FCE Speaking PART 3 (with useful expressions/language)

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do you want to pass the first certificate in English today I'm going to give you some central tips for part 3 of the FCE speaking exam if you haven't seen my video on part 1 and 2 I would recommend that you see it first I click in the link at the top right hand side of the screen now I'm going to help you not just pass a pass with a better grade don't forget to turn subtitles on so you can follow along let's get started the FCE speaking exam last 14 minutes part 3 lasts between three and four minutes so what you have to do is FCE speaking part three this part is known as the collaborative task which involves a two-minute discussion this can be three minutes for three candidates followed by a one-minute decision-making task in this part of the exam the examiner gives the candidates a question to discuss with five written prompts to help candidates with ideas for the discussion in this example why my students want to learn to do these skills one speak another foreign language to play a musical instrument three cook a meal for player sport five draw well candidates are expected to answer the question using the prompt remember you don't have to discuss all five so what I eat soda is looking for they are looking at how you express and justify your opinion in my opinion learning a foreign language is very useful skill it seems to me that being a control well is a way to express your creativity why our view is that being able to cook a meal is a very useful skill they are also looking at appropriate grammar so here use modal verbs to speculate this is appropriate it might be a good thing to learn sports it couldn't be a bad thing to know how to cook a meal how do you agree that's a great idea playing sport helps keep you healthy yes you're absolutely right learning English is really important when getting a job yes I agree with you knowing how to cook is really useful and if you disagree remember to disagree politely often disagreeing politely is a good way to have a good discussion perhaps but what about the cost of learning to play an instrument I don't really agree I think sport should be free for everyone I'm not sure do anything art is an important subject to learn at school you should also give reasons for disagreeing the main reason is that I think knowledge of a foreign language is essential the problem with that one is that that is difficult to find inspiring teachers well the thing is that cooking is a life skill young people need to learn so how are you assessed I've discussed in my videos for speaking part one and two you're assessed on grammar and vocabulary at a b2 level this course management which I discuss in more detail in FCS speaking part 2 click the link down below or at the end of the video pronunciation you must be intelligible axial valent a problem but also try to sound interested and enthusiastic about what you discuss you can show that you've finished speaking or that you have more to say by making your voice rise or hold it is called intonation a falling intonation shows that you've finished speaking I think you can learn a lot about learning a language on the Internet whereas a rising intonation often means that you have more to say I believe young people love to learn new things about sport languages many other things and finally interactive communication which is very important in FCS speaking part 3 so what does this mean the examiners are looking at how you interact with your partner and the language you use firstly at the beginning the discussion shall we start with this one what do you think shall we move on to the next one and then in the decision making task ok we're agreed we both think learning to cook a meal and playing a school of thought would be the easiest thing to learn let's just agree to disagree which one do you think would be best so here are some tips for the FCE speaking part 3 exam firstly take it in turns to speak is supposed to be a balanced discussion if your partner talked too much then the examiner will ask you an additional question to balance out the time listen to your partner and respond to what they say encourage them and help them when they in discretly it is important to react to each other's ideas and suggestions avoid pauses in the FCS speaking part 3 your assessed for interactive communication and that includes keeping the interaction going and negotiate negotiating towards the decision so say whether you've reached a decision or not it is fine to not come to a decision quiz time you and your partner have four minutes to discuss a situation Bob you have two minutes to discuss and then one minute to come to a decision - you must discuss all five prompts given to you both you don't have to discuss all the prompts this is just to give you ideas and it's better to discuss two or three ideas in more detail than all five very superficially three you don't have to come to an agreement with the question following the discussion true the examiner wants to see the negotiating towards an agreement but if no agreement is reached reached you are not penalized finally good luck you now know how to pass speaking part three of the star certificate please like this video if you found it useful and do comment down below also for more videos subscribe to my channel Oxford English now [Music]
Channel: Oxford English Now
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Keywords: FCE Speaking Part 3, FCE Speaking, FCE Speaking Exam, fce speaking test, cambridge first certificate speaking exam, FCE useful expressions, FCE speaking useful expressions, First Certificate Speaking Exam, cambridge fce speaking, fce speaking test part three, fce speaking exam part three, how to do fce speaking test, how to do fce speaking exam, fce spaking exam preparation, fce speaking test advice
Id: 5prI_cjVMV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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