"Fear God" - by Pastor Doug Batchelor

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if you turned your in your Bibles to Revelation chapter 14 and in but if you don't have it I'll I'll be reading the verse for you but if you look at revelation 14s where you find the three angels messages and if you go to Revelation 14 14 this is kind of the key of why this study is so important now as you travel around the world and you run into seventh-day Adventist churches every now and then we stat a logo some of you remember the old logo it had a picture of a globe and there was like three angels staggered going across the front of that globe now they have a symbol an icon that is similar it's got a globe but it's got like three swirls or swishes on it that represents the angels going around the world so this is a message that is very important in particular to the Adventist movement and the reason is revelation 14 14 then I looked and behold a white cloud and one on the cloud sat like the son of man having on his head a golden crown in his hand a sharp sickle who is that sitting on the cloud do we have I mean do we have to guess or speculate it's pretty clear who this is Jesus referred to himself as the Son of Man and crown on his head he's the king of kings sickle in his hand he's coming to harvest the earth this is the end of time what leads up to the second coming and the judgment where he comes with the sickle all these three messages now when you talk about angels in the book of Revelation you could probably spend about 50 years going through the Angels there are I looked it up 78 now 76 angels mentioned in the book of Revelation and there are some other angels that appear they don't always call them angels sometimes you'll you know they'll refer to it as a man Daniel had angels that came to him and he said I saw the man on this side of the river it was later described as an angel so it is a book there's no book in the Bible that talks more about angels than revelation but we're looking in poteete killer at these three messages that go to the world before Jesus comes now we had an introduction before but just a quick review so I'll read up to where we are because we're not very deep in it yet and for those who are watching instead of rushing through this study in one program we're taking time to study it and this is a Bible study it's not meant to be just a I don't want to just pontificate but if you do have a question raise your hand I'll recognize you I may repeat your question because otherwise the people at home don't know what you're saying so just make it short and I'll repeat it and then we'll do our best to try to answer it revelation 14:1 I looked and behold the lamb standing on mountain Zion with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his father's name written on their foreheads and I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters in the voice of a loud thunder and I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps and they sang as it was a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders and no one could learn that song except 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth these are the ones who are not defiled with women for they are virgins now I know pastor ross touched on that but sometimes i sit back there and I've got a respected pastor Ross as a pastor - and I want to I keep wanting to add reasons I thought one thing I wanted to say when we talked about they are virgins they're actually some churches that believe that in the last days the 144,000 are Sullivant because of this verse it's not what it's talking about in Revelation chapter 7 he talks 17 talks about battle and her daughters which are harlots here when it refers to them as virgins it's more like the ten virgins parable a symbol for the church it means doctrinal purity and has nothing to do with physical intimacy here and so you have these the pure and the impure being contrasted in Revelation these are those who are not defiled with women the daughters of man one for they're virgins they're the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes now who was the group that followed the lamb he went on earth yeah well when you see disciples you really mean apostles because every believer is a disciple so the apostles and how many of them were there twelve how important is the number twelve how many did Jesus pick why didn't he pick a lemon it's not at its heart you don't have twelve is actually a very good number any of you carpenters out there there's a reason there's twelve inches in a foot 12 is divisible by three by four by six by one and by twelve it's a it's a very good number to work with in measurements the dimensions in the New Jerusalem it's all in derivatives of twelve twelve thousand furlongs twelve foundations twelve gates a tree with twelve kinds of fruit twelve times a year so twelve is a symbol of the church woman in Revelation 12 not that the chapter means anything has twelve stars above her head symbol of the church Old Testament how many patriarchs twelve how many judges of Israel if you include Samuel you end up with 12 isn't that interesting how many lepers did Jesus heal 10 just checking Karen knew that so yeah you don't want you to sit there doesn't dwell 12 so um it says that they're there not to file these are the ones Oh and what happened just before God poured out the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2 1 the last thing that happens they replace Judas because the twelve had been decimated to 1 I mean by two eleven you know what decimate means it's related to the word decimal which means a tenth and if one Roman army decimated another army it means they lost 10% so when they lost Judas they realized something was wrong you know as soon as they replace Judas Holy Spirit's poured out and some have wondered does that mean that when God gets the hundred and forty four thousand that the latter rain will fall out and you know there could be arguments for that so you'll find when you look at the a hundred and forty four thousand