FAST realistic scene in Cinema 4D - IN 5 MIN! - No plugins

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hi I'm going to show you how to make this realistic look in a really short time so let's start let's create first of all a landscape let's bring the y-axis up so rotate and find a place for the object let's create a cube scale it down by pressing T on the keyboard you can decide any object just to show out to show how we can make it let's go a bit closer okay let's select the cube and press C to make it editable let's go to the polygon mode command a or ctrl a and then let's press I and we extrude this inner side and let's press D on the keyboard to extrude inside okay so this is the basic shape you can create any kind of shape please just to show so let's create a material and add it to the cube let's go inside the material and let's go to the reflectance and add back man let's make the attenuation additive and let's put the roughness up a bit and bring the reflection strand down do it like that okay now let's create another material and add it to the landscape now we need to recreate the ground effect so let's go to color texture and load image I'm choosing a ground texture which I found online and you can choose any and try out how it fits and yeah let's copy this channel and paste it to the bum weevil okay now let's go to the landscape click on the text attack let's change the projection to cubic resize the length vo and be to 20% you can change this according to your text you can make you can see how it fits I'm gonna add a little bit more bump to the to the thing maybe 45 will be good okay now we have the cube everything texture let's create a sky so physical sky make really good impact to the scene you can change the time here to make it a bit warmer in the living room whatever so I'm gonna keep it like default let's add a camera okay and let's move around let's try to find good spot I like to go close go to close up I'm going to bring the cube down and make it a bit smaller smooth the camera also okay yeah now let's go to the render settings and let's make the render settings to physical and in physical let's check data field then let's add ambient occlusion and global illumination okay in cover now we need to make de have stop two one you can change these according how much blur you want on your scene I like I like it that is kind of blurry and some parts of visible I think it's really nice in the focus object let's drag the cube you can also decide your focus distance just by doing it yourself or using this but I like to bring it up like the target here so it kind of work nicely so let's see how it looks so far I have a list resolution of 800 x 600 you can change it to get a bigger resolution of course by changing this other thing what I like to do is to make the physical high to get a better better result of course it's going to take longer time the picture what I show you I'll close it already okay the picture what I show you earlier I it took me around 30 minutes to render and I use physical high and global illumination high and also record density high but deities to look but in a really short time or much or how long this tutorial is but in less than five minutes you can do something like that okay thanks for watching bye
Channel: FööF
Views: 178,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, fast, render, tutorial, how, to, create, realistic, scene, in, minutes, short, without, plugin, sky, physical, organic, look, c4d, textures, sunlight, cubes, 3d
Id: sqHBlXsgWTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2016
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