FAST Walking in 30 minutes | Fitness Videos

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are you ready to walk yeah i'm ready to walk you guys ready oh let's walk everybody here we go all right now always a quick four basic step review that gets our body warm and then we'll be ready to take off you know you're a pro by now i know you know the moves our traditional warm-up here it is walk walk walk walk walk walk walk so again i need that second to give me that pace music is created and engineered for the the beat to be the miles per hour walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk just give me four more here's four here's three here's two side step everybody so you know again the speed is the most important thing it's really not the moves i want you to keep moving at the beat at the speed that i keep the movements going so anytime one of the movements maybe get a little challenging or a little confusing remember that walking to the beat is the secret to this whole program it's how you get fit okay nice out together out together out together out together here's four here's three here's two we're back to walking now we walk good kicks are coming up guys and four and three two just an easy kick just easy getting those legs ready getting muscles warm body temperatures going up you'll feel really good in the full range of motion all the joints feel good when you just give it a little movement it gets a little lubrication in there i call it juice in the joints and it feels good when you're moving good four and three and two back to walks guys we walk always go back to a walk anytime if it gets a little fast for you just go back to an easy walk four more and then knee lifts are coming ready knees up right here guys knees up and knees up knees up knees up remember long and tall we want to think of from the hip up to the shoulder long and tall belly button toward the spine draw back that deep muscle layer if you tuck it back you've got it you've got a strong core a stable core two more walk walk walk walk okay so those are your four easy steps now we start moving around a little here we go yeah all right two up and two back here it comes so walk forward for two back up two steps here's one here's two back up one and two good when we can move the body around in all the directions all the muscles get involved so a traditional walk doesn't use those back up muscles and that's what i love about our program we can do total body walking all the muscles are involved all the many directions it's so strong that's how you get fit one more time okay everybody's walking right here just pick up those feet now pick up feet a little bit higher five and six okay side steps again guys so step out and again you make it just a little bit wider there you go and we're gonna wake up up her body just reach every time you step out that's it reach reach reach wake up those arms wake up the shoulders tuck that tummy back you'll have it nice and powerful for all the moves coming up two more walk walk walk walk and walk walk walk good tap out guys four and three and two just touch the floor tap and tap good you sit down in a little bit lower just get the feet working good job eight seven six and five four three back to walks walks walks walks nice hey guys mini squats and then we'll get some arm work into it all you do is this you just sit down into it and pop up that's it kind of sit and pop up that's it now hey guys a little lateral motion here just allow the arms to follow lift lift lift there's a raise raise raise raise yeah just two more times there's one here's two we walk always back to walking good okay a few minutes of a slow beat that was the warm-up walk now we really start to get to the heart rate build that heart rate up where we need it so we're sure we're going to get all the benefits from cardio exercise aerobic exercise but listen when we can get that heart rate up that's when we can really burn those calories here they go one two walk walk walk you got it there it is that's the beat all right come on put power into it guys i love to turn around and see those faces wow there's a lot of beautiful people walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk nice hey guys double side steps are coming up give me four three two a double side step step out two times come back this way two times good we'll open up those arms here comes open and close open close good that's it all muscles in motion go i love the lateral movement we don't do it all the time so those muscles get conditioned out together out together out together out together one more set all the way over come on back now walk walk walk walk walk raise arms raise them high raise them here we go eight seven six five four three two one good arms are down power walk power walk good knee lifts are coming guys four and three and two now lift the knee let's get it working first the knees come up strong the trunk is tight and strong so i want your alignment even straight up remember don't tip back stay long and tall hands on your hips call in your rotator muscles isn't that something all you have to do is change directions with your hands and you can get your waistline in it that's amazing oblique muscles rotators four more here's four three two walk walk walk walk you got it walk nice job power walk pump the arms just a bit nice open up feet kickbacks are coming four three two now remember hamstring curl so when that heel comes up i call it a kickback kick behind you good if we sit in a little bit lower you feel thigh engagement just a bit nice very nice here we go good kick back kick back kick back kick back kick back kick back it's all legs just go eight more eight seven six five four three walk walk walk walk you feel that heart rate going up it only takes a few minutes to