they're very much kind of like last the apostles and that they do a special work they are not the only ones saved when we were talking about are they the only ones saved how many people in the world today 7.5 billion now you can take your calculator and divide 7.5 billion by a hundred and forty four thousand I and I don't remember I think it's about fifty thousand that would mean your chances of being saved are one in fifty thousand so I that would mean probably nobody here would make it statistically is not big enough number so I don't think that's what it's saying cheer up on the day of Pentecost was it only the Twelve Apostles that were filled with the spirit or were there 120 in the upper room and then they preached and 3,000 were baptized the twelve represents leadership the Twelve Apostles twelve tribes twelve judges twelve stars above the head means leadership so the 144,000 are not the only ones that are saved it's a special group he's filled with the spirit to do a special work they follow a lamb wherever he goes like the Apostles followed Jesus wherever he went it says they are they have no guile you know what Jesus said to one of the Apostles in the Fanueil here is a man without guile honesty and so similar descriptions you'll find says these were redeemed from among men being the firstfruits first ones Jesus chose later he chose seventy others right to God and to the lamb and then their mouth has found no deceit no guile they're without fault before the throne of God now here's where you get into the angels and I saw an angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people and this is a gospel that's to go everywhere Jesus when he ascended said go into all the world and to preach the gospel make disciples this is the good news that were saved not based upon works but based upon the grace of God and the new heart conversion right out of the gate they're in the garden of eden' you've got the two sons of Adam and Eve two oldest sons Cain and Abel there was a dispute they both claimed to worship the same God one worshipped his way he was offering the works of his efforts the other one worshiped God's Way the one who was worshiping the false way killed the one who was worshiping the true way now you get to Revelation you have two groups claiming to worship the same God the one who's worshiping the false way is gonna persecute the one who worships the true way and Jesus said don't marvel the hour is coming when those who kill you will think they are serving God nopal did that didn't he kill Christians thinking he was serving God so it shouldn't surprise us and he's got the everlasting gospel I'm still in Revelation 14 verse 6 to preach to those who dwell on the earth every nation tribe tongue in people now here's where I pick up where we left off it's gonna be hard but pastor Ross said don't go beyond verse 7 because he really wants to do verse 8 and on matter of fact he doesn't want me to do but only half of verse 7 so I've got 45 minutes to do half of verse 7 saying with a loud gasp now now we're delving into that first message fear God and give glory to him I got to finish the verse for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him that made heaven and the earth and the sea in the springs of waters alright let's talk about fearing God what does that mean to fear God in Ecclesiastes 12 yes it certainly means to love him Ecclesiastes 12 verse 13 says let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter who knows the rest of that fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man for God will bring everything into judgment every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or evil Solomon after he gives all his wisdom in the book of Ecclesiastes he summarizes this book of wisdom by saying you want me to sum it all up for you fear God and keep his Commandments that's right so we always been just amazing to me that there are churches that say we don't need to keep the commandments Psalm 103 verse 17 and I'll read verse 18 but the mercy of the Lord is everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him and on his righteousness to children to their children's children to such as keepers cannot covenant to those who remember his Commandments now notice the connection there those that fear Him and keep his Commandments so what does it mean to fear God when you typically say fear does anyone want fear you know I never could understand what people wanted to watch scary movies and you know you meet these teenagers they go watch a scary movie they have nightmares and then want to go watch another one and you think why would you want to do that why would you want to be afraid I don't enjoy being afraid but I guess I don't make him feel something if someone said would you like a fear pill would you want to take it to make you anxious and afraid Arina people are so anxious right now that one of the most popular drugs in North America are anti anxiety or depression pills but because people are anxious they're afraid and this is one of the things that the Lord said would describe our generation so when it says to fear God why would God tell us to fear Him when you read in the Bible that those that are fearing have something to worry about doesn't the Bible tell us that the fearful will be cast into the lake of fire read that revelation 21 now you use the Bible to interpret the Bible what does it mean by fear but the Cowardly and the unbelieving and the fearful I'm in Revelation chapter 21 verse 8 sorry we'll have the part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death have you read where John says perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment the devil who keeps people in bondage through fear of death I was reading a study what do the average teenagers fear 57% are afraid of nuclear war that's probably more in the headlines today 54% of teenagers are afraid their parents are gonna die 44% failing in school 43% are afraid of dying themselves 30% are afraid they'll not have a boyfriend or girlfriend 28% fear rejection 33% loneliness 