Father-In-Law GOES BANKRUPT after falling for SEVERAL INTERNET SCAMS - Reddit Podcast

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my entitled father-in-law causes his family to go bankrupt in less than 3 months as he fell for multiple scams where he gave out all of his Banking and Financial information to scammers who were claiming to be investors and I'm honestly Blown Away by how idiotic and stupid my father-in-law truly was here's what happened so my father-in-law not only lost all his family's money but also went deep into debt in under 3 months he first fell for a weird investment scheme he invested €500 on some website that claimed to be able to multiply his investment in just a few weeks after watching some fake numbers on a fake website rise to astronomical Heights he decided to invest 50,000 and then another 50,000 on top of that when his supposed investment had skyrocketed to a seven figure number he tried to withdraw it but found himself unable to do so the Investment Company then contacted him and told him they would gladly send him his money but since this is an international transfer he needs to put forward €5,000 to cover transfer fees and taxes which he unfortunately gladly did a week after they emailed him again and tried to tell him that his €5,000 did not cover the whole fee and that they needed more now instead of sending more money he decided to put his foot down and demanded that they send his money immediately well they called him back telling him that all they needed were Bank details so he literally gave them his card numbers his online login and even gave them his two Factor authentification code several times now instead of giving him his millions he got his savings and his bank accounts completely drained and they went down literally as far as they will go since my father-in-law is kind of entitled and he really likes to brag about how much credit he has available this meant that he was down almost 50,000 when he found himself unable to literally pay for anything and his bank desperately calling him he went to the bank manager who almost had a heart attack he ended up going to the police to file a report he closed his account and got a new credit for the overdraft and got a new non-compromised account two weeks later some random guy called him out of the blue and claimed to be an international fraud investigator and offered to pursue his scammers to get his millions for him all he needed to get started was a 3,000 fee which my father-in-law gladly paid the guy then sent a mail demanding more money since the job unexpectedly turned out harder than anticipated well my father-in-law refused and demanded the investigator do the job he was already hired for well the investigator then contacted him again and said he had managed to secure his millions but all this guy needed was his bank details so he literally again gave away his card numbers his online login and two-factor authentification codes to his new account to some random guy on the phone who by the way barely even spoke his language and he did this for the second time and once again his bank account gets drained he literally went from having €320,000 in his retirement fund to being almost netive 50,000 in debt in about 3 months so you might be wondering where are we now well the only reason he hasn't entered literal bankruptcy yet is all because his wife has her finances all completely separate from him and now she has to fund their entire life while his monthly pension payments get almost completely garnished to pay off his debt we also spoke to a lawyer and they told us that he is completely on the hook for all the lost money and any acred debt because there is no judge in this nation that would not consider him at the very least grossly negligent for what he did and you know what my father-in-law still believes that he made Millions wow that is actually insane like this guy is seriously not safe with his money he went from having €320,000 in his retirement fund to being in the negative €50,000 like this guy should not be handling any kind of money that is seriously such a stupid investment and I can't believe he wouldn't have vetted these sources just a little bit more instead of going from €500 all the way up to €50,000 like that seriously is such a bad call so unfortunately he's probably never getting that money back but hopefully this never happens again because clearly your father-in-law cannot be trusted with money and for the sake of you and your family I hope he doesn't get his hands on any sizable amount anytime soon if you like am I the jerk you're probably going to love am I the genius check it out linked Down Below in the description also go to Mi thee jerk.com sssubmit if you would like to submit your own stories am I the jerk for blocking my grandmother after she refused to apologize for bringing up family drama because right now I'm seriously upset and at this point I don't know what to do here's what happened so my grandmother and I had an argument again we had last year we were vacationing together and had a great time for the most part but she kept bringing up how burdensome my mom is in her life now for reference my grandmother fully financially supports her and she says that she feels obligated to since she is her daughter now I haven't had any real ties to to my mom since I was 15 she would be homeless now without my grandmother as she refuses to work and she spends all of her time with Shady people who get her evicted from the places that my grandmother rents for her my family has all advised my grandmother to let her fall on her own and I myself say it every single time she talks to me about the latest difficulty she has with my mother but she just says that she can't do that well I raise my voice after asking her to please talk about anything else because I'm honestly so tired of this I don't control my mom and I am fully aware of what a basket Cas she is it just brings me down to hear about it and I would rather not and for a while after that