The Twilight Zone Vol. 6

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[Music] interestingly it was the anti-federalists of post-revolutionary america who were in favor of paper currency usually it's the federalists who oppose hard currency in order to put the bills for the new government in this case the anti-federalists were landowners who favored paper in order to pay off their own ah deliverance at the seam is at hand we'll pick this up on monday remember midterm essays are due on the 29th any topic but it must be a contemporary issue in other words don't bother to shell out 10 bucks for warmed over papers on the black market well since this is harvard perhaps i should say the gray market dr fitzgerald yes mr rose since he did say any topics i thought i might do my 1500 words on president kennedy's speech tomorrow speech yes sir in dallas at the trademark it's being carried on live radio and i thought i might do an analysis on it if that's okay with you yes mr rosen that would be fine you go right ahead well that's a splendid paper joe in the new heritage i can't say i agree with all your conclusions but uh you're always a delight to read thank you paul nice of you to say so uh [Music] kate i wasn't expecting you for another month well this isn't a formal status report it's a just a friendly visit i wondered how you were doing after all it's been almost uh two whole hours since my last visit strange you spend months sometimes years at a time back here in the past separated from your family but when you get back to them it's only a few hours i'll never get used to it it's equally hard to leave the past behind it's hard to give up a whole second life that you've created for yourself you've made friends probably fell in love not me how can you get close to people when you can't really tell them what you think when you can't say that your favorite flavor of ice cream for god's sake won't be invented for the next 150 years sometimes i feel like a eternal observer doomed always to watch never to participate always detached always remote every field historian goes through this sometime or another i know but it's just so damn frustrating i spent three years studying john kennedy in his times i even met him at a reception for mcgeorge bundy but i never really got to know him you have a chinese view of ancestor worship kate i did not create this project just because this man was an ancestor of mine these are arguably some of the most turbulent times america ever saw you don't have to go to dallas tomorrow you know that kate this is my project i got the funding i'm the one who spent the last three years here i'll see this through to the end it's just that i never really got to know him and now i've got to go watch him what's that it's family keepsake it's good luck charm dated one year after your destination against policy but not strictly enforced kate give me a break please let me have my own particular form of uh ancestor worship well have a safe trip to dallas [Music] what'd you say well i guess i'll ask you about that in 200 years [Music] might as well get this over with [Music] emergency homing device [Music] should ring operational separated from temporal wrist controls wearer of ring will be automatically returned to point of departure 2 1 7 2 8. [Music] [Music] we're in the sam hill did you come cambridge [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] my god mr president get down get down get down get down [Music] and first lady are unheard repeat unheard all units rendezvous love field 1400 hours do you copy treasury too in america today all right thanks ted treasury 2 over and [Music] nothing i uh check out as an upstanding citizen economics and then some whatever must be done you didn't tell me under secretary of defense mcnamara i don't really i met him once or twice and harvard functions that's all he's a big fan of yours admired some article you wrote applying mathematical games theory to historical analysis you're in dallas to hear the president's speech i take it yes and record him for my class at harvard this baby must have some telephoto lens on it for you to have seen a gunman from that distance actually no all i saw was a bit of sun on metal i guess i panicked i'm lucky you did otherwise this country might be in mourning right now i hope you don't mind my asking mr livingston but exactly where are we going you met the president before professor only in passing how he recognized your name wanted to meet with you after his speech he's cutting short his trip to texas everyone's fairly rattled by the shooting we're scheduled to rendezvous with him at love field in about 20 minutes [Music] governor thank you very much see you again mr president i believe you've met dr joseph fitzgerald this is the man who saved your life this morning the honest mind mr president i've been wanting to meet you for some time now although i hadn't anticipated the circumstances bob mcnamara showed me some of the articles very good mr franzen i'm afraid i won't be heading back just yet the damnedest thing a couple of the meanest looking tornadoes you ever saw just blew into the stage when i'm just ripped right through downtown austin the other one's headed here i uh understand see what i can do tornadoes yes take care of your people lyndon let me know how i can help yes sir all right come along professor even i can't keep the air force waiting all day come along uh to washington we'd be honored to have you as a guest by dinner tonight at the white house tomorrow morning we can have you on a plane back to cambridge if you like i uh i'd love to mr president thank you oh jack mendo saved my life call me jack [Music] what are you thinking about strange feeling being shot at the war was different impersonal they weren't shooting at you really just the uniform maybe whoever shot at you wasn't shooting at you but the office you represent that may be but nobody ever shot at eisenhower you sure you know relation to old honey fitz my grandfather ah no i i don't think so it's too bad according to the press if you had been a relative there might have been a place for you in my cabinet you like fencing with the press don't you oh you take your fun where you can god knows there's little enough in the job itself when you're campaigning it's easy enough to get caught up in the excitement of it all politics easy to convince yourself that it's all a game an invigorating game a day is like today you know damn well it's not a game days like today days like april 17th 1961 bay of pigs damn stupid idea i should never have gone along with it never suddenly i wasn't just politicking i was responsible for men's lives it was like having my pt boat sunk again only this time this time i couldn't do anything to save them you know my father drummed into us when we were growing up that you needed power to get anything