Father destroys Critical Race Theory in heartwarming video with daughter
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Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 926,284
Rating: 4.9420619 out of 5
Keywords: 6256993729001, fb, msn, usa, world, yt
Id: Vt4OHxUwigY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
The saddest part of this beautifully done video is that the woke left will completely dismiss this guy. He tells the truth. Children don't know racism and hatred, it's not a biological behavior, it's a learned behavior. Before it was said that this behavior was taught and learned at home and it was condemned, not it's being taught and learned in school, and it's condoned.
God bless this man and his family.
This is an absolutely AMAZING video!! Well done 🇺🇸🙏🏼🙌🏼
Millions and millions of refugees and migrants actually risk everything to get to white majority countries…despite traveling to closer countries would be much easier…and when they get to these white majority countries, pathetic liberal/leftist hysterical white and minority children tell them how oppressed they are, how racist we all are…but are they trying to leave??…never…white and minority leftists/liberals are the biggest group of racist hypocrites on the planet…they can’t name a single country that provides more opportunities and better quality of life for blacks than the USA…liberal/leftists are THE PROBLEM
Normal people: "aww", "Dad of the year", "we need more of this"
The left: "how dare that self hating racist misogynistic pos...I can't even....somebody please find out who that is so we can get CPS to rescue that poor brainwashed child...I am literally shaking right now...I can't even"
Magnificent father you can tell his daughter loves and respects her father this kid has the tools to succeed in life
I’ve never heard a single person say they support critical race theory.
Yo link the original, not skynews wtf
Look. I don’t have a problem with this dad and his views, but I draw the line when you use your child for views, likes, and to push your agenda. The kid has no idea what she’s talking about, she’s just repeating what her daddy told her to say.