Farthest Frontier Farming Guide 0.9.0 - Tips and Strategies

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well hello everybody in today's video we're going to talk about some important farming tips and tricks and all that you need to know to not die a guide anyway how to not die and how to make food let's do it so the primary thing you need to understand about food is spoil it certain products spoil faster now beans have an 18 month spoilage rate naturally that's before your sellers that's before your barrels that's before your Relic now these damn turnips over here they have about a nine month wheat lasts up to 24 months to year when converted to flour wheat lasts an additional year and a half making wheat and cheese which cheese has a 36 month shelf life before all the benefits of the sellers and barrels so each stage of the seller for instance gives you 25 so a tier 2 seller gives you 50 when you add the barrels on top of that that is another 50 so beans go from 18 months to 36 months longevity so let's go over strategizing food now now these staple crops of any society are basically going to be beans cheese that sounds really bad beans beans cheese and the grains which turn into flour which turn into bread those are going to have your best longevity and they're also going to have some of the best yields you can get now I am growing buckwheat right now because I'm trying to get my fertility up and I will go into some of this stuff later but you can see here on this 12 by 24 with just 12 workers I am getting 2 500 buckwheat if I were growing wheat I could get that all the way up to 6 000 if my fertility is 100 which it will get there now an important thing to note the most important thing in this game is the in for a farm is the Environmental fertility Factor this determines the game that you get from these percentages so you see this Clover here impacts fertility uh three percent that's capped by your environmental fertility Factor now a lot of these things play off of each other beans give plus one turnips give negative two buckwheat gives negative two but the key the key to really building up fertility is compost compost gives plus 10 percent regardless of the size of the farm if it's a five by ten if it's a 12 by 24 it gets the 10 percent this is however capped by the environmental fertility fact so when you're thinking about a crop field you want to just take that into consideration the highest gain that you can get is going to be 10 times that environmental fertility factor and then all this added in but these things pale in comparison to the gain of compost they're almost insignificant to an extent and to be honest you don't always get three percent on the clovers they may actually may have adjusted this but they're they're met to to an extent really the compost is where it's at and what and the reason I'm going into this is as long as you have an environmental fertility factor of 30 percent you can pretty much be guaranteed you can get plus three percent per year if you have 12 by 24s you should have a lot of people and you should have compost yielding yearly once you're in the 4 and 500 popular relation now a lot of the strategies I'm going over are for large populations late game population now if as long as you have 30 or 40 you could do a setup like so and uh beans clovers turnip clovers clovers beans clovers buckwheat and you could have pretty much all of your major food groups absolutely no problem at 40 if you can get it to 5 and 60 and the best way to think about this is to look at the environmental fertility Factor negative if you have negative five you want an environmental fertility factor of 50 if you have negative six you want an environmental fertility factor of at least 60. if if you completely want to abuse the system however at sixty percent environmental fertility Factor you should have absolutely no problem having this set up and still having a percent gain every single year now when you're starting off one of the best strategies is just to go turnips Clover's peas this kind of washes out regardless of the environmental fertility fact have you can see this particular Farm has a 43 environmental fertility Factor yet I I was able to get it up from 48 to 72 percent basically doing nothing it did take about you know maybe 40 years the gains are really slow you have to think a little bit long term when you're doing this so when you're starting off just use a really basic strategy like that it seems to really ward off disease because diseases are procked based on the occurrence and clovers also reduce uh and reduce disease chances and all that kind of stuff so turnips are being grown literally once every year and we don't have any of the same kind of crops being grown and appear in a really short period so while these things do look redundant and you would expect diseases to be very common because of the Perfection of it being one-year gaps between all of them it actually runs very well now another strategy I use is going to be dependent upon the base environmental fertility factor of the area you're playing in this is the Arid Highlands not very good but also pretty decent in this area I got above 60 on all this stuff so a thing thing that I do is that clovers don't take any workers they automatically grow and they increase fertility you can see here I took this nothing field made it a 12 by 24 booted it all the way down to zero and just stuck it on um I got all the weeds off of it at one point I had workers on it and I just put it full of clovers this allows me to have a farm that's pretty much maxed out so when I'm ready to expand it's there so the point I'm trying to make is know how many crop Fields you want to have and for 12 by 24s and just make all of them and let them sit with zero workers in a bunch of clovers just let them sit there and accumulate fertility It's Gonna Save You 20 30 40 billion years if you will um you do need workers for you know the um getting rid of the weeds and doing all that jazz um what's also important to note is you want to Clump together all of your Farms to the best of your ability I could actually probably get away with 11 or 10 workers if I have a really high happiness that is give giving me a work rate of 120 percent but the way that the code works is it anticipates when a field needs to be planted or harvested and sends the workers there before as you can see here this field is set to 13 12 people there are not 12 people there that's because of the way that the AI in the game work it uses a global pool of all of the farmer and it makes sure if no one has anything to do that they go to that next field these are setting assigned workers which is basically a minimum if all of these were procking it once those minimum required Fields would pull those Farmers as needed so you don't have to worry about you know hitting the fan and you know 20 people being on a field when they need to be in all these places they'll do the logistics and they'll go there but what