done power but after berlin and the missile crisis i don't know no one man should have that much power no one man should have to have it you are way ahead of your time it will take it would probably take another century before people see it that way if people see it a hundred years from now it will have been worth the wait excuse me mr president there's a radio phone call for you from defense secretary mcnamara excuse me oh and uh dallas police called it captured a man named oswal they're charging with attempted murder [Music] all right now listen carefully i've placed our strategic forces on yellow alert i want you to set up an emergency cabinet meeting for tonight at seven russ is on a plane to japan so you can get them back i want taylor bundy and sorenson yeah and bobby is it anything you can tell me about well it's nothing that won't be on hundley brinkley in about an hour and a half unfortunately russian troops just captured west berlin soviet premier is demanding that we pull our forces out of the rest of germany holding west berlin as hostage but uh khrushchev would never do that remy a khrushchev was assassinated today [Music] all right uh joe we're gonna have to give you a rain check on that dinner feel free to stay the night in fact i'm afraid i'm gonna have to insist on it security precaution oh yes uh mr president i understand so there'll be a full staff meeting with my camera where's my camera yes not in the car make sure all the men are signed today i must have left it on air force one don't worry mr fitzgerald we'll have it delivered to you before you leave yes fine mr livingston uh thank you very much initial effect of intervention in kennedy assassination time distortion caused by interference in history subsequent pressure release by tornadoes at intervention site insufficient to counterbalance temporal damage compute to the extent of damage in the time stream massive tears in the fabric of time temporal rift of unprecedented proportions temporary stabilization achieved by khrushchev assassination long range projection continued temporal distortion increasing geometrically the longer this timeline remains in existence give me the worst and the best case outcomes in this timeline with assigned probabilities worst case scenario nuclear exchange between the superpowers results in total annihilation of biosphere probability 77 best case scenario surrender of western europe within six years military costs collapse soviet economy soviets blackmail west for food culminating in agrobacterial war result total annihilation of biosphere within century probability 12 percent [Music] you mean there's only eleven percent possibility of avoiding total war in this timeline zero percent eleven percent includes all other scenarios [Music] give me all options for repairing the original timeline there exists only one viable option the kennedy presidency must end as history originally recorded oh dear god what have i done yes general what is it sir one of our nato b-52s on route to berlin is under attack by soviet migs the pilot is requesting permission to return fire what shall we tell him sir mr president yes general sir what are your orders he tell the pilot to defend himself yes mr president god bless you sir god bless us all general remarkable in my years with the treasury i've never seen a counterfeit this faithful men's standards whoever did that is an artist then it is a counterfeiter it's not something our mint has in the works for next year no of course not but how could it be other countries stamp reigning sovereigns on their coins but it's against u.s policy to meant the image of any living person could it be a practical joke of some sort um or a prototype of a campaign handout maybe one of the president's brothers or for the republicans i doubt it i mean they'd have to know that it was a felony what about this fitzgerald you're sure his credentials are solid huh maybe a little tupac all of his papers are in all the right places but i can't find anybody that knows him or knew him before he started teaching at harvard it's too damn convenient he's johnny on the spot to save the president's life he loses a coin that shouldn't exist he he's got three of the president's family names right he even looks like he could be a relative for god's sakes and with a crisis coming on that's possibly more dangerous than cuba president is confiding in a stranger like he's a long-lost brother you ask me this dr fitzgerald could very easily be a soviet sleeper ray i find that hard to believe sir i can't think of a better way to get an agent closer to the president than to set up an assassination attempt and have your man save the president's life hey well what about this coin now what russian agent carries around a patently phony and illegal coin and then loses it aboard air force one for god's sake then there's the camera what about it i got one just like it for christmas last year with all respect sir i don't think you did i've had metal urges that defense going over it all night long not only can't they take it apart they can't even open it up it's made of some sort of weird alloy they've never even seen before it's harder than steel it's impervious to x-rays it's like nothing we have in development uh get fitzgerald in here now uh joe i'll be brief about this this coin where'd you get it mr president you wouldn't believe me if i told you well after the events the last 24 hours professor i think i might believe almost anything damn it joe i don't have time for mysteries i've got a b-52 over east germany i haven't heard from in three hours and thousands of americans at risk in west berlin the russians won't answer the hotline i may be looking at another cuba so cut the crap and tell me where you got the bloody coin it's uh been in my family for over 200 years uh dr fitzgerald i'm afraid that answer does strain my credulity easy professor this is not a weapon i assure you i'm a historian mr president sent here from over 200 years in your future to record and observe the events of your era if you like i can show you some holographic tapes of other eras of the time periods i uh i don't think that'll be necessary how god help me i think i believe him mr president i believe secret service rules prohibit an agent from drinking while on duty uh permission granted to go off duty for all of us ray we are related aren't we you're uh one of my descendants yes i am to your health all right you're from the future why did you choose this moment to make contact with me just now to observe how i would uh react to this burling crisis no i i didn't know about that you didn't know how could you not know 1964. oh my god you came to dallas to witness an assassination didn't you soviet invasion none of this was supposed to happen was it the fabric of time has been bent distorted beyond its normal shape and this