29-cent being beaten or bullied 28% disease 34% I miss this one having a car accident a lot of things to be afraid of why is there fear in the world did you in heaven will be be afraid of anything says the animals will not hurt or destroy is one description Ellen White makes and I forget if it's early writings that you know that we could walk through the woods at any time and there'd be absolutely nothing to be afraid of when Adam and Eve sinned Genesis 3:10 God said or Adam said I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid here's your first reference to fear after man's sin and he ran from God fear came in so sin brings fear God doesn't want us live in fear how many times did Jesus say don't be afraid now I've not counted but Dwight Moody said that he counted the pastor I don't know if anyone's ever done an audit to check on him but he said there's 365 times in the Bible where it says do not be afraid or fear not and of course how many days in the year so that's one fear not for every day but there's plenty of fear nots I mean how often did Jesus tell the disciples when he's walking on the water and they cried out he said don't be afraid so often he said don't be afraid even when he rose from the dead when the Angels appeared to their Shepherds sure now we're bringing you peace and goodwill fear has torment God doesn't want us to live in anxiety I had a friend still have this friend but we we drove together several times on some curvy dangerous roads and those are covilhã road and even parts of our driveway and he would drive pretty quick and whenever they drove I drove with him sometimes I'm in the backseat she was just just clinging to the seat white-knuckled slow down oh no watch out oh she was just like it was like terror no I was like Karen and just I thought boy every trip to town she just fears for her life and I used to think it would be easier to just sail alright except you're gonna die and process it and then have peace you know move on but you just to live and constant fear is is like torture some people live that way everyday I've got some other friends I won't name that are just very frightened they won't leave the house they they just have panic attacks they're young and healthy their hearts start racing and they're just so scared is that fearing the Lord it's not what it's telling us when it says the characteristics of this message are to tell people to be afraid you know the fear that kind of fear is is bad news and what does it mean to fear God proverbs 9 verse 10 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding Martin Luther when he talked about the right kind of fear in the wrong kind of here because here you got one place where we're told to fear God another place that told tells us don't be afraid so Wesley used to say it this way and they'll get back to Luther Wesley would say if you fear God you won't fear anything else if you don't fear God you'll fear everything else so there's what you would call the the fear that a slave might have for the whip of a cruel master which is the fear the devil gives and then Luther said then there's the phileo fear that a child might have towards his mother or father well they're not afraid to climb up in their lap and embrace them and love them but they don't they're anxious that they do not displease them and so they there's a reverence there's an awe there's a respect there and that I think is a is a very strong example of what we're looking for so fearing God is is not what the Lord wants us to do as far as being afraid you can read in Hebrews 215 Jesus came to release those who the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage those who are living in that kind of constant fear that it's like they're bound someone said if you're living in fear all the time you can't enjoy life and so god that's not what he wants for us so what does it mean to fear God if you were if I were to ask you in a sentence or two what would you say what's the fear that the Angels telling us yeah that's that's a good point let me repeat that Matthew 10 yeah Matthew 10 said don't be afraid of him who can hurt your body but can't do anymore but I'll tell you who to fear rather fear him who can destroy a soul and body in hell and so are we to live in fear of God or a little bit maybe now what I mean by that is what what did the prophets what was the response of the prophets when they saw God did some of them actually become afraid a little bit they say woe is me so hold on us know what they're dead yeah I saw a couple of hands here you care alright proverbs proverbs 8:13 the fear of the Lord is to hate every evil way pride and arrogancy that's a great that's a great definition fear of the Lord is to hate every evil way alright let me repeat what you're saying here so the fear of God in Revelation 14 is connected with worship and so it's a kind of reverence and respect I saw some other hands yeah yeah fearing to disobey the commandments how many of you remember the first verse in the book of Job there was a man in the Land of Oz whose name of job righteous and upright and righteous man that feared God and hated evil so it's like that verse in Proverbs it's the the fear of the Lord is to hate what's bad in love what's good reverence what's good Mike he had a comment yeah now that's a good point and the fear and that's something like the phileo feeler that we were talking about fear that we would lose the lover of God we all want the approbation and what will God say to the save well done good and faithful servant there's like this declaration of approval of love and now nothing separates us from the love of God right I mean God loves us his love for us is unconditional but you know when I looked up the words in both the Hebrew and the Greek they convey reverence respect all have you ever seen something that's just like standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon or just something that is so awesome where almost takes your breath away or if you're out in the water and you're a little kayak and a whale swims by you know