Fastest Hog Rider Deck in Clash Royale

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I've actually gone out of my way to change out of my tank top and into this shirt because yesterday somebody commented predicting that I was going to wear a blue tank top in today's video today we're playing hog cycle but not just hog cycle the quickest hog cycle possible in the entire game there are two two Elixir cards I can have in the deck I actually tried to put mirror in but mirror is worse so I don't want mirror and apparently if you put a two Elixir card in for Mirror it stays the same exact cycle so we're against Canon which is not going to be fun because it One-Shots the fire spirit and all the spirits which is not fantastic when you're playing a deck full of spirits but yeah so I did change my shirt because I couldn't let that guy have the satisfaction of knowing he predicted that I'm wearing a tank top again so in your face buddy um yeah this is the quickest cycle uh in the game I was thinking of putting in evolve bomber and potentially uh like a Barb Barrel instead of the ice Golem but I figured ice Golem is kind of what I need to kite things to the other lane and I and I okay I'm not sure why he's going oops um hang on is he cooking something here or because he played that like that is it or please jump I spirit for the love of God oh my God it did not jump and now that is going to connect on my tower holy mother of Christ how did that work and he's going to zap and he has an evolve zap f fastic all right bit of a rough start not really we're winning but as I was saying yeah so this deck has the quickest cycle and what I love about it so much is that because the cycle is so quick I'm pretty sure because hog rider is such a broken card that I can get away with literally winning with the cheapest support think how crazy this is the cheapest support cards in the entire game I'm playing and then I just threw in a hog rider and in this video if I can win like every game I play that is kind of going to prove that hog rider is a pretty strong card I'm not going to lie all right have fun defending this s'mores going use your ability I hope one survives yes go yes yes oh okay I thought I was under something there also somebody left a comment on the other video uh I can't remember which one it was I think it was two videos ago the one before the Reddit one saying play B oh it was the three graveyards one deck video Play Balloon Tower Defense 6 and I checked and it got about a lot of likes got like a couple thousand maybe a thousand and a few hundred likes and I've been thinking about this recently like what is my attitude towards playing other games on this channel because I have been enjoying um playing Clash okay you know what when they do that let's do this cuz you'll have to answer that my attitude towards playing other games on the channel has been a bit hit or miss right I want to play okay my hold on for a second let me just stop the yapping for one moment because there is a packer coming and I'm going to have to cycle back to my okay that's terrifying with the evolved archers there um okay let's just make sure we defend all this before I talk about balloon's Tower Defense cuz this holy moly I mean what is going on right now am I defending is this working I think so I think we survived for now anyway okay let's play the Evolve skeletons and then let's go for a hog and that we can rely on to kill that cuz he used his zap no he didn't he's back to it oh they survived let's go dude and that's going to be the W anyway so somebody left a comment saying that Bloon I should play balloon's Tower Defense six now my thoughts are with playing other games on this channel by the way we're going to stay with the same deck because I don't see any reason to change holy chest what did I just get I got a chess but I didn't get it I don't know what just happened my attitude towards playing other games on this channel is this if I play other games on the channel I know everybody loves the yapping on this channel that's definitely their favorite thing smash subscribe for yapping I can't Yap as well as I just not the opening you would like oh never mind five Sprint's broken I it's hard for me to Yap I I I can't even tell the the majority of my viewers that actually holy moly that actually like it the yapping I mean you probably wouldn't choose to subscribe to this channel you'd choose to subscribe to a different Channel if you didn't like the yapping so you know what I'm going to presume some people do like the yapping it is not as easy for me to Yap in a game that I'm not as familiar with because obviously I need to focus on the game so but I also do like playing other games there are about three games that I actually play on rotation um outside of clash Royale I may as well tell you what those are rocket league is the biggest one that I'll play with my friends um Minecraft comes and goes throughout many months I'm not saying I'm a veteran at the game by any stretch of imagination but I know kind of how that works so with those two games I could definitely Yap um and then it's just pretty much Clash Royale Clash of Clans I play occasionally um okay he's used his mini Pekka I'm going to play evolve skeletons to kill it and then let's go with hog okay this is actually holy holy wizard is not easy to defend all right you know what we're we're going tower for Tower essentially here cuz I don't think I could have done much more to defend that cuz two wizards when you've got please hog get one more hit okay the fact that level 15 hog rider does over 400 damage I find a little obscene but that's why we're playing this deck right so this is our first worthy Contender I know he's got mini Pekka but it dude let's just play a hog rider I want some damage hopefully that gets a hit cuz the heal nice heal spirit is actually useful in this deck normally it isn't but like I was saying it is easier for me to yap on a game that I know as opposed to a game that I don't know but I do also like recording videos trying out new games because like I would never look I know there's a bit of a meme right now that Ken's braw Stars video sucks K did I just have a stroke Ken's brawl star videos like me when I see an upload I don't click it because it's brawl stars or some but look man I like playing other games I know a lot of people enjoyed the plants vers zombies series on this channel and that would have never happened if I didn't just give it a crack and I'm sure as the game you know as I got more vers in the game I could have made some yapping videos around the game hang on I don't actually want to die here so let me just defend for one second