birthing crisis would would be the end of the world wouldn't it is there any way to to un do the damage yes i have to go back don't i mr president you can't go you'll do this for me we kennedy's always solve our problems within the family joe the family goes on oh yes and more than that in my future we have seen the realization of your greatest dreams we have eliminated tyranny war poverty and we've moved out among the stars due in large part to that first step you made back in 1961. thank you for telling me that joe i i see no point in putting this off if uh if there's anyone you'd like to say goodbye to i wouldn't be able to leave them if i did and they wouldn't remember anyway would they hey what do you want me to do [Music] put this put this on mr president let me ray it's my boat [Music] warning warning homing device activated and return to point of origin 2 1 7 what's going on you took an oath didn't you to protect the president's life well you and i still have work to do we're going back but before that i need to make a few changes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] something wrong doctor wrong no there's nothing wrong at all dr fitzgerald wasn't the only one with a second life in the past you people knew what was going to happen some of us do our research in the even farther future dr fitzgerald never knew his destiny no man or woman ever does what about me couldn't my memories change the future somehow no one can change history even the act of traveling in time is a part of history dr fitzgerald's actions were simply a part of what was so your memories won't change the future because they didn't last time i saw him i couldn't tell him what i knew all i could say was something in chinese a phrase my husband taught me saigen [Music] goodbye old friend goodbye history records many facts some of them right some of them wrong but let the record show that in any age good or bad there are men of high ideals men of courage men who do more than that for which they are called upon you will not always know their names but let their deeds stand as monuments so that when the human race is called to judgment we may say this too was humanity [Music] spectroscopic readings indicate that the atmosphere is a perfect chemical equilibrium predominantly carbon dioxide with traces of methane and ammonia now what gives the atmosphere that sickly yellow color iron oxides from the rusting cities and the sensors show no life form whatsoever nothing not even the presence of simple amino acids in the oceans the last reconnaissance was right it's a dead world there was a name for this one in one of the old languages wasn't their professor yes it was earth they called it earth [Music] not much left after a thousand years is there donald earth was stripped of artifacts long ago what are you looking for oh i don't know feeling sense of place what it must have been like to live here when the skies were blue and the oceans green with plankton too many historians never get to see the things they write about thank you jacinda for getting me on this mission a very kind gesture for an old academic not that kind and not that old good luck donald because in four days i'm gonna have to give word for the mining vessels to move in and extract whatever is salvageable and when they do they'll be precious little left of your earth [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so did you hear that hear what you got a problem professor no problem i'll see you back at the ship in about uh three hours knoll's out [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] don't you remember us professor [Music] donald you're up late so are you it's not sedated log there's still a treasure trove of minerals in this planet the inhabitants pretty well bled a dry of all the fossil fuels there's a wealth of basalt iron uranium you know it was really quite a beautiful planet an amazing variety of flora climates ranging from the temper to the tropical from the arctic to desert this is where it all began just in that this is where we began how did it happen donald how did the planet end up like this greed stupidity the usual catalog of sins they used refrigerants that slowly ate away the ozone layer they burned the tropical rainforest to make way for farmland using the ashes for fertilizer an entire species simply vanished forever from the earth by the time they poisoned the whole biosphere they had the technology to leave it behind so they fled into space and cast the earth aside like a half-eaten apple and with humanity gone the biological change is collapsed you know the irony of it the earth today is almost exactly as it was millennia ago before the very first rainfall and for millions of years there had been no rain then when the earth cooled enough rain fell delivering nutrients to the oceans and life emerged and here we are here we are return to commit the final in dignity on the planet that nurtured us here to put the knife to her one last time our ancestors killed this world not us the law prohibits us from mining any living world only dead ones like it or not donald earth is a dead world now and there's nothing we can do about that [Music] except i suppose be grateful that we finally learned our lesson [Music] do you remember us now professor [Music] you won't be needing your helmet anymore professor the air is breathable we sort of used a part of our etheric energy to change the molecular structure we've been waiting so long why did you leave us are you back to stay all of you where are the others will they follow in more ships yes yes where are they when are they coming the ones you left behind all the souls that every word all the ones that stood and watched your ships vanished forever from our side all of us that couldn't follow we never knew we never knew that you even existed didn't you didn't a part of you always know why is it so important to you to follow us you're our children our future her immortality since time began we've walked among you sharing in your triumphs your despair now now there's nothing no children no future just a ruined playground you left behind it doesn't have to be this way you can follow us our ship your ships warp space in ways we can't those of us who have tried come back disfigured or insane it's a large universe professor and not nearly as benign as you living like to think it is well then what can i do put your helmet back up [Music] i know why you're here not you personally but your your crew we're shadows we're helpless to stop them but you you have to do something you have to explain to them that this planet still contains life of a sword that this earth ruined and gutted as it is it's all we have left please don't let them take it away from us [Music] donald you can't be serious do you know what archer and bledsoe would say if they could hear you all i'm asking is