there's a reverence there so I mean God is so big think about just how how big the cosmos is and we did a worship at amazing faxes last week where I was sharing some astronomical statistics that there are according to the astronomers approximately as many stars not planets stars in the known universe as there are grains of sand in the entire world how can you comprehend that and then they said there are as many atoms in a grain of sand as there are stars in the universe think about that for a moment I know it seems I'm just quoting what they say I doubt it just seems mind-blowing and then they said whoever they is no I read it must be true then they said I read it on the internet it must be true that that's only we can't even see the edge of our universe there could be other universes and it just it's lets me in mind Lo and then you think our God left all that became a man came to this world how microscopic would that be for God can you see why when Isaiah saw the angels saying holy holy holy now do the angels fear God but are they afraid or do they have perfect peace they're living in ecstasy of peace but yet they reverence God and so there's a balance here that we're looking for to have this incredible aw for God and yet not be afraid of him that's a good point and I've been in Hawaii before where I've seen people turn their back on the waves he's saying you got to respect the ocean you can love the ocean but don't turn your back when the waves are coming in because it can slap you down pretty hard that's that's a good point I've thought the same thing I love the ocean but you better respect it yeah that god is so big we can't even comprehend him and you know our son you say he's saying it scares god excuse him a little bit that God can make something as big and powerful as the Sun and you can put 1 million earths in the Sun and you realize that there is another Sun that they've observed out there it's called Kenai canis my your yeah it's called the big dog that's for the translates and you can put a million of our Suns into it if you can imagine that he's so awesome well God has passed finding out the Bible says but isn't it something that we can love Jesus you see Jesus taking up the children in his arms and blessing them so it's God tender and he's loving and yet his power is unlimited which when you think about it is kind of terrifying so when it tells us to preach the fear of God you remember the first verse I gave you on that here's the conclusion fear God and keep his Commandments ah yeah now go to Roman's I'm sorry rather revelation and if you look in chapter 14 verse 12 so the three angels messages are three powerful messages that go to the world before Christ returns and these are messages were to be sharing if in verse 12 it says here is the patience of the saints here are those that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus so the message of fearing God produces a people that do what they keep the commandments and just before the part about keeping the commandments it contrasts it with the opposite group and you look in verse 11 I'll go down to when I got to read verse 9 sorry third angel followed with a loud voice saying if anyone worships the Beast and His image and receives his mark on his forehead or his hand he drinks the wine of the wrath of God and the smoke of their torment it's very ugly but so it's contrasting one group worships the Beast the other group keeps the commandments of God and is the faith of Jesus one has false worship one has true worship the result of the fearing God is an obedience to God yeah and we should you know should we obey the laws of the land just driving here maybe I shouldn't tell you this there's driving here to the meeting tonight I want to make sure I was here on time I waited to the last minute to get over on sunset where I could take the exit I don't know if you're like yeah I like to go as fast as I can until I got to get off I realized though it's a lot of traffic here I'm gonna have trouble getting over I thought well I'll just race up and pull him from that car I see a break in front of that car then I realized that car up there was a highway patrolman and I told Karen I said I don't think he's gonna appreciate if I race up ahead of him and pull over and pull in front of him that's called fear fear to disobey yeah fear of the consequences of disobedience as long as I was obedient I had nothing to fear so isn't that kind of how it is with God you don't have to be guilty if you know you're forgiven you're walking with Him you can have peace that passes understanding let me give you another one psalm 119 verse 20 we're still talking about fearing God therefore I am terrified at his presence when I consider this I am afraid of him so here again it's talking about that oh the presence of God some 119 verse 120 my flesh trembles for fear of you and I'm afraid of your judgments now did David love the Lord the Lord is my Shepard I shall not want I mean he talks about God as a gentle Shepherd and here he says I tremble before you so there's like a balance when you're a converted Christian of respecting the awesome power of God and yet not living in fear so boils down to fearing God not fearing anything else or fearing everything else because you don't forgot remember hearing a story how the years ago a family living in the farmhouse the mother told her son she said look can you go out on the porch into the pantry and get me a can of tomato soup but it was dark Sun was going down early and he was a little scared of the dark and so he stood there at the screen door kind of staring out there and she said look you don't need to be afraid Jesus has promised to be with you wherever you go Jesus is even out there in that pantry so you got the courage and he mustered up and he went out the screen door and he opened up the pantry door and he shouted he said Jesus if you're in there can you give me a can of tomato soup so but the Lord is with us wherever we go right what does Paul mean in Philippians 2:12 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so