she stopped bringing it up well my father passed away a little less than 2 years ago and I was with her the other day and she wouldn't stop telling me the same story that she's told me a few times before in 2013 my dad had an agreement with my grandmother and it stated that grandma and grandpa will pay for most of their mortgage if they can handle the rest she frames the story as a mistake that ruined her life and how if not for that everything would be so much better right now but I was 13 when that happened I couldn't fix it as I wasn't really aware of it either I also can't do anything about it now and the fact that he's passed away makes it more hurtful to me so I told her please stop complaining about my family when we hang out it won't help and we can't fix it well she refused stating that it was family history and she was just stating facts but I told her that I've heard it all before and this is the third time this exact same story has been told to me since he passed away I told her the story is boring and uninteresting to me I mean she never even says anything bad about my uncle who's had a divorce that I never even learned about I was angry so my voice was raised and I told her to tell me that story but she said she had no idea but she and my uncle are and always have been very close I just find it unbelievable that any mother who's not estranged wouldn't know why her son had a divorce I called her a liar because I was upset at this point and I was plugging my ears to get her to see that I wasn't interested in continuing the conversation especially when it's about my late father but regardless she still persisted she texted me saying that she can't sleep and how I should not have attacked my uncle I told her I didn't say anything bad about him I just wanted to know that history instead and the way she's framing it is not fair because it's actually new information to me I said to her that she should be ashamed to talk bad about my father who's passed away and if she won't apologize I will block Locker well she refused and then wrote this entire paragraph about how she isn't ashamed and did her best and listed all the ways that she's helped out she then finished that by saying so the ball's in your court and as a result I just blocked her so honestly am I the jerk in this situation what should I do honestly I don't think you're the jerk at all I think what you asked of your grandmother is completely reasonable because from the sounds of it it really seems like she wants to take out all of her problems about your dad on you that's the only reason she's bringing it up every time you guys spend time together and that's really toxic and really not fair like you are not responsible for any deals that your dad made with your grandmother and it's really weird for her to like take it out on you in some kind of way because honestly that's the way it feels so no I don't think you're the jerk because it really seems like your grandma is being obnoxious and I know if I was in your shoes I would probably feel the exact same way my girlfriend blatantly breaks my laptop screen and is now refusing to not only take any responsibility for it but she's also refusing to pay anything towards fixing it and right now as a result I am incredibly frustrated because at this point I really don't know what to do here's what happened I live with my partner and we have been together for around 3 years recently I've noticed when she's tidying some things away she places them on my laptop and I've asked her if she would not do that as she's putting quite heavy objects on it and I don't want my laptop to get damaged she said it'll be fine and to stop worrying about it but I just asked her again to please not do it well she didn't listen listen and she kept doing it and each time I noticed I would remove the items well I went to use my laptop and half of the screen just has thick lines through it so the laptop is completely unusable I told my girlfriend this and I told her it's because she keeps piling things on top of it well she once again said that it's fine and that I can just get a new one but I told her I expect her to replace it since she's the one who broke it she said it was an accident but I pointed out that she repeatedly ignored me when I told her not to put things on it so I expect her to get me a replacement well she refused and said that I could just use hers when she's not using it but I said no I should have my own laptop and she should replace it since she's the one who damaged it she got annoyed and said I shouldn't be expecting her to pay for it since it's my laptop and she would have to use some of her savings I told her it's her own fault and that I need a replacement well she said that I was being unreasonable just by asking her to spend some of her savings but I think I'm being completely reasonable especially when she's the one who broke it so honestly does anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation because at this point I seriously don't know what to do okay for starters it really seems like your girlfriend is the reason your laptop broke and I know exactly the problem you're having because this happened to me as well sometimes if you put heavy stuff on the back of a closed laptop it can permanently mess up the screen and I know the lines that you're talking about and all of that and that is really frustrating and it is very expensive to fix but it honestly makes me wonder if just fixing the screen would be cheaper than buying a brand new laptop altogether I'm not sure what kind of laptop you have so hopefully it's like reasonable but there might be some kind of Middle Ground where you're like okay you don't have to like change out the entire laptop but at least pay for the repairs or something like that and of course that's at least compared to like if it would be cheaper to just buy a new laptop compared to fixing the screen cuz sometimes that is the case it's all relative to the type of laptop you get but the main punchline is that yes your