for you to keep an open mind now give me a chance and i'll prove it to you prove to me that earth is some sort of haunted planet how jacinda you were always my best pupil let me teach you one last thing hello i brought someone someone who can help please let us see you please it's all right she has to see you she has to know for god's sake she can help why are you doing this please let us see you no that's enough don't damn you show yourself it's my fault i knew what this meant to you i shouldn't have invited you along to what should be why don't i just forget we ever came here all right [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh my god [Music] what are you doing what are we doing what were you doing oh donald how could you do this to us to all of us i swear i the last thing i remember was being asleep in my cabin it was them didn't you see it it wasn't me it was them he's crazy i told mr bledsoe kindly shut up [Music] mr archer please assess the damage to the sensor web and then raise central and subspace tell them we'll be returning dr mills to outpost 12 medical emergency we'll also be staying over for repairs and and then we will be back to finish our assignment [Music] your powers your lawyers show yourselves i dare you to show yourself to me back to your ship professor you might as well [Music] because if i don't you just take over my body and make me go won't you that's right you wanted me to make a fool of myself you wanted me to be shipped back to civilization and you you'd come with me wouldn't you please understand professor there's no other way we can't travel through warp space in this form but in yours that's a different matter you can service a beacon to the other showing them the way and me what happens to me my body when you're done with it i'm not sure i have to merge myself fully with your body in order to weather the journey i'll try to leave it once we get there but you don't know if you can please try to understand all we want is to reclaim our future your future you don't deserve a future any of you we may have fled the earth once it became uninhabitable but you you were the ones who made it that way you could have saved it you could have done something every one of you but you didn't did you how many of you thought you'd be on one of those spaceships fleeing the dying earth how many of you thought you'd escaped but died before you could what you say may be true but it's over and done with long ago there's nothing we can do about it now isn't there you change the air in this building from methane to oxygen from poisonous to breathable that that's a different matter this is a small controllable environment we're talking about a planetary scale and even if we could we might lose our consciousness our awareness like you propose to do to me cowards still the same cowards who let this planet die aren't you go ahead take my body my life save yourselves at least at least i'll know that when my time comes i can die with a hell of a lot more courage and dignity than you [Music] come in we're about to lift off i told central that you requested uh medical leave stress reaction to space travel it's not uncommon the damage to the sensor web was minimal i didn't log your actions yesterday i appreciate that you're looking better rested yes you might say that i'm expecting to be a new man once we leave the planet just send it if i should not see you again after this i just want you to know that i'm grateful for the chance you gave me and for your friendship and for what's that i don't know that sounded like thunder well it's impossible the atmosphere is at equilibrium there can't be any it's raining it can't be what the hell is going on is that really rain not just water either but amino acids nutrients raining into the ocean god i'm uh i i'm getting life-form readings in the oceans that's impossible it takes thousands of years for even the simplest life form to develop it's as if something is accelerating evolution somehow i don't know how but this can't be right i mean the sensors must be out of alignment after yesterday's damage oh my god he's right [Music] the ocean's suddenly swarming with cyanobacteria sign or what cyanobacteria was the first complex organism to evolve on the earth and it led the way for all life forms to come including us does this mean what i think it means what it means is we're out of a job [Music] i don't know if you can hear me anymore maybe you can't [Music] but we'll be back i promise someday we'll be back [Music] hmm [Music] happy birthday congratulations i did it happy birthday son yeah you get to make a wish i wish for you don't have to tell us honey no it's okay i want you to hear it i wish for a good mark on the government examination next week what's wrong did i say something oh no honey not at all it's just that you didn't have to use up your birthday wish on that you'll do fine on the exam you shouldn't even be thinking about it but everybody at school's been talking about it and three or four kids have already taken the test and they said it was real easy i just want to do well and make you proud of me we are proud of you dickie terribly proud and we love you son oh you're 12 years old today that's you're almost a man and this is a day for celebration we're not gonna worry about anything but i'm not worried i just said the examination is supposed to be real easy and i get good marks in school then let's just drop it honey why don't you cut your cake and then we'll open your present okay sure okay mom here it comes close your eyes ready oh my gosh an omni coder damn oh mom this is great is it really mine it's all you are sticky oh this is gonna be great oh boy i can call my friends and i can i can wait a minute i thought you said i had to be 14. the government changed its regulations last month we were hoping that you hadn't heard about it yet of course you won't be assigned a number until you've passed the examination [Music] dad what is the government examination for exactly it's just an intelligence test the government wants to know how smart you are dickie that's all is it like it just at school sort of why don't you watch tv until bedtime i'd rather read there's nothing good on tv tonight [Music] please stop worrying about it do fine i can't help worrying keep your voice down there's no need to upset him richard [Music] he's not like the other kids he'll do fine fine [Music] oh no not today why did it have to rain today rain makes the grass close on but why today when i get the whole afternoon off after the exam i wanted to go to the park and then maybe even the zoo well that's just the way it goes sometimes it has to rain look at all this rain at night sometimes it does i know can i get my omni quarter number this afternoon and then if it's still raining after school i can call my friends could i dad we'll see dickie ready i'm