this does is it reduces the amount of people you actually need um per farm so like this farm for instance would start you off with 24 people and I'm saying you need 12. so you can have the amount of workers that you have in a farm just by doing this tax the ratio that I use is three people per 72 Square Tile so 12x6 is three people all right eight by nine three people the the 12 by 24 is 12 people and you can tweak this as you go so anyway what I'm trying to get at is farming is pretty straightforward when you understand how compost and environmental fertility factors work you want to get high fertility you really need to watch your environmental fertility factor and make sure that you don't have any plant that has a greater negative than your environmental fertility Factor so this 43 I don't want to have more than negative four percent in any year if I'm trying to have a fertility percent gain but these positives are like I said really tricky because you don't always get plus three and then you're also cat I don't count on them I can maybe this plus four I'll say maybe I'll get a percent one percent of that I'm conservative Mis but I do know for a fact that the compost rates will give you everything you get you get the whole ten percent times the fertility factor it's not based on a range or anything that's a guarantee so if you if you go base soft guarantees and you kind of just you know use a little thought it's like say okay like maybe I'll get a percent from that and then I got this negative two and then the negatives are always at 100 are always pretty much guaranteed um but they're within a range too sometimes you can get negative one sometimes you get zero so this is kind of like a very Bland neutral build and you're gonna gain fertility really quickly on this at least you're probably going to get at least four percent per year because you have a 43 environment chili Factor as long as you're pumping out an enormous amount of waste now it takes a while to get to this point and it really starts to accelerate when you hit tier four and you have manners and it also really starts to accelerate when you have a ton of cow because the cows generate manure a waste and that waste is thrown compost all right so now we're on we've we've discussed like the basic Logistics farming I start off with a 12x6 then I go to a 12x12 then I go to a 12 by 24 and you can do that very easily just by clicking the expand field but crop button once I have that's just the first Farm the second farms and after that they're all 12 by 12 and then once I get my 12 by 12 up I click on the crop field I hit the expand crop field you need to make sure that you're pulling it from the cell right next to the crop field that you have and then I expand it 12 by 12. and this whole field will become a 12 by 24 and I will be able to reduce the amount of workers and just have massive crop now as I said I am building a 1600 pop City on this one so I'm basically just getting all of my crops pre-planned you're not going to be doing that because that's crazy if you're playing a city and you're gonna have five or six hundred people three 12 by 24s is going to give you the perfect amount of food you're going to need to pair that with some you know cows and barns and other sources of food in 100 cabins but yeah three 12 by 24s is pretty much where you want to go because that gives you the perfect crop the amount of crop rotation the crop rotation basically is so this is Farm a and it's growing you know peas closures turnip so Farm B is going to have the inverse of that and it's going to be doing that in the second year and I'll all these things will be mixed up to the point that in any given year one of the Farms is yielding one of these lines and they're doing that every year which creates consistency so every year you're yielding the exact same thing you have the exact same amount of food the exact same types of food you never you don't have these large variances so that's what you know a proper crop rotation would be I'm not quite there yet because I'm only using two of these uh everything else is just on clovers I do have and the reason for that even though I do have 392 people is because I have invested in cows now cows much they're the same as you saw me expand the 12x24 you can do 15 by 15 with clovers and because clovers take zero people they don't cost anything but what they do provide whenever a clover is in season the cows get 100 Fighter quality which makes them produce an absurd amount of milk now the fodder quality here is actually already pretty decent but I do this on everything I possibly can to maximize the milk production the milk is important because it is converted into cheese and cheese lasts 36 months in one of these bad boys over here you're looking at 72 months that this cheese will last it's basically an insane food now when you think think about everything all together that that's you would think oh just make a bunch of cheese but realistically cows are awesome but they do cost about 500 Grand a year when you get a 20 slot barn but they produce about 1 000 milk and 1 000 meat on average you can get that a lot higher as you can see um they're always kind of tweaking things so you want to make sure you have enough smokers I definitely have quite a bit of smokers going on and we probably still have meat spoilage yeah we had a bunch of meat spoilers but we even have smoked being spoilage okay so that's great and crazy enough smoked meat lasts about two years as well um and that's the other thing so yeah smoked meat is a big part I probably should have said that so you got meat you got smoked meat you got cheese you got beans we're basically eating eating Frontier Frontier meals and those things are just the best things and then you got bread too um those things are just going to keep your city running real sharp all right um all of that said that's how the farming for all of this goes so I got four barns over here in this close area I got this you know halfway into the city thing going on because I'm like I just said screw it it's like otherwise I would just have nothing there so something is better than nothing especially when that something is generating 749 milk so thank you so much for watching please let me know if you have any questions and I I don't got anything else to say have a good one bye
Channel: TactiCat
Views: 21,990
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Keywords: farthest frontier, farthest frontier guide, farthest frontier tips, farthest frontier gameplay, farthest frontier beginner guide, farthest frontier tutorial, farthest frontier game, farthest frontier farming, farthest frontier review, farthest frontier base layout, farthest frontier how to, farthest frontier farming and base design, farthest frontier patch, farthest frontier quick tips, farthest frontier farming guide, farthest frontier farm
Id: lB7jAUJ0Av0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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