Faut-il avoir peur de l'Iran ?

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February 6, 2006, I am in Iran for a week. Tehran and its 14 million inhabitants fall asleep peacefully, not all. It's 10 p.m. 3000 people gathered in front of the Danish embassy. Their stated objective Burn the Danish building and expel its ambassador. [Arabic spoken language] All this violence for some drawings. The publication of caricatures of Mohammed provoked anger in the Muslim world. European countries1 allowed these drawings to be published considered insulting to the Prophet. In Tehran, their embassies are taken by storm. The police are easily overwhelmed. Most of these young people are ultra conservatives, close to the Iranian government, and they seem to have come there by order. Suddenly, a tear gas grenade explodes, launched from the embassy the gas is terrible, its effect is immediate. The crowd disperses. A door opens, that of an opulent building, stuck at the embassy, it serves as our refuge. It's two o'clock in the morning, the police let it happen. The attackers did not exceed the limit that had been set for them. Apart from some damage, it was above all an explosion of hatred for photographers' flashes and television cameras. Everything seemed perfectly orchestrated. Return to the hotel. In my room, on TV, loop clips on the Islamic Revolution. A face returns, that of the supreme guide, Ayatollah Khomeini, he great religious leader returned to Tehran in 1979 after a long exile in France to install an Islamic Republic. Today, the most radical Ayatollahs are still in power. This is their candidate, this layman in a white shirt, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was elected president last June, to everyone's surprise. 27 years after the Islamic revolution, Iran together frozen. It's always the religious who hold political power, it's always the same speeches, the same slogans that I hear when of the anniversary of the revolution: the greatness of Iran, rejection of Western civilization and hatred of Israel. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Today, these slogans are taken up by the new President, an ultra fundamentalist who, for nine months, excites the crowds with the denial of the holocaust, the extermination of six million Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War. Today, there are people who say that the holocaust existed and we should believe them without asking us any questions. It's a vision which comes to us from the Middle Ages, because at the same time, the Zionists kill Palestinians every day. If you really want see the horrors of the holocaust, go see what's happening in Iraq. [Arabic spoken language] In addition to these attacks on America and Israel, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has a new requirement for his country: Mastering nuclear energy. As soon as I arrived in Tehran, I am welcomed by portraits of Ayatollah Khomeini and by immense frescoes who praise war and sacrifice. For a foreign journalist, impossible to work here without the Ministry of Guidance and its agents, a kind of ministry propaganda. A driver is automatically imposed on me and a translator. I discover that my driver is working for the intelligence services. Good morning. - Good morning. Where are you from ? You have permission of the neighborhood police? What are the neighborhood police? It is necessary that you were going to see the person in charge. I have a letter of the Ministry of Guidance. She allowed us to film everywhere in Iran. I'm afraid of special services. But me too I belong to the special services. My slightest movements are reported to the ministry. I will be watched throughout the report. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] According to the messages broadcast through the speakers, la France n'a pas la côte. France does not have the coast. The whole neighborhood from the University of Tehran is sealed off by the Bassidj, the famous militiamen of the revolution. Yet it's just the big prayer on Friday which is about to begin. As soon as we start filming, the militiamen arrest me. No, no, not here. It's forbidden. You can't film in this area. We are led at the security office. I am asked to delete what I just filmed. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Delete that! That's what I do. I press "Delete". The great mosque from the Central University of Tehran. For 27 years, it is here that the Ayatollahs determine the future of Iran. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Everyone is waiting for the speech of the spokesperson for the guide of the revolution, especially after the statements by Jacques Chirac against Iran's nuclear ambitions. When the room is well heated, Mohamed Kashani, one of the tough guys in the regime, immediately attacks France. You, the stupid French, and you, Chirac, who takes you for the President of a democratic country, Are you calling us terrorists? You believe that we live in a stifling country? But as always, you misinterpret things, because it's you, it's you, who live in selfishness and despotism. And your evenings of debauchery made you lose your mind. With Saddam Hussein, the old enemy in prison and America engulfed in Iraq, Iran has never felt so strong. The Islamic Republic awakened his old demons. [Arabic spoken language] After the speeches, the symbols are a prayer who calls for a demonstration against the French embassy. Three days ago the building was the Molotov cocktail target. This time, the forces of Iranian intervention are there. A hundred militiamen arranged to meet to protest against the position of France, who fears that Iran does not acquire atomic weapons. Here again, the demonstrators seem manipulated. