Fathers REALIZE Their DAUGHTERS Boyfriend Will BECOME Their Son in LAW (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit fathers have read it when did you decide you wanted your daughter's boyfriend to someday become your son-in-law I may or 27 had an eight-year relationship with my ex gf before she dumped me for another guy we lived together in an apartment and I had a pretty cool relationship with her dad I was terribly afraid of the day she was going to move out of our shared flat so I hid for two days at my friend's flat or when I was at home in my room with closed doors and played video games all day long when they moved out the last bit of furniture that was left someone knocked on my door I hoped it could be my xgf saying something nice for our goodbyes because it was a terrible and really emotional / angry end of a relationship but it was not her but her dad he asked if he can come in and I was stunned but told him sure he closed the door behind him hugged me the first time ever and started to cry while telling me I hope you know you did nothing wrong and I hope you'll find a girl which doesn't shatter your heart you deserve so much better and I hope my daughter will understand one day what she'd done to you you are a beautiful human being and I'd be proud to call you my son-in-law I cried like a baby and hugged him too it was the nicest thing anyone in my life ever told me and it was insanely helpful to hear something that nice and unexpected well we doing son's girlfriends too cause I have an answer for that one my son's were both extremely awkward kids nerds as most would put it both in terms of academic achievement and social skills the idea of either dating let alone getting married was a long shot even through college then one day my oldest son comes home and awkwardly says he has a request there is a girl he wants to bring to Thanksgiving sure son got her encouraged that behavior of course I was excited to meet her about this time my boy also began repping football I would occasionally go to games at random high schools to watch him one such game in November I remember some booing a Rath call it was a tough call but it was in my biased opinion the right one but you know how it goes call against the home team parents and friends are gonna boo I cannot emphasize exactly how awkward and uncomfortable it was hard to watch a crowd boo him then I heard a shout from the stands lower down good call Rath this young woman maybe 20 by my estimation started an entire cheering section for the wrath that lasted until the next snap well you can imagine then my feelings about this girl when she sat down two weeks later to Thanksgiving dinner this was a girl who truly supported my son and 18 years later still happily married and with five kids my son is a successful software developer for some government contractor I owe a lot of that of the confidence he gained from a woman who saw his worth past his shyness now if only my younger son had gotten that instead of the string of abuses and leeches that he went through before he gave up dating altogether I'm the son-in-law and in the spirit of not answering the original question I had a moment where I knew I wanted my girlfriend's dad to be my father-in-law it was simple enough we were going to pick up a used piano from some folks who were moving and didn't want it anymore he introduced me to the piano owner as basically his son-in-law that felt good after six years loving his daughter and feeling pretty iced out by my own father my religious father was mad at myself for letting his daughter and I be sexually active once we put the piano in the house my Phil took me home and asked me to send my father out I stayed near the door to overhear their conversation he said I was a fine young man and he looked forward to the day I would become an official part of his family that there was no doubt in his mind that I would marry his daughter and have a long and happy marriage and that there was no good reason why my father and he couldn't at least get along my Phil put the success and happiness of his daughter's future marriage about his own crime and tried to forget the awful things my father had said to and about him and his wife a fine man to look up to when I saw guardians to ante on do had that father vs daddy line I looked a few seats down at my fill and felt real happy to have him around I'm the fan cave her dad told her afterwards how he liked me my femme K was moving to south of Germany for a six months university study problem so me and her dad I've met only once went with her to carry her luggage is and helped her to move there so we took the bus from France 18 H of bus we wait in Zurich for four hours from 12 p.m. to 4 a.m. and her empty and cold train station to take a second bus etcetera when we arrived in this little German city we all slept in this tiny apartment it was kind of odd to sleep on the floor with her dad that I only met once anyway the next morning we had to leave and take the train to go back to France for 8h straight her father is blind in his left eye and had a work accident recently so he had some struggle to walk our train was late so we could not take the next one at the Frances border we wait two extra hours in the cold to have the next train exchange the tickets myself because he has struggled to speak English he's and Jim take another train and so on we've made 12 H of trains instead of 8 I took care of him the whole time to make sure that he can seat and rest his left leg buy him food etc try to do my best to speak with him and understand each other because of his half-indian / half French accents and we had a very good time in the end told me about his life in India his family TC when he came back at home he called my fiance and said that he wanted me the nice white guy to be her husband living the life since then glad that all those things happened I'm the daughter but my father told me the moment was when my now fmk asked him and my