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playing a solo wipe today we're going to see how it goes I'm on a new server with no blueprints too hope he has a med ooh we're going to recycle out the oxom once we get there also Jack out of the first crate server is Max pop and it is a 2X server oh my go you get a saw right off the bat we're going to make our way to Outpost we already have 3,000 scrap somebody upgrading their base yeah I'm going to try to get away with this got a full kit i Custom instantly been 5 minutes and I'm completely loaded M to Outpost with all this Loot on us just to show you guys yes this is only a 2X server that guy we killed was loaded I'm going go ahead and be smart and instantly research one of these meds research a pistol bullet research when saw bullets now things stack up to 5x on here but this is a 2X server all right we got those items researched go ahead and get tier one researched here we got down to Satchel I'm putting 1,700 scrap in Max bet 17 I'm standing oh my gosh we just won 500 kid would be proud just go ahead and buy a blue card off the bat no we going to buy some smoke grenades get some ammo going with the scrap just one we're going to go ahead and make a two two buy some low grade and buy some wood the last of our scrap we're going to buy a mini we're going to go Arctic research base let's lock down this red card now let's go get this raid card another s red card acquired we're going to straight oil now I think somebody died taking oil I go for it I think I'm going to go for it guys he didn't see me go up here bait him GG's o died insta from cold he dead now K kill be stood up them all got a AK oh my God this guy was oh my gosh land there's still Red Room was going on oh my gosh dude what are these oil crates I got to get out of here it's already back on here we're out oh my gosh look at this oil run what the [ __ ] they must have done cargo and oil and we're going to go raid we got a bunch of Rocket crates 8,000 scrap is insane dude this is a 2X server not 5x and I got hvs I can take Brad and explosive ammo I have enough rockets and explosive ammo to rate a base right now I just don't have rocket launcher there was already a guy to on oil to as I'm leaving most insane solo start I've ever had three AKs off four AKs oh my gosh dude I have enough scrap to research almost everything right now I got enough scrap to get a rocket launcher that's if I make it back home oh my gosh we made it back you know what I'm doing instantly I hope this guy has some type of juice why does he have wooden door blue never mind we're not even going to put a door on there there's no point why are you playing a 2X and you don't even have a metal door on your base kind move like s13 but I got all I need for now fly over to the build location after I kill this guy I guess oh he's Lo now this guy probably knows right there maybe now we try leave we have too much loot already and I have no storage I might have to build right beside this [Music] base we got a stronger base put up we're going to try to transfer some loot over I'm going to take over the most important stuff first that's what we got loaded up and hopefully I make it there all right got all of our boom on us we're going to go raid the Neighbors in here the AK kit I don't have any ladders though think I just have enough to go through this all right we're going to have to go cargo to get some more boom Another AK take that for sure here we go third one stared go ahead and recycle all these comps on here we're going to dock this Harbor and pretty sure it's no good that first crate was mid by the way I don't think anybody get on here unless they're hiding that's cool no bro can I get some boom I just heard somebody killed both the guys on here who countered me too let's go let's take this to fishing Village made it into the safe Zone thank you to the cargo boys buy a boat so I can get more low grade all right there should be enough fuel to go home look at that cargo one that was huge boys we made it home there's a guy camping my base so I had to jump in do the look at those guns we just got we got an armored door now we got eight rockets and 67 explosives I don't even have rocket learn yet about to uh do that now go ahead and use up the scrap I got from there got all tier three learn I don't even have voler one learn yet I think some people are trying to bait me [Music] out dude these guys are trying to finish my RAID [Music] oh my God you just killed me PR sure this guy lives in this base right here found you base fell off the roof I don't know if his gun fell what' you get for door camp in my base make some ladders try to get up on their roof cracked his ass oh my God I'm deep [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah see I knew theed door came for me taking my [Applause] [Music] AK and we're sealed in oh we're fully sealed in boys now that was crazy look at what we just got for going deep that's kind of crazy loaded eliminated that problem we really need to upgrade this base now I think we take these eight rockets and go finish this raid go ahead and drop take all the gun oh my gosh we got Rockets oh my gosh try to take these guns out of here first oh my gosh for shield [Music] in dude no way I don't have any meds dude please get up this shit's ridiculous D I haven't set up once I got everything back only thing that I've really lost is uh boom [Music] I killed him come on come on let me [Music] yes sir won the online appreciate the boys for the online you know I probably gained back almost everything I've lost plus more except for like rocket lach that's literally it bro no way dude dude this is crazy like what is happening be a lot better if I had some meds dude okay bro dude he has gotten four people on so far that's crazy got everything I lost back again plus more dude they're coming out here DB now that's insane yo are y'all going to uh like get the rest of the raid dude out are you going to try to transfer y'all moving in this [ __ ] I appreciate y'all for the online raid yeah I appreciate y'all for the online raid appreciate for counter it was a good fight bro it was a good fight it sucks it sucks as a 2 one you pick me up BR it is what it is about to about to die yeah no I think it's fun as [ __ ] we're not we're not going to like yeah we're not going to like uh ra you or anything appreciate it GG I'm going leave you yeah GG's appreciate it I'm going leave y'all to it those guys are good sports you know I'm leave him alone I feel bad he has 500 hours and 30 hours that's crazy
Channel: DMB THE GOD
Views: 782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #RustGame, #RustGaming, #PlayRust, #RustSolo, #RustBase, #RustRaid, #RustPvP, #SurvivalGame, #GamerLife, #GamingCommunity, #RustClan, #RustLife, #RustBattles, #RustSurvival, #RustUpdates, #RustContent, #PCGaming, #RustLoot, #RustCraft, #RustBuilding, #RustServer, #SurvivalGaming, #RustAction, #RustAdventure, #RustWars, #SoloGaming, #RustHighlights, #RustFights, #RustRaids, #RustVanilla, #RustTips, #RustSoloPlayer, #RustGameplay, #GamingVideos, #RustTraps, #RustBaseDesign, #RustDuo, #RustTrio, #RustSquad, #RustOnlineRaid
Id: iJBcXTEvs2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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