Faster Particles Creation! - Blender Today Live #64

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me Mario welcome everybody elec community it's a it's a mini Paulo and we are in blender today live number 64 64 episodes every week getting here together closer to blender two point eight just following everything every change the a PlayStation Zelda and now Mario 64 it's a special occasion right so give me a thumbs up everything it's okay I'm gonna start right away with them with them with the news with the Abdo it's because it turns out there is actually life after after the UI phrase in the last episode last week it was Monday and we announced yeah that it the free the UI the user interface is gonna get locked so the commutation process can start and the tutorials can be made and you can actually take a screenshot and a blender should look kind of similar until they until they're released so with that in mind there were a few more changes that were done during a Tuesday and Wednesday and during the week but now is for reals so there has been some updates in the user interface and some improvements and everything else is more about like actual back fixing so from now on actually the UI should shouldn't change it shouldn't it's actually frozen if you go to the blender developers blog here you will find two code the blender you will find a blog post by Brecht about the user interface an API phrase which is also very important for people making your favorite atoms with them with the UI phrase also means that sorry with the API phrase it also means that the whatever atom is made like that works now it should work until the end until the release of 2.80 and so no more like breaking API changes it's everything okay yes everything is cool all right cool awesome thank you for if I mess up all the love amazing by the way we are live and the questions are going to be answered in a bit starting from here from Leonard community you can go here and there is an mr. ed farts there particle creation relatively life 64 you know how hard is to come up with an actual name sometimes I take time to actually make the event just because I'm trying to think of a of a name so yeah check out the the blog for a bit more information but that's basically it there that the UI is frozen so you can know got now going and make or watch tutorials or get people over to see to play with this new blender everybody thank you thank you for all the nice comments no more changes to the API No so admins can also start to be ported to the new to the new API which I did already with I I didn't do it but actually one of the users here Canseco he updated my own Erin amaranth and I posted the the fixes so that one should be working people seems to still be using it so ok let's let's get to it so my list is not so long today that's why I'm taking it a bit more slowly and more relaxed should put some jazz music in the background or just having a bit more chill first the last week I mentioned that the default shading type for the viewport so when you just open blender like what you see here this cube was shaded with a madcap so that was that was something that was done in order to improve the the look and the volume so you can actually have a better like before it was a bit too flat the way it will look and your your meshes and another improve another good aspect of having a madcap as a default is that it also it's a bit more perform and it doesn't have to calculate a bunch of other things that regular OpenGL lights so it's a little bit better for if you want to have a better performance to use a madcap but it had also it downsides for example what you see now here is not a madcap is looks like the madcap like the one introduced last week but it's actually an updated version of the studio lights hmm and so people are actually using and so studio lights what are they studio lights are like the into point remember in two point seven the the viewport had like only one way of showing the colors here in the interface so the this is specular for example and this is it is all just like a once to delight in two point seven you would have these three little guys here that you can just move around and change the lighting but that was very limiting because you only had three lights and we only had like curtain like a color for diffuse and specular was very limiting in 2.8 this was solved by introducing custom studio lights so these are the ones are built in there is five they are supposed to cover like more cases they're more like more contrasting out since last week there is also for example one that has more of a rim light so you can see you can quickly see what are the how your mesh will look in different environments plus the custom ones because if you want to have have even more control and as you can go with here with a cog icon and you can add your own studio lights which can be made from an image so you can install it and have a new one or you can edit the current one and you can for example go edit and then you can do exactly the same that you could do in 2.7 but in 2.8 and you have four lights more than three and you can save them as in the path yes independent light so that way you can have your own I think it has been around for a while that people not a lot of people were aware of it so when it was changed to madcap it some of the features got lost because the materials now the default materials in the viewport has two main changes besides a color that it didn't exist before in 2.7 which are the metallic so you can make it look metallic and their roughness so it's some kind of basic PVR ish style shading that it wasn't possible before and when we were using mad cups of course the market takes over the entire shading of the of the material so these settings wouldn't work or will have the feeling that it don't they don't work so now they do and I think it's a it's a win-win and that that's why we got changed last last week there are four lights yes one more for extra extra extra extra next next update is the wireframes this is a small one it's just just a default so based on feedback from the community now this is how the wireframes look by default before they used to have the x-ray setting like somewhere you know in a higher value so for example if you had a cube you will have these like dashed line because you would you wouldn't show it like completely completely opaque so now it's