are we really if if you saw a person and they're just going through their life like this and you see if they say I'm a Christian you want to be one too look what it's done for me where do you want to be a Christian no so what does Paul mean fear and trembling yeah who works in you yep that's right so God works in you yeah so but what does he mean by fear and trembling there are moments of reflection that I think it's appropriate for us to take inventory and realize that walking how many of you have read the book pilgrims progress do you haven't I recommend it if you don't like reading big books Karen I listen to it on audio tape when we were driving the Ko'olau last time is that what it was yeah yeah and it's a classic written by John Bunyan who was in prison when he wrote it he talks about the journey of Christian and the the kaleidoscope of experience as a Christian goes through on their way to the heavenly City and there are moments where you have to be afraid because you're going through a dangerous country if you know that you're prone to temptation in a certain area when you pass by those places do it with fear and trembling because you don't want to fall and be caught George see well said fear is the text that conscience pays to guilt yeah exactly yep let me repeat what she said the fear is not being afraid of God but there's a fear of a lack of trust of ourselves it's like when when Jesus asked Peter in the Upper Room or he said to Peter you know some of your gonna betray me Peter jumped up and said no all men forsake thee I will never forsake you even if all these do it I'll never do it and Jesus said you know Peter before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three times after the resurrection when Jesus said to Peter Peter do you love me more than these Peter was he did not trust himself I said Lord you know I love you he wouldn't make a promise he want to make a vow he didn't compare himself to anybody had been humbled he'd learned you can't really trust yourself all right I did I see another hand the comment on fear okay we're gonna move on to the next part of that so the angel says fear God and what give glory to him any of you ever been to the Washington Monument someone told me it's 666 feet tall I don't is that true someone told me that is that right who wants to Google that for me Paul how tall is the Washington Monument we want instant gratification in our answers I want to know what that is but I was going to tell you on the top of though I've been there I went I went up when you used to still be able to go up on the top of the Washington Monument was the first largest pyramid of solid aluminum ever cast it's about only nine inches but back then it was very rare its 555 feet okay so you can't believe everything you read on the Internet yeah that's on the internet too but the what was I saying oh yeah on the top you got this aluminum cap on top of it and there's a statement on all four sides and I think it's on the east side it says allow us glory our glory to God in Latin and not too many people know that that you know there it says glory to God and people make a big deal of the it being an obelisk but you know back in that day a lot of cemeteries people instead of tombstones that were shaped the way we shaped them now they had obelisk that they put on the cemetery Ellen White has an obelisk on her you know it's just everybody did it that's it so I want to make too much out of that they use them for sundials and so that's one reason but on the top of the Washington Monument which is the tallest obelisk in the world it says glory to God and some of the founders you know that's what they wanted it says louis dale and glory are praise to god what does it mean to give glory to god what is our purpose for existing 1st chronicles 1628 give to the Lord Oh families Oh people's give to the Lord glory and strength give to the Lord glory due to his name bring an offering and come before him Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness now we talked about fearing God means keeping his Commandments what a glory to God means worship him in holiness live lives that bring glory to God every day you are glorifying one of two masters whether you want to or not did you know that you don't have a choice it's not the question about who you will glorify I'm sorry it's not a question of if you will glorify but it's the question of who you will glorify and some people say I'm I'm just not gonna do anything we guess then you're glorifying your the devil by burying your talents and not doing anything so everybody is doing something to the glory of God Isaiah 42 verse 8 I am the Lord that is my name my glory I will not give to another and my praise to carved images so if we're not giving our glory to God it's almost like idolatry you know you find a number of verses in in Revelation that talk about glory to God and even fear revelation 1:6 it says to him be glory Dominion for ever and ever amen do you remember reading that somewhere else what about the Lord's Prayer Matthews is a little different than Luke Matthew 16:27 for the Son of Man will come in the glory of his father with his angels and then he'll reward each one that's not the one I wanted I wanted where it says dine be the kingdom the power and the glory Matthew 6 sorry I was looking at my notes I wasn't even thinking yeah Matthew 6 he says for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever you can read in Revelation chapter 4 verse 9 whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him that sits on the throne who lives forever and ever the 24 elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worships him who lives for ever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying you are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created so what is it telling us in Revelation what does that mean to give glory to God angels traveling through the heavens he's got this message for the world to fear God and give glory to him it goes on and says why for the hour of judgment