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] The tricolor flag is torn and then trampled. In the crowd, I spot a man in a white turban, the only religious person in the event. He is withdrawn, but it is he who seems to be calling the shots. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] This religious is of all anti-Western demonstrations. Few days ago, he was in front of the Austrian embassy when the European flags were trampled and the French colors set on fire. This Mullah is called Said Naini. He spends his life to shout his hatred of the West, but he is not shy. The next day, he agrees to meet me at the exit of the Mosque. Mullah Naini is not only a religious person, he is also an agitator and a political commissioner. In the car, the Mullah does not appreciate that I film it constantly. You don't have anything else to register? There is nothing interesting to film here and then it draws attention to me. What do you do in life ? Me, nothing, I don't work strictly speaking. I do religious propaganda. I'm just doing my Islamic duty for the good of the people. I don't depend on any organization. For someone who doesn't work, Mullah Naini is doing well. Comfortable house in Tehran in a bourgeois neighborhood, American-style kitchen. That day his wife and his daughters are not there, but the welcome is cordial, almost warm. This way, sir, please. [Arabic spoken language] For the interview we settle down Iranian style, sitting on the carpets. How did you become religious? I became an imam out of love and taste for religion. By getting closer to religion, I think believers have a better life and moreover even after death, It's much better for them. Did the Islamic revolution influenced your choice? Yes, without the Islamic revolution, I might never have knew religion, like many others. I like to spread the word of Islam. Suddenly, the Mullah takes out his watch. It's prayer time. Then he resumes. In Islam, it's simple, there is politics on one side and on the other what governs people's daily lives. If we separate Islam from the government, religion cannot be complete. Religion also occupies a lot Iranian newspapers. Hamshahri, the biggest draw in Iran. This newspaper was particularly shocked by caricatures of the prophet Mohammed published in the Danish press. The daily Hamshahri, pro-government, decided to fight back by launching a drawing competition on the Holocaust. I'm going to film this diary the day he organizes a press conference for the official start of this provocative competition. The press conference is lively by the editor-in-chief. It's this man in the white turban. Once again, he is a Mullah. did the Holocaust really exist? And if he didn't exist, Let them admit it to us, it was a lie. The next day, the artistic director from Hamshahri newspaper agrees to receive me at his home. It's courageous ! Davoud Kasémi lives the European way in a comfortable apartment, with his son and his wife, who does not wear the veil at home. To find out, he looks European satellite channels. But like many Iranians, he is a man with a split personality. He may not approve of the regime, but he repeats the official speech anti-Semitic and Holocaust denier. Recently I heard that this figure of six million Jews died during the war, was not accurate. It is also said that these people were not burned alive. That they were affected contagious diseases such as typhus, and they died. So not to contaminate others with typhus or even other diseases, their corpses were burned. It was a protective measure, somehow. But me, you know, I can't judge too much, That's just what I heard. In Iran, caricatures like slogans repeat the official propaganda with this concern to never exceed the red line set by the religious: Never criticism of religion and against the regime. In the last news, Hamshahri newspaper canceled the Holocaust competition. No one had sent the drawing. How can you be Jewish and live in a country who calls for the destruction of Israel. On the eve of Shabbat, I decide to surrender at the synagogue in Tehran. Not many people, young people, old people and a few women. [Hebrew spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] There are still 25,000 Jews who live in Iran. There were more than 100,000 before the Islamic revolution, from the time of the Shah. Since then, the community lives withdrawn into itself and avoid confrontation with the authorities. At the exit, everyone disperses quickly. The fear is palpable. Iranian