stepmom out to lunch they always loved him he's a talented and successful actor he's caring and thoughtful has best sense of humor and he includes them in his life as if they were his own parents they all sat down and they were waiting expectantly for him to ask for permission for lack of a better word to ask me to marry him my film K looked down at his feet and sighed heavily my dad said he looked nervous and could barely speak John Linda I have something to tell you I'm I'm gay this of course was to break the tension and they all had a good laugh about it my dad's thought that [ __ ] was hilarious and my dad said it was totally alright son-in-law here I was raised primarily by my grandparents growing up they were both diabetic and had heart problems old people problems I used to smoke and drink way back when nothing crazy and wife's parents hated my [ __ ] guts because I was corrupting their daughter we had gone to a party and she didn't have her phone and they were frantically trying to get ahold of her for something my phone was dead so they had called my grandparents house to see if they knew where I was my grandparents had affirmed and said he didn't know where we were but that I would be home by 11:00 her dad questioned that and started talking about how him about influence on her because I drink and smoke and in the degeneres to which my grandpa replied while we may not be aware of his activities away from home I do know that he spent a large portion of his free time helping and taking care of us he has never missed taking us to a doctor's appointment or helping us grocery shop each week the next week I was over her dad said he was going to the store and asked if I would go with him I obliged he told me in the car that he understood the commitment I had to taking care of my grandparents and was glad his daughter was with someone who was committed to putting others before themselves I proposed about a year and a half later my grandma died six months before the wedding and my grandpa about a year after that her dad remains a friend to me and not just my fear I'm the soon-to-be son-in-law here father-in-law told me the moment he knew I write for his daughter and that I would be joining the family she was my gf at the time we were both in college she was accepted to a year-long study abroad program toward Japan she left and we had sad goodbyes at this point we've been together for years I've been deployed before so we were used to having a long-distance relationship from time to time about halfway through her study abroad program we all went to visit her the first thing that gets mentioned is that I picked up another job so I could afford a plane ticket to see her with her family I insisted on paying for my own ticket and stay her father knew I didn't make a lot of money and this was a big thing for me he agreed to let me pay for the plane ticket but he insisted on paying for everything else we went all over the place and he paid for everything I always offered but he always pushed my card away when I tried to pay now my GF is not the most emotionally expressive person she's quite cute petite with some witty comebacks from time to time she very logical and doesn't like showing her emotions that much but when I was there she couldn't get enough of me not trying to brag she was super excited to show me everything and never wanted to leave my side she also gets embarrassed easily I didn't know the language but when I saw her struggling and getting embarrassed when trying to order something I can't her down and we would make it happen neither of us knew how to order in their language she was embarrassed the whole time but she also smiled the whole time she said she didn't feel afraid with me around even though I was more lost than she was we were at the airport about to return back to the US when her father pulled me aside and suggested we get some food we sit down at some random sushi bar and he starts going on about how he loves his daughter he mentions that all his life he has tried to protect her and make her feel safe in the world and that I was able to do that by just existing he said that he has never seen his daughter in such an elated mood and that he always wants her to feel that way I told him that if making her elated is the least I can do then I've succeeded something along these lines he started crying and said he never thought he'd ever see his daughter smile so much and that it's something he wants to see in the future on a more permanent basis there was some talk of marriage prior to this but nothing serious he then said if your intentions are to marry my daughter then you have mine and my wife's full support and I would be honored to be your father-in-law he then brought up money I thought he was talking about the food bill at first and I tried to pay it before him and said that he knows I'm struggling to pay college and make it by he said that he has been living nice most of his life and that he only wish is the same for his daughter he knew I came from a poor family with nothing to give so he offered to pay for the wedding and the honeymoon and any other expenses that might come up to include a house I was speechless but knew that I just made it into the inner circle I'm the daughter and my father isn't really a father so my mother has filled all essential parenting roles I had been dealing with ongoing health issues and told repeatedly they were normal my partner kept pushing me to seek different opinions and when he left at the beginning of the summer for work I finally buckled down long story short it turned out to be advanced cervical cancer my health deteriorated quickly before surgery and I was having massive amounts of pain I was in the care of my mother and she was filling in my partner as time went on it was supposed to be a surgical cure but the found that cancer had spread beyond my cervix and I would need chemotherapy and radiation at that stage they weren't sure how advanced it was my mother