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hey what's up guys this 2.0 Elixir super cycle log bait deck surprisingly surpassed all the other log bait decks in the game to become the best log bait deck in Clash ra the ranked 46 player in the world is dominating with this deck while all the other log BA players are sitting at the bottom of the top 200 by removing all spells in the deck you're able to add pure one and two lir spam and their logs will be out of sight when you drop Goblin barrels on towers and princesses at the river the more cards you spam the faster you get back to Evolutions guaranteeing you more positive Le for traes than your opponent if you get good enough to play this deck at the highest level you can beat any deck in the game even if there cards counter you if you keep it a low Elixir game nothing stopping evolve wall breakers and split up evolved skeletons if you only have one Evolution use evolved wall breakers it's time to assert dominance with a logbait deck that seemed like a meme but a reality was the only log bait left at the top don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you never miss out on any of the daily videos and big log bait love to everyone supporting the Channel with critico sir tag yo we're playing against someone the finished 26 in the world what is Clash cooking for us right now also he's got caner which is something that I truly fear if we're playing into caner with wall breakers the wall breakers get senselessly slaughtered so that is not a good match up for us in most situations if we go for wall breakers at the river they just die so I have to pair it with something at all points in time since this guy is going to have the mighty minor I think it's important for us to dedicate some Elixir here on the drill but also make sure that we don't overspend I'm going to Ice Spirit here and then we're going to try to defend this minimalistically by going in for the goblins and then probably nothing else I think if we go for wall breakers we want to go for something else with it so maybe I can go for something like Goblin Barrel here and then wall breakers as well and then try to go goblins in the right hand side so we can force out Elixir simultaneously in all directions I don't think that we're going to get that much damage if anything at all but we are cycling to our Evolutions so we can get them in a pretty sketchy position if we can get evolved skeletons on the field at least that's what I'm hoping for there's no doubt he's going to counter this with a bomb Oh I thought he's going to go for an evolv bomber wow he really didn't do that interesting anyway we're going go Goblin Barrel here we'll go Ice Spirit and then we'll go for wall breakers to go and pull that back or yeah let's go wall breakers cuz he might click the ability be pretty fun to see that he didn't do it unfortunately we can go for Canon against the Evolve bomber and then we can get value from that transaction because our Canon is going to definitely activate King Tower and then the bomber is going to lock onto that and then the Fire Spirit can clean up the rest of the Goblins so overall decent transaction we're still down quite a bit I mean he's a top ranked player with a super fast cycle and uh definitely a match up that would be rather scary for so we don't play perfect so this is what we wanted we wanted to get him in a situation where he's forced to log on top of the goblin Barrel please log the goblin Barrel going to go for a fire spirit and miss it let's go that's some nice damage we can go for evolve skeletons here split then we can Ice Spirit on the mighty Miner and then we can go for evolved wall breakers in the other side and Ice Spirit to make sure that we can start to multiply like crazy so we get a Tesla we get an ability and he loses the mighty minor also since he doesn't have Tesla in cycle I think that we can go in for a princess here and try to break through obvious viously he's going to try to log this or do something like that yeah the evolved skeletons yes look at the damage even after the Nerf that's why it's strong everyone that's running caner is running the freaking fastest cycle decks in the game and they feel like they're safe but no one is safe from this deck even a rank 26 players still got slimed by the skeletons I mean the game is still far from over I have to still play this really well I can't let the Evolve bomber lock on of my tower so notice that I'm dropping a very high Cannon very high Ice Spirit and we're saying a load of value all the way around if you fire Spirits we're to Fire Spirit in the face of his fire Spirit make sure that our Fire Spirit takes that connection and then if he decides to SP more stuff at the river we've got the cannon so we've got everything covered look at that bomber getting predicted bro yeah you know when we're playing against people at your caliber running your disgusting decks we have to out finesse you and play a little bit better otherwise we're going to get astonished demoralized and destroyed because there's no way of keeping up with your type of spam we had to evolve to a 2.0 Elixir cycle and make our plays the best they could be it's satisfying to see our super cycle deck giving Wham the slam after beating the ranked 26 player in the world we've pushed up to top 5,000 this dude's got a little prince in the banner and I feel like he's probably going to be playing a beep down deck cuz he's not psyching his stuff and he's also going to have the princess Tower which is a nice thing to see also the top ranked player that plays this deck really does run princess Tower even though everyone else at top ladder is running caner so it's nice to have a deck like this one that has a fast cycle doesn't have any small spells where the caner would kind of get crushed if the opponent decides to go in for