girlfriend is on the hook for this I find this to be a complete completely reasonable expectation and the fact that she's unwilling to even take responsibility for it in my opinion is a giant red flag and that is not something I would personally take lightly this next story came from the Ami The Jerk subreddit check the links in the description if you would like to submit your own story my grandma always complains about my condo as she states that it's absolutely disgusting but after receiving these comments one too many times I'm seriously at my breaking point and I now don't know what to do here's what happened I'm a 26-year-old female and I've been living in my own place since 2020 like any responsible adult I did my best to keep my place clean my skills aren't exactly professional level but neither I nor my guest saw anything wrong with how my condo looked however things changed during my first holiday season in my current job for context I've been working at a certain retail store since 2022 it should go without saying that retail could be pretty exhausting especially during the holidays but despite the long busy hours during that time I made sure that my condo didn't become a pigy now I have a grandmother who sometimes comes to visit me I don't know how to say this but my grandma is a clean freak in the beginning I'd never heard her complain about how my condo looked but during my first holiday season at my current job my grandmother started to complain about how messy my condo was as I mentioned before I didn't have as much energy to clean my condo during the holiday season just like I would on any other day but at the same time it's not like I had garbage all over the floor or anything like that there's usually something small like a bit of dust on the shelves or a few strands of hair in the sink but honestly that's it every time my grandmother came over she complained about different things like how the litter box smelled and that the bathroom waste basket wasn't emptied first off cat litter smells weird regardless of how fresh it is and there was even this one time when Grandma complained about the smell even though the litter was changed about 3 days prior and it was free of any cat droppings at the time as for the waist basket it was somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 full when she complained about it and I should also mentioned that the waist basket didn't have a lid and you could see inside of it yet for some reason my grandma was appalled as if the thing was overflowing with trash after months of hearing negative comments about my condo being disgusting one incident made me reach my breaking point it all started when the sink stopper in my bathroom sink got stuck making it impossible to drain I told Grandma about it and she offered to come over to help the moment she walked into the bathroom Grandma immediately started to complain about how dirty the bathroom was she even started deep cleaning the bathroom saying things like oh my God this is so gross when she was done my grandma told me that she hoped nobody saw my bathroom in that state and it took every ounce of strength in me to not scream every profanity Under the Sun before kicking her out the thing is I have a neighbor who came over a few times to help out with things and she never commented on anything I know for a fact that my condo is not poorly maintained as my grandma claims once during the holidays the property man manager came over with a plumber to inspect the pipes it was nothing serious and it was just to make sure everything's in order the property manager and I were chatting when I asked her how my condo looked and surprisingly she said that I did a good job of keeping it clean she even promised to tell my land lady the same thing so if this doesn't prove that I'm not a slob then honestly nothing would the most messed up thing about this is that the state of my condo is no different from before Grandma's criticism started in fact neither She nor anyone else has said anything about about how my condo looked until then growing up I was always criticized for rather Petty reasons and forced to live up to some unnecessary if not ridiculous standards when I moved out of my parents' place I thought that I didn't have to put up with that anymore yet here I am living with yet another cycle of BS demands and nobody caring about how they hurt me now I will admit that my place isn't spotless but unless my condo is dirty to the point where it actually bothers others as well as myself I don't think it's fair to say that I don't clean enough if at all especially if it's coming from a clean freak like my grandmother so honestly am I the jerk in this situation because at this point I seriously don't know what to do first of all I can see why your parents probably acted like weirdos when it comes to criticizing you about everything because just look at the way their mother was acting towards you because it really seems like this was a cycle that started with your grandmother and it's now trickled down to you even though you've moved out so of course you're definitely not the jerk and it seems like your grandmother just does this to everybody and I'm sure that your condo is completely fine I'm sure it's clean just like anybody else's would be and for her to imply that your place is a pigy in my opinion is super rude and that is not something that you should have to put up with so if I was in your shoes I would definitely tell her straight up that if she doesn't like my condo then maybe she shouldn't come over because her attitude towards it is really obnoxious and you definitely do not deserve to be treated that way in the slightest my father has been telling everyone for the past year how he's going to pay for an extravagant wedding for me but now he's refusing to pay for anything and at this point I seriously don't know what to do here's what happened okay I want to start off by saying that I'm not complaining because my dad doesn't want to pay for the wedding but it's more