Fear is an illusion ft Mike Tyson

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thank you [Music] bro you you are like a God to me like I I bro you you've done so much in your life man this like just so crazy to be the heavyweight champion at 20 20 years old but I'm just saying man like like I I don't know it takes a lot to be the champ you know I remember seeing the first like the first couple fights when I was when I was younger when you were first like starting to really Pop I had heard about you stop just knocking [ __ ] out in 10 seconds late and the first fight I saw was uh which was the first fight I saw I think it was with Trevor Burbank man you knocked him down three times with one punch like I was like what the [ __ ] and ever since then it was like it was like when you fight somebody's getting knocked out they come from humble's Beginnings you know I have to I had to um in order to be the champ I don't have to have to get beaten a couple of times yeah people loved that guy yeah yeah and then people love that I didn't like that guy that much so I have my conflicting with people that like that guy me living my life that I am living now yeah boxing for when you have nothing yeah when you do boxing when you just had nothing because that's a lot of um that's a lot of dedication it's a lot of pain that's a lot of um aggravation a lot of you know what I mean it really is um discovering Who You Are the most successful people ever lived in history a megalomaniacs but they got a low self-esteem yeah you don't think much about this stuff but they think that God in another hand too right you know those are the most successful people they're always challenging that doubt yeah making the doubt um inconceivable that's not true but they still believe it's doubt even though they prove that it doesn't stop them from succeeding but they still they still challenged and it still bothers them they still believe that nothing that they made billions of dollars they still feel they believe they're not [ __ ] that's just out of mind [Music] fear is my friend well I love fear fear fear allows me to reach my Highest Potential if you're failing it's an illusion yeah fear is an illusion but we have to have desire we have to have something to pushes but fear pushes us you understand that living prepares us for death our life It prepares us to death you know even if we die young It prepares us [Music] so it's the fact that we're losing guys like Kobe lose when he's moving people in our families people dying around us all every day so we preparing for it we understand that but we avoid it our fear makes us think things that don't even exist our biggest fear never happened whatever we're afraid of in life our biggest fear never happens we go to our great thing why this shit's never happened I was waiting for this it never came you know it's just um it motivates us that's the direction that you need to go but I don't fear we're nothing I know we're getting hit by cars every [ __ ] day we just walk out we got oblivious fear Keeps Us conscious of our existence it keeps us um conscious of knowing that we're Immortal well I came from everybody abuse me beat my ass kick my throat if they want it to me now I'm just bad well so what they say yeah how did that happen I'm a busy ass [ __ ] and I'm the baddest man on the planet on the stage I'm telling everybody come on I want to fight you [ __ ] up I'm doing every I'm just I put my [ __ ] pain with me I kept that's what I don't do no more I don't blame my [ __ ] pain with me I [ __ ] my career because I brought my [ __ ] pain in the past but it enhanced me to do so much [ __ ] incredible [ __ ] [Music] [Music]
Views: 255,869
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Keywords: mike tyson interview, mike tyson speech, mike tyson motivation, mike tyson motivational speech, mike tyson fear, mike tyson motivational speech i'm a god, mike tyson training, miketysonknockouts, mike tysonfight, mike tyson motivational video, mike tyson podcast, striking mindset, mike tyson on friends, everybody you fight is not your enemy and everyone that helps you is not your friend, mike tyson emotional, fear is an illusion, mike tyson legendary, Discipline is not necessary
Id: iStJWoD4aGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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