in zero by default it's completely opaque it has a bit more information but at least it doesn't look like like yeah like dirty or something like that it's good in some cases especially if you're doing like act actual visualization it's actually pretty pretty useful but not always so better to have better default same same behavior you can change it you can bring it back but yeah that together with the overlays being in one by default it's a much better much better value than having it half way like it used to be it was actually meant to be a bit more compatible or at least look similar to how to point as 7 was but it didn't work out in the end all right let's move on the this is a small one the transparency last week I mentioned that it transparency now is showing here in the viewport so when you have and when you enable transparency you would see it here in the viewport the thing is that it was active it was enabled in both the look there and in the render and actually what you want it usually is when you want to see it is in the actual output house when you look so that's why it got removed from the look there so now look there it looks a bit more closer to the rest and then to the workbench or what you what you would work and in the node in the render settings also because in look that you can change the background so you can actually change the lighting make it visible rotate it and that way you would you would actually you don't want the transparency there can we get the blue color color of the wireframe back oh yes the change the colors were changed for a few days we had the theme I think that I was working on and it got removed because of lack of contrast but I think the light theme is not on which one is which hmmm I think the light theme also that the lights theme still has it still has the colors so you can go there for some nostalgia which is funny because it's a change that it was only available for like five four or five days so yeah it is nice that some people actually ain't got used to it so quickly or they liked it so for 2.81 maybe we can do like a pass on all the same changes that we want to do but not do it and I get a few days before the freeze but do it like at the beginning so people can provide feedback and test it with more different setups and we can click it until it becomes perfect all right the other setting well kiddoes as those are a bit technical like the panels now can have a zero height so when there's no content you can collapse them completely it's very internal thing also the quick favorite now if you see that the quick favorite settings show a different name than they used to it's because now the these quick favourites are showing the the actual label of the operator not not the internal ID name that's a very technical thing and that's just just a heads up if you if you see that your quick favourites have a different a different name it's because it's using the proper one now then some changes in the sequencer but I already mentioned last week it's mainly about organizing the menus the panels also got sorted out a bit better there is the there is a default tab now open so when you add for example a strip by default it's gonna be open in the strip tab where it actually makes sense and everything is a bit more more tidy now the other fix actually and it was a fixed slash improvement so should I go back to a regular theme so people are not confused when they're watching ok there the other improvement in the UI one of the last ones to squeeze in in the in the changes before the phrase is the the X mirror and the auto merge those two options were a bit not hidden but yeah hidden yeah hidden in a way so when you're in edit mode you could have the in the options panel you will have X mirror and then order merge thing is these options are a bit that they are used a lot there pretty often and X mirror if you have it on or for example if you're sculpting which is on by default when you're sculpting the X mirror it's always good to have them at hand right to see when they're active or not so in the top bar now you will see that when you're in edit mode for example if I have a little monkey here that there is the mirror icon and there is an X when you are in edit mode because at the moment only X mirror is available for editing so now you know if you enable it it's there or disable it you can also have it here in cyber but in case you're doing something else it's good to know if it's active or not especially the auto March editing which is used to mean 2.7 used to be down here the autumn March is this little icon it's now in into point everything ok yeah also I like to think the light thing it reminds me of exercise softie yeah there is something much there there was a somebody made a theme about it in 2.75 not wrong so the auto March is the icon next to it so it's automatic editing it makes it so when you snap one vertex to the other for example if you use snap selection to active then it would remove the overlapping vertices and it's going to only keep one copy with them so another improvement in the UI is the option is been there for a decade or more Volken Susanne Oh what is that we can because of the ears yes I'm a bit slow today next the compositor header changed a little bit that's another of the changes in the interface there has things have been shuffled a little bit more just to make it a bit more consistent the pin icon doesn't have but background anymore just to be consistent with the rest the backdrop used to be on one side and then the settings on the other side now everything is on one row so that's that's quite an improvement as well and it still looks a bit different from the shader editor that it keeps everything in the center's I'm not sure if that this pin maybe should be on the right but we shouldn't be changing UI at this point so should stay like this until until the 2.81 where we can change things again but those small things well it is allowed to be change though is maybe the tooltips join in making the explanation of a tool or a setting or whatever be it more clear so that way we can improve we can maybe documentation written the commented may translations are going to be affected so it's not gonna be changing until the very last day ideally so translators gonna start working on it but there there should be a bit more more room for more time to to improve these things we are almost June is