Faroe Islands - The Images, the music, and the fees

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how's it going guys so I wanted to record a little video kind of answering some of the questions that came in on some of the recent videos that I posted and kind of talking about some of the images that I took in those videos one of the biggest complaints or critiques I should say is that I don't display my images long enough in my vlogs from my point of view the reason that I'm doing that what the reason I'm not taking up a lot of time with each image is because my vlogs are not necessarily to show off the photos that I'm taking it's more about just kind of telling the story of the adventure behind going to that place or taking those photos I'm not especially at the time of recording I'm not super attached to any emoto's that's kind of a funny thing about me and I like very few of my photos actually kind of hard on myself in that way but it's not so much to show off the photos as it is to tells a story behind it because sometimes especially when I'm watching my own videos from a long time ago the story is more interesting to me than the actual photo and if you remember you guys can always go check out my photos if you follow me on Instagram or go check out my website that's where the good photos make it a lot of times I am doing a quick edit of some of my photos just so I can post my video for that reason and that's super attached to a lot of the photos I put in my videos so fun fact but anyways one of the questions that comes in almost every time I post a video of any kind is Nick where do you get your music and what what is the name of this song and was the name of this artist so I was going to quickly answer some of that might be boring for some of you but some of you have been asking so I was going to going to address that here so this song this has kind of been my anthem for a while it was my yeah I think it my very first vlog ever I ended up using it and I this is one that I purchased from premium beat calm and I've used it a bunch of times I like to try to stay consistent with the music that I choose that way you know those people that have been watching videos for a long time when they hear a video that or when they hear a song that they've seen and so many of my videos it kind of it's a little bit no no it just has this recurring theme and I've always liked this song but I'm struggling more and more to work it into into my video edits because it's just it's not really a great one to put in the middle of in the middle of a video so it pretty much only makes it into the end of my videos and not even all of the end of the videos only when I'm displaying my images but you used to be in every single video this song that you're hearing is kind of my new favorite just because it kind of matches my loopy and walking style I so I struggle with music like when it comes to editing my videos the music is always the part of the video that I stress out the hardest on because I want the music to like be different you know I want I don't want to have the same kind of music through the entire video I want to have some that's upbeat some that's like a little bit more relaxed and mellow and this song I feel like matches matches my style I feel like that's a good tip for anybody that's doing video or doing vlogs instead to try to find music that matches your personal style there's far too much house music in in today's vlogs and nothing against house music but it doesn't it definitely doesn't match me or my style I think a lot of people throw house music into a vlog just because they don't know what other type of music to put in I doubt that they actually listened to that kind of music on their own time so personal preference obviously but this is kind of my newest theme song I guess I've been working this one into a lot more videos you can probably tell from my voice I'm still a little bit sick from the Faroe Islands it it was a little bit hard on my health because once I got sick I had to continue to go out and hike and get wet in the rain and get kind of cold and then get sweaty wasn't the best best situation for getting sick and I'm still getting over my coffin my cold I am getting better though so one of the things that I wanted to talk about in regards to the Faroe Islands videos that I did was and there was a lot of a lot of chatter kind of in the comments section about this is the fact that so many of the places that you visit in the Faroe Islands they're charging the fee to hike on the trails and I want to talk a little bit about that I had many interesting conversations with local people about you know the thought process behind it and you know as an American in the United States most of the land that we go visit it's all public lands we have like BLM lamb and national parks and state parks and it's a lot of it is public land but in the Faroe Islands unlike other places like say Iceland it's all private property so when you're hiking out to a particular viewpoint you're hiking through someone's pasture you're hiking through someone's land and for that reason the laws can be very different you know it's pretty much up to the landowner what how how access is going to be treated it's never been a problem before because tourism is a very new thing in the Faroe Islands it used to be that it was just you know your neighbor or a local person that was hiking through your land now you have people from around the world in different countries that