called my partner to tell him the news and told him if he wanted to marry me not to wait when I woke up to hearing that I wasn't cured he was the first person I spoke to his home now and comes with me and my mother to almost all of my appointments he bought a massage table give me massages during rough days he holds my hand when I'm feeling weak he helped me pick out wigs he takes my dog on runs when I'm too tired I'm 100 percent sure that I'm going to survive this and 100 percent sure that I'm going to marry the [ __ ] out of him when this cancer battle is all over taking two stories from my sister of the successful proposal under less than edit please note these are two tales of two different fellows starting with the successful my dad likes to gauge people based on their success how well they are liked has little use for him as he likes for people to be able to perform for him so we look at this guy he's clean he's nice cuts a little joke here and there has a good job at the time he was 0.25 and living at home but was saving money to buy a house of his own my dad saw him as a good guy and he bought my sister stuff so my dad's wallet was happy too my sister can burn a hole in a wallet at an amazing speed holy [ __ ] anyways time has passed and the boyfriend is having a chat with my dad mr. Baida at 36 I need to ask you something my dad dad's him he puts his newspaper down looks at the dude rests his face on his hand and says sure dude asks if he has my dad's blessing to propose and my dad asked him three times more sternly each time are you sure yes yes yes ok she's your problem now rewind like point 2 years the moments my dad realized that he did not want this guy to be his son-in-law were when my dad took them out to dinner bf orders the most expensive thing on the menu ate one quarter of it decided he wasn't hungry and upon being asked if he wanted it boxed he kindly told the server that she can put it in the trash he left a dollar on the table as contribution to the tip the other time was when bf borrowed my dad's pickup to move up there truck is a manual drive BF apparently has a knowledge of how to operate it the entire time he was driving it he left the emergency / park brake engaged when he got back he said to my dad yeah it doesn't have a lot of power to it but somehow I made it work I'll try to be brief with this Jude went to the Navy broke his leg during basic hospitalized there till it was healed enough for him to get back to training writes my sister all the time she writes him blah blah meanwhile at this point the guy who would become her fiance has met her and they've been talking then my dad gets a letter from Navy dude it's a two-page pour my heart about his love and adoration of my sister blah blah blah and he asks my dad's permission for her hand in marriage my dad laughed and didn't respond because at that point in time in transit - the guy was the let and my sister wrote breaking up with him father of two teenage daughters perhaps it's their age but I haven't viewed any boyfriend as husband material frankly though it isn't my decision either I did my job helping to raise them as smart critical thinking independent women or eye-fuck job it is their love life and with maturity and adulthood they must own it I don't believe that I'm the guardian of their honor I don't treat their brother that way so I sure as [ __ ] don't think they are unable to own their own sexuality because they are women I've told both of them who you sleep with or how many people you sleep with are your choices if you are [ __ ] guys because you are seeking some sort of validation or approval that isn't a good place to be if you are have sex because you love someone have fun and be safe hell if you [ __ ] somebody because they are good-looking and you are horny have fun and be safe now due to my own twisted physiology if someone was to harm any of my child no matter their rage I don't care if they are 60 years old you are gonna read about some old geezer shuffling out of the old folks home and doing some nightmarish [ __ ] to a body I'll grab a guy by the dick pull it tight and then slammed that pecker in a car door and I'm not talking about one of those new-age foreign metal car doors I'm talking 1972 Boop car door I have two daughters one is now married and the other is most likely dating the man who she will marry now the one who is married I have to admit that I never thought this guy would make a great son-in-law but he makes her happy and he is a good man he is not what I would have wanted for her but it was never my decision to make I told her when there nounce their engagement that as long as she was happy I'm happy for them and that if he ever did anything that hurt her or caused her harm she has my support I'm not unhappy that she chose him or they chose each other and they are good for each other I couldn't ask for much more my another daughter introduced me to her guy about six months ago and I can see in the way they look at each other that they are going to marry they just haven't made the commitment yet they are both adults and don't need my permission or anything but if he asks which my other daughters guided Lal I will gladly give it their mother and I raised them to be strong independent women who could make wise choices when they were little I worried about them growing up and if they chose to marry marrying a guy who didn't treat them the way I knew that they should be treated now that they are adults I don't worry about that because they were raised to believe in themselves and not depend on what others especially men told them that their worth was I have seen far too many of their friends growing up and finding their worth in what their BF or husbands think of them usually not in a good way most of the women in my family have really shitty taste in men I had hoped that that would all come to an end after my mom was brutally murdered by her husband for trying to leave him no it wasn't my biological dad