crazy so way we have one one month until 2.8 know a bit more six weeks eight weeks until 2.80 comes out what should we do we should we do and like a special show right should get the I can get tun to come say hi hmm I will be bringing that would be well it's 2.80 should its kind of deserved by then it will be like 70 episodes or something like that so more changes the key map I think I mentioned this one last week but it wasn't implemented yet the one of the drawbacks of the the left click select by default was that for scrubbing he was right click select by at the for a long time and then people got used to it and when the context buttons were like this concept of always having the context menus under right click so if you're in the viewport and you are in the any editor basically how the context menu on the right click in men that meant that yeah you can't scrap on right-click because otherwise you wouldn't it will be inconsistent and you have to hold shift for the context or like every solution wasn't perfect so then to fix this you can scrub weed three ways three ways of scrubbing on an animation editor the most common one is on the here and then the buttons in the new scrubbing area you can choose left click and drag that hasn't changed then the other one that was introduced before it was the same way you said the the 3d cursor in the viewport weight shift right click you can do it here shift right click in them in the animation editors or you can also alt left click so if you're using a pen this should be actually the simplest way of doing it so you can either either point to this little tiny area or just hold alt + left click which might default in the pen it's just just like the D just just tapping on it so yes grabbing area table you can scrub using the scrubbing area yeah but the scrubbing area is like 30 pixels and the editor is like half full HD so that's why it's useful to have a big area to scrap so I know it's not come is not industry-standard to have this huge area to scrub but you know sometimes industry standards are not to be followed or they are but they should be alternative their superior otherwise you never innovate write more in the key map another change was and to replace what to add a menu for editing the normals you know that in now in blender 2.8 the normals they have there have way more tools they have the new custom normals Summer of Code project in it so there's so many improvements that it deserves its own menu and now it's assigned to alt and so in alt n it used to be for flipping the normals so in order to keep that fast workflow now the option for flipping is first but you still have the the regular shift end and control ship and for flipping the normals back and forth so the this normals menu now is in alt N and another feature that is connected to the two them to the normals editing is that for example if you have for example like you have a normals and before when you had to when you wanted to change the custom the normals of your mesh you will have to have autumn Auto smooth and able otherwise it doesn't work is like a business it's a requirement for changing the normals you have to have it enabled but Auto smooth is not enabled by default because it's not very it's intensive on your on your in CPU because you have to calculate the the angle of the normal so it's some people were saying that it should be an own by default but if it's gonna bring the if it is potentially can bring the performance down then it shouldn't be enabled by default but for editing the custom normals you have to have it on and it's a it was a bit of if you will be playing with the normals and you wouldn't see any change because maybe you forgot to enable auto smooth so now it's automatic now the moment you start editing your normals for example let's say I want to rotate the normals of a so I go alt N and then rotate and if I as soon as I hit the rotate operator these are smooth enables automatically so you can disable it and then if you run it again it turns them on so that way you know it's going to be you're always gonna be working on that so yes all right let's actually be a moderate moderator in this in this chat now next question a question now next improvement in the the grist pens it has a new brush which is just a preset so it's not a it's not a huge news it's not like a new feature it's just a new brush called draw soft and it has a bunch of settings so you can have this kind of nice like a airbrush kind of style so it's pretty pretty pretty nice and it's a built in so it's just a preset it's not like anything you know but I'm still worth mentioning also worth mentioning is that the 2d animation template the one that you can start doing responsive stuff right away also but updated to feature some of the improvements that were done through to the UI recently so it's it's a quite an improvement so you will find out that now we don't have to editors anymore now it's just the one so you have to change it like you don't have to access the material so often now because many of these say of these settings are actually down there here so or they are on like right click so the UI has changed so this is an improvement I think it's the done by their by their response it in by the way all right nets let's move on brush tips cool yes what about the render timing what about it the improvements island on the viewport on Eevee there were some rewrites some big cleanups on Eevee so if you err had like issues with your graphics cards in the past make sure you download the latest and just tested it again because many of those changes are for fixing compatibility and improvements you know overall improvements in the word bench in the look there and Evi we have look love is basically Eevee under the hood all right I think I cover everything there is some Python for more like the interface in the toggle setting for the checkbox X now allows an extra setting which is called which is like taking the default but it also has like a total on/off and that will make it a checkbox so if you want to have these more like you're making atoms if you want to have an example for example go to the visibility settings of an object and check out the code for this it has a toggle thingy setting and that is it let's move on with this change I haven't mentioned last week and I'm going to just bring it here so you can read it because it gets a bit technical but