has come I keep wanting to delve off into that but I'm gonna save that for pastor Ross but if you were to never been to a funeral someone reads the eulogy and they usually tried to honor the person I mean you probably haven't seen too many funerals where someone gets up it's considered very bad form and says this person was such a scoundrel and let me tell you how they cheated everybody you want to say something respectful to comfort the family and they usually get up and they glorify the person what does that mean they praise them so when you glorify God what are we doing praising him I remember years ago when Jim and Tammy Baker were at the peak or the zenith of their organization they had them what were they called to praise the Lord club or I forget 700 club everybody knows it wasn't it can't remember what it is PTL Club yeah the PTL Club praise the Lord club and they'd say okay let's all praise Lord I'll count the FreeNAS they all go praise the Lord praise the Lord for his word when you say praise the Lord are you praising the Lord could be but if if you if your son or daughter does something good and you want to encourage them would you say praise you praise you praise you or would you say I really appreciate the way you cleaned up your room today you've got everything looking so nice you did such a great job on your bed and your closets clean by specifically identifying what the traits are that's how you praise them so if I say I want to praise God so I count to three I'm gonna start praising God do I just repeat praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord no I think that biblical praise when when in the Psalms it says praise Lord what does David do he begins to extol the particular verse she's of God so if we live lives where we're bringing glory to God or praising God it means in our day-to-day routine we are seeking to do what God wants so that he will be honored or glorified or praised by our lives does that make sense so used to always bother me when people said all right let's all start praising Lord they just repeat over and over again praise the Lord praise Lord I'm thinking if I was God I would really get bored with that after a while but when you say I would like to take a moment to praise God let me tell you what he did for me today I almost got a ticket for cutting in front of a highway patrolman and praise the Lord he's made me slow down before that happened something like that you know well you're giving a particular Kerry individual experiences every day yeah and I think the Lord appreciates now I often say praise the Lord don't misunderstand you know I've been in public where people I know around me were not believers in something beneficial happened or something good happens and I will just blurt it out praise the Lord and God knows that all I'm doing is I'm saying I'm giving you glory for what happened but in its truest sense we praise God by extolling his virtues with our mouths you can praise him with your mouth you follow his Commandments with your life didn't the Bible say Jesus said let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and do what there it is what's the word glorify your father in heaven let your light shine so they see your what your obedience isn't that what that means your good works as opposed to bad words comment thanking him yes yeah let them hear you say thank you yeah just thank the Lord when you wake up in the morning every breath that you get is a gift and you know I know some people they say the first thing they do and they open their eyes as they praise the Lord I'm still here you know praise the Lord for another day and so we're thankful for the gift of life okay any other thoughts so we're told to glorify God let me give you a couple more verses on that what did the Angels say when that Jesus came into the world and glory to God Luke 2:14 glory to God in the highest and peace on earth goodwill toward men what was the purpose of Jesus life to bring glory to God you have to save us but he came into the world to show us what God was like and he his life was a continual giving of glory to God revelation 7 11 talking about glory again all the Angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and they worshiped God saying Amen blessing and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving an honor you know whenever some of you have read the stories about when Ellen White went in division what were the first three words she would say just over and over she take glory she'd start out soft glory glory glory maybe she started loud then I got fainter but I remember it it changed as she went off into a vision and if we could see the things that God has described now when Paul says the glory of one star is greater than the glory of another sometimes we're glory means brightness when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration so that he was surrounded by glory that means light or if you ever said I saw something glorious what do you mean what's a Morning Glory you see a beautiful sunrise and the flowers named after that it's it's talked about you know something that is beautiful so in a law with the character of God being great his presence is awesome and beautiful and so there's live lives that show the beauty of God in the glory of God first Timothy 3:16 God was manifested in the flesh remember it says glory to God in the highest justified in the spirit seen by angels preached among the Gentiles believed in the world received up into glory places where the angels and God dwell is called glorious how is Jesus coming Matthew 26 7:20 Matthew sorry I'm Dyslexic so I see him backwards Matthew 16:27 for the Son of Man will come in the glory of his father with his angels and he'll reward everyone according to their works I saw a definition online that says to glorify means to give glory to him the word glory is related to God in the Old Testament bears with the idea of greatness or splendor in the New Testament the word is translated glory it means dignity honor praise and worship putting them together we find