FC24 Imperialism: Messi VS Ronaldo!

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FIFA imperialism but it's Messi versus Ronaldo on this map we have some of Messi and Ronaldo's greatest ever teammates with Messi being team purple and Ronaldo being team yellow who are going to battle it out until there's only one team standing and we start things off with Messi's greatest ever teammate Ronaldinho facing off against Marcus rashford from Team Ronaldo this should be an easy win for team Messi and somehow Marcus rashford would strike first oh my god oh you're giving you too much space you can't do that to one of the most skilled players of all what the what is he doing okay surprisingly team Ronaldo and rashford kept on fighting with both sides scoring goals and eventually Ronaldinho found himself with the ball with only 30 seconds left and the score tied 77 oh my god oh he's down he's on the ground he's on the ground Doo Don't Mess us up Doo don't oh my God doo may have thrown doo may have just thrown Doo got spun Doo got spun by Marcus rashford what did I just see and just like that the first match of FIFA imperialism would end with a huge upset Ronaldinho has lost to Marcus rashford in the very first match and the way to win this imperialism is that if someone on the other team beats Messi or Ronaldo it's game over so now that rashford is bordering Messi's territory he has the chance to fight Messi and if he beats him Marcus rashford would win the game for Ronaldo making Ronaldo the official ghost this isn't looking good for team Messi for that to happen rashford would have to get picked on the wheel again but this time around it looks like a different Legend is going to step up Kaka one of Ronaldo's best players and it looks like he's facing Usman demele from team Messi can demele do what rashford did and kill a legend I don't think Kaka was taking this that seriously because he was really showing off okay okay they keep pump faking me bro why do they keep doing that that's so weird and he kept on messing around leading Usman D belly to tie the game okay and just like that we are tied however after that Kaka really focused up taking a 7 to5 lead with only a minute left to go it looked like team Ronaldo had this one in the bag okay okay we might have a game on our hands and it seems like team Messi was paying the goalkeeper because how do you explain this man Myan is so sus bro he's the impostor he's the Imposter get him boys and with only 7 seconds left Dem Bal had a chance to win the game 9 8 7 6 5 Usman Deele how do you let Messi down again and after dembele absolutely sold Messi we went into Golden Goal where Kaka made him pay what did I just witness what and he's dancing and he's dancing and just like that team Ronaldo takes even more land from team Messi the only chance I see of Messi actually making a comeback is if he can somehow get dibala or Di Maria that's his only chance that's because Di Maria and dybala have played with both Messi and Ronaldo so whichever team can beat those two players will be able to add them to their team but first Marcus rashford is going once again and beating Ronaldinho wasn't enough because this time he's going after Neymar and now he wants more this guy's a Savage as we started the game rashford didn't waste any time and he showed the world why he beat Ronaldinho this is crazy is Marcus rashford going to take the lead don't tell me Marcus R no no celebration no celebration he's about his business he skipped the celebration rashford may have had the lead but there was no way that Neymar was going to give up and he kept on trying five can we get a buzzer beater here four 3 2 1 yes okay he ties it that's the buzzer beater bro that's the buzzer beater right before half that's perfect man as the second half started both players were determined to win this and they both went on to score two goals each leading us to be tied with less than 15 seconds to go oh oh can you get a buzz beater five 4 three buzzer beater he beat the buzzer oh my God Marcus rashford done it again with less than 3 seconds to go it was looking impossible for Neymar you have to turn shoot you have to turn and shoot no that's it that's it that's it Marcus rashford's done it again and just like that rashford has beaten another Brazilian and taken more land and he's almost completely surrounded Messi Marcus rashford is the goat you hear it here first man he is the goat like how does Messi come back from this Messi really needs a big win and Samuel atto is going next facing off against Wayne Rooney can Messi finally win a game okay we have a showdown of two legends Samuel etto versus Wayne Rooney and etto seemed hungry for Revenge because he instantly scored two goals to take the lead against Rooney why would you poot that I mean it went in but that is so extra samuo I don't know what etto ate for breakfast that morning because he went completely off scoring three more goals winning the match for Messi Samuel ATO makes light work of Wayne Rooney and he finally wins some land for Messi bro this is what Messi was been missing this what Messi deserves however Ronaldo still has the advantage because as we can see from the map Ronaldo has no one from team Messi near him but Messi has players from Team Ronaldo all around him but that's about to change because Yaya turri is going next and he's going after Marcus rashford to get revenge for team Messi Yaya T is sliding for Messi bro and that's exactly what Yaya did because he would instantly Take the Lead power on it please please just finish it like a man come on yeah that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about Yaya but Yaya's