bait cards this deck needs the princess Tower so then you can have the reliability of running more one Elixir cost cards and not have to rely on a log to go and clean up whatever skeletons are spawning from the graveyard so we're going to go in for our skeletons here and then we'll go goblins and then we can go for an ice beard to pull back to Knight I do think this is really good for me genuinely I don't understand what he's going to be doing besides graveyard or a balloon deck who's that Pokemon I think it's better to be a balloon deck so that's what I'm banking on I'm going to go wall breakers pull back to baby dragon for a short bit and then ooh it might be graveyard after we see archers it's bound to be graveyard now right what if I go for an ice spirit and then protect the princess oh he's going to freeze there's no way there's no way he went in fno Dragon it's going to go on the Goblins right oh come on the Goblins got a nerfed so their spawn time is delayed so even though I ended up having pretty fast reaction speed didn't work out and yes that that's my excuse that's my excuse guys definitely not my inability to make a prediction it was my reaction speed falling failing there anyway we're going to go for our wall breakers here on the right hand side Force out some extra Elixir he's going to be trying to tornado that which is beyond interesting for me I don't think that's very good oh look at that even though he went for The Archers it wasn't able to hit all the goblins and the Goblin Barrel is just getting so much value there and then we can go back for another one he thought he he was done but the fun hasn't even started for us we're going to go in for our skeletons and watch I think the skeletons are able to body block The Inferno Dragon see see I told you I told you guys it wasn't me it was the Goblin's fault cuz the skeletons were able to survive and actually take the targeting from The Inferno Dragon see it makes me so happy to not have a huge dosage of copium and actually be able to be correct about something anyway we're going to go wall breakers in the right we definitely expect him to go in for a lot of spam soon if we Ice Spirit I think that the Knight's just going to die which is pretty cool for me I bet you he goes in for a graveyard or something of the sort we can go in for a cannon up top so our princesses are able to force out more Elixir forcing a tornado is funny because now I can go in for an inferno Dragon counter with skeletons go in for goblins after and then The Inferno Dragon just doesn't do the damage it's hoping for it's literally sitting there not hitting anything the bowler no oh that was really rough my guy that did not feel good also you just ate wall breakers like a freaking snack what are you doing all right are we switching I think we're going opposite lane now we're going to go princess here we're going to force out an inferno dragon that you did not want to drop and now we can go in for a fire Spirit pull back The Inferno dragon with goblins and look at how much damage I'm getting the only way he wins this is by getting an inferno dragon on my tower so I need to stop that right now we to Ice Spirit and then we're going to go for a princess and prioritize defending there then we're going to go for wall breakers and also going for evolve skeleton left hand side because I bet you he has to freeze on this and I think that the wall breaker is going to connect yeah he's just dead he was literally on the edge of Despair on both sides and no matter where I went he was going to get blown over spaxs got spanked by the ceaseless bait cycle looking at the match up afterward the guy didn't even have a single opportunity to go in for his graveyard we literally have to look at the match history to find out what he was [Music] playing and we got another one this guy's popping out of a cake with his Miner and we're ready to go and snack on his Towers so I hope we can have a feast with this fire spirit I would love to Lock and Load because that would be like 300 damage if he just lets it happen yo the fire spirit's going to jump on The Archers I don't know if you guys know that bug but the archers feel like the princess Tower is going to be able to finish off the fire spirit so obviously if they don't want to waste their precious arrows they walk right into the fire spirit and take damage Clash needs to fix that bug but I'm not going to say anything to them because it's working out well for us and if you guys are wondering I I actually have said this to them a lot it's very frustrating to lose range cards that should not die to other cards that you know are very easy for it to counter anyway we're to Ice Spirit this going to be one of the best ice Spirits ever oh my gosh that was beautiful it clobbered the oh no I was going to say the bats and the bowler but I don't know I'm so incredibly crestf fall and I have no words for this guys if someone's going to go in for a giant in the back like this this is bound to be one of the worst match ups in the entire game for us we're playing against giant graveyard we don't have any small spells it's a very very very very very very tough match up it's winnable if we play perfect but it shouldn't be winnable I have to go in for an Ice Spirit here and then I can go in for this and then maybe we can get back to another Cannon I'm hoping that this works out I can't guarantee it though we're going to try to get a fire Spirit down and I believe maybe in Miracles I don't think so this is looking really bad how do we come out of that alive Wow we must have played that a lot better than I thought anyway wall breakers go right into a bowler and die probably said someone maybe I don't know that okay we forced out arrows and also bats we spend a lot more Elixir than us that's good if we go for skeletons plus Goblin Barre these skeletons