are unfamiliar with the territory walking on these trails and there's a whole lot more people doing it the thought process behind charge fees for a lot of these hikes is several fold for one thing as soon as you start to charge a little bit of money for it it cuts down on the number of people doing it and I think that's an important point because you know a lot of these trails are just dirt paths through you know through an area where it rains a lot and there's a lot of erosion the trails are getting destroyed and it's a way of cutting down on the number of people doing it thus kind of protecting the place you know if you have hundreds of thousands of people walking on a trail that is not maintained it's gonna get trashed and so and so one part of it is is just to protect the area by cutting down on the number of people doing it second thing is that money that is collected is actually put towards putting down gravel and putting down rock and actually building a trail that can actually withstand some of that traffic there's that aspect and then there's the third aspect of like if you're gonna walk through my property I might as well make a buck I can't really grudge people from wanting to charge money to have some random tourists walk through their property the local people they get to hike those trails for free as they should as they always have but if you're you know a tourist from another country you got to pay a few bucks my personal opinion on it is that I feel like they're on to something I don't feel it's a bad thing at all that you're protecting the place you're actually generating a little bit of income so you can maintain the place because there's not a park system or anything like that in place - you know fund the building of the trails and the maintaining of the trails and and all that stuff and you know the local people that's gonna be their way of actually benefiting from all this tourism that's happening you gotta remember that tourism is very new in the Faroe Islands and there's not really an infrastructure in place to deal with that tourism one of the most common questions that I get asked is the Faroe Islands going to be the new Iceland and the answer to that is absolutely not but Iceland has the benefit of it being a direct flight from everywhere as the central hub feature where you can get direct flight from Seattle from Boston from all over the place in the United States as well as all over the place Europe and for that reason it makes it really easy to travel there travel to Iceland is more affordable and it's easier than flying into the Faroe Islands Faroe Islands is not only more expensive to fly into but it's not a direct flight from anywhere but Copenhagen and maybe one from Glasgow I don't think even from classic I think it's just from Copenhagen there is one from Iceland but it's like once or twice a week much more challenging to get to then once you get there it's much more expensive to be there than even Iceland Iceland is kind of notorious for being kind of spending to travel to and it's way more expensive in the Faroe Islands and there's just not that infrastructure like I talked about so I don't think it's going to catch on as much as it did in Iceland but I do think that it's gonna be popular with photographers because it's a very fruitful place to do photography I'm doing my best to edit out all of my coughs I'm sick so I also wanted to take it take a second to talk about some of the images that I captured there because we didn't talk much about that in the video so let's jump into a few of the images so the first one and probably my favorite one from the trip is this black and white of masts standing on this cliff side with the cascading cliffs back behind so we captured this at Kelso and this is he's actually standing between the lighthouse and where we were at kind of at the end of that particular video where we're standing on that on that particular point and he's down on that trail of wood that I mentioned some of the group didn't want to go on this image just at the moment I looked at it in Lightroom I knew this was going to be a black and white just because for one thing the color palette wasn't working straight out of camera the greens were kind of weird it had all the haziness in the background was very very blue because it was kind of the middle of the day the colors just didn't add to it at all and by going monotone and going black-and-white it really draws attention to the to the difference in contrast between each layer one of the things I talk a lot about is having depth in a landscape and black and white is a great way to illustrate that depth because all you're really noticing is that the the closest layer is very dark very very black and then as the cliffs get further away from the camera they kind of you know they cascade into the distance and they get lower lower contrast there's just so much going on in the shot you have everything from you know a person for scale the low clouds on the cliff the waterfall the kind of interesting jagged crack in the background then you have sea stacks what I like about this shot is it really illustrates a lot of the different things that make the Faroe Islands unique and this is probably my favorite shot from the whole trip I think this shot was shot right around 350 or 400 millimeters this shot from Kelso if you look down kind of in the area there by the on the trail by that big rock that's where actually where he was standing if you look way over to the left