goalkeeper wasn't on the same page are you oh my God oh my God I've seen it all I have seen it all but Yaya turri and Marcus rashford would have a legendary battle that would end up with the game being tied 66 with less than a minute left to go Yaya T might be the better player but I don't know if Yaya has the experience needed I stand corrected I stand corrected Yaya T literally spit in my face right now but I love it Onana Onana Onana don't sell this oh my God oh my God that's it that's it that's a two goal lead no chance that has to be it that has to be it did Yaya T just save Messi's whole career rashford would get one goal back but it wasn't enough as Yaya T still got the win and won back all that land for team Messi which really helped even the battlefield Yaya tur literally set up the Great Wall of China around Messi but don't go anywhere because we still have amazing players like mbappe benma Modric and much more coming up next but first we have to spin the wheel to see who goes next okay this is one of the joke players I added but let's see if Harry McGuire can pull off some magic and it looks like Harry MaGuire is heading Northeast to face off against antoan Griezmann if somehow Harry McGuire beats Anon Griezmann do you know how much land Ronaldo's going to have and instantly Harry MaGuire would use his forehead to get the lead oh my God he just hit him with his forehead that's not even fair that's like that's assault bro that's illegal in 15 countries throw him up throw him in jail Griezmann and Harry MaGuire would go back and forth for a little bit but in the end it was Griezmann who was leading with about 2 minutes left to play finish it finish it Griezmann easy finish easy finish okay 65 Griezmann has taken the lead for a second there I thought it was over and Griezmann would win but Harry Maguire had different plans wow okay it's a tie game 66 here Maguire has tied it and with less than a minute left to go FIFA imperialism history was made 30 32 seconds is he going to take the lead here oh my God Harry McGuire's taking the lead Harry MaGuire has taken the lead I put this guy in here as a joke I didn't think he'd beat someone you're joking me man this is a joke am I am I dreaming pinch pinch ow that hurt clearly I'm not dreaming this is a nightmare and just like that Ronaldo takes even more land from Messi Ronaldo has completely taken the out and to make things even better we had a familiar face going up next he's not done he's back for more and it looks like he's going to be facing off against Di Maria which means that if Di Maria wins he will join team Messi and take Harry Maguire's land but if Harry MaGuire wins then D Maria will join team Ronaldo and become a yellow player so this could be a huge turning point for team Messi and Harry MaGuire would get a huge chance to start the game oh oh oh my God Harry McGuire just hi B the goalie again that should be illegal [Music] man he may have missed but the next time he got the opportunity Harry MaGuire was not messing around oh my God is he going to okay is he going to finish this time he might score it this time dude he hit that thing from Kansas that was such a long shot D Maria Would Die the game but Harry uire would once again Take the Lead just minutes later and with less than a minute left to go it was up to Di Maria to save Messi's Legacy what wow wow okay I have no words I have no words except wow interesting interesting interesting very very interesting okay okay I thought he was going to hit the poe for a second with the game tied we went into a Golden Goal where was up to Harry MaGuire or D Maria to take the win there it is D Maria wins it it for team Messi that is huge that is exactly what Messi needed and truthfully I'm just happy that someone beat Harry MaGuire man I do not like that guy as Di Maria joins team Messi and takes Harry Maguire's land it's looking more and more like team Messi is now in the lead and it looks like Benzema is going to be going next and he takes on his ex-teammate Di Maria to try and get revenge for Harry MaGuire this is going to be a good game and as expected the bendor winner benma would put the moves on Maria to take the early lead yeah benma at the end of the day benma is a battleon door winner I I think he takes this one quite easily and it turns out that I was right because benzo would go on to score again again and again to thoroughly beat D Maria and demolish team Messi's hopes oh my God yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's it's done it's wraps and with that loss Kareem benma would take back all the land that Harry MaGuire lost to give complete control of the South to Christy IO Ronaldo and I put these arrows on the map to make it more obvious on who owns what land but next we have perhaps the most important game of the whole tournament because Yaya is going to be taking on Kareem benma and if Yaya T loses Messi will have no protection except for mbappe he will be nearly surrounded if Yaya loses here it might be over for team Messi as the game started we all know how high the stakes are for both teams but Yaya turri would rise to the occasion and go beast Yaya bang that's it Yaya T takes the lead on Benzema but he wasn't down there because Yaya tur would go on to score not one not two but five more goals to destroy Benzema and win the match for team Messi oh my God oh my God what a finish if we look at the map now everything has changed and it now seems that team Messi is in the lead but there's still some amazing players left on the map like mbappe Luca Modric and Luis Figo who are yet to play and it looks like Paul skulls is going to be going next attacking Yaya tur to try