that in our culture the father usually pays and he explicitly and many many times over has told everyone including my fiance's family that he is going to do a crazy wedding for us he regularly sends them pictures and videos of the crazy stuff he's going to pay for at the wedding when me and him argue about what he pays me weekly working for him him he pretty much tells me to shut up and that I'm paying for your stupid wedding and most of the time that has won the argument he knows on my salary I could never pay for my own wedding my car insurance is $400 a month and my health insurance is $300 a month the truck I drive to do work for him cost in gas about $240 a month I obviously go on dates with my fiance and I eat out because most of the time I'm on the road so if I'm lucky I'm able to save about $11,000 a month an average wedding here is about $30 to $40,000 so it would take me like 3 years just to save that I have saved about $20,000 which is enough for me to move out buy furniture and put a security deposit but I can't pay for a wedding and move out but he just kept saying oh we'll see I'll talk to the venue I'll leave a deposit but then he never does anything about it the guy at the venue gave us a deadline till today and if we don't do it then he's going to give our dates to somebody else my fiance's family is getting annoyed and is now in in we do the wedding overseas for about $3 to $5,000 when I told my dad he got mad and said it would cost the family way more to buy tickets to go there my fiance decided to go sit down and talk with him herself but he spent the whole time trying to turn her on me first he told her that I take a lot of medications and order a lot of pills on Amazon to which she responded that yes he does order vitamins that he takes daily as we do share an Amazon account then he says that I carry them around in a pill container but she just said yes I ordered that for him because he used to take them on an empty stomach but this way it allows him to take them to work and take them after lunch then he said well you know a few years ago my son made me put $10,000 in a deposit for a girl he was engaged to for a wedding so I'm honestly a little hesitant this time for the record he put down $4,000 even though my siblings who were there vouched for this and he knows we broke it off because she was cheating on me then she asked him if he ever plans on giving me a race because $600 a week for someone living on their own is realistically not enough he just walked around the question he then said well he's still learning and not doing enough work around here but the thing is there's not enough work because the business is dead she then asked if he could help me find another job to which he said that I need to help him now I've been helping him for the past 10 years I went from $400 a week all the way up to $600 a week right now and I haven't had a raise in almost 5 years I once got a job for $70,000 a year and he got so mad that he all of the sudden wanted me to pay $2,000 a month to him for rent he also wanted help with taxes at $500 a month while also pushing car insurance and the truck onto me but here's the thing he knew that I had no savings to move out and I had no savings to buy a car what bothers me the most is that all this time he has been going around telling all our friends and family of this extravagant wedding that he literally thinks he's planning for me and my fiance but it's only now that he's telling me he can no longer pay for it he says he has no money but he literally just bought my sister a car for $50,000 and has regularly bought garbage that he says he needs from auctions for upwards of $60,000 just this year alone and all of this is just rotting in his Warehouse even my mom is telling me that she knows he has money my fiance was thinking maybe he doesn't like her but I've caught him so many times telling his friends how amazing she and her family are and at this point I just don't know how to feel about my father so I really need to know would it be messed up if I just throw a small ceremony and cut him off completely because at this point I really don't know what to do okay this has nothing to do about the wedding or anything like that I think it all comes down to the fact that he does not want you to leave that job he wants you to stick around and help his business out for next to nothing that's the only reason he's treating you the way that he is like think about it for a second this guy is intentionally keeping your pay low so that you can never save up any money and move out like he's already ruined your chance of getting other jobs who's to say he wouldn't keep doing this in perpetuity forever as far as I'm concerned it sounds like he's got himself a free slave to do whatever he wants and that's honestly what's going on here and just to put your mind at ease I think you need to cut out the idea that he's going to somehow pay for your wedding that is literally never going to happen and if it does I can guarantee you it's going to be a nightmare so in my opinion I think it might be time to move out first and then try to plan a wedding on your own because the the way your dad's treating you financially right now is not appropriate he is literally manipulating you like actively right now and it's very obvious that he will go to any extent to make sure that you're stuck as some poor servant to him which is something you absolutely do not deserve when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications to finish listening to all the stories check out the playlist at the top of the description and if you want some chill music to put on in the background check out easy mode.com if you like am I the jerk sub subscribe to am I the genius everything will be linked Down Below in the description
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 22,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: Y0GNax9X40Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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