holy dude the wizard is my biggest uh op right now but luckily I have ice Golem as my only means to pretty much stop that and we've survived holy mother of Christ we've survived a Golem night Witch Wizard push and he's going to play another Golem so I'm going to play this and I know he's going to go Golem okay all right okay if we defend this smash like okay we've got evolve skeletons is he going to go with some kind of counter to all this holy if we survive this dude he doesn't have a big spell he just has arrows oh my God oh my okay we lost all right you know what let's make a change let's continue the yapping but that was a bit obscene and the reason that was crazy is because I could not stop the wizard no matter what I did maybe if I played with a little more brain cells I could have but if I look at the changes I can make to the deck you know there's no you know what I like the deck as it is let's give it one more chance if I lose again then we'll have to make a change but as I was saying we could have won that but I was yapping too much as I was saying yeah so I'm sure I could play other games like Blue's Tower Defense cuz I think people are choosing games for me to play that they think I can Yap while playing but the thing is about that is at the start definitely I'm not going to obviously okay balloon's tower defense is a bad example because I have played balloon's Tower Defense 5 when I was younger um and I actually played it on a vacation somewhat recently holy Christ okay we're going to do this and then we're going to try and defend this I'm really having to hold thoughts a lot because why you know this was probably the worst time in the game for me to play please ice wiard don't kill the bats for me to play this kind of deck because zap got an evolution which means I'm going to have to let that towero which means that everyone can kill my bats instantly which makes me think you know what regardless of the of the outcome of this game I think we should take out maybe bats and put in another two Elixir Evolution instead okay this guy is confident that he's going to win here but what he doesn't realize is I've got both my Evolutions so if we win is what I'm saying was and he's got arrows dude why are both how both of our last opponents had arrows and zap I'm pretty sure our last one had arrows maybe not zap as well you know what no I'm pretty sure he had zap as well that's crazy arrows and zap our worst Nemesis but it's my fault for playing zap in a meta where zap is evolved so I need to take out bats and you know what against air maybe we just take an F in the chat and I just put in evolve bomber because evolve bomber is broken it's good for defense and like playing it at the back while you know let's say I was versing a wizard or something I can just play the Evolve bomber in the back and it's just going to Splash the wizard from the back um okay yikes so I'm definitely going to have to think about that after this game but yeah like games like is that going to activate yeah it is this is annoying because it's hard for me to pressure so he can just steamroll a massive push um yeah so games like balloon's Tower Defense that people have chos as an option for me to you know talk while playing the game holy he's not messing around are not the will become a good option after I played it a couple times but any game that's new to me that I play on the channel it's pretty much going to feel like just like a let's play which I like doing I like playing new games um especially if they're fun like I thought braw star sucked ass and then I started playing it and I was like you know what I see the Merit in this game holy I will not be I refuse to get three Crown twice I've got both his Towers on no HP let's wait till that one goes okay let's play a fire spirit in the middle if we can survive okay this is going to take some of my best defending dude dude oh my God guys okay all right so hog cycle I thought right off the rip with having okay he's bming me I want to get out of this game let me out I thought was going to be the best strategy with those two Evolutions but now that I'm thinking about it it kind of makes sense that and I'm also sorted by Elixir which is good right now because those are the only options I have so if I take out bats and put an evolve bomber that would be much better against what I was playing because having that that Splash extra damage dude evolve bomber is one of the most broken cards in the game I should not be playing evolve bats because evolve bats are pretty much like every other card in that deck it's just it's just going to die to Splash damage and it's not really adding something that's different but the Evolve bomber you know I could have played that behind the giant or like to defend the Giant and would Splash and killed the the Ice Wizard and the the what is it called the bowler which means he can't build pushes like that anymore which is why a ball bomber Smash and then look I can play it here and actually have a rang card in my deck because I don't really have a card that is yeah I don't I literally don't have a rang card so having that is good but yeah you see what I'm saying if I play a new game it would be more of kind of like a let's play kind of style but then potentially it could evolve into something where I can Yap while playing a part of the game because that's essentially where I got to even though I didn't do this in plants vers zombies when I finished the game I could have played the mini games having known how the game works and everything like that I could have played the mini games in that game and literally just talked it would have been fun I would have been able to focus on the game it would have felt like the usual format on the channel and I would have yeah I would have known what's going on and be playing a different game so that's basically my thoughts on that so AOL bomb I think was a great addition because I could have played that at the bridge and got a ton of damage it's going to defend this it's going to defend the goblin Barrel it's going to be great smash like for great deck building oh and the skeletons got that off right before the princess sniped um I will say though cards like firecracker and uh princess are the bane of holy that scared the out of me okay I just heard the loudest ambulance siren I've ever heard in my life I didn't realize like the my door was open and my window was open in my bedroom but I just heard the loudest ambulance ever oh my God that scared the out of me cuz it sounded like a siren I thought it was some kind of alarm going off I was like holy what just happened I I completely forgot what I was talking about