it's a change it's a breaking change in incompatibility it happened already last week so if you open your file and something changed regarding color management just make sure that you read this and write down the changes so the naming especially of the of the day look update the the lookup tables the color management configurations it was it was some of them were wrong or some of them were not really accurate so they were renamed the thing is that these days are basically files on your when you install blender so if you change the name it means that when other older configurations older plain files are looking for those files with computation they're not going to find it because they got renamed so it's it you will lose compatibility but you should be able to bring it back rather easily all right more the title of this of this video it's about the particle optimization this is an improvement that it's crazy crazy good it wasn't even planned he just came out of nowhere and this is one of the things that it's nice to to talk about when you talk about open source how how these changes that no one was expecting is an improvement on the particle creation so when you create when you create particle systems you that the calculation of it it was read outdated it was I had a hard-coded number for the maximum number of particles that each thread can each of your computer threads can calculate so at the same time so I think it was 256 the amount of actually I have it down here it's here so particle optimized yes so the number was to find 256 and it was really out the outdated so basically each of the thread was wasn't doing enough of what it can do so the number got increased and now creating a ton of particles when for example in this exam in this example on CPU four million particles created went from 30 seconds from like taking 30 seconds to taking four seconds so this is huge improvement and it's just some part of the code that was outdated and and the developers never got to go there and change the value and test it and test it again so this is another example very very good example of what happens with the open source right you have the source there available someone stumbles upon this change and it's like hey this hasn't changed since 2010 let's try an and improve it so they this was first proposed by one here and one here it's a bone studio actually is he usually here in here's a YouTube channel on on YouTube and he makes videos on in Spanish and in English and I like the videos because there are a bit more technicals for example they talk about manta flow or or about more like hardcore stuff that is not usually covered in these videos and also animation notes at some point and it's pretty pretty nice that working with the particles found this issue and now together with the feedback from other developers testing back and forth now it's here and everybody can actually benefit from it so let's move on mmm compositor file output okay this is an easy and to show basically the the file output note if you're not familiar with it it's a node that lets you output files so you can say if any moment of your of your chain you can just basically output it to a to a file and this was actually missing if you're doing stereo you will you will not find the settings for the stereo settings for the stereo left right I for example so now if you have stereoscopy here you will find that the properties are there available for the stereo 3d stuff which were not there before then the I'm almost done by the way I'm almost restarting and the transform tool is back that's another change some people were missing it and based on feedback from the community it's back for good or for bad it's back and the last one which actually can read more here in the here in the upcoming changes of the UI meeting of the sorry VI meeting of the developers meeting is the sequencer here sequencer smarter cache invalidation makes interactive moving of strips and tricking strip properties much smoother so the remembers improvements to the cache of the strip's that I show a couple of weeks ago well now the invalidation so when you make so basically just keeping the cache when it makes sense and removing it when it doesn't it got much more improved by Richard and Alec so thank you Richard for giving some love to the blender sequencer then the other improvements that were done there : ah there this to the lights there here you can actually read all the exchanges some of them are already covered and some of them are better explained but yeah basically that's about it for this week let's move to the questions transfer tool is back yay huh alrighty people that are excited about it do you really miss it do you use it you know you can also from the these options here you can assign them to your quick favorites or even assign a shortcut so you can do so for this if you miss it you can do it from here if you are using the compatible came up I think it's now assigned to the T key if you're using I'm not gonna change it now because I'm gonna miss many settings but I think it's to the T key alright questions time I don't have like a music like a like a transition music to it let's see so there were nine messages when I just visited and now we have twenty-seven Wow you're behaving nice thank you alright let's let's get to it um I'm gonna have some water first and just to make sure that everything is okay will there be improvements in physics simulation ok these are multiple questions but we have time now we still have 25 minutes so let's take it easy whatever improvements in the physics simulation not for 2.80 but it's it's it's planned for future of the to eight serious so yeah no no for 2.80 that there are no improvements in there yet however these fix by one like one care he it came out of nowhere and you could consider that a kind of a physics improvements is actually a particle improvement but it's in the physics department ish and it's no plan but you know these kind of things happen of course as long as the features know when I break compatibility but if the physics simulation is gonna be improved soon enough with the amount of flow coming is there a workflow to do animations in tools like spider-verse a workflow there is well not really that I know besides like you can animate in no there's not really like one that I know I in my add-on actually mmm so for example if you you can just basically