get heart rate where you need it to be to be sure you get a healthier heart a stronger heart your lungs feel better you breathe easier there's so many benefits to fitness walking you're doing it good upper body ready all we do is lift up lift up lift up lift up lift up raise all the way full extension reach reach reach eight more eight seven six five four three two arms are down power walk nice kicks are coming guys four and three and two tight tummy before you kick kick and kick i think before my leg flies i tuck my tummy way back belly button to the spine nice and long trunk all right now guys reach for your feet every time a foot comes up reach and reach come on real strong real strong give it a little tummy tuck every time you kick tuck tuck tuck come on tuck eight seven six five four three [Laughter] it's so funny i turn around they're funny and four three two counts up and back here we go it's one and two and one and two hey we won't come up with that little clap one and two one and two one and two and two come on it feels good to move around put those muscles in motion back for two up for two one two it's such a good brisk pace and two and two last time up and back one and two back good stay right here power walk open up feet kickbacks coming again four more here's four three kick back now let's go kick back kick back and reach out straight ahead nice and give me a few more and then we'll pull back two more pull back now here we go pull back pull back pull back pull back eight seven six five four three two walk walk walk walk always a walk nice four three hey guys start with a simple uh side step then we'll go to skaters four more counters four three two so the side step get the feet working first you got it just a few more all right now so a skater is simply tap behind here it comes step tap and look what happened naturally my arms came around to balance me so i'm working on a little balance and coordination but that rotation is all waistline tuck your tummy back give your waistline a workout go come on step tap step tap step tap step tap eight seven six five four three walk walk walk walk you got it yeah oh yeah nice job everybody nice job knee lifts coming and four three single knee lift all you do is lift one then the other these are singles you know what that means double comes up soon not yet open up your feet a little wider you're gonna need the balance touch your hip touch your hip here's four here's three here's two doubles here now double here we go there you go on the side come on boom get all the muscles involved go i want you to tuck your tummy back and get the arms a little higher now higher arms go come on let's go one two one two come on work today work hard i'm so glad you made the time and one and two and two walk walk walk walk upper body reach reach reach reach eight seven six five four three we're gonna change the arms push to the front push push push push push push four more four three two walk what you got it guys step tap two forward two back you've got a camilla camilla four three ready and give me beat guys i still need the beat four three two i got it now let's go it's step tap step tap step tap step tap there you go just tap step tap step tap step tap step tap you got it just get those feet walking if anything feels a little bit you know uncomfortable don't you worry about that just walk step tap step tap step okay okay i couldn't even stop myself yeah one more time you got it off you've got it nice nice nice open up those feet kickbacks four three two lift the heel here it comes lift up lift up throw the hands to heaven that's the time that i think about being thankful there we go here's four here's three get ready to pull down now it comes now four three two keep going eight more eight seven six five four three two walk walk walk walk your walk and walk walk walk you gotta walk yeah kicks ready kicks right here we kick and kick real strong tight tummy reach for your feet when you reach for your feet you get all those muscles involved there it is wendy nice and tight nice nice nice suze suzy big powerful kicks because when we're tight here the legs move with power the arms move with power just easy basic movements can use a lot of muscle it's fitness walking for your total body back to walking guys walk walk walk walk and a pump the arms power walk nice side steps and skaters coming back ready side step here just start out with a basic get your feet working first out together out together four more four three turn it into a skater it's skater and here's the rotation carrie do you feel that in your waistline exactly waistline just takes over those rotator muscles just go because the foot changed position that's all that happened and now you've got all those new muscles working two more walk walk walk walk walk wow that's a fat you gotta be fast on your feet it's so nice pick up those feet feet walk walk walk walk all right a little change to the beat walk walk walk you got it that pace nice good job all right now we're gonna take the arms up we're gonna take them out we're gonna take them down and then out again so it's a whole pattern you can watch it at home join us when you're ready upper body four three right now guys to the feet like this you go up out down now back out now come on up out down and out that's it go up and out and down and out good up out good down and out straight up there you go and out here it's up and out and down and out here's up and out and down and out up and out down and out last time last round power one powerball power yeah good you have to think a little bit huh you have to think nice power walk you got it hang on guys keep a good power walk five knee lifts are coming back ready knees up right here knees up knees up hands to the hips bring it around those are singles four