glorifying God means to acknowledge his greatness and to give him honor by praising and worshiping him primarily because he is and he alone deserves to be praised honored and worshiped butthat what's he called when you worship someone else or something else above God side olive tree and what's the first commandment you'll not have other God second commandment don't worship idols and so it's same right there the only one who deserves our glory do we have a lot of idols in the media industry they even have programs that are called American Idol so you watch that yeah we should know if we should a good point we should honor our parents and we should respect people but I mean the one you should worship is only God worship only God who gets that glory all right so the Bible's pretty clear that he wants us to live lives that honor him when it says fear God it doesn't mean to live in being afraid of God and by the way that verse is first John 4:18 there is no fear and love perfect love casts out fear fear robs the mind of all of its powers fear destroys your witness you know one of the ways that Christians have witness for God through history is that because we feared God we were not afraid of death torture and I'm not saying that you would never want to avoid that but Wesley was converted because these Moravian Christians were singing in a storm and so their peace converted him if Christians always living where we're fretting all the time does that convert people or does that kind of say they don't really have anything so we want to show that we've got a confidence there's a what's left if we reject the fear of God then we have the other kind of fear Moses talked about this in sobering way Deuteronomy 28 verse 66 first of all in Deuteronomy 28 he first says here are the blessings you will be blessed when you go out you'll be blessed when you come in you'll be blessed when you lay down you'll be blessed when you rise up but he says if you refuse to obey my Commandments all these curses will come upon you this and at the end of this chapter here's what it says your life will hang in doubt before you you shall fear day and night and have no assurance of life in the morning you will say oh that it were evening and that evening you'll say oh that it were morning because of the fear which terror fyz your heart and because of the sight which your eyes see now you know what Moses had just said here if you fear God and keep his Commandments you will not have the other fear if you reject God your enemies will surround you and torment you and you will have doubt and fear all the time so by saying I'm gonna put God first and obey Him where shadrach me check and a bed to go afraid of the fiery furnace I didn't act afraid did they if they were they didn't show it matter of fact they told the King we're not careful they answer you in this matter we're not gonna worship your God you don't need to play the music again well that's pretty audacious they had a confidence why because they would not break God's commandments so there was a confidence there Amos coming yeah faith Amos 5:18 19 woe to you who desire the day of the Lord Amos was preaching I just finished that book about those who are not ready for the Lord's coming what good is the day of the Lord to you it will be darkness and not light it will be as though man fled from a lion and a bear met him or as though he went into the house leaned his hand on the wall and a serpent bit him I remember in my cave I was eating dinner one night and I saw a little kangaroo rat was hopping across the floor of the cave and my cat was watching him and I was watching waiting for the cat to pounce the cat was off in the shadows and just before the cat pounced a little pygmy owl came out of the tree landed on the mouse the cat jumped on the owl and the mouse ran away I don't know why I think of this verse can you imagine running from a lion and then a bear meets you and then you somehow get away and you get to your house you lean your hand against the wall the rest huffing and puffing and the snake bites you kind of like a Greek tragedy isn't it it's like you can't go anywhere you ever heard the expression you can but you can't hide and he said this is this is the kind of life people live when they don't have the Lord what is the condition of the world today and I'll close with this Luke 21:25 there will be signs in the Sun and the moon and the stars and on the earth distress of Nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear and the expectation of those things that are coming on the earth for the powers of heaven will be shaken as a condition the world people are living in fear because they do not have the fear of God and that's why the messages that we have to share are so important because if we could just turn people to fearing God they get a piece and they don't need to be afraid of everything else and live lives of glory yes coming yeah alright let me repeat your question is it possible to fear God and think you're following him and you got an artificial piece and you're actually out of his favor Jesus said many will come to me in that day saying Lord Lord you'll say I don't know you they thought they were self deceived that's the most dangerous condition of all if the devil can get people just enough counterfeit religion to get them in church where they stop searching that's better than having them totally lost that's called lukewarm he said I'd rather you're hot or cold jesus said then be lukewarm to have an illusion of salvation a devil likes that most of all well thank you very much for being here and for your study we want to thank our friends who are joining us on both Instagram and Facebook and God willing we'll be back to continue our study and get deeper into the three angels message next
Channel: Aaron
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Id: 7z1PLHBox98
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Length: 53min 27sec (3207 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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