move every two words every two frames and in my I don't I had a setting for animation to change the how many frames you would move with when you jump animation frames but I think this didn't get ported to the new version I think if it's still even working yeah frame job it's every ten but now that yeah I need to have the the shortcut which could remove the shift up and down I know it's there now huh yeah so he's still working shift up and down with this add-on enabled called amaranth goes every ten frames and if you make it to then you can have it to go every two frames so you can have for example a he can insert the keyframe and then she up and then he will add every other two frames so it actually works interesting good use for it but no there's no like a animators usually it's just animating tools but a workflow per se it's by hand I would love to see onion skinning for non-responsive objects yeah that would actually pretty pretty nice Tipitina's having I've seen it being used in an in VR and quill I don't I don't see how it wouldn't be useful no no of course the everything I don't think anybody is agrees with that all right Fred asks hi could blend the foundation bring back all the shortcuts from 279 I right-click to 2.8 yes there is already a key map when you start blender I think for the first time you can choose the key map but you can go to the input key map sorry input a key map and choose blender 2.7 once you enable it you have the Google 2.7 way of working so that's already there just for people who are more inside blended over the years more than people coming from other software employ me 2.8 and the industry standard came up is absolutely slow yeah if you're using blender for many years the industry standard key map is gonna slow you down just if you're using blender for years just use blender to point they came up from 2.7 the one you can choose here from the settings and that should be fine but if you want to be future proof I would say just use the default blender and add your own like add your own changes you can even export it and keep it on your own even if you are using the the blender cloud add-on you can save your settings in in on the web so that way you can keep it around but yeah if you want to keep the speed just make your own based on because I bet even though you use 2.79 shortcuts and you love them I bet you didn't use all of them and some of them would get on the way when you were not really using it I know because I had that issue hi Pablo glaze from Italy a child with channel will blender ever get vertices where the Indies innocence waits tables alongside with cleaner control over them it's kind of technical but I feel it's important to have access to those without relying on Python scripts I'm not sure what what it what that is though plus mesh sort elements menu still present though we can display where the vertex indices in the mesh analysis panel anymore hey how can I come not that should be available isn't it vertex oh wait wait I think that's a developer setting so if I enable developer extras in the interface then we should see the mesh analysis or their developer indices so you can actually see the index of every every you guys can see it of every vertex yeah it is there it's an able it's just not too obvious because who I mean you unless you do development for atoms or seeing the index number is not so like trying to simplify it for regular users then what else the vertex indices and tables so you mean like the white paint so if I apply white paint to this area for example I paint here and then you mean having the vertex weights list for the active vertices or I don't know if this is what you mean sorry I'm not familiar with the concept in other in other softwares but I hope that's it what you were mentioning referring to PK go hi Paulo in a graph editor when Auto King is enabled and you key the transform values in the properties or sidebar the key curves get the selected unlike when you do it in the 3d view so knowing at hack include the graph get some attention when you out of King is enable then you kill you transform the curves could be selected that sounds like a perfect cut did you know that now in the depth talk forums we have a new paper cut section which in the past in the the paper cuts were only or mainly focused on you I like interface stuff so it's lender interface paper cuts thread and in now recently we made a section where you can actually mention other kind of paper cuts that you have and it's I think it's better because you can have a bit more of the discussion line you can get people involved and you can describe these issues much better so please describe it there because it sounds like a paper cut sounds like annoying thing that it should be fixed maybe even for 2.82 pineda still fits I mean the this kind of behavior if they don't break anything it should be allowed to be in no cons do you all to y'all do y'all have any plans to keep the option to color object layers in the collections window collections window I guess you mean the outliner to color object layers now how you can color layers in Photoshop and substance painter if not please for me this has always been an invaluable feature in other programs to help me stay organized thank for your time long live blender yes these as being proposed already on on the right click select forums here in the community and I think it's great yeah you should be should be you down I think it's on right click select calm it's must be like layers or like color it's in the dope sheet yeah somebody proposed this the other day and to have the colors of the keyframes it was somewhere here I think it's a very good addition and it should be should be done but um doesn't fit into Panetti but in 2.81 hopefully I think now that with the two point a with two point ninety and blender getting so much tension and so much love we've already seen in this development process that many new faces are coming are showing up to give tool and hand and help with 2.84 word and making patches and if this trend continues which I think it will because to Pinet is gonna bring a lot more people in its and more funding to blender so this could grow I think we're gonna see a lot of these epic arts being being fixed if you look back one year ago there were not as many contributors like community contributors as there is now so pretty nice all right next question Chris had