ready good luck dickie don't worry mom i'll do well i promise i won't let you down i know you won't sweetie i know you won't i love you dickie i love you so much it's time [Music] sticky [Music] number eight [Music] your name please richard jordan jr but everybody calls me dicky [Applause] fine dicky your identification number is 600115 you can wait over there until your name is called richard jordan jr richard jordan jr are you gonna wait here no that's not the way it works son they'll call us at home in a few hours richard jordan jr here it's dicky right follow me dicky good luck son don't worry about anything don't worry dad i'll i'll do well i really will next [Music] hi richard jordan jr identification number six zero zero one one five right drink this sticky this isn't exactly like the test you take in school dickie the liquid you've just drunk is to make sure you answer all the questions as truthfully as you can why wouldn't i the government doesn't think you wouldn't dickie the liquid is just to make sure you could sit over here for a moment while i set up the examination [Music] all right come over here you should try to relax you'll be asked some questions think them over very carefully then speak your answers aloud you won't have to use the keyboard at all i'm going to leave you alone when you're ready to begin just say ready you understand yes sir good luck dickie ready complete the sequence of numbers one four seven ten oh uh yes hello mr and mrs richard jordan please speaking here this is the government educational service calling your son richard jordan jr has completed the government examination and the results have been analyzed we regret to inform you your son's intelligence quotient has exceeded the government standard according to rule 84 section 5 of the new code you may specify now whether you wish his body incurred by the government or would you prefer a private barrier [Music] [Music] yes hello mr foster this is the unemployment office returning your call i'm sorry but your benefits as of the 2nd 17th 99 have expired you can reach me at the usual number but i'm afraid there's really nothing i can do [Music] the year is 1999. within the box evidence that some things do not change with the passage of time its contents the collected debris of a shattered life now valuable only for the dimes and nickels they can solicit from a third party a familiar process and a familiar long walk that is about to lead into the unfamiliar terrain of the twilight zone [Music] yes sir something i can help you with well uh i'm afraid i'm not buying huh selling that yeah bring it over here let's see what you get i know it's not much you know how it is hard times lots of things going wrong mm-hmm i guess you hear that a lot in this business huh yes i do fifty dollars the watch alone is worth it i think it's 60 then but that's as high as uncle there's a depression then you know you can take it somewhere else but you won't get any more and when you come back the offer will be 50. flat couldn't you make it 65. done sure you have nothing else to sell no you weren't sent here were you referred referred no look if i had anything else to sell it'd be in the box i got nothing left i'll tell you what i do have a gut full of pain you want to make me an offer go ahead what's the going price for pain these days perhaps there's something else we can negotiate come [Music] you're familiar i trust with memory dipping only when i read the papers supposed to be the big trend these days renting people's memories as it's become quite popular among those able to afford it the usual practice is to scan a subject's memories and copy them onto a computer chip you can take a skier copy his memory of his best race and by plugging into that you can experience what he felt his feelings his thoughts the way the snow felt under skis the roar of the crowd at the finish line a fascinating concept is it not mr foster mr foster unfortunately copied memories are not as vivid as some might like it's like seeing a video that's been dubbed too many times the color is washed out the experience less than 100 percent real so a market has developed for connoisseurs looking to sample a far more intense experience for that they require not dubbing but direct transference we go in electronically and slice away memories a minute an hour a year we can remove these memories and store them for use by others and the experience is quite painless of course and illegal eminently and the wonder of it all is the product is not a distortion of reality it is reality distilled for those who buy the risk is quite worthwhile as for those who sell the rewards are quite reasonable how much would i get depends on what we can find i've never really done anything special unnecessary look at the soap operas mr foster no alien invasions no vast sagas but they know the value of voyeurism and so do i well i'll have to think about it of course of course i wouldn't have it any other way do think about it and while you're thinking about it think on this what have your memories done for you lately mr foster [Music] third reminder foster in case you've forgotten the rent's due the first of every month today is the sixth either i get the rent from you by tomorrow or i'm throwing you out am i clear have a nice day [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] it's not fair you know very little in life is mr foster i've just had a very good offer from a fellow who collects high school graduations it gives me great pleasure in presenting this next student not only with his diploma but also with this watch in recognition of his leading the fundraising for the new gymnasium congratulations simon foster here here drink this for some reason the process tends to dehydrate a little a perfect transfer how do you feel i don't feel any different of course not but now there's just a tiny gap in your memory just so everything between eight o'clock in the morning and eight o'clock in the evening of the day in question 12 hours poof gone and are you any the less for it no in fact i would dare say you were quite the richer fort well good doing business with you mr foster next time no there's not going to be next time i just needed enough to get ahead a little that's all thank you for your help as you say but if you should ever change your mind [Music] 600 620 625 thank you now if you don't mind next month to new policy got a lot of transients coming through here owner says we have to have an extra month's rent can't do that look i tell you what why don't you go running off to the housing commission and tell them all about it and maybe when you get back you'll find your apartment rented one of those clerical errors you hear so much about i'm sorry mr foster but there are no openings in your area when a vacancy opens up in your field you will be notified at that time