Jews do not want to express themselves on Holocaust denial. We are Jews and we do not believe to whatever people might say. But he said that the Holocaust did not exist. Yes, these are his ideas. Don't talk to anyone here. I can talk to whoever I want. This young man is not doing anything illegal, he just wants our opinion. Why don't you want an interview? Listen ma'am, don't get involved, go home. Faced with their embarrassment, I don't insist any more. You have to go to the representative of the Jewish community for more information. Maurice Motarmed is an engineer and architect. He is also the only Jewish MP in the Iranian parliament, but he is also very careful. No, we never been indifferent to this question. After Mr. Ahmadinejad's speech, on the Holocaust, I gave an interview to the Iranian press. I provided the historical evidence of the Holocaust, that of the Nuremberg trials, For example. These are things which cannot be easily denied. His Muslim associate shares his point of view. Yes, I was shocked because the President of our country trained as a civil engineer. He shouldn't have addressed historical subjects like this. Iran, 70 million inhabitants half of whom are under 18 years old. The economy is sick, the enlisted society, closely monitored, in any case in the street. In front of the bazaar, I barely took out my camera that a simple passerby calls out to me and warns the police to verify my intentions. I am an Iranian, I am an Iranian. Do you know that I love my country? Were you the one who called the police? - Yes. Why the police? - I just told you. It's responsible, an Iranian and all Iranians. I asked the lady, she said you are French. That's why there isn't a problem. I wanted to make sure everything was okay. It's good. All 60 million Iranians, are the same. 60 million Iranians, they are all the same, they are responsible for their country, they all love Iran. Like the day before yesterday with the demonstrations millions of Iranians came for Iran. In the bazaar, we have an appointment with a young couple who runs a scarf shop. A good business in this country where wearing a veil is obligatory. But once again, a guard prevents us from filming. But they want just do an interview. You do not have the right to film women. But we have permission. Come show it to the police station for him to confirm it. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Ne vous inquiétez pas. Don't worry. Why can't we film the women here? don't know. This is the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] It was first of all the poor who carried the new President comes to power. Nearly 30 million Iranians live in poverty. To be elected, Ahmadinejad was able to convince and mobilize those who had been forgotten by his predecessors. In the absence of work, he provided them with watchwords and slogans. Not a week passes without the regime organizing a big demonstration. First against the caricatures of Mohammed, then against Israel and America. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] The prophet Muhammad is great. The English people are bad. America is bad too, Israel is very bad and France, nothing is good about you. God is great ! You are liars! What you show in your films is a lie! You are all liars! Here people are not what you believe! And she gives a thumbs up. It's an insult in Iran. [Arabic spoken language] In the slogans, the president is already revered as a saint in Islam. [Arabic spoken language] The event is remote-controlled by the government and will be widely distributed by the national press. In this strategy, all people must participate and children are also put forward. [Arabic spoken language] And the new slogan for several months, it has been nuclear. She has a message for you. Nuclear energy, it is our absolute right and America can't do anything about it. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Since President Ahmadinejad was elected, mysticism is back as in the time of Ayatollah Khomeini. That's why I'm going to Jamkaran, 30 kilometers south of Tehran. amkaran is a sacred place. According to Shiite tradition, that's where it disappeared one of the great Imams, and that's where he should come back in the form of the savior Messiah, after the apocalypse. In Jamkaran, there would have already been miracles. Iranians believe in it and many come in the evening, as a couple or family, impatiently waiting for the end of the world, since it announces the return of Mehdi. Good evening. Why do you come here? This is a love affair. This is the place of the apocalypse, the place of the end of the world. We made the vow to come every evening for 40 weeks this year. Do you like President Ahmadinejad? Ahmadinejad is one of us. It comes from the people, he cares about our problems. I have a date with the director of the Mosque, once again, escorted by militiamen. It is forbidden to film the prayer, but I see that the trade in pious images and religious songs works well. The Mullahs too are businessmen. Imam Hamadi is director of the Mosque. He is at the head of a truly modern company. He is used to foreign