Fatality (Captain Falcon) vs NoTag (Mario) - Winners Top 32 - Rock the Winds

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out you can feel the nerves you know you can feel the tension as they're getting ready to go into work and do their thing all right game one of fatality versus No Tag rocklin's top 32 one inside things out here okay great near to start out for Fatality and a nice little 30 and a ledge trap has begun I think this is exactly what we expected to see from fatality right away keeping keeping the pressure on starting off fire No Tag fishing for that early killing yeah that is the setup you really want to look out for though this is also one and he finds the fair just like we were talking about those platform extensions are what you want to see for Mario yeah this is going to be an incredibly explosive match both these uh characters able to kill at absurd percents if they get their proper setups uh and right there if they found he's not quite able to find the knee he wanted out of it gets some damage but that's it uh and I think we're gonna be seeing a lot of zero to Deaths this set because even though this stock firm fatality here is taking just a little bit as it's not even been a minute and I say a little bit oh he gets to read but gets the timing wrong [Music] oh great up in the corner not quite Gonna Take It on the stage goes for an up Air instead of a Nair there can he get the ledge trap 155 still surviving the weak hit but it goes out there and finds his up there and we're back to a near even game and no percent really done on that second stock from No Tag just fatality keeping the pressure but like so scary [Music] oh no he's not getting many of those neutral wins but when he does he is really keeping it going with that ladder combo not quite getting the kill with the upbeat yeah fatality not going to be messing up the DI on those uh that upbeat there doesn't get mixed up uh and survives it that's one thing about that upbeat from Mario is it takes a little while to come out right so you have time to adjust your di not as many surprises uh but that being said you know it's still capable of killing very early and racking on a lot of percent which it has done oh what a read to go for and there's the traditional stompany to seal up that stock fatality taking the lead now yeah it finds a finds the Dare timing on the neutral get up oh but a sliding up smash gonna even things up for no tag perfectly even one spot game only two minutes gone I believe yeah this is uh there's no time out to this set this is gonna be a a slapper and we uh you know it's really just battle the advantage States whoever gets the other one in disadvantage first oh kind of an iffy air Dodge they're coming out from Fatality and the advantage state has continued on and I'm loving no tax pressure as well shooting the fireball Landing but getting the cross of the eye on the down air is going to kill fatality a lot earlier than I'm sure he wanted to yeah that's one thing about that down air is you're you know it's kind of like Rob up there where you're not entirely sure which way you're going until the end of it so if you get caught held in the wrong way it can really mess you up uh and dying there fairly early but this is the best of five and we are going into this game too uh after a very close game one it looks like the counterfeit fatality is going to be Kalos Pokemon League yeah I will say I think fatality looks a little bit dominant there in neutral in a few uh instances but no tag was just getting bigger punishes you know every single time he found it opening he was finding a way to deliver it to a stalker the 80 plus percent towards the end of the game we did start to see that slow up where both players were sort of catching on to the what they needed to do in disadvantage but yeah and now we are on Kalos where all of uh this is Falcon's playground you know all of Falcon's favorite things work oh but a regrapped there on the ledge using his uh double jump and wall jump to stall as long as he can nice little instant double jump coming out from No Tag to get a combo extension on the high Callos platforms oh I'm very unfortunate there fatality actually finding his near one but it was after no tax jump had come out right so he got the aerial version which does not connect into the knee I have to point out the amazing recovery from both of these players utilizing the wall to the fullest extent there to trick insane mix up yeah both of these characters have great wall jump Mix-Ups uh and it means on a stage like this that they're going to be living for a lot longer than they would otherwise again the the damage means nothing yeah both just explode at any time however once you start getting towards those up smash presents with Mario that's where things get a little bit scary and neutral because that up smash is fast and incredibly strong great Downer there and yeah they're just swinging they're just trying to find a hit that's going to seal it out oh man is the Packer gonna be feeling it at 160. yeah that was frames away from the downbeat coming out and uh and beating it but it didn't happen and now no tag is racking up some damage fatality gonna have to find a way to end this stock very soon all of this is extra credit we have to see