and take back all that land for team Ronaldo but as the game started just like before Yaya T wasn't holding anything back oh my God oh my God Yaya T is on a mission though but Yaya T shouldn't have underestimated Paul skulls because before we knew it skulls scored two goals and took the lead for team Ronaldo yeah scy does not mess around and he's taking the lead oh my God however Yaya T wasn't going to give up that easy and he would score one more goal to tie the game and then schools and Yaya would proceed to go back and forth until the game was tied at 77 and at this point it was anyone's game to win oh my God that was the point oh my days Oh my days Oh I thought he was going to miss but he scored Paul skols just scored a chip shot to maybe win the game skoy now had the lead but he wasn't done just there if he shoots this Yaya has a chance Oh my days never mind never mind and with that Victory Paul SCH takes all of Yaya to his land and puts team Ronaldo in the lead once again but next it looks like tiar HRI is trying to make a comeback for team Messi because he's going to be facing off against Luis Figo all right this is a pretty big match for team Messi cuz they can take the whole right side of the map but of course that depends on if tiar hry can actually win just like that hre may have thrown away Messi's chances at winning this thing it's not over though because hry could still score but he messed up his chance and it now looks like beagle will score again to take make the win but yeah Figo doesn't miss that one 53 I think this might be over for HRI sure enough I was right and Figo ended up doubling his territory and taking more land from team Messi I mean at this point mbappe and Samuel etto are Messi's only hopes coming up we're going to see an insane match up between two legends but first coutinho is going to take on Bernardo Silva oh my God Bernardo Silva and catinho would have a pretty Fierce match but in the end coutinho would Edge it and send Bernardo Silva pack I have to applaud him for that he just won Messi that game and just like that coutinho gains back a bit of land for Messi it's not much but you know what it's something you know and now it's time for one of the biggest matches yet because Samuel etto is going to take on Luis Figo etto is taking on Figo and from these two legends it would be etto who would draw first blood from a questionable foul oh oh my days why was that a foul I don't know but etto takes it that's a onego lead for Samuel etto I don't know if that destroyed figo's confidence but from there on out etto absolutely gave it to Figo he's going all the way isto going to make it three yes he is three coal lead for Samuel etto Figo tried to fight back but in the end it wasn't enough and Samuel Eto easily got the win that is over fle that was too little too late Samu takes the lead and he eliminates another one of Ronaldo's men and with that win sametto successfully takes the right hand side of the map where team Messi but etto isn't done there because he's going to go next and he's going to fight Paulo dybala and remember if he wins Paulo dabala will then have to join team Messi and that's exactly what would happen because once again samulet would put on a show and absolutely demolished Paulo dybala meaning that dybala now has to join team Messi and all of a sudden it looks like team Messi is once again in the lead Paulo dybala joins team Messi team Messi is now in the lead with more players left on the board but there's still one big problem and his name is Paul skull priority number one for team Messi should be to take down skoy Felipe coutinho would be the next brave soul to try and take on Paul skols but as we would see he would get destroyed by the Englishman and it was looking like Paul schs could not be defeated scho is actually a monster Paulo dybala would go next to try and fight Paul skulls and they even had a very close match that ended up going going into Golden Goal but you should know by now that Paul's skull simply doesn't lose and with that win he eliminates another one of Messi's men and just like that team raldo has once again taken the lead no one can stop him he just keeps on taking more and more land but it isn't over for Paul's gos because there's still one more guy that wants to take him on oh Sergio buscat I added him in here as a meme as a joke but Sergio bcat has the chance to take down Paul's gos to be fair to Sergio bti put up quite the fight against Paul skols but at the end of the day there was no way that Paul skols was going to lose to someone with 30 Pace that's going to be it Paul skulls takes another one of Messi's men and this is what the map looks like after that loss for team Messi oh man Paul skulls is looking like an octopus out here look at look how many directions he's going however Paul skols isn't satisfied just yet because next he's going after Samu eletto to try and take down another member of of team Messi but unlike everyone that came before him Samuel etto would actually take the lead against Paul skull it worked what okay that's like the second time ever that a chip shot has actually worked I'm surprised but it didn't stop there because Samuel would go on to score three more goals to give team Messi a 4G goal lead he is not messing around sametto makes it 4 nil and just like that that was enough to Dethrone Paul skulls and with that win Samuel at is now the player with the most land on FIFA imperialism and it's looking like Messi is set to win this whole thing but of course Ronaldo still has four teammates left where Messi only has three so anything can still happen and it's now time for another spin of the wheel and