Fast Pay Stripe Connect Integration

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hello it's Dave done here at first flow and in this video I'm going to be talking about how to set up and fast pay with a fast stripe connect so that basically you can pay your affiliates and payees using stripe so we're going to start here inside a stripe and within strike there's a section within the stripe - mother the section called connect and when you first click on connect if you haven't connected a site before there's going to be this section they at the mini says payments for platforms so what I want to do is gonna get started and basically we need to get a strike ID from this connect so we want to choose some options here whether we're building a platform or marketplace or build an extension so the option you actually want choose is to build a platform or marketplace and then go to continue so the base of your site is now becoming a platform for stripe connect so basically we've activated a stripe account we need to complete our platform profile so if we go through start so you just want to fill this out it's basically like a questionnaire and basically depending on what your site is going to be doing you may want to use a ecommerce or website building so I'm just gonna go for ecommerce at the moment and it's gonna ask your way where do customers purchase products or services so the option you want is from your platforms website or app and then who's going to be listed on the customers credit card statement which is going to be your platform so it's going to be your platforms name and you're going to be the person that's contacted if there's a dispute or complaint so you want to put your platform as well and do your sellers office in tax products you can leave that as no and do you sell products over $10,000 that's up to you to answer okay so once we've got these responses we just want to submit them and basically we now have our platform ready to integrate so what we need to do next is basically get our ID so we've got connect setup I'll come down to the settings here I want to come down into connect settings over here and basically when I come into the integration section and you're going to see a live mode client ID so base you want to copy that client ID and then when you go into test mode there's also a test ID so you want to copy that as well so I'm going to copy both of these and basically we wanted to take take these and paste them into our into our settings panel with info dash pod so here inside the fast flow - bodies when they come into settings and then on the first pay panel it's gonna open up and this is where we're gonna paste those keys so we're gonna copy the test mode and the client mode and then finally you want to put a redirect URL so that basically wants your user has connected this their account their stripe account to your site this is the URL they're going to be taken to after they've connected so maybe wanna just pour success page or you might want to link them back to the page that they're gonna have the stats on and that's pretty much it now your site's ready to basically accept partners and affiliates connecting their accounts to a stripe connect so the next step will basically be to add these shortcodes so if we go into our site here and you can see I've created a basic partners page and it's got the PayPal form what I want to do is add the shortcode here for the stripe connect as well so once you've pasted in that shortcode you can update the page and you should see a connect button so that when it's button is pressed your user will be taken to stripe and they'll be asked to set up their account so I'm going to do in a separate video is show you how to connect a user account to this stripe connect button and then from there your users will then be able to accept payments using the stripe connect integration
Views: 4,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stripe Connect, Fast Pay, Fast Member, Fast Flow, Affiliate payments, Stripe split payments
Id: gXCdReiPoPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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