Fatal Cornering Mistakes New Riders Make

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all right everyone so we're gonna get into one of the most common problems i see riders do out in the twisties and that's turning into early so a left-hand turn coming up so turning into early would be this i started the turn way too early and i get way too close to the double yellow line going left anyway so if a car was coming the other direction i'd have to move out of the way you see i'm saying so a lot of things wrong with that when you turn in way too early you're limiting your vision and it puts you on a trajectory to go wide so i have a right-hand turn coming up so turning truly would be like this like coming way over here because see now my trajectory is straight that i have to make another input just to make it just to stay on the road you see what i'm saying so i'll turn it early again right here start turning way too early and then i just i start to look down too close because now i'm paying attention to how close i am to the road versus looking up of where i want to be going you see what i'm saying and then the opposite is true as well so here i have a left if i turn in way too late if i just stay on the outside forever i have the same problem right now i'm too close to the outside where i'm just freaking myself out because now like oh my gosh there's gravel there's a lip of cement between the cement and the gravel and it messes it up either way so both are bad it's the exit of the road where the road is back straight again start on the outside tip it in in the middle of the corner my tires are somewhere in the middle i don't have to do anything if there's a car coming that way and i have the most options mid turn accelerate slow downs for left or right i don't want to be on either extreme in the middle of the turn this is what's actually important so i have a left-hand turn coming up right starting on the outside somewhere now if i turn into early you can see i have to make an adjustment just so the bike doesn't go over onto oncoming traffic so up here for this right-handed turn uh this will be a good example so check it out so i start on the outside and like this would be turning into real easy now i have to like oh my god i gotta slow way down and make another input just to make the turn that's how you know you're doing it wrong and probably you're freaking yourself out hopefully if you turn into early you understand like dude to make it on the road zero throttle stay completely zero throttle maybe even add a little bit of brake so you don't go wide slow that bike down right and this is beat this is staying on the outside way too long so to stay on the outside stay on the outside stay on the outside stay on the outside forever it just makes it so big of a radius and all i'm doing is looking too close in front of my tire because i'm so close to the edge i'm going to see what's there versus looking up to where i want to go so if you have a really good line like right here you start on the outside-ish right you're looking all the way through your tires are somewhere near the middle-ish and you kind of go back outside to the outside right so you want to open up the radius before the corner and you want to open up the radius exit of the corner so you want to try to make the corner as straight line as possible that's the idea so here's the blind turn even right if i turn into early now i'm like oh man what if this would tighten up on me right it's just going to give you problems so i can see i have a left or i have a right and then i have a left up there so this is staying on the outside this is why i stayed on the outside too long is also too bad so i'm really close to the cars and now all i'm thinking about is how like i'm just looking at the ground in front of me because i'm like dude how close do i want to get the car has come the opposite direction i'm too close to oncoming traffic i don't want to do that and like right now blind corner like my bike is over the line i don't want to do that right so i want it so if a car was coming i would have to make an adjustment that's how you know you're jacked up whenever you are going left if you need to make an adjustment for a car you're too close so the basic level the wipeout level information for line is stay on the outside until the road itself begins to bend then you can start to turn it in that's like a basic level understanding right now even if let's go a little bit deeper like i already said the point of line selection is just start on the outside to open up the radius before the turn but then from mid turn to exit you also want to open up the radius by going to the outside on the exit so it's like outside middle ish outside and the whole point of all of it is how can i make this as efficient as possible less energy less lean angle less risk straighter line right that's the idea but so many people turn in way too early and it makes sense and that's a very common mistake because you have a corner coming up and you're thinking about a million different things right a lot of people are making mistakes and then they're trying to correct the mistakes and how could they correct them faster or not make them in the first place so there's a lot of things to think about as you're approaching a corner so as you're doing that the corners come in closer and closer to stay on the outside it's like oh man you're giving yourself less cement to actually make it right so then people start to creep and creep and creep and turn into early but then little do they know that turning in way too early is usually what caused people to go wide in the first place i'm gonna demonstrate it and then this is what actually people do right so they're starting on the outside okay right and this is what they do so they turn in way too early and then right here besides going wide they make another correction like a really big countersteer just to stay on the road and they're trying to accelerate at the same time and all that in combination makes them go wide right so up here there's some a little bit twistier turns right so i'm going to do bad line flexion on every one of these turns and it's going to be very uncomfortable right so right now i'm turning in way the hell too early i'm too close i'm looking at the ground i'm not looking i'm supposed to be going right just way too early and then now i'm on the wrong spot i have to make a correction so i want to start on the outside because i have a right hand blind term i'm going to start on the wrong side of the road like this is just crazy to me like my brake lights is on like dude i don't it's so uncomfortable right then right here bike is over the yellow line craziness so now i'll do