might lock into the tower as unreasonable as this might seem this is looking like the dream also forcing out the night Witch is one of the best cards for us to counter cuz now we can go for goblins on top of the Giant when he decides to drop it and that's huge for me I don't want to go for an ice spear unless I absolutely need to which I obviously will and then he's probably going to go for a bowler which I don't want to see but we're going to drop our wall breakers anyway directly into a bowler where's the bully oh wait why are you bullying there he missed he missed oh my gosh I knew he wasn't supposed to do that but he did it anyway wait the prince is going to stay alive if we played this perfect I hope he did he's going to lose his evolved bats too he should have dropped that behind the giant I swear giant graveyard players are straight up built different they are built different with their decision making all right we're going to go for evolve skeletons here we're going to go for another Goblin barrel and we have to go and destroy this giant if he doesn't have anything to keep this giant alive we might be able to win the game the goblin Barrel is going to force that extra we're back to another Goblin Barrel like we never even left why is he focusing on defending this is literally the worst match up I could get in existence and we're making it happen he isn't even able to do anything he is literally getting scrambled up like eggs my guy is getting egghe headed right here he doesn't even know all right this is bad this is really bad I don't think I can defend against the graveyard I need to somehow stop the graveyard skeletons when I have no small spells please let me survive for one more second let's go I had evolve wall breakers and other stuff so I think I would have take the tower on the right hand side with a 4,000 HP Tower in the left so it wasn't that scary but man it was really satisfying out playing one of the most skillest decks in the game even at higher ranks where your opponent's top 4,000 in the world at the end of the season they're still going to lose when they're running giant graveyard the outplay potential with this deck even against the most Supreme hard counters is unreal yo dude's going to have a hog rider Banner but it's in a stone statue so maybe if he just stands still for a second we can slime his Tower real quick he's not going to give us that opportunity goes in for wall breakers and he's also not running a hog rider cycle deck so I think we have to go for a princess to pounce on the opportunity to get damage and we also allocate a goblins in the back because most people drop their miners in the back when they've identified that we're running like some sort of bait deck without tornado so he made the right opportunity to go in for the minor in the back and I guessed it I predicted him okay wait we can go for skeletons and Ice Spirit here and probably get away with wall breakers to go kite back that night also I can go for a cannon shut down everything I don't even have to go wall breakers but I'm going to do it anyway because I don't really want to give him off the hook right now I want to hook him on the side of dropping logs snowballs bar barrels on top of our wall breakers and because he just used his log you already know where to go through with their Goblin Barrel plus Fire Spirit so you can't go for bats and shut that down also I want to go for evolve skeletons most people don't do this right now but I think it's better even though it is like probably going to die we could get an Ice Spirit here maybe we'll make him freak out and drop a spell please yo the skeletons are still swarming we got him to drop wall breakers he's got good mechanics to be able to stop that and use wall breakers to kite it back because for the most part Ice Spirit Plus skeletons there would force out a small spell that he can't afford to cycle a fire Spirit on all those bats they should all be dead and then we can go wall breakers again notice how we're always applying opposite lane pressure with the princess so that he's forced to drop units there and also on our wall breakers or Goblin Barrel on the side that we actually want and if he ignores the princess we might be able to switch sides and just win the game with Princess cycle that's another cool thing about this deck so we're keeping our Elixir low and our opponent's Elixir low as I've said before that's how you deal with finishing blow you do not want to be at a high Elixir Bank in any match any game because then you're not going to be able to get the trades that you're looking for your opponent will be able to control the pace of the game and then you just lose like these Evo bats he wants to get something out of but he won't he's just going to sack all of them and then we can going for an Ice Spirit Plus goblins I don't think that we're going to be able to kill the wall breakers but maybe we're lucky enough oh we do let's go let's go wall breakers on the right go princess on top of the spear goblins and then keep up the pressure cuz he has to defend against the princess now it's immediately on his face he's looking at this and he's like what why how did I deserve to take all this damage the answer is I don't think you did you just found yourself in an unlucky opportunity where even though you're running one of the fastest decks in the game ours is simply faster so we're going go for our skeletons here try to make a prediction on whatever he drops did not drop anything unfortunately but the skeletons are really hurting him it's making him drop cards he doesn't want to and I think if we just eat most of the damage here we can go for wall breakers pull the Knight to the other side and then Force out even more Elixir the best thing about this deck is it Relentless pressure so even though this guy feels like he was in a decent