fatality with the spicecraft an amazing upbeat fall out there yeah that was great not quite gonna be killing hopefully uh for him very soon that'll start to kill that's one of the bad things about Kalos for uh Captain Falcon is that up he's gonna kill much later on this huge blast zones oh great opening with the Fireball and the damage is just continuing to build while uh fatality not able to find this finishing blow Talib has been struggling a lot to get out of that corner oh has to do that air Dodge and this should be a kill yeah no tag not dropping those 171 on Mario right now Kalos may be hindering fatality a bit more than you'd expect it to and we are in dash attack kill range now for conflaga but up he's still not gonna do it on this massive stage up air finally gonna take it at 205 after the after the uh hit and just as we were saying stocks in this matchup especially can explode as we see the Raptor Bruce opening him up with the double nare great upbeat combo breaker from No Tag yeah no tags combo di on point here not going to be dying to any of the day one Captain Falcon stuff uh he's like you gotta work for it if you want to find your kills speaking of work no-tech mixing the DI again but this time on the bigger stage fatality is going to adjust in time and survive oh nice upbeat mix there to threaten the ledge while still drifting back and getting his uh invincibility but he really has to find his way in here it's looking so good for No Tag great grab this could be it he needs to find the Reed though only getting an F tilt out of the air Dodge read this ledge trap I mean honestly no tax lid strapping has just looked Immaculate this whole time but just as much fatalities off ledge has been amazing with the captain Falcon known to have limited off ledge options yeah I will say he's been doing a great job of not dying right but he has oh that could have been an up smash I really thought that was gonna be it um Griffin doing a great job of not dying but he's just not finding the kills where he needs them it is Captain Falcon though so I would never ever count him out in these situations but a bit of an antsy down be trying to get that kill is going to give game two to No Tag as well can't say this was predicted by anybody no yeah and this doesn't look like a blowout by any means you know both these players finding openings and scrapping and I would definitely not count fatality out for a potential reverse 3-0 um but it's definitely a hill to climb now it's very interesting he's choosing to run it back to Kalos when we saw a lot of the problems come from just not being able to scale up those stocks but at the same time on his last doc fatality was also living No Tag hits really really well so maybe he can pull it together figure out what was going wrong in those games we're going to game three here yeah well Kalos just it's a place where where Falcon loves to live you know all of his stuff just works so well here the platform is such a great height for him and it's a terrible hype for some other characters um so it can lead to an advantage and so far this game has been going much better finding a couple openings for an easy 90 percent can't will he get trapped in the Falcon Zone here or can he find his kill confirm No Tag going for something crazy fatalities even crazier that was a fantastic reversal the awareness to go for a wall jump near there absolutely insane knowing that he could rely on his double jump to recover and what a great uh delivery on that stock and uh and now fatality is doing a little cooking we might start seeing fatality really come into his own here because that first thought and the way he's been playing this one forward smash on the ledge for No Tag sealing it up though very quickly he says stop doing your Aerials from ledge they've been working out for fatality so far what a great weight on the air Dodger this could be it yeah finding the up soak but not gonna deliver it into a stock these callus extensions from fatality are amazing oh yeah and that's one of the things about this wall stage though is it does give Mario I guess both these characters one more mix-up right and that means that in situations where you do that up till and you could just go for the Dare after they have one more thing they can do uh to avoid it and we got a big combo coming up or no tag gonna seal up that one with a great ladder into Fair combo he says your Spike puts me in a bad situation my Spike kills you oh and the up smash not gonna kill Kalos definitely not feeling like uh it's been benefiting fatality here living forever is Mario and we're seeing this happen once again news that would be killing on other stages simply not stealing the stocks up as fast as you need I really gotta wonder how that Dash attack was a sour spot for Captain Falcon that doesn't make any sense to me this game no matter how long you play it some things remain a mystery absolutely and the damage is there he just has to find one more Dash attack that stars sweet spots you know I gotta say Griffin looking maybe a little bit nervous in these uh in these disadvantaged situations some of these air Dodges are getting read by no attack but you know nothing that's taken him too much percent can you find the the killing blow and the upbeat right living right