the other problem i'm staying on the outside too long if i stay on the outside too long then i just have limited cement to do what i want to do and i just key and i look too close because i don't have much room so i have to pay attention where i'm going versus if my tires are in the middleish of the lane like the next couple turns watch i'll do normal line selection right outside tip it in tires in the middle of the lane middle east of the lane now i can look way up ahead because i know i have four or five feet on either side of me where i can make corrections where i have confidence to get my eyes looking up ahead because i know i have a lot of wiggle room even mid-turn i have a whole lot of wiggle room you see i'm saying i couldn't possibly do this if i was on either extreme or the other in the middle of the turn and in the middle of the turn is when people have the most anxiety of something that might happen because they don't know how to use the brakes and they don't know how to do anything mid-turn that's like the worst fear of damn near everybody right so if you could have confidence mid turn well you definitely have confidence anywhere so again start on the outside so even if you turn in early so let's go to brown belt level even if you turn it a bit early but you don't go past the midway point it's not really that big of a deal because i could just forget about line selection look i'll just ride dead center i'm purposely going to try to ride 50 50 and i can still ride even at a good pace how to stay in the middle of the lane because when i stay in the middle of a lane i know i have the confidence of a whole bunch of cement on either side of me so if i just forgot about line selection i just rode in the middle of the lane everywhere i wouldn't really care that much sure you have a slight disadvantage by not opening up the radius before and after the corner is done with but even just staying middle-ish of the lane you'll be okay and this is actually how i ride on an unfamiliar road middle-ish of the lane because i don't know the road enough to really do outside middle outside and kind of open up that radius because around this blind corner if i never been there before it might be a decrease in radius it might be who knows what right so i kind of stay in the middle east of the lane ish of the lane on unfamiliar roads right so let's do a recap turning into early generally causes the rider to apex early and they start to go wide and either they make another correction just to stay on the road and crash or they just turn into early like right now blind corner turning away too early my trajectory is what straight onto oncoming traffic right that's very common so if you do find yourself training early what do you do about it stay zero throttle right so up here there's a double there's a big left right blind left and i'm gonna turn too early right up here but i am but i made the mistake but i'm just gonna stay zero throttle right so zero throttle right now i'm on the brakes turn into really i'm just gonna stay zero throttle stay zero throttle stay zero throttle and just keep on letting that radius tighten up i'm not gonna accelerate that's insane that's the worst thing you could do right so they're staying on the outside too long now i'm just looking too close and i'm worried how close i am i'm not looking up the road so either extreme is bad state turning into really is bad and staying way on the outside is also too bad right there's it's like a bell curve right so you start on the outside you come near the middle of the lane like right now i have a lot of options i can swerve i can do whatever i want mid turn right i can't do that if i'm hugging the yellow line or if i'm hugging the white line so you want to have the most option mid turn in the middle of the turn now that being said let's go to deeper level let's go to black belt level right if it's an open corner and i can see all the way through i could see there's no cars coming right if there's no oncoming traffic and it's an open corner by all means use every inch of the sum of your lane as much as you want to use it it's an open corner and there's no cars why not use all the lane like right here look at it start way on the outside no cars coming i'll go all the way to the inside and then back all the way to the outside that's the damn near straightaway it felt like a straightaway to me didn't feel like a turn right here we go start on the outside dip it in no cars all the way to the inside back out to the outside i just made that big turn damn near straight away and that's the point right so here's another example so i have a left-hand turn coming up at the end of this little straight i could see right now that there's a car right there's a jeep there's some car way up there so if that car is going to be near where i'm going to be in the middle of the turn i won't go all the way to the inside because my bike will be hanging on the line so now perfect to get look now i'm just middle of the lane i didn't go two feet further because i would have been over the line because i could see the car coming right it's an open corner but there was oncoming traffic so i didn't use every into the lane i didn't do outside inside outside because those two things did not happen i had an open corner but it was not oncoming but there was cars coming the other direction so i didn't do that right but any other turn you go through you could pretty much use outside middle then go back out to the outside and no problem so outside the road begins to turn go down to the middle edge of the lane i just hang out in the middle of the lane okay and then i can accelerate and then go back out to the outside to open up the radius on the exit as well middle east of the lane i can look way further up back on the gas as i open up the radius from the exit as well so i hope that clears it up why turn it in early is so bad also why staying on the outside is so bad and what to do about it in case you find yourself in those situations right so there you go hopefully enjoyed it talk to you guys later
Channel: MotoJitsu®
Views: 362,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Riders, motorcycle, motorcycle tips, motorcycle safety, motorcycle riding tips, new rider tips, motorcycle riding, riding, motorcycle training, motorcycle training course, motorcycle safety training, how to ride a motorcycle for beginners, how to ride a motorcycle, how to motorcycle, road safety, motorcycle vlog, beginner motorcycle riding, motorcycle course, motorcycle skills, motorcycle techniques, motorcycle videos, moto, moto moments, MotoJitsu
Id: nPL9gB5UZ_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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