FAVORITE Board Games of ALL TIME - 10 TO 1

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all right it's been a long road but we finally made it my top 10 games of all time are you excited I'm excited don't tell me not to get [Music] excited hey what's up Brew Crew before I get into my top 10 I want to say thanks to everyone who have liked and commented uh on these videos I've always said that I wanted this to be a community focused Channel and I don't make much of a community on my own so thanks for watching and thanks for being a part of the Brew Crew I'd love some feedback as well um was 100 games too many should I maybe cut it down to 50 next year let me know what you think um now that this series is coming to an end got a few other things uh in the works that should be coming out soon like a distilled expansion ion review and a video Encyclopedia of board game terms so even though this top 100 is coming to an end be sure to stick around because we've got a lot of more cool things coming up all right now on to my top 10 games of all time 10 my number 10 game is Yokohama I've heard this one described pretty often as Istanbul which was earlier on my list on steroids I think that's pretty accurate like in Istanbul you need to create a route around a modular set of tiles you'll be dropping assistance around the city trying to create a path for your president to follow you're trying to stop at different locations and gather up resources to fulfill contracts make money build shops and trade houses and generally do all the usual euroi type stuff for me it's all about that puzzle of having the assistants in the right place at the right time to get what you need when you need it not only do the assistants create the route that you can follow they also determine how strong of an action you can take once you get there as you fulfill the contracts with the goods that you're Gathering you're also trying to collect uh sets of country flag symbols so you want to try to diversify the countries you're uh selling contracts fulfill contracts to as much as possible to score extra points at the end of the game this is definitely one of those types of games where you can kind of enjoy your own little victories even when you don't win the game um there are plenty of different strategies to try and it could feel really good to accomplish what you set out to do at the beginning of the game even if it doesn't necessarily mean winning the game uh at least that's how it feels for me playing this one uh this thing is definitely a bit of a table hog um when you lay out all of the tiles although it seems like games are trending bigger so it's probably just the average now so I guess maybe it's my game table that's too small um I see that they're coming out with a new addition of Yokohama from synapsis games uh and while it has a pretty nice new cover art I'm pretty happy with my old tasty minstral deluxified Edition nine number nine is my favorite of the madigo area control Trilogy of games and that's KT or Kat blood and Sand or whatever the next iteration of Kat is going to be in 2024 it seems like this game gets a new 0.5 Edition every 6 months which is kind of odd but it's fine because it's a great game this is a super aggressive game with a great ancient Egyptian theme um each player controls a city and pyramids and you're going to move out your armies from there and fight other players recruit monsters and try to control temples to earn permanent or temporary victory points the addition of the temporary victory points keeps things very tense because you never really feel safe uh if someone is able to wrestle control of a temple away from you then you have to give up that temporary Victory point and you're trying to be the first one to start a turn with nine points so when your opponents notice that you're about to win they are going to come after you hard uh you better have a plan one of the best things about this game are the power tiles uh there are different colored power tiles that you'll be collecting and they're going to let you break the game in some way they'll give you some kind of special power or they may let you control some giant monster by the end of the game you'll have likely a big Tableau of tiles in front of you and you'll be able to pull off some pretty epic Maneuvers this is a game that really encourages aggression because you're going to score points for being the person doing the attacking so if you want to win this game you really can't turtle and invest in defense uh you really need to be getting all up in your opponent's faces and I keep saying that I generally don't like super aggressive games but I really think it depends on the type of game that it is in a game that's all about battles and aggression it really doesn't bother me uh if I'm trying to build up something and someone has an opportunity to tear it down I'm going to be selling that game but K is fantastic and one of the best thematic fighting type games that I have ever played eight number eight is dungeon pets this game was as high as my number two game at one point and I still really adore this game I love the Charming theme and the cute monster pets that you'll actually be raising to sell to dungeon Lords the art is amazing and it really draws you into this little world there's so many things that I love about this game but it's definitely a heavier game than you would expect just based on the artwork and hearing about the cutesy theme the first thing I I love about this game is the simultaneous bidding for Action spaces uh I think the only other game that I've played uh and really enjoyed with this mechanism was Fresco basically you are in charge of a family of imps and you're going to be splitting them up into teams and sending them off to town uh maybe with a little money to pick up pets cages food and all of the other things that you will need to raise your monsters so as you send out out your groups the largest group goes first and then smaller and smaller groups are sent but because you setting everything up in secret uh there's a lot of tension around trying to make the right decisions you've got to know what you want to do and also anticipate what your opponents are going to want and try to plan accordingly then once you get out to the marketplace you're going to be getting these little monsters which are such a cool concept they have A Little Wheel on them which shows different colors along the bottom and these colors represent the different needs of your Monster uh they might want to play they might get hungry they might get angry or get sick and you'll be trying to make sure that you can satisfy all of their needs because if you can't they