Farscape: Season 1 Episode 1 - Premiere | Full Episode

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thank you [Music] launch conditions as of all 530 are optimal final checks underway recovery craft in position how are the CRC numbers mid 30s and holding meteorology has got some hiccup to check him out foreign childhood friends out to prove a theory can a man's spacecraft overcome atmospheric friction and exponentially increase its speed using only a planet's natural gravitational pull huh man what is wrong with you decay you know that feeling you get tonight before something big is about to happen in your life it's the night before we graduated high school it's the night before we started this job I had that feeling last night in court this experiment that important to you thank you thank you one small step but hey DK sorry you're looking pretty sharp there Commander Crichton thanks Dad [Music] let's do this thing I talked to Pete Maxwell and the others in control they're going to take real good care of you while you're up there today I heard that you uh you went AWOL from the rat cage this morning man my day if I'd ever broken quarantine like that they would have sudden you've got Rattlers in your stomach I've been up on the shuttle before that twice didn't matter how many times I went up every time Rattlers first Eva first time I walked on the moon I'm not going Eva Dad I'm not walking on the moon I'm just running a little experiments yeah an experiment to prove your own Theory you have any idea how proud that makes me that's something I never did I mean the guys in the button-down collars and the neckties they got to use their brains the only thing I ever got to use was guts I can't help being who I am who I was it's not who you are dad I love who you are it's being son of you all right be your kind of hero no you can't be but each man gets a chance to be his own kind of hero your time will come and when it does watch out chances are it'll be the last thing you ever expected I know that's your Good Luck Charlie you're a Gagarin gave you that uh listen you hang on to it you give it back to me tonight okay foreign [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen of the press at 2614 on the flight clock We Begin the major experiment of this shuttle mission Commander John Crichton will pilot a craft of his own design in a dangerous attempt to use our planet's gravity as a speed booster slingshotting him off into space at previously unrecorded speeds if successful the results are anticipated as the first concrete step toward Interstellar travel Canaveral this is as far as gave one I am free and flying are you with me there mama bear oh yeah Farscape I'm reading you loud and clear authorizing flight computer to initiate acceleration sequencing now or go for insertion procedure approaching maximum velocity and 21 seconds entering critical apogee phase one hold a moment oh another one electromagnetic wave repeat some kind of wave John do you read me yeah I really do Canaveral son you have to abort abort now [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you oh God I can't [Music] Canaveral this is Farscape one I'm okay repeat I'm okay hey did you guys get video through all that get out bro DK dad where are you guys where's that uh Canaveral [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] DK I'm being pulled uh the engine's not respawning and I can't break away what can anybody hear me Canaveral oh my god um foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] friends I my name is John John foreign we don't know that technology is it something we can use to escape we brought you aboard for one reason to us or die with us Josh I command to give me maneuverability now there's nothing I can do not want to control color still in place [Music] much longer synonyms until I find the ones that are get out of the way the others where are they there are no others I've checked every cell level yeah I found a manifest we were scheduled for transfer to Teran ra iser an escape prison I will not be taken prisoner again they brought you on board didn't they don't worry I'll pretend you I look after you now you look after me attention all Integrity is reaching critical compromise [Music] foreign what have you done what do you mean the coding wall it's dimming it's coming off thank you pilot prepare for immediate Starbursts has been restrained so long it is the single defensive maneuver that she is capable of [Music] Terminator Soldier all Prowlers how are you [Music] starvest [Music] foreign squad has returned sir they report the Leviathan transport has escaped one of the Prisoners the hainerian Royal somehow secured the key codes the prisoners sells and their casualties who ships I don't care about casualties a leviathan transporting prisoners does not Escape well in my custody is my brother returned yet we'll dispatch him in the rear battle side of the tracker down sir this is playback from the Recon satellite monitoring the pursuit of the Leviathan what manner of craft is there my brother's Prowler I'm sure we lost a second ship so it was absorbed with the Leviathan when it went into Stardust I want to see him seems peel back the image I want to see who is inside we've done it we've escaped attention what a Prowler traveled with us buckets radio netted and bring it aboard it's good it's done pilot does Moya know where we are yeah yes of course we're someplace else I'll get back to you on these specifics at least we are free what is the matter with you people this is down the life and there's no idea where we are thank you I am and you got doggo your Delian a priest I've heard of your kinds of practices your appetites such as I've heard of something known as the uh Earth sensation I have experienced this not lately oh wow why are you uh why have you uh imprisoned because of my home world even among my kind I was Atticus actually I was the leading anarchist did you Elder fellow Soldier my commanding officer how old are you 30 seconds yeah but a boy I am not I am a luxem warrior I have seen two battle campaigns only two you know Peacekeeper coding yes I spent three Cycles on a maximum labor planet which one Mika 7 assigned to Peacekeeper intelligent interface that was on me car7 truly in the 93rd level in the chemelec mines you did I often asked myself the same question or so many others die while the peacekeepers looked down somehow it made me