goodbye [Music] [Music] you're in luck mr foster i just got a call from someone interested in buying birthdays there's five candles simon one for good luck close your eyes make a wish make a wish simon blow out the candles good boy happy birthday simon [Music] darling look at simon he's taking his first step look that's my boy [Music] i just wanted to say you're a great dancer [Music] thank you it was very nice [Music] i have to go inside now but i'll never forget this [Music] punctual mr foster very good we have a job in the repair field which your record indicates you're perfect for we just have to ask you a few questions strictly formality you understand what high school did you graduate cliffordville high in madison with two years of junior college what was your major i uh think it was your resume lists engineering that's it if you could just give me a minute no i i think that i have some records around here somewhere i'm sorry but we are pressed for time mr foster if you're not ready for this interview you should no no i'm ready sorry go on please describe your training in that field during your college experience well [Music] i require specifics mr foster [Music] i'm sorry mr foster but if you're not going to cooperate wait please it's difficult sometimes it's difficult for us all mr foster the unemployment rate is 32 as of this monday and there are many applicants who are looking for this job wait please if you just give me a chance please resubmit your application to central processing good day mr foster you can't do this to me come back here come back [Music] [Music] my god how many how many others i run a business mr foster like any good business it depends on volume and diversity one must be responsive to the fluctuations in the market oh save me your grand gestures you're not going anywhere even if you leave you'll be back your kind always comes back we come back because bread is five dollars a loaf and meat you can't even buy unless it's on the black market i look around the only person i see eating is you i pay you a fair price for what you have to sell it's not enough you say this minute is worth a nickel an hour maybe a dollar five if something interesting is going on what gives you the right to put a price tag on my life i didn't you did [Music] i did [Music] so what'll it be today mr quint trip to the zoo ride on a roller coaster why don't you take my first marriage save us both some grief not interested i'm only buying one thing today we need a companion piece to the young lady who just left here we want to buy the first time you made love i could make you a very good offer no take it or leave it that's all i'm buying at the moment walk away and who knows if i'll be buying anything else tell me just tell me you love me it's not silly just tell me you love me [Music] always forever and ever that will be all i said that will be all mr foster it's over you can go now your payment is on the counter she's in here isn't she don't touch the equipment they might damage something you know [Music] they say you can always remember the first time with a woman i guess now i'm the exception to that rule very good now if you'll please just i want her back [Music] i changed my mind just take your money and go [Music] i want her back i want her back in my head where she belongs i want my life back you've got my life i want it back you give me my life yeah back want my life back daniel i haven't got it i sold it don't you understand it's not here and get it i can't well i suggest you try because right now i don't have anything much to lose i want a life i want to be whole again now there is a way but it's not perfect i like you said mr quint what in life is we received your new application mr foster very professionally typed did you have it done by a service no ma'am i typed it myself i see you've added clerk typist to your job goals and a number of other occupations where exactly did you learn to type i had three years of typing at soreworth college it's all on the resume but soreworth was a women-only college that time how do you explain this i graduated college on june 12th on the year shown and then i graduated college again on july 1st of the following year i attended and graduated lennox high school also chula vista high school mr foster that was shortly after my return from london did i tell you i have two children i remember when they were born was such a moving time for me being an only child i remember my fifth birthday my brother and my sister helped make the decorations mr foster but of course the credentials are what's at issue here i should also mention that my german is quite fluent i spent most of the last year in vienna and i worked as a translator and a secretary and a bus driver and i interned at the institute in neurologica prior to that exit simon foster a patchwork collection of lost dreams held together by the stolen memories of strangers a man who discovered that we truly are the sum of our parts mr simon foster a very special resident of the twilight zone those were such wonderful times i remember them so well do you copy over this is discovery we copy control how are the cargo bay activities going cargo bay operations proceeding on schedule control becky's about to take her first walk in space hey here comes don you're just in time don becky's about to go hitchhiking in space bye becky don't get lost don't worry i won't be back soon everybody sorry to leave you with all this work we'll save some for you thanks i still can't get over how beautiful it is up here anybody want to see me do a somersault show off i'm not showing off i'm just testing the equipment there we go wait a minute i just saw a blue light flash whereby i didn't see it mid fuselage near the elbow or the remote arm i saw a blue light it flashed like the flash on a camera it's not there now discovery this is control gear down over roger gear down and locked all systems a-okay everything looks fine from here discovery it was a good mission but it's nice to be home control [Music] you didn't watch it i told you you should have seen it it's like too weird for word you know it's like what are they gonna do with these things they are everywhere it's like real 50s paranoia i love it it's a classic i step and watch it every time i don't believe you missed it and what time do you go to bed eight o'clock fly to broadanito don't make me wonder what planet you're from well my mother knows for sure which one was giving him the problem uh camera number two what's wrong with it well it failed up there for a few minutes then when it came back on it wouldn't respond to controls it could be a glitch in a control panel check that i'm not as dumb as i look what was the exact nature of the malfunction uh the lens kept going in and out of focus the camera was tilting and panning all over the place they couldn't get it out