media and his speech on the perversion of the West and the return of Mehdi, is perfectly established. We are waiting for Mehdi, the Messiah. We believe that the world resembles this desert today. And when the Mehdi, accompanied by Christ will appear, then it will be like a storm over the desert. At that moment the world will change and will turn into paradise, as you see here. But there is an obstacle, the White House, which represents the Axis of Evil and oppression in the world. The director also supports President Ahmadinejad. It is not a coincidence. Beliefs surrounding Jamkaran serve to make people forget economic crisis. Besides, the first gesture of President Ahmadinejad was to offer 15 million euros at the Sacred Mosque. The next morning, I am invited to the mausoleum of Imam Khomeini, a holy place in Iran. 17 years after the death of the Grand Ayatollah, we come from all over the country to worship him with devotion and even idolatry. All year round tens of thousands of Iranian Pilgrims crowd around his tomb. For them, it is the sign that the memory of Ayatollah Khomeini is always present, that the Islamic Revolution is still alive. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] In this daily parade, men and women are separated. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] But the big moment, it's every first of February, birthday of Khomeini's return to Iran. For the occasion army regiments were invited, but also the Bassidj. This is the other pillar of the Ahmadinejad regime. Bassidj means volunteers, perfect models of the good Iranian Muslim. It starts very early, from five years old. The Bassidj are today the eyes and ears of government. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] In the eyes of the regime, all of Iranian society should be Bassidj. Being Bassidj means belong to the people, work for the people. I want to serve the people. Ahmadinejad, is he a good president? Yes yes. Ahmadinejad is the perfect Bassij. He loves the Bassidj. We are proud of him because he opposed America and to Israel. He's a real Bassij. The ceremony will last all day. That day, all the Iranian clergy are present. All the Imams who built the Islamic Republic from the beginning. Role models for young Bassidj. These are precisely the Bassidj which allowed the election of Ahmadinejad. The opposition accuses them for buying votes. In any case, this is Dr Yazdi's thesis, leader of the legal opposition. Last year, the government diverted 300 million dollars oil revenues to give them to the Bassij. It was first used to recruit and enlist more young Bassij in classes the poorest in society. And like that, they easily manipulated these people telling them: It's your religious duty, hat of your mother, your father, of your brother, to vote for so-and-so, so and so. And that's how they influenced the result of the election. President Ahmadinejad is the man the most secret of Tehran. Since his election, dozens of foreign journalists asked the interviewer, without success. That day, I tried to approach him during a literary awards ceremony. After a first check, journalists are led on an official bus to go to the Tehran Opera. Inside, handpicked reporters, all accredited by the presidency. Delphine Minoui is a French-Iranian journalist. She collaborates with several French media and works in Tehran for several years. We have to follow the programs, but the foreign press does not have access at the President's press conferences. It is often limited to internal journalists. But are we going to be able to ask him questions? When you are given a press card, how long is it for? Can't you talk about it? It is complicated ? It's difficult to renew his press card? This is not obvious. It's not easy being a journalist in Tehran. The press card must be renewed every month. At the finish it's the race to the one who is best placed to film the one everyone is waiting for. Step by step, the theater fills with students. In the first row, some Western diplomats and university professors. It's the waiting. And suddenly, he is there! The man who makes the West tremble, the Apparatchik of Islam, became President. As always, the ceremony begins by the national anthem, followed by the call to prayer. [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] [Arabic spoken language] Former Revolutionary Guard, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was until last June mayor of Tehran. It is at this post that he conquered the hearts of the poorest. Engineer, doctor in civil engineering, 49 years old, 1.52 m, it stands out for its simplicity, his populism He promised every family to become a shareholder of the oil industry, a promise so far unkept. In his speeches, he repeats what Khomeini already said, 27 years ago: the West is evil, Islam is good. I would like to say it, the secret of survival for our people, it's not the production of weapons or wealth. The secret to survival is culture. The West only brought war, poverty and corruption for Humanity. Since Westerners dominate the world, humanity thirsts for peace. Fortunately, we see that people