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right in oh my gosh were you there the whole time are you ready for trickshot time yeah yeah we have a pretty cool trampoline trickshot set one that we've had for a long time and today we're finally using it let's go look at it here it is and Brighton was behind the box this is go Gator which I've never heard of behind the box kids the slammin score set it says anywhere all-weather so there's no way you can play this in a storm if it was raining yeah but what if a bolt of lightning you're like playing the game and it was like yeah so we just saw the picture of this I don't know if there's like a structure in game here yeah well I mean I just saw the trampoline and this and I was like we can do that alright we're gonna make our own game okay all right we're gonna bounce the balls off the trampoline into these holes okay one two and three whoever has the most points out of five rounds wins a piece of candy well we will see so there's beginner intermediate and expert which literally just has the person moving farther away from it yeah but we're just gonna set up shots different throughout the house good dude there's so much tape on here here's the balls here's of other foam balls how's it gonna balance we're gonna build it I gotta say that kendo on it right there it says go Gator yeah nothing like Nintendo I did not think there's gonna be a lot of assembly for this have look I kind of got like weird little things too star-lord stuff riding we got a trampoline hey you want do a bounce test Chuck that thing no way you can do it harder than that really hard as far as you can the ground do it there we go alright that worked a lot better didn't it is your hand okay yeah the first time we make bad and that obvious your hand dude do we need to do we need to chop it off and get a new hand complete we did it alright so it took a second to put this together but it's pretty sturdy I think this thing was like 20 bucks and look it doesn't tip over I'm Jenny but it is actually put together pretty well for 20 bucks this thing seems like it's gonna be pretty cool would you stop tipping the server and totally do a test shot okay oh there you go okay so we're gonna do five rounds we each get through all six balls are you ready how can I get a piece of paper and a piece of pen well not a piece of pen get a whole pen alright ridin you got the suit of paper let's do a basic shot for round one okay I'm talking super basic just like this alright are you sitting down for this round all right let's see it zero and don't let that ball enter the realm again go a little harder you're just nothing but net give me five that's a good dance oh there you go oh one more of that yellow one behind you they don't dude now nailed nailed it failure I'm terrible at this great you learned it literally it literally just bounces off this and goes away zero okay I've got zero for my first round you've got four red and you grab all the balls I'll grab I'll grab the trampoline in this I'm gonna put it up here ticket oh that's what you wanna do for the second one okay but I get to shoot the third one all right okay that could be cool let's set a farther back there okay all right you ready go well you gotta throw it throw it harder than that whoa oh there you go [Music] almost you've knocked it down one more okay wow you got zero this time didn't you yeah you were this is my comeback round okay this is terrible oh my gosh I'm done the worst person at work yes it literally went in and then bounced out that was the toughest round ever bagel I would let you play but you probably would just get zeros we're going down the stairs okay all right there's our goal and the trampolines all the way up here this is he be tough we need a back we need a bucket for these all right I got a shoe bucket I got a shoe box all right you ready okay yeah you got to give a little more umph oh boy not that okay go throw it out that way yeah do it harder than that ready all right three more man make them count okay don't pass it to yourself for the last three I'm gonna come out here okay do it Oh almost [Music] dude you nailed that gosh I am never gonna beat you if you want you think I will oh not today you're gonna win today got my shoebox balls right there all right buddy burger yes I need one finally I got three more ready yes oh my gosh don't do this to me I'm never gonna beat you buddy which is fine it wah but I'm bad at this I'm really proud of my number two it might my shot I'm really proud of it all right hey buddy you go record the scores I'm gonna get all this stuff out of here all right what's score yep that's I'm hey I've got two rounds to come back okay I've got a good idea look we can set the trampoline on the stairs like this and then you can throw it at it and then the target will be down here let's just give a test to make sure it works doesn't count if I make it okay okay we just gotta move this forward now we're good to go right dude yeah guaranteed points yeah see guaranteed poise bro all right I'm gonna film from up here okay do it oh my gosh - no can't hit the stairs okay three more all right I'm gonna come out there for the last two good yeah you gotta hit it you're hitting it like right here have it up here oh my gosh okay two points for you sir high-five this is my comeback round out I'm catching up right here ready WAP right here right away oh my gosh this is this was my commandment darn it oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh I just got six it's eight I can't do math I just got eight points Louie there's two right there and one right there the Oh balls they didn't work today no eight points let's go out of the points okay what's the scores tonight who has ten you right you know this means a good tie breaker tiebreaker round what a tiebreaker but this round tells us who is the winner yep that is right which puts you at an advantage we're going upstairs okay so we balanced it and then we got to get it in here yeah that's why we go upstairs for this we could have done this anywhere all right well your turn you go first okay you got to do like baby bounces because if you overshoot it this is weird dude well fail your one okay you got that was a good idea they like catches them oh my gosh no he just ran away it ran away how many got morale one okay you got five points and you get a high five to you who are winning right now we uh too much to us oh my god how did you do these great right downstairs oh my gosh and then I get great you mean no you won you won by one point take this downstairs I'm gonna try to get it from up just for fun I'm gonna try to get it here all the way down okay all right off the trampoline over the handrail ends are there okay [Music] thanks buddy you going through water yeah that was tough work wasn't trampling trickshots yeah oh what's the final score get they give the sheet I got a three and you got a five on that last round bo 2 plus 8 plus 3 is 13 and 4 plus 3 plus 2 plus 5 is 14 you won told you you won by one point buddy yeah good job so that thing was like 20 bucks and it was pretty fun it was a little harder than I thought it was gonna be like sometimes he goes in and just bounces out and then I don't know those balls come just go everywhere but we had fun the last time that I made up was yeah it was I thought it would be harder for you it was easy for me it was a little difficult but it was definitely easier than the other ones you know either way we hope you guys liked that video I do video is here all the time on my channel and I do at least one a week with this guy so hit the subscribe button right down below if you want to see more it's weird being back in the house dude we haven't done the house videos in a while we've been outside doing things so I guess we did the Face Swap thing the other day oh yeah well that is it you guys have a great day I was you guys tomorrow with another video it's a skateboarding video it's a very fun warehouse Wednesday and you and I are gonna go meet grandma grandpa for dinner let's go do what say P say daddy YouTube wow you had energy on that one okay bye bye [Music] Hey look I wanna see this trick shot here well you got it you can't have your water in your faces yet now that this could be all wet now isn't it you got me all soaking wet with ice cube water you already have a it's August and you have a Halloween Cup [Music]
Channel: AndrewSchrock
Views: 10,493,392
Rating: 4.5877399 out of 5
Keywords: father, son, trampoline, trick, shots, basketball, tramp, shot, slam, dunk, Ryden, Andy, Andrew, Schrock, family, quality, time, fun, amazing, cute, adorable, sport, sports, bond, relationship, dad, how, to, ball, funny, haha, hilarious, best, astonishing, miracle, mind, blowing, stairs, basket, swish, net, throw, toss, make, jump, foam, bounce
Id: yTRA0weaXwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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