spot he never got into the spot that he needed to to be able to continuously spam us to the right direction yo we even activate King Tower imagine if I can pull back the Knight with a goblin Barrel so then the the princess locks tower that would been a huge W did not happen we have to go Fire Spirit Ice Spirit here so we can kill those bats uh uh sir sir I'm kind of scared I'm actually scared I can eat the wall breakers but I can't eat the bats we're to go for this we're going to eat some minor damage then we're going to go for a goblin Barrel he actually play that really really well I'm surprised that he played it that well we should be able to out cycle his log though we do have one of the cheapest decks in the game so we're to go for wall breakers here we're going to be back to Goblin barel and I think we probably win the game cuz we just went for a poison I don't think you're allowed to do that if you're down that amount of Elixir you can't comfortably clean up that the Goblins are going to lock on the tower and win us the game you psychop poison them that's four Elixir I'm spending one Elixir class cards and I'm obviously going to get back to the goblin Barrel before you're back to log he spend our entire cycle in just one card so jumping into the game against Jaws it's time to swim around this guy like a shark I'm ready to go for an ice Spear and then a fire Spear and then skeletons we're dropping every Spirit available to crush the minor spirit and getting both wall breakers connect is really good for us the one huge downside is I don't have robust anti-air defenses against a lava hound deck so I could go for princesses and stack them up but is it going to be reliable the answer is a resounding no fortunately we were able to force out arrows and then I can go for princess now and maybe cycle two cannons if I'm quick enough I might be able to do this so go Ice Spirit Fire Spirit skeletons ah it's not happen I'm not back to Canon I'm not back to Canon he's going to zap me if only I was able to do that in single Elixir it is possible but you need to have your entire card cycle ready for it going to spam wow so he's not a very nice guy he's definitely in a pretty awesome position he's going to have Miner and Aros to snipe our princesses and he's up a lot of Elixir and up damage however we have the evolutions so maybe we can still make this happen and the guy's not very nice he's going in spamming the goblin like flame emote when he's up wait I think the wall breakers will break through if he didn't go for Arrow he still went for barbarians and arrow that's eight Elixir and maybe the princess can put in some work let's go evolve skeletons with goblins to the right Fire Spirit here and then wall breakers on the left if these skeletons lock out the tower that'd be huge it didn't happen but the wall breakers most certainly will now if you decides to go in for a zap it's too late then the princess will lock on the tower and finish off the minions at the same time I don't think this guy's very happy it looked like it was a really promising position for him but it's all falling apart so I you can go goblins and then I can also have the princess lock on the minion horde he has to know that the minion horde's dead he needs to drop something else that princess just needs one more shot let's go that's what I'm talking about he's laughing so hard I mean dude you can't control your laughter and you can't control the game how does that make you feel brother so I'm going to go in for wall breakers again fully expect him to go Barbarian so we're going to prioritize using our princess against that and then if he decides to go and spam us I think that we're going to be okay this time I believe that we can get back to two cannons just to like kite them all the way around the map and that's exactly what we're going to do even though he's got a balloon we're making the best out of the situation and popping his party a fire Spirit there and then we can go in for our oh no oh no that's really bad I didn't think that we would go for an evolved zap and now he's laughing at me again Dang It screw you guy all right we're going to go wall breakers here and we're going to go for our goblins first tank we forced out the barbarians he doesn't even Arrow what he needs oh my gosh wait this is hilarious we might actually win there's actually a small chance that I win this game they're going for skeletons here we princess it locks him to the tower first right uh sir sir who allows you to do that if we can go Goblin Barrel that might do enough damage all I have to do is kill this princess on top of the uh balloon and we win oh from the jaws of defeat we bounce back and this guy got busted down it feels ridiculous to make a comeback against a lav Hound arrows minor deck when you're down an entire Tower and looking in the face of a gigantic loss I'm honestly at a loss of words for how we bounce back back if I had to summ it down to one sentence I guess this Creative Cycle deck creates uncontrollable [Music] chaos log the like button if you enjoyed today's video subscribe for more daily content and have an amazing rest for your [Music] day
Channel: SirTagCR - Clash Royale
Views: 232,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash royale, clash royal, clash, royale, clash royale best deck, clash royale deck, sirtagcr, sirtag, cr, sir tag, goblin barrel deck, best clash royale deck, best goblin barrel deck, best deck in clash royale, best goblin barrel deck 2024, clash royale gameplay, low elixir deck clash royale, log bait deck, clash royale goblin barrel deck, log bait, clash royale log bait, log bait clash royale, sirtag log bait, goblin barrel, goblin barrel cycle deck, clash royale cycle deck
Id: QVxlx9VJjMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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