I think I was talking about yapping about the uh Plants vus Zombies oh dude evolve bomber was the right play now we've got the deck because it's got that kind of 2.6 hog kind of feel to it where it's like instead of the musketeer I have the bomber now because it needs that kind of range card before I felt a little bit naked if you will a little bit naked in the deck cuz I didn't have that kind of that Splash or that that range unit look at him go man he's putting in that work and now I can play another one I'll play it further back and hopefully I can get some splash splash damage on the tower defending an evolve bomber is actually so annoying because literally almost any direction you defend from anywhere you play it oh yes let's go look at that Difference by the way from getting three crown back to back to literally three crowning that's the Evol bumer difference look at that bro I don't know why it's not evolved we have the evolved skeletons and we have the evolved hog that is a nasty combo bats Evolution L I used to say before the bats Evolution why don't I play it more it's so good but now that I think about it the the bats Evolution dude holy what just happened what was that dude that was so weird I literally tapped the ice Golem it tapped another card then I tried to play it then I tried to play both at the same time but it it failed at both and now he's mirroring flying machines what is going on my Arabic friend from German Fighters you can be my friend as long as you don't drop some stinky okay we'll play heel heal Spirit can be the sacrifice Ice Spirit is the sigma that's actually going to do the work all right now I hope I'm not just chatting gas I really do think that evolve bomber is the best play in this deck as opposed to evolve bats evolve bats are good by the way but I think evolve bomber is literally an S tier Evolution I think if there was a tier list with just Evolutions I think evolve bomber would definitely be uh I would say evolve bomber is like the most broken in this entire game cuz it is a it's so unreal I I feel like I've spoken about this before I Yap so much I don't even know what I I can't even keep track of it anymore but I think the Evolve bomber for two Elixir doing what it does like look at this it would choose the one that's off to the side when the other ones are like please stop choosing it's okay I think my evolve bomber has some kind of mental issues but anyway uh yeah it's literally one card cycle it does triple bounce Splash and splash cards have always been okay dude you know what have always been broken in this game and it's to Elixir it's so ridiculous oh no he's it he the East Spirit oh go on the tower on the tower on the tower keep multiplying keep multiplying yes and the Flying Machine off yes no way take the king please damn that is tough that is so up dude that he had to poison that I really thought evolve skeletons were going to be dead after the uh after the change oh I was wrong I was dead wrong let's freaking go baby also guys I'm definitely going to make a tweet about this after the video but it's time I'm actually really enjoying this deck who would have thought winning in Clash Royale is fun who would have thought winning in games and life is fun but yeah before I was playing bats and I was like uh feels a little different little weird I have like five Spirits the Bats die the skeletons just die in like one hit to zap or arrows but the bomber obviously it dies to arrows but it's got a little more little more sturdiness to it it can tank a little bit more and it gives it that sexy range feel I am way too invested in my Clash ra right now I don't know I called it my Clash ra by the way that's even weirder and he's got tornado but this is the secret of the deck I can out cycle anything they play because I am playing the quickest hog cycle deck in the entire game there is no possible way to make and of course as soon as I take out the bats we're going to be versing balloon all right can I just like spam spirits and defend this oh my God I'm doing a pretty good job all things considered okay one hit dude considering I had a full balloon and no air counters besides Spirits I'll take that any day of the week and I can just kite this for one Elixir this play right here is the definition of why I like one Elixir cards the fact that you can do that is just obscene I also forgotten what he's playing so I'm just going to go for a prediction he's got tornado and Valkyrie but for some reason he is going to freeze the hog instead of tornado I'm 99% sure he had it in his card rotation but you know what dd fair enough man mix it up because keep me on my toes also I hope he doesn't catch on dude I'm going to lose this game he is playing balloon I need to keep this guy on his toes for the whole game and every second that this game counts down is literally a godsend because oh my god dude I'm going to have to wa this is going to be a two Tower game for sure so I'm going to start on the other Tower and hopefully is he going a tornado okay interesting this might even end up being a three Tower sort of game is he going to balloon with that yes okay all right in that case let's do this this this and let's start cycling the spirits I got to cycle them as quick as I can okay so every time he plays a balloon basically I take one hit with my spirit rotation all right good to know at least I've just got to try and not allow him to get as many balloons off as he wants all right let's do this I actually have a lot of Elixir right now I'm going to go with a hog in the other lane oh God that's might actually pull my bomber in yeah dude okay um oh that's going to no no no stay away from my evolve bomber okay this is a tower down situation I think dude is this this is so tough dude like you take I take out oh use this freeze why is it hitting the no as soon as I take out the bats matchmaking gives me tornado balloon freeze you got to admit that is a that is a tough one to beat oh my god dude well I mean I feel like we did pretty well I'm going to be honest we maybe could have won the Golem and the giant bowler one but they were tough matchups but I enjoyed myself I really enjoy playing hog because it's such a broken card and um maybe this was the best variation maybe we could have put bats in for ice Golem but I think you need that tank kind of feeling but that is another Clash Royale commentary video baby oil up smash like smash subscribe and let me end by drinking [Music] this [Music]
Channel: Ken
Views: 278,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w26xcfzydOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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