more singles four three back to doubles here come two one and two other side one two and one two come on all right now come across your body we're going even farther we're going to go to fours not yet i'll tell you when one and two i love that i have them all thinking oh give me one more set for twos okay guys let's do four on this side four three two move to the other side here's four three two other side let's go four three two and switch four three one more set that's all come on four three make it tight good switch four three walk wow feels good nice everybody two up two back ready walking strong walk and back two let's go one and two back two one two back two and two and two nice we're gonna add a double sided step i'll tell you when not yet up for two one more time up and back okay now add double side steps so go out together out together get ready to go back up up nice back double side good out together out together out together here we go up one two good and two double side step you got it out together out together up for two back for two double two you got it moving around all the directions i love it it's so good for the body good for your coordination good for your balance back two last time over and back walk walk walk you got it keep that energy high come on it's a good strong beat pick up those feet higher pump those arms we're going hey how about three walks and a tap so give me a few seconds and keep my beat and i'll guide you into it [Music] here it goes it's one two three tap one two three tap one two three tap one two three tap now i'm gonna start that move one two three one two three let's move guys and tap one two three and tap come on power walk one two three and tap one two three and tap two three and tap two three and tap come on shoes can't miss those shoes we love our shoes we hope you like them too we were so happy to see our bright shoes when we walked in today one two three tap one two three tap one two three tap walk walk walk walk walk just right here there you go because walking shoes are the key to life just push those arms push you know why because fitness walking will carry you through a lifetime of good health don't you be without your fitness walking shoes ever okay push and push push push come on push arms tight tummy and really extend those arms four more counts here's four three two walk walk again okay guys side steps and then we're gonna put a little twist to the feet i'll guide you through it four and three and two just step out this way out together out together get the feet working first so skaters were a way to put the toe behind it and then you have some rotation this time it's heels to the front i'll guide you through guys give me a few more four three two now heels to the front so you step heel step heel step heel it's the same principle it throws you off a little wee bit because it asks your balance to come in your coordination to come in and so what happens is you rotate at the trunk your arms kind of follow and now you have a lot more muscle going on step step heel step heel step heel step heel four three walk walk walk good good good nice nice nice now pick up those feet hey guys we're gonna move around a little two up and two back and then we're taking those corners yeah nick i'm coming back to that corner yeah four three ready two up like this one and two back up all right now off to this corner go one and two back up one two other corner let's go one and two back up we're going back up the middle one and two good back and two you got it one and two nice other corner here we go one and two go ahead add your claps i know one and two and back and two other corner one and two and one corner corner all corners one and two all corners here we go one and two and one and two one and two last time corner one and two you go one stay right here guys nice wow come on power walk arms push to the front here we go push and push and push and push come on every minute you keep fitness walking you build endurance into the body your heart gets stronger your bones get stronger your muscles get stronger come on hang in there in this third mouth blow out that air four more counts here's four here's three here's two walking again nice walk walk we got it it's the pace and the beat beat beat nice hey guys how about a little cha-cha all you do is the the actual move is you step two times and run for three it's watch it and join us anytime four three all right like this guys it's all you gonna step step one two three step step one two three step step one two three step step step step step step step step one two three cha cha one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three here's four three two little run walk walk walk walk there you go walk walk nice now all we need next kicks four more counts here's four and three and two now just kicks all i need you to do guys before that leg raises you think about tummy tuck belly button toward the spine flatten it up reach for your feet reach for your feet it looks like an easy move but i will tell you it's strong it's all the muscles of the body you can see it wendy suzy goes strong honey carry go strong big kick power kicks marvin big power kick i love it every muscle of the body nikki tighten up the tummy camilla a head to toe see nick i your neighbor is so smart your neighbor yeah that's why i'm standing there maxine nice honey beautiful alignment too beautiful alignment it's total body walking nice tight tummy reach and reach four three walk walk walk you got it two up two back in corners four three ready two up right here here's one there's two one and two corner are one and two the other corner go one and two middle middle and two corner and two come on move around the room corner middle move the furniture at home cause we're coming over wouldn't