it looks like Luca Modric is going to try to get revenge for Paul SKS by taking on Samuel etto all right there it is Luca Modric is going Northwest but it wouldn't be the start he imagined because sametto would come out by is he going to eliminate another one of Ronaldo's men it looks like he's determined to do so cuz he takes the 1-nil lead and just like he did to Paul SK Samuel ETA would keep on firing and score two more goals to take the three-goal lead and he scores off his own rebound that's a 3-0 lead for sameta Luca Modric just doesn't want it bad enough the score was 8 to6 but the result remained the same Samuel etto dominated another one of Ronaldo's men and just like that Samuel etto casually eliminates two of the greatest midfielders of all time just like that after the win by etto both Messi and Ronaldo have three men left each with Messi being the heavy favorite because he has so much more land if Samuel etto goes next he has the ability to take on Cristiano Ronaldo right now sure enough etto is hungry for more but this time around he's not going to be taking on Ronaldo yep samuo is taking on Kaka and instantly eto's goalkeeper would throw him under the bus and give Kaka a free goal oh kaka kaka kaka takes the lead that's 1 nil for team Ronaldo etto would try his best to get back into the game but he was just no match for the Brazilian OK Kaka OK Kaka oh Kaka 3 n this is insane and it's too bad for team Messi because Kaka easily takes a victory and now team Ronaldo owns almost all the land on FIFA imperialism team Messi is in trouble bro but you can't count Messi out just yet because the little Argentinian has one more trick up his sleeve this could be Messi's Last Hope because to be honest I don't think shabi is doing anything and the Messi fans can take a sigh of relief because it looks like killing mbappe will get the job done mbapp mbapp killan mbapp he's doing for Messi man he's doing it for Messi but just moments later Kaka would tie it up again can Kaka equalize can Kaka equalize yes he can off the bar that's nice man however the match is still young and both players were giving it their all by scoring goals back and forth bang 55 or should I say 22 this thing's heating up man this thing is heating up however as the game went on kaka's experience started to show and it was clear that kilan mbapp couldn't keep up and Kaka took a 4G goal lead Oh my days oh my goodness that's a a four goal lead for Kaka however don't count out killing mbappe just yet because he would score three goals back to back to back to make the match super close and it was looking like he would actually make the comeback MPP is in MPP go MPP go mppe 7 Seconds no M what are you doing why would you shoot that so early Oh my days I thought mbappe was going to make the comeback and with that loss mbapp is off the board and Messi is basically defenseless Messi is surrounded by team Ronaldo there's literally nothing he can do his only hope is that shavei somehow some way that shavei beats kaka kaka is going next but luckily for Messi the arrow is pointing towards shavei so it's not over just yet I do think that is closer to shavei now come on come on right and as the match between shavei and Kaka started it was actually looking good for team Messi because shavei would take the 2-n lead Oh my days come on shavei come on shavei come on shabi there it is 2-n lead for team Messi but don't count out team Ronaldo just yet because Kaka would score two of his own to tie the game kaka kaka hits it four down what a finish and now that Kaka had the momentum it was all over for shaby and Kaka would go on to score three more goals to eliminate Messi's last mat Oh my days it's us sad day for Messi fans everywhere no that was the final person on team Messi now it's just a matter of time that Messi it was bound to happen man it was bound to happen now that Kaka beat shabi it's the end of the road for Messi and the only way Messi can win FIFA imperialism is that if he beats everyone else left on the map but for team raldo anyone on their team just has to beat Messi once and Ronaldo will get crowned the winner and it looks like Kaka is stepping up one more time can he beat Messi and successfully crowned Ronaldo as the goat and if you made it this far in the video please subscribe because we're trying to get to 1 million subscribers thank you to start the match off Messi came in hot but he just couldn't get past kaka's goalkeeper Oh my days that's horrible but on the other side of the pitch Kaka was far more clinical with his chances oh no oh no Emmy Martinez what are you doing but it's all good because Messi would get a huge Breakaway opportunity oh great defense for Messi now he's gone oh he has to finish this though he has to finish this oh that's pathetic man Messi should have scored that goal because Kaka went and scored two more of his own successfully winning the match and crowning Ronaldo the official goat and that's it ladies and gentlemen it is all over Ronaldo is officially the goat thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed you're going to love this video down below as well click it and watch it next
Channel: DiamondDhaliwal
Views: 1,582,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messi, ronaldo, messi ballondor, ronaldo ballondor, messi vs ronaldo, messi goat, ronaldo goat, ronaldo vs messi, messi fifa 24, messi fc24, ronaldo fifa 24, ronaldo fc24, fifa imperialism, diamondhaliwal, diamond dhaliwal, diamond fifa, thediamondhaliwal, thediamondhaliwla, fifa 23, fifa 24, fc24, fc 24
Id: OfiFv-5LF_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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