new aim in the GPUs a new CPU announced announced yesterday so hopefully blender will take advantage of the of the thing that was announced yesterday I mean yes I hope so and I'm in the past I'm the Intel's or like they they sponsor development to improve those of those areas in blender so we can't say anything because as you said he was announced yesterday actually I didn't even know I didn't check the online stuff yesterday we in Europe there is selection time it was elections time so what things were a bit on other areas the focus was in other areas that dragon why is the way why is the lock object modes unlocking interface on by default I did believe it was a bug and reporter that I could not select any objects in post mode did you to that get more bug reports no of course I don't think anybody's looking for bug reports but yeah it should be maybe we can discuss it and maybe it should be turned off lock object mode is the setting that he is referring to which locks the mode you're in to like prevent you from going away from your active mode so if you're in post mode and you accidentally click on object that it's in the background by default is not gonna do anything it's like ignore those objects around because it's not gonna change the mode but if you had another armature in the back that also was in post mode then you could switch back and forth so it means that you have to armatures you can switch back and forth in in post mode which is great it's very nice and you can get annoying if you have another chick in the back and you click on it and then you go in edit mode apparently so this is what it's trying to prevent however it's a change in the workflow so a lot of people don't like this change especially because they don't know about it and and it's new so the this setting was added and should it be default or not let me know in the comments please good to hear your feedback but try to be objective try to be try to put yourself in the mind of a new user that doesn't know about this feature and that it's trying to select the bones and then the object in the background gets keeping being selected or like I don't know let's try to be of objective we or advanced users can take a blender to the liking but a new ones should get a little bit more help you know walk by the hand for at least for the first week all right next question frost crack studio why can I use the left and right arrow keys on the save menu and will the render image and run their animation and return to the render panel the render image and render animations buttons are not going to return at least four 2.80 because we are in UI freeze mode where the interface shouldn't change so for now f12 and control f12 will do the work the first question why can I use the left and right arrow keys on the save menu like save menu you can do left and right I think this is this what you mean or in the on the browser you mean then there are the columns you mean table then it's just a missing feature like that that's funny like like it why can I do that it has been implemented yet but those things if they're really expected and that's how it works in every other file browser then those are very good candidates for paper cuts and they're not even that hard to to be fixed and the community could even contribute to it so that would be pretty nice hey Antonio is Antonio yeah blend it's in the chat and easie is a developer of grease pencil so back in with blender and Chris pencil questions right next question Kyle Aquila moreto all Apollo there are any plans to replace the bounce layers inside the armatures with the collections no plans but like it eventually will happen right we seen the improvements in collections so what it means is that the objects when you are seeing an armature the armature internally has layers bound layers and he had the same 42.7 but now in 2.8 the object system was upgraded to use collections but the bounds inside happened so I this is something I will happen and I think it will take place together with the animation the the animation 2020 project that Don really wants to push which is going to bring the character pipeline and animation tools in blender to next level parties 2020 yes it's a while from now so but we survived so long with it so we can keep pushing a little bit more they made they animated next-gen the Netflix movie with it so we can survive a little bit more a few more months it was a bit too much to like to do it in 2.8 it was a bit too much work together with them with the already tradition collection for objects in that was a that took so many months changes until the last few weeks improvements in the outliner imagine for for amateurs so even better there like the question also continue saying are there is there any plan to bring back the old oops or an outliner with notes my fede and everything outline every notes yeah the oops window into point for blender to point for used to be yeah it was amazing actually then their ups and it was basically like a note view of the relation of your objects in the scene it was awesome so that way you could see I used a ladder a lot right remember back in the day this is from blender 2.4 so this is when blender used to look like this so for all farts it could get messy really messy but you could see the connection like in a very visual way between the objects if you had an image that you didn't like you don't know if it's being used by something or like like just to debug your scene it was amazing you could see it here so now the doubt that this editor died in the two point moving 12.5 but it was super nice and I think maybe with the everything no it's at least or like it's more like a visualization right you can't time will tell I think but um it's a it's already nice concept maybe you can be done with the with an add-on right like I just with a new depth graph go through everything build with an atom maybe new node system because you couldn't edit stuff here either so it wasn't ready it wasn't the most useful it was morning for mainly for seeing things all right next question Jing is popular could you please inform us about the work on fixing performance regressions in 2.8 and opens up the magnifier performing as well it's way slower than it used to be also is there going to be any rework on the current and dual system yes there is a there is one of the main topics to continued improvement from here to the end