Fat Free Potato Chips

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hello and welcome to brand new vegan what's up everybody this is Chuck and today we're making one of my favorite snacks my fat free potato chips now these are perfect for doing something called a mary's mini you have no idea what that is what I'm talking about I'll put a link down below in the description box it's a diet I did last week I lost 8 pounds and drops my blood pressure like you would not believe anyway these are perfect for that so we're gonna make potato chips and this is a mandolin slicer I want you to be really careful blade there is very very sharp and this is what it looks like this is the box and I'll put a if I have one of these in my Amazon store I'll put a link out there for it too but any mandolin slicer will work now that's the food guard always use it always always always if you get nothing else out of this video which is why I'm making it use that food guard on what you stay safe now this thing's got rubber feet so it's nice and secure it's not gonna slide around on you that's very important to and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a potato and cut it in half because I want a nice flat surface to start with like that now don't be tempted to use your hands and slide that thing down the blade I did and I ended up slicing off the end of my thumb it doesn't take much and I yeah use the food guard let me flip it around so you can see mine has those little pegs on it and the potato just sticks right into those pegs so it's not gonna come off just like that yeah well your hands nowhere near that blade nice smooth motion boom you got a chip look how thin that is perfect we're gonna put that on a plate use parchment paper please if you don't I had to use a chisel to get mine off the plate last time I did it without the parchment paper use parchment paper it's so much easier so nice and steady one or two slices at a time we're gonna make our chips put them on our plate and I'll fast forward a little bit here to do and when you get to the end of the potato and it falls off like right here yeah just toss it don't even try it ain't worth trying and ain't worth getting hurt over get your other half stick it on there like that and fill up your plate Oh sad thing about these potato chips you can only do one plate at a time but they don't take that long all right we got our plate of chips just slide that over you can season these however you want that's the beauty of this I use I think it's onion powder and I think I forgot to show you there we go that's onion powder again you can use whatever seasoning you like I like the onion powder and the garlic powder you could use cayenne pepper you could use cumin chili powder or whatever you like I like those too and a little bit of kosher salt just a little bit then we microwave and that's all you got to do microwave these for five minutes of course it depends and how crisp are they I left a sound on for you so you can hopefully hear this there you go it's pretty crunchy huh and that's in the microwave your microwave power may vary so it may take you know a little more a little less than five minutes but that's all I did sliced potatoes microwave them seasonal potato chips no fat no preservatives none of that ugly stuff you see in the store-bought bag so perfect if you're doing it Mary's a mini I'll put a full recipe for these chips down in the link below if you liked the video be sure and give me a thumbs up be sure and subscribe if you haven't already and come back next week we'll do another video again this is Chuck from brand-new vegan thanks for watching
Channel: Brand New Vegan
Views: 10,843
Rating: 4.9857397 out of 5
Keywords: vegan, plant-based recipes, mcdougall, mary's mini
Id: JiVZ7EauldM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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