of control finally they just shut it off maybe it's on drugs maybe you're on drugs i'm gonna uh ship it over to electronics you fill out the form and make sure it gets there okay roger chief [Music] this is tyson id6-478 i'm declaring a code f as isn't frank emergency i need we need help [Music] she dr hallman will be here shortly he wants us to hold off on any testing until he gets here [Applause] [Music] preliminary scan doesn't show anything it's a tv camera that's all yeah doesn't that make you feel a little foolish wait until ohio gets here and finds out we're holding a tv camera captive inside the isolation tank oh excitement should be too much for yes yes please do thanks still no sign of crew chief simmons why don't you go in there if you don't believe me go in there and pick it up nobody said they didn't believe you gerald why is everybody looking at me like i got fungus growing out of my head look there's no way you're gonna find brady simmons he is gone whatever's inside that camera did something to him disintegrated him hey cohen go go in there go on i i'd like to see somebody go in there besides that stupid robot hey look it now whatever's going on here we're going to get to the bottom of it right dr lockridge [Music] [Music] jared will you get me out of here it isn't him it isn't brady what do you mean it what is this place anyway how did he get in there there's no way he could have gotten in there so uh what's the story doc you at least tell me where i am it says he's a man i mean for god sakes look at him he's obviously a man this place anyway where's the tv camera [Music] i assume there's some reason we're not letting him out what is chief simmons doing in the tank we didn't put him in there peter phil vaughn in on what's happened theresa roll back the tape on camera one how far uh four meters right five meters but keep the other cameras rolling annie yeah talk to uh uh mr simmons all right what do i say uh tell him to sit down take it easy tell him we'll be with him in a minute thanks mr simmons you've had quite a shock mr simmons if you'll just make yourself comfortable we'll be with you in a few moments we have no explanation at this time for how he even got in there damn did you see that did you see it vaughn vaughn get over here hurry rewind theresa not too far just to where it starts to happen i'm telling you guys i'm okay well actually i'm starting to get a little stir crazy but besides that i'm fine now will you please let me out of here there there there did you see it am i crazy this is some sort of trick yeah some trick it's a trick we don't know yet let's not jump to conclusions shall we vaughn it's right there it's right there on tape what what is there tell me i don't know i don't know what uh uh uh a mutant uh a chameleon something who are you identify yourself what do you mean who am i anybody can tell you that i'm brady simmons id number 4-37 who are you this is dr heilman bree i'm afraid i can't let you out of there just yet not until you tell me how you got in there in the first place i don't know how i got in here all i know is i gotta get out why why do you have to get out [Music] please let brady out please please let him out hell of a magician who is she brady simmons wife please let him out he's okay really he just wants to come home please for me there is nothing wrong with him he's he's fine honest it's an illusion of some sort peter get on the phone call the brady simmons home see if his wife's there peter if she's not an illusion do you know what it is we're talking about here we're talking about something that can change its organic structure almost instantaneously at will kurt i warned you not to jump to conclusions we haven't established an eti here mrs got miss simmons on the line she's at home now do you believe me what's brady simmons's wife's first name kate kate yes kate all you're asking us is to take brady your husband brady out of the tank right oh yes would you please where's brady kate where is he he's he's i don't see him kate where is brady huh show me where he is he made a mistake and made a mistake kate where's your husband i don't know he's not in there is he kate gotcha sucker ah all right come on guys enough's enough let me out it's remarkable whatever it is has to have created mrs simmons out of brady's memory that means that it knows everything that brady knows that it has use of brady's knowledge of his memories his emotions this is just getting too weird hey i'm getting real tired of this now let me out of here so we can talk this over [Applause] somebody better talk to us get more in the little upset someone stop that stop it [Music] let's put him to sleep ernie open up cylinder number six cylinder sticks open [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's reacting to it [Music] [Applause] now what [Applause] be careful vaughn pulse is normal taking into account the sedative he's alive it's alive he's out cold though well we have no idea how long he'll stay that way so please hurry right i'll give him the additional sedative and then we can restore the atmosphere in here hook him up to our muscle i'm sorry dr heilman i don't want another senator thank you [Music] that's not what i think it is is it it can't be it's a nuclear device some sort of atomic bomb it's got a timer on it according to the timer it's set to detonate in a little under two and a half minutes looks like i got tired of playing games i think you better let it out don't you huh lawn was in weapons development for over 10 years bomb you could make a bomb like this from scratch yeah but where would this this thing get the material for it for god's sake we don't know how old this thing is how many worlds has it been to how many things has it absorbed it could easily have absorbed enough material to make a bomb like this under two minutes and counting i'm gonna go in no somebody has to brady long whatever you are you're free you can walk right out that door we won't try to keep you in here anymore i promise we never meant you any harm we only wanted to understand and to control a little i guess but that's our nature good or bad that's what we are you'll survive won't ya we'll all be killed but you'll survive ugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait wait i want to talk to you i have to talk to you wait wait wait [Music] [Music] bond yes kurt no no you're not bond please let vaughn and brady go please we're not prisoners dr longridge it's not like we're being held if anything there's this thirst thirst well what thirst come with us find out for yourself [Music] we're offering you the universe a chance to see it all no no no no i i can't but wait wait wait wait tell me why did you come here [Applause] why just curious [Music] [Music] imagine yourself a visitor to many worlds drifting on the solar wind a thousand voices singing in