that be fun if we got to go everywhere all our walkers are i would love it and two maybe we need to do a little tour everybody one and two middle one more time all the way around here we go corner and the corner middle middle middle here goes middle walk walk walk pick up feet wow open up feet let's celebrate is right open up kickbacks are coming give me four give me three give me two give me one here it goes kick back kick back kick back kick back and all the way to heaven hands all the way reach all the way through those fingertips a big extension come on tight tummy four more here's four here's three pull down arms here we go pull pull pull pull four more four three two walk walk walk walk grapevine coming up all right four walks four three two great vine right now grapevine here it comes one two three one two three step cross step step cross behind step cross behind step cross step step cross step get up light on the feet light on the feet go one two three one two three one two three two three four three two three [Music] four got it nice everybody come on throw those hands straight up eight seven six five four three push arms to the front here they go push push push push four three arms down power walk power walk pump the arms tap out everybody four three two just touch the floor you tap it and tap it and tap all right hey guys start that turn all you do is turn turn tap you kind of push off a little all right now here comes the arms all you do is reach opposite hand go and go and go come on and go nice maxine there you are doll push off with the leg push up go come on all the way big extension camilla when all these muscles are asked to move fast you are getting in the best shape of your life that is so awesome go carry big punch that away you go honey that's the way to work out you got it now and go [Music] how about four three two walk walk walk you did it nice oh yeah that's the way tight tummy mini squats are coming guys four and three and two here's a mini squat you bend papa bend papa ben papa good nice okay arms are coming to a front and then a lateral watch me first and then join me everybody we're going up and out up and out up and out up and out here's up here's out here's up here's out arms there you go front raise lateral raise front lateral front lateral here's four three two one walk walk walk walk we're always walking wow always walking that's what i love raise them up high guys reach all the way through the fingertips real strong keep those feet walking strong eight seven six five four three two walk walk walk side steps coming back ready side step right here here we go out together out together heels to the front coming up nice i love that energy you still got that good energy guys good now here come the heel everybody heel down heel down heel down heel down heel down heel down heel heel heel a little rotation arms come around there you go arms come around they give you balance but they also help that waistline get in there come on we really do you know what listen one of the most important things we do for our good health is keep our waistline trim listen that's the dangerous area when you're gaining weight and there's extra weight in the middle that's the stuff that can get our health really out of control four three two walk walk walk belly fat complicates every condition oh i hate to say it like that it sounds so serious but you know it really is if we can just reduce a little bit into the waste your health can improve dramatically burning a lot of calories does it sculpting using strength it does it we're doing it all today i love it walk everybody to the beat it's a fast pace pace pace pace pace it's walk walk walk walk knee lifts four and three and two knee lifts to end like this knees up knees up just stay tall stay tall stay tall everybody four three two walk walk walk nice nice job heel down ready just the heels like this heel down heel down heel down heel down heel down heel down that's it you got to get that breathing back to normal four and three and two walk walk walk again walk and walk nice easy guys four and three little we side steps not real big keep it easy breathing has to come back to normal heart rate comes back to where it was in the beginning so that's called a recovery that's your goal is to recover quick fit people do recover quick if you're a beginner don't worry it's going to happen to you your heart rate is going to come down quick your breathing comes back to normal at the end of the workouts as you get more fit don't you worry be patient with yourself all you got to do is keep showing up believe me that's what we did and that's how you get to the point where you feel strong and you can get through workouts don't ever get discouraged walk walk walk walk every minute that you challenge your body i promise you it brings you back health results for your life that are so precious your health is everything it's everything easy walk four little kicks guys ready just kick right here we kick and kick and kick and kick here's eight and seven and six and five four and three and two easy walk right here easy good heart rate back down you
Channel: Walk at Home
Views: 120,018,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk at home, walk, walking exercise, walking exercise for weight loss, walking at home, walking workout, walk exercise, leslie, lesli, exercise, leslie 2 mile, leslie walk, leslie sansone 2 mile walk full video, 1 mile happy walk, leslie 3 mil, walk away the pounds, 3 mile walk, walk at home 3 mile, leslie 3 mile, leslie sansone 3 mile walk, leslie 1 mile, leslie sansone 1 mile, 1 mile walk, leslie 5 mile, one mile walk, walk at home 1 mile, 30 minute workout, workouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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