which is performance and bringing blender add to at least as fast at 2.7 and faster in many other areas so yeah it is it is planned and that that's the target fundamentally the release of Japan 8080 and further releases is to make it stable and fast John do you guys know do you guys have any statistics or charts on blender popularity over time has development fund donations increased over the years downloads how much of an effect has two point eight hands two point ad hasn't even been released yet and it in and like the the builder the builder builds are being super like I mean increased so much but people also download downloaded many times even a day in the same day so not a good a good way of counting the downloads but actually on the blender website we every now and then we'd run some stats in the About section website you will see here the credits and then at the end you will find the statistics so you will see that the last time we did this blender in 2017 so imagine two years ago when popularity was I mean weather was popular but not I think it's much more now and back then it was six point more than six point five million downloads per year turned whole year six point five millions and you can go a little bit back and you will find that it was also downloaded a few a few million times a year in 2009 10 years ago blender was 3.4 million times per year in 2009 10 years ago already 3.4 million times now 2017 6 points:5 and I think it's gonna go even more so maybe we can update this with 2.8 2.8 comes out this year at the end of the year we should update this value yes remind me submit a reminder like hey pal you updated stats anyone I will run a an update on this because it's super fun to see and I think - my name is gonna be huge about the development fund it's this last year has been going up because we are promoting and even more often but you see I don't speak about it too often in the live streams which I should because this is what actually it's literally paying the salary of the developers which is giving me what to talk about here in the live stream so recently Intel joined for the a corporate sponsor so together with these people are amazing and also the bronze the ones that will contribute 5 they're not listed here but they are in our hearts so thank you very much everything helps jad I know that UI is on lockdown but for the future can we get a widget or brush for working with normals it will be more intuitive yes the tool system needs to be improved the 2.80 is like the foundations for a tool system so some of them are implemented not all of them like the way we wanted maybe but it's a good foundation to keep improving on that so yes question according to blend the preference keymap so still the action should do navigator gizmos but for me it goes to fly mode fly mode is navigate it's it's the same with navigation then tolls by its next question there is something small that always confuses me the options in the menu object convert to make me think that this menu should be very called converted from that sounds like a paper cut so let's please add it here you can even tag it at an attack called user interface and that way we can you can see it but that sounds like one yeah and this one about the tilde maybe you can report it as a bug if it doesn't work as expected next question any Pablo loved the show hey any info about data Smith support for blenders that are Unreal Engine workflow to import 3d models and stuff currently supports 3d max try with Sketchup and even supports v-ray material from 3ds max and simple no is is fine so any info no actually I'm not familiar with it but maybe it would be good if people instead of asking blender to make an to make support for it is to ask the companies behind it to support it so that would be that would be a bit more that will show them interest because if they already support all of these ones 3ds max Sketchup and the rest they if they see people actually using blender then that would be the best way to show support for blender and for their format a London hello Paulo first of all you're doing an amazing job thank you very much it's very nice well the timeline dopesheet in LA I always have issues say in that world andele editors have one interface with different modes or we'll have to keep switching between them all the time so unifying basically well the the dope sheet and the time that maybe they could be but they could be one thing because they are especially now in 2.80 they are very similar but the NLA is completely different thing is like a vanilla is closer to the video sequencer than to an animation editor I think I think they still are two different things but the timeline is I agree any chance we'll see a built in modular rigging tools that are easy to use like 3ds max can't consider edifice super complex and doesn't have procedural animation editor included I'm aware of auto wreck Pro Adam but it's not built in I don't know it's not a building and have no procedural animation interface this could be part of the stay connected with updates on the animation 2020 project because it's kind of feedback is super super nice so please keep talking about it when the animation 2020 project comes forward Daniela Palmas keep this one Paolo you answer my question before the question section okay I already hated thank you for your question though Seth Corp asks hi Paulo first a huge thanks to Campbell for making great work in 2.18 now we have another key we can use I'm happy to mark clear seems much faster than the menu my question is shouldn't the review panel move to the cyber and the transform informal to its place this will make flickr UI less permanent and more clean yeah actually there was a task on it but shows there was no time but there is a task in fabricator about is in developer and then it's something about have make the result panel also appear here so it's a it's a task from last year from November by William about basically doing that and it's yeah there is no no time basically but there is a thread already going on here where you can contribute to the to the discussion next comment on the new Intel box on below to shutting hyper-threading kill cycles render times is awful I haven't heard of this one but I haven't I actually haven't heard of that one is it the the the the serious back about I'm not sure not familiar with it link please next time any chance for real-time