your memory now imagine you're this man who can only guess at the wonders he might have known wonders that exist for him now only as a riddle from the twilight zone [Music] [Music] after you screen please forward scanners now please [Music] impressive sight isn't it father no bolder evidence of god's grand design wouldn't you say doctor evidence no i don't think so all i can see are the remnants of a supernova clouds of hydrogen ionized by ultraviolet radiation from the collapsed star random patterns of heat and light uh the patterns may be random but the process the the elaborate mechanics underlying it all is that random life consciousness is that random too who knows given an infinite amount of space and time an infinite number of atoms connecting in an infinite combination of ways by sheer random chance you would create life physics even consciousness ah and what created infinity i'm afraid you've got me on a technicality there tell me father how does the jesuit in you reconcile himself with a physicist there's nothing to reconcile my order has long been known for its scientific work cartography ah aren't you the ones that told galileo that this business of the earth revolving around the sun was a lot of rubbish now you have me on a technicality i'm afraid i think we've been down this road before my friend so why don't i just wish you a simple non-denominational merry christmas let it go at that i don't know though it isn't christmas anywhere else in the universe saved by our ship's clocks doesn't feel quite right to me somehow are you telling me that's not the most magnificent christmas tree you've ever seen as a matter of fact there's a surprise of sorts a present if you will waiting for you under the tree surprise captain durant wants you on the bridge she says she's picking up a planet on the long range sensors and a subspace beacon that's repeating the same message over and over in some alien language but that's not possible [Music] but when this star went over it would have destroyed every planet in its system [Music] this planet is fairly remote about the same distance from the white dwarf star as pluto is from earth sun must have escaped the worst of the explosion my god what is that with a pylon a marker like the subspace beacon whatever's inside somebody wanted to make damn sure we found it i've had crew working inside that vault for the past two hours pumping in an atmosphere cataloging artifacts you may be surprised at what they've turned up [Applause] not only paintings sculptures and books recordings all sunk so deep in the bedrock not even the nova could touch them beautiful isn't it according to these star maps all this was built by the inhabitants of one of the other planets they knew their son was dying and everything they wanted to preserve their hearts their literature they must have brought here hoping it would escape the flames they were human yes do you think they escaped the nearest star system is almost 100 light years away there's no hope there's a computer section on the fourth level language equivalence too we're finding data files that seem to contain the entire history of their people and what we've deciphered so far they've they've been at peace for nearly a thousand years god have mercy on their souls and you call this god's mercy father divine justice allowing a people of such beauty such intelligence to die for no reason doctor a hundred sons explode in this galaxy every year taking down with them untold numbers of civilizations god can't be held accountable for every random occurrence in the universe oh random i hear you talking random gentlemen please i'm less interested in philosophy right now than i am in fact father costigan uh geological team has completed its carbon dating can you correlate their data with your own gas velocity and solar flux reading tell us exactly when the sun went over of course readings were quite precise i can have a date accurate to a day earth time captain what is that oh uh this is some kind of music cube here listen [Music] father there's something i wanted to show you matthew something wrong [Music] there was something i didn't tell the captain about when this sun went over you said it exploded in earth year 3120 bc [Music] it took 3100 years for the light from the explosion to reach the earth taking into account the earth's orbital position its rotation the nova would have been clearly visible in the eastern hemisphere its light shining more brightly than any other object in the night sky computations further indicate that it was directly overhead at 31 degrees 42 minutes north latitude 35 degrees 12 minutes east longitude in a small town in the judean hills south jerusalem and lo the star which they saw in the east went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was i have been sitting here in a mockery of prayer my heart fills not with love but with rage oh god there were so many stars you might have used what was the need to give these people to the fire that the symbol of their passing might light up the skies over bethlehem are you sure of this matthew to the last decimal i was going to show you this by way of apology for my outburst down on the planet now it seems even more appropriate it's a poem one of the last things that was transported to the vault one of the first we discovered mourn not for us for we have known the light have looked on beauty have lived in peace and loved grieve but for those who go alone unwise to die in darkness and never see the sun [Music] whatever destiny was they theirs it perhaps we will discover all they achieved in the records they left behind but their time had come and in their passing they passed their light on to another world i'd like to believe that believe it father whether it is god's will or or a pure random chance one of a hundred suns that explode every year in the cosmos a balance was struck and perhaps when we fulfilled whatever destiny is ours to fulfill perhaps we too will light the way for another world [Music] bearing with it the last legacy of a long dead people a legacy to be kept and cherished and in time bequeathed to a world still unborn from the current inhabitants of the twilight zone [Music] you
Channel: Cloudy In PA
Views: 523,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Twilight Zone, the twilight zone vol. 6, rod serling, profile in silver, lane smith, andrew robinson, jenny agutter, martin balsam, voices in the earth, tim russ, examination day, christopher allport, the mind of simon foster, bruce weitz, chameleon, terry o'quinn, john ashton, lin shaye, wes craven, the star, fritz weaver, donald moffat, tv show, anthology, horror, sci-fi, harlan ellison
Id: dkeLPt8Dtuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 13sec (6673 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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