might break out and injure one of your workers or they might run away or what's even worse you may have to put put a little sadness Cube on them which feels awful uh as the game goes on these little wheels will turn showing that your Monster Pet will need more and more things until you're finally able to sell them off to a dungeon Lord to put in their dungeon um the last time we played this we played with the dark alley expansion and I liked some of the things that it added but overall I think the base game is all you really need to enjoy this one seven my number seven is Twilight Imperium fourth edition now I've never played Third Edition so I won't be able to compare the two but I can absolutely say that this game has given me some of my favorite gaming memories for almost all of 2019 and right up until things changed in early 2020 we played this game about once a month for as heavy and as long as this game is we've racked up quite a few plays uh this will be a hard one to give a rules overview for because there's so much going on in the game but basically you're playing as one of over 20 different factions uh trying to become the new rulers of the Galaxy uh in its most basic terms though it's essentially a race to 10 points or 14 if you don't mind losing a whole weekend you'll be scoring these P points by uh completing objectives uh most of which will be public and scored during a specific phase but you'll also have some personal objectives some of which will be scored in the objective phase and some which could be scored immediately um this makes the game Super tense uh when you start getting into the endgame situation because you can never really trust an opponent's motives for doing anything um a big part of what makes this game so much fun to play is the fact that no two games of it are ever going to be the same so much of the story that unfolds has to do with the factions being played the objectives that come out and the way the map is laid out and while a lot of the objective cards are military based there are a lot of them that have nothing to do with being aggressive you may get a lot of objectives based on trade and resources so you need to keep those Space Cats in check or maybe technology is a big deal and you got to watch out for the universities of Jolar or the necro virus there's also a lot of objectives which come down to controlling planets of a certain type and if you don't have any of those in your pie slice of the Galaxy then you might just have to go take one from your neighbor I also love the promisory notes in these situations some are definitely better than others but they can give you something that you can trade with outside of resources these could be things like ceasefire or support for the throne which can be used to stop a player from attacking you or at least make them think twice about it once somebody claims meatal Rex in the center of the map a whole new phase is introduced to the game and players will spend influence points from planets that they control to vote on laws and directives which can also alter the gaml uh this phase has a lot of Wheeling and dealing going on and it gives players just a little bit of control over the game balance I've never once had a bad game of Twilight Imperium that's not to say that I didn't have games where I played terribly I mean that every game of TI that I have played I have always felt like it was worth the time and effort that I put into it this is actually the only game that I will study strategy for normally I don't like that because I feel like it robs me of the sense of Discovery I get while playing a game but in TI we assign out our factions early I read up on it I determine the strategy and try to plan out things ahead of time uh we all come to the table feeling like everyone is playing at the top of their game it's such an amazing experience and one that I don't think I'll ever get tired of six number six is clans of calonia this game shares a lot in common with teror mystica and Gaia project but with a few things that I love the other games don't have now like those other two games you'll be moving out across a map and putting out things from your player board except in this game you're putting out things like workers livestock and production buildings also like the other two games you'll get a little bonus for building next to one of your opponents each round you're going to be producing or refining Goods based on what you have on the map and using those goods to fill contracts this is the first game that elevates this game For Me Above the others when you fill contracts you'll be gaining imported goods which will be worth a certain number of points at the end of the game but the amount of points that they will be worth depends on how rare those goods are so the more of them you import the less scoring potential they have which becomes a cool Balancing Act and you might even start hoping that your opponents can import more tobacco so that your sugar cane is worth more points I've said before that I love games that have a sense of progression and clans of Caledonia definitely has that you'll start with just a few pieces on the board and start building out but you'll also be unlocking better shipping more Merchants that you can send to the market which is another one of my favorite things about this game um I love markets that have a dynamic feel to them where you can buy and sell goods and cause the market to fluctuate uh this is another reason to keep an eye on what your opponents are doing because you don't want to drive up the cost of a particular good and give them a huge payday because they've been stockpiling that particular resource there's a new expansion coming out for this game and while I'm obviously pretty excited to check it out I'm also a little concerned because there's no extra space in the Box for expansion content so I'm kind of hoping that they make the expansion box big enough to fit both the expansion and base game in it I mean obviously I'm going to pick it up anyway but still [Music] five number five is my favorite game from uve Rosenberg and not one that I see on many other people's top games lists and that's glass Road I remember the first time that I played this game it really blew my mind um there were a couple of things about it that I had not really seen done before that I thought were pretty amazing the first is a card play we're playing as Artisans on the glass Road in Bavaria trying to clear forest and build workshops that we can use to generate points the way the card play Works in this game is that players will have a hand of the same 15 character cards and you'll choose a hand of cards at the beginning of