denoising in cycles viewport I think yes it should should be actually there Adams already making that show it should be possible in the future next quite a while we are actually one minute past the last the last one sorry it's the last question so let's do five more and then let's call it a day hello Pablo have you seen some plan to implement textures for light sources in evey no plans I heard of plans of it for it especially one unifying cycles and evie but I smell for 2.80 but for the future for the future for the future are there any plans to add more cat-like features like a more advanced napping more tools for accurate modeling I know that blender is not and will not be a full cut software but they are hey why not it could be if the community makes it and then there is no reason not to include those fixes it's not just for CAD everybody wants to better snapping tool I bet if you tell an animator like hey I want to improve the new snapping there's not gonna say no I think it's really a huge huge improvement it says that there's not enough developers interested in that area or like even companies to hire those developers and improve that area so if there was support for it like more food support from the community but these things would absolutely be part blender they don't conflict with anything else so I think it should be part of it if there is supported by the community all right that was five for number three hi Pablo why does the wireframe node in the node editor always shows a meshes triangle ade yeah that's a limitation sorry this is no improved in the future versions of lender also when it's adaptive sampling coming into cycles to an editor binary one when it's adaptive sampler yeah no to binary no that's for sure in the future maybe but especially now there is a and improvement actually there is a task already in discussion for a while let's patch but not for 2.84 sure because it's all about fixes now I've been using it in another branch from theory studios yeah yeah actually it is there but it's not to binary by the way this theory studios you can find it in a graphical you can find the bills there is usually bills and somewhere here alright next Mesa masks selection highlighting before clicking there is an all popular yes I think there is a there is a thread about it already discussion people are asking for it for a while next question is a is it possible to come back collective to the top bar collective to the top bar not sure what you mean but it yeah I'm sorry I don't don't know exactly what you mean by that maybe I maybe the panel the collection view this one I think you mean not sure that dragon with the merge vertices be added to the special menu when you're working in edge very select it's a special menu to the context menu you mean maybe that that that sounds like feasible paper cut so please drop it here maybe some we kept some a feedback from other people because the thing is that those menus are huge already so let's let's see if there is room for another entry in there and the last question so I think it's a bit more than I was supposed to but it starts with a nice high-powered Oh fantastic show so I'm a bit biased then he asks or she asked any plans for new animation tools in 2.8 2.71 had bone ghosting I said it is calling to PI Nate also are there better motion pads Marshall BOTS yes and evitable hopefully but a better motion plans paths it's one of the main main features in topics to cover in the animation 2020 project and related to the any plans for new animation tools yes this is this there is a big thing I think is the next big thing together with the Scout improvements in the asset management - I think animation is going to be the next hot topic for the next at least four year or more because it's the end this project is basically to bring blender to main to bigger more mainstream Studios they need a animation pipeline so basically bring it to the top level of the industry without the add-ons because the industry tools are good if you just put a bunch of plugins in it but blender should work well out of the box all right out of voice I'm running out now so let's let's let's call it a day thank you for tuning in sorry I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the to the chat here I was completely sucked in by the by the questions but I hope everything is okay I see you guys are helping each other that's the spirit that's good to see and I will go now because actually in a bit in I'm going to start another livestream if you speak spanish español where is a blender or a channel and i do this exact same livestream but in in spanish so check out the blended oil channel if you haven't already I do it in a separate language and this is to encourage other people to do this kind of thing why is it not anybody I'm doing 64 times these these live streams and the other ones in Spanish is I'm already 76 so why is no one doing it in other languages why isn't there a blender orgy there is community but no medallion in French in Portuguese all the communities they should be doing it please take this as an invitation to take the blender oil brand and do better today and the way you know on language so more people can learn about all these exciting changes happening and maybe it's less exciting every other week so we have to find ways on how to make it more you know more inviting people over to get it get it a bit more action maybe I can just actually use blender for once when I'm doing a live stream maybe that will help or interviews to the people from the community that could also be fun anyway I am way over time I'm going to leave with the exact same way I always say goodbye and yes that I feel in tow that was a hint to you to start making videos in in Portuguese about blender updates your as a developer you should be even more close to the what's changing in blender so let's go if you're wearing headphones watch out because in five four three I think I was a bit too fast sorry about that thank you everyone I will see you again next week same place same time for blender today is 65 yes ciao you
Channel: Blender
Views: 23,884
Rating: 4.9311194 out of 5
Keywords: blender, b3d, blender 3d, 2.8, 2.80, blender 2.8, blender foundation, particle, particles, ui, user interface, animation
Id: IJ8iMb9WBKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 5sec (4025 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.