stronger I suppose the word me became too strong not to survive perhaps you survived for this Escape I doubt it will last long enough for the peacekeepers even to note it in their log not the Escape itself but what we pray will be the result freedom that is a very delvian way to look at the situation I am nothing if not a product of my upbringing then perhaps together a warrior and a priest can help save each other oh please let it all be a dream a very bad very Twisted dream [Music] thank you what um where where are my clothes hey why did you take off my clothes I'm Roger the 16th Domino to over 600 billion people I don't need to talk to you I thought you were a prisoner falsely imprisoned my cousin bishan stole my Throne from me while I slept a mistake I will soon be correcting your garments were removed so that we could examine you exactly examine me how where wait a minute one of those mechanical things of yours injecting me right here friends later microbes microbes they colonize at the base of the brain allow us to understand each other why you weren't injected at Birth I cannot fathom colonize in your brain is why have you got me locked in here I'm I I'm not here to harm you hell I wouldn't know how to harm you we could no more trust you than we can trust that [Music] [Music] foreign my name's John what is your ranking regiment and why are you out of uniform Rank and regiment now foreign [Music] 's a wasted Peacekeeper you of all people should know that Peacekeeper you're one of those out there attacking the ship they think I'm one of you officer Aaron's son special Peacekeeper Commando I carry and Company Plies our regiment identify yourself my rank is Commander I'm not militarily it's not any military you know I'm a damn scientist s [Music] it's been so long the positions my blade hangs off flexion ah you're awake both of you problem my dear you should be used to viewing the likes of us through bars you never listen to me to me I'm not what you think I am not a peacekeeper yes we know you have some decidedly unfamiliar bacteria living within you I'm from a planet called Earth I'm human homo sapien sapien it's time for us to eat what foreign the texts are completing the Imaging of the modules pilot show me [Music] on the final sweep now sir disabation inform the rear battle fighter they will take you out of the Armada we are going after the Leviathan regulation there is a direct order lieutenant look no I'm not a peacekeeper how would you get the stuff off my wrist we still do not know your loyalties my loyalties I just got here you know you're the first alien contact anybody from my planet has ever made I mean we dreamed about it made movies about it but by the way what part of the universe are we in are we still in Orion's arms still in the Milky Way I have no idea what I'm talking about here then you see some Star Church get some common points of reference damn now this ship is amazing what kind of she's a leviathan a buyer make an order living ship me if I hadn't pulled those wires your precious Moya would still be wearing that control car but in doing so you also caused a Moya to enrich most of it irrescent and fluid leading to what result pilot speed which is barely hitched too Maggie boy don't need information if they're going to survive they're hoping we'll provide us I'd eat if I were you attention maybe the only chance ship's pilot has just informed us that we're approaching an inhabited system with a Commerce Planet a Commerce Planet excellent we need many things hymyrian creams soaked definitely some fresh Generations serve to get rid of the taste of these food cubes that we need irritant fluid how dare you you looks and smile silence your evidence I've been searching for a reason not to jettison you with the next refuse tone you dumped me I bribe the maintenance drones at the last checkpoint I secured the cell codes at the library gentlemen I see I said we focus on us on situation at hand before we approach this planet we must know is there Peacekeeper presence in this system [Music] she is infantry Peacekeeper command tells her where to fight then die this one is some kind of higher brain function deficient how they escaped the genetic sieving process I do not know Rachel I just have it's a Perfectly Natural bodily function and it's Oculus so your subjects tell you you're far to hear you sometimes when I'm nervous or angry attention I thought you would want to know we are entering planetary off thank you pilot foreign there was a time when you would have been disemboweled with a Daryl lesson speed bar such an insult family 35 boyla Spielberg ever wrong Close Encounters my ass hormone I must have come here so I must have come here through a wormhole yeah so if I did come here at the Wormhole the only way I'm going to get back is to find another wormhole I want to create one yeah right ah look you want to make one of these Wormhole things of yours how do you expect to do that from inside this cell come on move faster what are you doing I'm gonna sabotage this ship sabotage give me a break they haven't heard us how about we show them a little compassion compassion what is compassion compassion you're kidding right it's a feeling that you have when you see someone else's pain and instead of taking advantage of their weakness you help them I know this feeling yeah well it is a fairly common human feeling I hate it you know what I'm on the wrong team here I'm just gonna stay fine do what you want but if you stay with these lower lives you'll die with them yeah well how do I know I can trust you you don't that's just another thing you don't know what is that that's Cutting Edge technology we're taking mine Captain we are receiving a transmission from one of the outer systems it's Aaron's son the prowler pilot we thought lost she was taken captive aboard the Leviathan but she's escaped she has the being from the white pod with her [Music] I'm on another planet yes pilot understood the female Peacekeeper and the human have just escaped and there's a full command carrier unapproached to this planet a full carrier that makes me sick unless the two who just escaped there's something very special this Barber session is over trouble we must go hmm what are you asking for those winning Globes wow [Applause] foreign they're getting away come on we have to report him hey aren't we about to be rescued any minute I mean there are no dangerous real prisoners