join the voice of the Prophet and we think that it is a very good path. o the output, Dr. Ahmadinejad is not hanging around. He promised to help the poor. He is bombarded with questions, of complaints and even declarations of love. Mr President, answer me, just a sentence, an autograph. I want to see the President. A little word, I love you Mr. Ahmadinejad. We'll take care of it, we're going to do what we need to do. Despite the bodyguards and the crowd around him, I managed to ask him a question. Doctor! Doctor! A question for French television. Doctor! Doctor! A message for France? What is your message for France Many things. Yes, I received it, I got it. Good luck ! The peoples always achieve victory. Victory is always on the side of the people. [Arabic spoken language] Couldn't get more. To date, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad still doesn't have interview given to the international press. Where does this man come from who arouses so much fervor in his country and so many worries abroad? I decide to surrender in the president's native village, 60 kilometers north of Tehran. Aradan, a small town of 7000 inhabitants a poor region that survives thanks to breeding and a little agriculture. Everyone here voted for him. I have a meeting with his cousins, small traders who remained in the village. Yes my wife is Ahmadinejad's cousin. He left for Tehran when he was seven years old. When he was young, he was very intelligent and smart. We family, we thought he would be third or fourth in the election but not president. If they elected him, it is perhaps because that he worked well as governor. Ahmadinejad is a good guy. In the early years of the revolution, he came from Tehran to teach the Quran. He advocated the example of the Bassidj, he was very active. The welcome is warm. They are proud of the country's child became President. We're going to visit the house where he was born. Along the way, the family circle it's expanded. The house is at the end of this street and she is abandoned for a long time. There it is, it's here. It's here. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lived on this farm with his six brothers and sisters. Today, only ruins remain. His parents went settle in Tehran when he was seven years old. 50 years ! It was 50 years ago. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's father is very pious and leads a simple life, but all his children will go to university. Is that where he lived? Yes yes. In 50 years, Ahmadinejad moved from this modest house to the presidency, a miracle for his family. For us, this story, This is unheard of. In general, to become president, it takes a fortune, networks or a particular power. He got there with nothing. It's all thanks to God. Just with perseverance. Qom, the holy city, almost three weeks of reporting. I am always accompanied by same driver, intelligence agent. Despite his smiles my interpreter always reports at the slightest of my movements. In this ultra-conservative city, Ahmadinejad won more than 80% of the votes. However, it is in Qom that I have an appointment with the biggest political dissident, Ayatollah Montazeri, number two of the diet in the early years of the revolution. Today, Imam is constantly monitored by around thirty Bassidj. As soon as I arrive, they snatch my camera without realizing which she continues to record. Half an hour later, the Bassij give me back my camera. Why did the Bassij take my camera? Because here it is considered like a military zone. In the waiting room, Iranians of all conditions. They come to consult Ayatollah Montazeri on religious issues and also about their personal problems. Here again, men are separated from women. Ali Montazeri is him, this little 82 year old man in hat and slipper. He, who was the dolphin of Ayatollah Khomeini, the intellectual of the revolution. Ayatollah Montazeri, envoy of Iranian Shiite clergy near Ayatollah Khomeini... For the interview, Ali Montazeri wants to change as in the time of his power. The Grand Ayatollah has lost none of its verve. He was the one who wrote the constitution of the Islamic Republic. Today he is the only one who can criticize what she has become. I was one of the founders of the Islamic Republic. I wanted an Islamic Republic, but not like that, not with oppression or the baton. For me, the Republic, it meant government of the people, and Islamic, that meant live according to the principles of Islam. But they added a word, the word "absolute" and they transformed the republic in despotism. For him, the biggest scandal, it's just oil money did not benefit the Iranians. They had everything going for them, especially oil. At the time a barrel was two dollars. Today it is $68. But they made promises without holding them. And as they acted in the name of Islam, they gave a bad image of Islam Now young people don't care more to religion and they are unhappy. Return to Tehran, head to parliament. I'm looking to meet the opposition to Ahmadinejad's government. It's a very small opposition, less than 10% of seats, impossible to spot in the hemicycle since the deputies