into the corner of that Kalos looking painful right now just barely it was so stale at that point it's really nice to have that option for uh Captain Falcon and then now all of a sudden he's right back into it can he find a delivery the the job come out yeah he has to go for a wall jump recovery but he doesn't get to the wall in time nice little poke there from fatality gonna seal that one out and bring us back into uh a game four here but we're in a situation now where no tag has two games to play with on his counter pick so depending on what fatalities bands are here we could see things get a little bit dicey because there's a lot of stages where you don't want to take Mario but Falcon also wants to go there that's extremely true but you know what if you look up momentum based player in the dictionary right next to it is a picture of Griffin Miller doing a double thumbs up so uh there is definitely something to be said for winning game three you know has he downloaded him has he figured it out because that last stock was very beautiful so uh he might be able to just ride this wave of momentum all the way to the reverse 3-0 not to mention the mental aspect of it no tag was up 2-0 up a stock and then ended up losing that game could that shake him up a little bit is that enough to punk fatality up to seal up the rest of the two games on a reverse 3-0 I think this first stock in this game Port here is going to be so important to see if no tag is rattled to see if fatality has regained that confidence if this is still a bit of a oh and there it is just running and grabbing again the confidence but he doesn't get much out of it and that's really uh disappointing I think for Vitality but an explosive extension here yeah okay here we go it's the openings coming out but again uh fatality just finding a couple hits here or there he's not getting these big extensions he's looking for uh and that Dash grab you know it was a good idea but just barely misspacing and you can't sing back and forth more neutral being played great job getting no tag to miss space that bear but again it's just nickel and dimes so far right none of those big explosive combos that uh we're used to seeing both of these players do it seems like both of them are playing a lot more reserved than they were you're seeing a lot of moves but a lot of them are very safe not really committal yeah a lot of people take the first hit but how does that kill I swear that kills me every time but no no tag I guess with the the oogly boogly di making it work both of them with the up smash getting the Clank there both of them looking for the very early kills the uh upbeat from Legend of Griffin doing a great job getting it back to stage and no tag doing a great job not dying in these interviews oh my God Captain Falcon up smash is an inconsistent move it's so good but sometimes it just doesn't stay connected The Nair coming out again just those strong hits found for either player except that one just strong enough the down so yeah it didn't look strong but when I think he was diing out there and uh even without the kill Sparks just gonna die oh this is a bad situation to be in very very simple stock no air Dodge there no Mix-Ups to be had great little jab check just keeping him on ledge oh and the reaction to the roll is on point Griffin Miller has warmed up and entered the chat nice little deer not gonna find the the Forward Air off of it I guess uh maybe he felt like the percentage wasn't right and we're really starting to see what fatality is good at the brakes are not going to be hit on this ride but no tag seems to be in control now with a big combo not quite gonna get the bear spite yeah you notice that uh fatality they're diing in so that even if the spike hits he'll be on the stage right and that's one of the tricks versus Mario is sometimes you can't escape the combo you're just gonna try to not let it kill you swinging swinging swinging and again it's just sour spots all day but the sour spot Nair leads into a Forward Air and no tag gonna take another lead here hand fatality find some damage before things get worse no air Dodge gets naired and he finds his way back just barely I'm not even playing it I'm shaking here because we've seen what happens in these games no tag has the survivability to just continuously live against fatality here yeah fatality one bad hit away from uh losing his winners bracket run here di crosses up and no tag making the upset winning 3-1 on fatality that was a great set to start the day off nothing you could ask for through an explosive game between two explosive players who really really kept the gas going in those games really excellent play from no tag uh he was just getting more off his hits you know yeah uh he was just finding those kills I think that's one of the Testaments to Mario as a character is you know a lot of those big combos are actually very guaranteed and you can follow D.I uh and Captain Falcon you kind of have to be reading your opponent and finding where their GI is but you get the reward of being able to kill much earlier and more
Channel: CJ Frozen
Views: 63,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: McmkxhwqfFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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