that if he went to his mother she'd give him something to numb the pain and put him to bed but he did not go to his mother not until the pain was excruciating and unbearable would he go his hesitance to go to mummy was not because he doubted that she would give him something to numb the pain but because he was sure that mom would do something else also he would take him to the dentist in the morning and he could not get what he wanted without getting something else that he did not want from her he wanted immediate pain relief but mom knew that you could not get that without having your teeth permanently set right and this boy knew those dentists they won't let sleeping dogs lie you know your dentist you go and open your mouth and once he's in there it starts fidgeting with all kinds of other teeth that have no problem with them you always get the full treatment you're trying to say dude stay in your lane just deal with this one thing and the guy's saying man we have a cavity about to start here we have a bit of decay here you have we need to floss this better and he's going to go everywhere in the process of fixing one problem well in some ways our lord jesus is like that i want to give you an opportunity to accept him today but remember that he's like the dentist every sunday or every opportunity we give for people to give their hearts to jesus they come wanting him to fix one thing maybe one habitat they may be having that they're embarrassed about or maybe something in their lives that spoils good sport and maybe it's a bad temper or drunkenness or maybe it's a sickness or coffee does something they come with one thing and they're like god if you can just fix this one thing we good well it doesn't work like that you always get the full treatment when you give jesus any space he will come in and start to bring about perfection in you he's not called the great physician for nothing yes he will bring healing into that area of your life that you need him for but he's also going to deal with your health and your marriage and your relationships and your finances and everything else around you is going to start to morph into a perfection that only jesus has as you become more and more like him so that he can present you with confidence to his father and his father should say that is my son that is my daughter in whom i am well pleased it doesn't matter what the cost jesus is ready to take you for the long haul to the plan that god has for you a plan to make you more and more like himself and so if you want jesus in your life i want to pray for you right now father you see every heart that is open to you today they're reaching out to you and saying will you write my name in the book of life because i've heard today that you love me and you care for me and i want to give my heart to you and live for the glory and honour of your name from this day forward and so receive me in your kingdom so that i may leave for the glory of your name in jesus name amen and so for everyone else that is left i want to pray this prayer from ephesians 3 for you i pray that from his glorious unlimited resources he will empower you with the inner strength through his spirit then christ will make his home in your hearts and you will as you trust him your roots will grow down into god's love and keep you strong and you may have the power to understand as all god's people showed how wide and how how long and how high and how deep his love is may you experience the love of christ though it is too great to understand fully then you will be made complete with all fullness of life and power that comes from god in jesus name and all god's people said amen i'm so excited for you if you've given your heart to jesus today for the first time click that link that's gonna appear on the screen and if you give us a line if you if you're not on our computer you can write us an email letter at connect watautach.com we're excited to hear from you because of the miracle that has occurred in your life we want to connect you with some friends who will start you on this walk that you are embarking on god bless you and i hope you have a phenomenal day in jesus name now over to you pastor julius what an amazing message graham thank you so much for reminding us that god has a perfect plan for us and therefore we shouldn't be afraid really very encouraging message and i'm excited about what god is already doing in umbrara through you and sheila amazing days ahead from barrara city now let's get ready to give our tithes and our offerings one of the reminders graham gave to us is that god is a promise keeper actually in malachi chapter 3 god says hey i'm a promise keeper test me by being faithful in your tithes and offerings and see if i won't open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing you won't have room enough to contain it and in addition god says i will rebuke the devourer on your behalf something happens when we are faithful with our tithes and offerings it triggers a promise from god so now as we get ready to give the instructions are going to come out but let me just pray with you right now lord i want to thank you for the privilege we have to give and the promise attached to it that you would open up the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing and in addition you would rebuke the devourer on our behalf lord i pray that as we give we will experience those two promises we give you honor we give you praise in jesus name a man you can give using mobile money direct bank transfer or any banking agent within your community but also if you live close to any of our celebration points you can simply walk over and slip your cash offering into one of the gift boxes now for those using mobile money let me walk you through the steps you would take for mtn dial star 165 star three hash and the merchant code is 14875 that is one four eight seven seven five and for airtel you dial star one eight five star four star nine hash and the business number is seven hundred thousand that is seven followed by five zeros for more giving options check out our website watotochurch.com forward slash give but you can also use your phone to scan the qr code which will take you straight to the different giving options and for your watoto child sponsorship dial star 165 star four star for hash then enter the merchant code wccm in capital letters the merchant code is wccm in capital letters now as a reference type the sponsor's full name only fill in the amount to be paid and finally fill in your mtn mobile money pin thank you for your generosity [Music] at the end of 2019 i lost my brother he was very close to me and he died suddenly and then three days later i lost her niece who also died suddenly and so both experiences made me undergo a lot of trauma i didn't realize that i was unwell until i started to feel all sorts of anxiety i started to i would forget what i was doing i would go blank i hardly slept i actually did not sleep for a period of two and a half months the trauma would cause a lot of fear i would just fear everything around me and i again did not understand what was happening i actually thought i was going to run mad and then i began to feel physically sick and went to see a doctor that's when i discovered that i was undergoing a mental health challenge these panic attacks would make me think i'm going to die i would almost think my heart is going to explode so many times there were voices in my head and i would actually hold my head and and try and shake it thinking if i did so the voices would disappear and even in the times when i was so fearful i remembered that god has me in the palm of his hands i would hear the still small voice remind me that god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power of love and a sound mind and so as i began to speak god's word into my life when i would begin to speak god's promises um for my life to to to to to my mind my mind began to calm down my mind began to settle and i also found that i got the courage to actually share with someone what i was going through we never really understand it until we're going through a hard time and then you remember all those words that you're singing or that you're declaring to god and so as i spent time in worship i began to realize that i was magnifying god above my problem i also realized that it helped me not focus on my problem it helped me focus on who god is it helped me focus on what his word has in store for me and therefore i realized that the fear began to diminish the fear began to to to go um some days the fear was stronger but i continued to worship nevertheless and god began to heal me god began to heal my mind my mind began to stay calm the voices disappeared and over time i'm so happy to say that they are all gone the panic attacks are gone the anxiety is gone i'm not depressed anymore i am i am happy i am i smile i can smile again and um i i really feel that god has god has taken me from that depict and he has fulfilled his promises in my life he has brought me out of that pit he has raised me up and he's filled me with joy again he's restored my mind you know and he's transformed my mind with his word and so i'm really grateful [Music] you [Music] [Music] you know the future so we will not be our god is with us [Music] is is [Music] us is [Music] not is [Music] that a god is in control fear not believe we will see the goodness of the [Music] lord [Music] is [Music] we is not be our god is with us [Music] is [Music] thank you for joining us for service today we hope and pray that you have been encouraged by the worship and the word remember if you would need counseling or prayer please feel free to call any of the numbers you see on the screen or write to connect with church.com if you would love to do live with people in the community around you write to sell without comm and we will connect you to a small group near you remember to follow us on all our social media platforms that is facebook youtube twitter and instagram and tune in to 104.1 power fm for uplifting programs prepared for you and your family now remember as you go into this week no matter what comes your way fear not god bless you and have a fantastic week [Music] you
Channel: Watoto Church
Views: 3,780
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Id: cCez5Sp8LI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 37sec (3457 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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