escaped prisoners they must be recaptured or destroyed do not tempt me you need to get out of here there's a ship full of peacekeepers on its way here right now crater that is why I want you both aboard just go before You're such fools I will not fall for such an ancient rules for all you will [Music] probably kill him [Music] [Music] Captain Grace sir John Crichton and where are you from John Crichton so he claims to be a human from a planet called Earth but he's shown himself together a clever imposter and accomplice to a ship full of escaping prisoners my brother's murderer brother's what you charged my brothers Prowler in that white death pot of yours wait a minute you talking about that near Miss I had the first minute I got here that was an accident only a Miss for my brother the human it will require some study I will personally enjoy pulling you apart to see what you're made of something about this alien only that I have spent time with him sir and I believe in when he says that what happened to your brother was an accident I don't believe that he is brave enough or intelligent enough to attack one of our powers intentionally exactly how much time have you spent with this human not a lot not much at all not now because as you know please keep a high command has very clear parameters regarding contact with unclassified alien life forms you may have very well exceeded those parameters officers soon irreversibly can tell me no so take them away take them all away cake little warrior I vowed one day I will kill you come on [Music] how's it coming no attacks are nearly full a minute or two any word from doggo [Music] turn around thank you [Music] what is this thing it's a toy a puzzle you have to figure out how to take it apart and put it back together again I feel resourcefulness exercise something like that all right pull that Loop through there yeah that one turn around [Music] [Music] don't move or I'll tell you little yellow bolts of light throw me the key hey get him on the ground now give up now you might avoid the dead sentence unlock me then I will unlock unlock me damn [Music] if you run you're gonna have to find someone else to unlock you then you're gonna have to explain these Peacekeeper handcuffs give up now officer son you might avoid addiction [Music] now I'm like me no he is a criminal we all are officer son yeah can you get me away from here what can you get me off this rock away from these over amps rental costs away from Christ her too what never I will take you you are manager she stays we all stay [Music] no I will not come with you you've been universally contaminated remember it means death that's my duty my breeding since birth it's what I am more say again pilot it is Darko and the arriving Prowler he is telling us to leave orbit immediately thank God Helen the peacekeeper's female ended otherwise uh with him can't you see he's under duress it's a trap oh I take them in the transport Hangar pilot Frank Corbett destination the Uncharted territories we'll explain later your attention distance between the pursuing Peacekeeper carrier and Moya 60 meters in closing they are bringing around their frag cannons frag cannons what is the range of their Frank cannons is sufficiently technology 45 mattress let's just do another one of those Starburst things there's no time the Leviathan must restore her energy Reserves 50 meters paper paper to ride on turn the ship around we have to go back toward the planet go back to the planet [Music] what are you doing it's a theory it has to do with overcoming atmospheric friction are you completely insane [Music] listen we're gonna have to hit a pretty exact trajectory can you do that I've done more than I can maintain moya's regular systems can the ship thing be flown manually manually I said you do it I am not trained as a pilot you're the experience pilot you fly this is madness weapons control full charge it appears our only alternative is death banking reacquired banking towards us sir she's accelerating sir [Music] just go for the maximum that the planet's gravity pull us in X9 died straight into the atmosphere 28 to 38 degrees you Cottage me to please shut us out there sir the Leviathan she's gonna see that lieutenant pull out pull out now foreign [Music] um it's gone thank you it's gone you can let go now John thank you foreign [Music] good we'll need that go I have spent eight degrading Cycles aboard this ship and now I'm finally liberated congratulations I don't know who you are where you're from or what you want but if you threaten my freedom I'll kill you they're a brutal race civilized indiscriminate in their deployment of violence right unlike your people my people might have helped you if you hadn't put us into this position me I don't know try your boy Christ so you haven't forgotten about him no he hasn't forgotten about you yeah well the uh transparent purple guy what's his name pilot he said we've passed into the Uncharted territories and that your people don't have jurisdiction Christ thinks you killed his brother in such a case would you obey jurisdictional boundaries listen to me if you want to live choose your allegiances carefully that's not to say that there's any guarantees there come here not gonna hurt you come here hey Dad it worked BK's in my theory and actually worked sort of look at how this is uh crazy I mean you're never gonna get this message but I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive don't know where I am technically I don't know how I got here but I'm not going to stop trying to get home see you're fixed [Music] hey what the hell are you doing you're a griffin maybe worth something in trade it's mine are you a sound sleeper and there's life out here Dad weird amazing psychotic life and death and Technicolor hey Dad you know those Rattlers in the stomach we talked about [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shout! Studios
Views: 658,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farscape, jim henson, John Crichton, premiere, first episode, pilot, full episode, Shout Factory, peacekeeper, the jim henson company, shout factory tv, HD, astronaut, nasa, Shout, DVD, Blu-ray, TV, Movie, classic, cult, brand, henson, creatures, space, blu-ray, shout, earth, galaxy, wars, battle, space fight, shout tv, far, scape
Id: voy-UywXmc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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