are seated in alphabetical order. The battle against the American Satan is on the agenda. MEPs discuss measures to take to limit imports of Coca-Cola. An opposition, debates and in the stands, journalists, the Iranian parliament has all the appearances of democracy. It was a shock for you, the election of Ahmadinejad? I think it was a shock for everyone, both in Iran and abroad, including me. For what ? He had no chance of success. Nobody thought that he would have so many votes and that he would make it to the second round. In France, you had this shock when of the last presidential election, and Le Pen made it to the second round. But the French knew how to mobilize to prevent it to reach the presidency. In Iran there was the same problem, but the Iranians voted all the same for Ahmadinejad. [Arabic spoken language] In the room of lost steps, questions for MPs are reserved for Iranian journalists, not to strangers. However, I try to speak to the MP from Tabriz, an ultra conservative. Ahmadinejad came to power with the vote of the people. Me, what I like, that's what he says frankly what he has to say. He said out loud what the country thinks quietly. In addition, it resists to Western governments, and that scares their leaders. Yes, I think Israel must be removed from the map. You have the authorization letter of the Ministry of Guidance? Guidance authorizes you to film the session, but not to pose questions to MPs. Opposition or not, all MPs agree on one point: Iran has the right to nuclear energy. Hello, how are you ? - Thank you very much. We signed the non-proliferation treaty. Why should we not have the right nuclear? This time we are really expelled from parliament. On the phone, my interpreter report immediately the incident to his superior. We had problems in parliament. For them we were not allowed to do interviews, just film the session. But he filmed anyway. The nuclear battle becomes the point rallying point of Iranian society. In the streets, in the mosques or squares of the revolution, all Iranians are demanding the right to nuclear power for their country, Of the president, to the taxi driver. We wonder why they would have the right to nuclear power and not us. During the time of the Shah, Iran was known and respected all over the world. We too would like to be able to benefit from nuclear energy. If nuclear power is so bad, why he has it and prevent us from having it. What raised concerns In Occident, it's this nuclear power plant in construction, in Bushehr, in the south of the country. UN inspectors discovered that the Mullah government took advantage of it to enrich uranium, officially to produce electricity, but undoubtedly also to make an atomic bomb as the United States fears and Europe. In this standoff between Tehran and the West, the key man, is him, Ali Larijani, chief negotiator of the nuclear file. At the moment when I am in Tehran, he organizes a press conference. Hard to imagine that this man with his cordial appearance, is a fundamentalist Muslim, one of the advisors the most listened to by the supreme guide, and he created a channel Islamist and anti-Semitic television To intervene, you have to negotiate and register well in advance. I finally get 30 seconds to ask a question, just one question. Why is the West so afraid of the Iranian nuclear program? When certain heads of state like the American president talk about Iran, they always mention atomic bomb. While we do not lead as civil nuclear research. As usual, Ali Larijani seeks to reassure, but that is not enough. The UN gave Iran 30 days to interrupt its nuclear program. In this nuclear bargain, Iran has a well-equipped army. Long-range missiles, able to reach Israel, young and well-trained troops, officially, 500,000 men and women, not counting the guards of the revolution and the Bassij. And in the parades, the regime does not deprive itself to show off his kamikaze commandos. A provocation which accredits the American accusation of a terrorist state. As a final threat, the Islamic Republic exalts the sense of sacrifice of Iranians. They proved it 15 years ago in the war against Iraq. A butcher's shop that made nearly a million Iranian deaths. Almost all families have lost a father, son or uncle. Friday, day of prayer, Tehran Martyrs' Cemetery never empty. He was my cousin. He was barely 18 years old. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected for four years. Behind the propaganda and theatrical events, what are really the intentions of the Iranian President How far will he go and above all, how far the Iranian people will he support his President?
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 278,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enquête exclusive, Holocauste, Iran, Israël, M6, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, conflit, conservateur, documentaire, guerre, islamique, menace, nucléaire, reportage, élection, yt:cc=on
Id: -Jz9z5UyyqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 43sec (3103 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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