the round uh five cards and if you play a card on your turn that no one else has played you get to take both the abilities on that card but if anyone else has chosen the same card uh for that round they will get to play that card on your turn and you'll each only get to take one of the uh card actions this is a really cool thing that always has you trying to get into your opponent's heads if you're able to time things right you might be able to piggyback off your opponent's cards while also playing cards that you alone will use this means that your opponent may end up with cards left in their hand at the end of the card round uh that they weren't able to use this adds a lot of excitement to the game when you reveal a card and wait to see if anyone else has chose that card as well the other thing that I love about glass Road in and probably its biggest hook are the resource Wheels I love trying to manage these things if you haven't seen these before these resource wheels are essentially large dials uh and instead of taking tokens to represent your available resources you're going to move them around this wheel the catch is that whenever resources move away from the arms of the dial the dial will move to meaning that you will automatically spend resources to produce one of the premium Goods either brick or glass so often what you're trying to do is to move up all resources but one one until you're ready to trigger that production you might instead be trying to save those resources to pay for your chosen character cards or spending them on building tiles that you will place on your player board to help you manipulate your goods in some way or provide you with points at the end of the game it's such a cool concept and I know that he used something at least similar in or at labora but I've never had a chance to play that game and I've never seen this used anywhere else such a great mechanism it's a very beautiful game in my opinion I love the artwork um especially on the tiles and the player boards gives me a very Autumn by the fireplace kind of vibe my number four game of all time is Glen Moore 2 Chronicles I actually still own my copy of the original Glenmore as well which which was in my top 10 before Chronicles came out Glen more I just added so many cool new ideas with all of the Chronicles that you can swap in and out of the game that will change up the game sometimes in subtle ways sometimes in really big ways there are also a few rules changes that I thought improved the gamep play just a bit in Glenmore 2 as well like the way that chieftain's work and the addition of the app that you can travel around for added benefits so in Glenmore 2 you're going to be moving your player piece around a square of Market tiles you can move as far forward around the square as you'd like but you can never move backwards then you'll take the tile you land on uh provided that you can pay the cost if there is one uh these tiles will do a number of things like add more Scots produce resources or convert resources into other resources or points um you're restricted to only placing the tile next to one of your Scots in your estate though so you kind of have to set yourself up ahead of time once you place the tile down though you're going to activate that tile and every tile adjacent to it there are some restrictions as to how many resources a tile can hold though so you'll have to plan ahead for that as well you might also be able to get locks and castles which will give you some special abilities you'll have to be careful when you're placing your tiles out though because at the end of the game you'll lose points for every tile space more than what the smallest estate has meaning that you want to keep your estate small and efficient rather than large and sprawling so you'll probably want to start building over tiles at some point another cool scoring twist is that at the end of each round and at the end of the game you're going to score points for certain things based on the difference between what you've collected and what the player with the least of that item have collected so for example say we're scoring whiskey barrels produced I've produced two and you've produced five since you've produced three more than me you're going to score three points for those whiskey barrels it also works this way for number of Scots that you were able to move into your home Castle the number of landmarks either Castle or locks and number of percentiles that you've collected it's such a cool and clever way to handle scoring that keeps you checking on your opponent's progress and making sure that they aren't running away with any achievements there are a ton of Chronicles you can add to change the game out uh up as well um there's no way I can go through all of them in this video without making it way too long three number three was my number one for several years and it's my highest rated Stephen Feld game and that's castles of burgundy it's funny because I still remember when I sat down to learn this game because up until that point I had played mostly fairly lightweight kind of Gateway level games and so I was pretty intimidated by the idea of learning this serious game for serious gamers but holy crap did I fall immediately in love with this game there are a lot of things to consider when you're playing it but the gaml is so smooth that it just clicked for us almost immediately I've talked about it with other failed games on this top 100 but one of my favorite things that he does is take a relatively simple action selection mechanism and gives you a lot of interesting decisions to make if you've not played castles of burgundy yet basically what you're going to be doing is rolling two two dice and then using those dice to perform actions most of the time what you're going to be doing uh with these actions is either taking tiles from the central board or placing them from your reserve onto your estate board um these tiles might give you points or they might let you do other things like combo more actions together move up the turn order track or buy and sell Goods you're also going to get points for completely filling in an area of your estate of the same color uh with points going down round by round so there's an incentive to complete them early we've owned three different versions of this game so far we had the a copy of the original which we sold when the second edition came out uh which included updated art and all of the expansions we even have the dice game version which I talked about way back in the early part of this top 100 now we've got the special edition from awaken Realms which is absolutely gorgeous it's got beautiful art amazing Castle pieces