as he had already died 15 years prior my eldest daughter found herself in a very similar situation with the same cycles of moving out and running back to him at one point while she was away from him she came to live and wound up getting friendly with a close friend of mine he was devastated when she returned to the relationship and stopped talking to all of us well the inevitable happened and another fight broke out the phone rings at 3:00 a.m. and it was a detective from the town she lived in I knew the detective so it was a very personal call for me he wanted to let me know that the bf had tried to choke our daughter out and had shoved her through a wall starting at her throat I was determined to go rescue my daughter and quite possibly kill this [ __ ] as soon as my buddy knew what was going on he insisted that he ride with me so he could help he wasn't sure if he and my daughter still had a relationship but he still cared enough to make sure she was safe that moment that was when I knew in my heart that this was slash is the right person for my daughter that was four years ago and they are still together to this day a couple of months ago he and I were out camping and here it came okay mr. Jake TX I understand that you are old-fashioned and that it is customary to ask your blessing before I propose to your daughter do I have your blessing and permission I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the weekend now we just wait for the big day for him to propose she longs for nothing more than being married but he wants to do everything possible to make the proposal the most memorable moment of her life their relationship has obviously changed the dynamics of his in my friendship I haven't lost a friend I'm gaining a son who is also my friend best of both worlds the icing on the cake is that my grandson absolutely adores him and they get along great actually the son-in-law but sort of answering for her mom because dad passed when she was young I spent a week with her in a lousy hotel in my agora over New Year's because the place we originally booked closed for renovations and we got bounced around to several different places we spend most of our time wrapped up in blankets watching shows and movies on her laptop we visited a nearby wax museum went around being total goofballs taking absolutely silly pictures with the dummies we kissed under fireworks at the Falls to bring in a new year we spent a couple days hanging out with her family especially playing games with Grandma when we were heading out her mom asked grandma what she thinks of me she hummed and hawed and me being a smartass I said who are you kidding you love me considering how absolutely shitty that hotel was and that she got sick halfway through the week we still managed to have a blast just being ourselves together after they dropped me off at the airport they got back in the car and my now wife said I'm going to marry that man someday her mom said you know I've never seen you with anyone who suits you and gets you more perfectly she said that's the highest praise any of her boyfriend's has ever gotten because she never liked any of them my wife basically says you one of my whole family in a week she never said anything even close to that about any of my exes or liked any of them even the ones she knew for years but to tie her dad back into the story a little bit we agreed to get married on her dad's birthday and mentioned him in the ceremony which her mom thought was extra sweet can I go the other way my mother-in-law I knew exactly when at my brother-in-law's wedding there is an aunt she never liked me swore I was with my then-boyfriend for money she said a girl that looks like me isn't with him cause I love him well at the wedding I made a very playful joke and she went off on me I told my boyfriend what happened I was really upset he kept it quite didn't say anything to anyone it wasn't his day to get in a fight a week later my mother-in-law calls me I just heard what happened at the wedding please know that Aunt Jane does not speak for anyone in the family but herself you are good for my son you make him a better person and he comes out of his shell with you please know I personally am happy you are in his life and a bunch of other sweet stuff that was almost four years ago we just got married months ago and her speech at my wedding made me break down it was the sweetest thing I have ever heard I hit the jackpot when it comes to in-laws I'm so happy she is my mother-in-law she is an amazing person and the judgmental arms had a blast I was told by my miele that even the harshest critics had a good time hopefully that means the aunt is warming up to me finally well I can tell the story of my dad and my grandpa dads fell for context both of them are huge jerk esters and love doing little pranks and tricks anyways four years into my parents relationship my dad takes my grandpa outside saying they have to talk privately my grandpa was already kind of expecting a request for his blessing which he planned to accept they got a long rate however when they got outside my dad let out a big sigh and Cedric I think I'm developing an attraction for men after seeing the look of confusion on my grandpa's face my dad burst out laughing then eventually asked for his blessing after things died down but all of a sudden my grandpa's face went stone-cold serious and he said in the most threatening tone you better be joking my dad was taken aback but after enjoying the shock on his face for a second he burst out laughing and said in his booming voice two can play at that game son before pulling him into a big old bear hug the next night my parents were engaged and it seems like every Thanksgiving since the story has been retold you may oh thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: WTiIMsx-K-s
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Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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