and even includes a new Vineyards expansion which gives you even more options to score points I think the only version of this game that I haven't owned yet is the card game but if I'm going to play a game of castles that takes up that much table space I think I'd just rather play the fancy new edition two my number two has had a very real shot at making my number one this year especially with the beautiful new edition uh that we got for this game this year also and that's L granha I love this game so much and the more that I play it the more I wonder if it's going to LEAP into first place one of these years I've even played a bunch of solo games of this on BGA um first off it has multi-use cards which I love love and I especially love how they're used in this game uh you can play them as either a farm Improvement a field for crops uh as an order that you can fill or as a helper that you can hire to your farm and depending on what you decide to do with a card that will determine where you're going to slot the card under your player map which is incredibly satisfying especially with the new multi-layered board from the deluxe Master set from board and dice you're going to be choosing a card to play at the beginning of each round so you'll always be shifting up your abilities from round to round but you can also take certain actions which will let you gain or play more cards uh and the way you're going to be taking those actions is another of my favorite mechanisms dice drafting at the beginning of each round the first player rolls dice uh twice the number of players plus one then players take turns drafting those dice and depending on the number on those D on the die that you choose you're going to be taking an action associated with that number once everyone has taken their second die there will be one die left over and all of the players will get to use that action once this phase is over you'll select one of your donkey tiles to use um this is going to tell you how many deliveries you'll be able to make this round and how many spaces you're going to move up the Siesta track which is a first player track the first player uh changes hands if necessary and then you will make your deliveries uh timing is pretty crucial too when it comes to making deliveries no matter which type of delivery you're going to make if you're making a delivery to the main board you want to be the first one to fill up a row because then you get a bonus on top of the special ability that it grants you for the rest of the game uh if you're delivering to one of your order cards I think in the game they're called Market barrows uh then you're going to be playing a little area control game in the center of the market area uh placing one of your markers on a higher value number will kick off any markers on Lower number spaces adjacent to it and will score you points like a lot of games on this list this game gives you a lot of opportunities for some major combo turns which are all super satisfying and make you feel like a board game genius even when you are definitely not this game is so good and it may very well end up in my top spot next year but who knows in the meantime let's go on to the game that is my number one this year my number one game has been my number one for I think three or four years now and that's brass Birmingham now I have played laner which I also think is a great game but B pering is the version that I like best probably because of the beer this is a game that is not really the easiest to teach just because some of the concepts seem pretty strange at first if you put out a building that say produces coal anybody may be able to spend that coal it's not your coal and that's actually a good thing because once all of that coal is spent from a building tile it flips over and it will start to earn you points uh during the game you're going to be trying to create routes either on your own or with the help of other players so that you can ship off the different goods from your buildings out to the foreign markets um which will earn you more points in the first half of the game these routes come in the form of canals and then once the deck of location cards runs out there's an intermediate scoring and all of the canal tiles are removed from the board and you start over again this time with Railways it sounds like a bad thing but it kind of gives you a chance to Pivot your strategy if you think that's necessary once you get into the second half of the game there are certain buildings that can no longer be buil so you might have to take a development action to remove those buildings from your board uh to get to the better ones I think the biggest reason I love this game so much uh is all of the positive player interaction it's very difficult to do well in this game just being off on your own on your own little corner of the map doing your own thing you really want to be in the mix with all of the other players because that gives you access to their coal and their steel and you can utilize their route links as well uh it's definitely not a semi-cooperative game by any means but yet you're all going to be relying on one another to accomplish what you need to accomplish um the Rox Le production of this game is in my opinion absolutely beautiful uh whether you use the day or night side of the board I even got the iron Clays as a gift which I use for money in just about all of my games now I've considered getting some of the upgraded pieces for this game like little 3D canals uh barges and trains but I'm pretty happy with how the game looks right out of the box I would say that this is the game that I am probably the most tempted uh to bling out uh with those kind of upgrades though but brass Birmingham is my favorite game for another year although L granha might be coming for it well we made it that's 100 of my favorite games I want to say thanks again to everyone who watched and commented and I've loved seeing what you folks think of these games as well this has been a lot of fun but like I said at the top of the video I'm ready to start working on some new content so stay tuned for that and until next time let's get another round for the [Music] [Music] table
Channel: Beer City Board Games
Views: 5,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Ten Board Games, Top 10 Games, Board Games, board gaming, boardgames, boardgaming, favorite board games, best board games, tabletop, tabletop games, the dice tower, watch it played, before you play, shut up and sit down, shut up & sit down, our family plays games, foster the meeple
Id: y8zxARCqgiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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