the people out on that point that's where I took that photo from so obviously this is a little bit later this is once the Sun poked out here I talked a little bit in the video about how I wanted to try to capture something unique this composition is definitely not unique this is kind of the the obvious go to composition that you have when you're out on quell so this is a 10 shot panorama shot at about 20 millimeters in post-production one of the things that I really tried to do is to emphasize the way the light was catching some of those greens and the green grasses on the hillsides bring out the depth and I also had to correct some of the the pancaking that happens so when you are shooting a panorama of the wide-angle lens and anything in the middle of that shot is going to get squished because it's a wide-angle lens that's called pancaking you're turning mountains into pancakes so one of the things that I do when I do a vertical composition like this with a wide-angle lens is I will basically stretch out the stuff in the center of the frame to correct for that pancaking to make the stuff that is in the center of the frame actually tall you have to be careful not to take that too far otherwise you go into straight Fantasyland and I try really hard to keep it real in that way but I did have to do some correction for the wide angle Distortion I like this shot but it's not my favorite because it's really kind of not original in my opinion we got a bunch of great shots from Gaza to lua de caza de lure Casa de Caza Casa de lua it's this particular valley where you see a lot of the shots of the little village in the background with the with the waterfall and we got good shots the first time during the first workshop we got amazing shots the second time we got really really great light for like a couple hours while we're there so we got these kind of earlier shots where the light is kind of peeking through some of the gap on the horizon also got these shots a little bit later on when we got that nice color event it didn't make it into into my videos because well the audio sucked that's kind of how it goes sometimes a lot of times I'll be recording a vlog and I think I'm getting all this great content and if my audio is screwed up can't use any of it and that happened at this particular point but this was probably the most touristy spot on the that we went to because it's so easy access it's free for one thing and it's about I don't know 200 yards from the road and so we got down there with our group of eight and then the tourists flooded in that we even saw tourists wearing flip-flops no socks even though it's cold in typical tourist fashion dressed for the dressed for the conditions but we got great photos there these photos I'm not super attached to because really when you're taking the same exact composition that somebody else has done all that can really change is the way you post process it and the weather conditions and we had beautiful color but we didn't really have much interest going on weather condition wise and I'm just never sentimentally attached to those shots that I know I've seen other people take before probably my second favorite shot from the trip is this one from dragonair dragged in there I've seen a lot of shots from down by the water but the one thing that never really seen was for one I've never seen anybody standing out on this point Thomas our guide he crawled up there kind of a sketchy place to stand by the way so kids don't try this at home and then we got this amazing light poked through for a second illuminate all the rock and really create just this nice hazy feel to the shot I crawled down below where I was incredibly slick and normally you can't even get down here because the the waves are not usually lapping up on these rocks but I found this puddle I was really excited to find just this little bit of reflection reflecting him back in the water this is a focused stack exposure blend which sounds harder than it is basically it's I think it's three different shots for depth of fields so I'm shooting I believe I was shooting an f-16 focus on background focus on middle ground focus on the barnacles closest camera and then I take one darker shot for that sky to to cover that dynamic range because it was a pretty high dynamic range scene one of my favorite shots of the trip just because of the drama going on this is a very dramatic light you know during dramatic scene with all the sharp angles to be able to reflect some of that back I was really excited about another one of my favorite shots is probably this one just because of the unique light that we're getting mass has been standing down on this particular point for probably an hour and a half but then we have just this moment of light where we got these these light rays kind of peeking through the clouds and then kind of through some of the gaps back in the mountains at the end of the fjord and that combination of the Sun star and that was interesting rays which are not photoshopped they're not fake they're real and then having him down there for scale it just has this sense of moments and a sense of moment is one of those things that I absolutely love in landscape photography when you can get it because in landscape photography often your you're photographing a static scene but if you can get a sense of moment you know a sense of like that was a fleeting moment of time that takes a just a static landscape to the next level because the viewer can feel and recognize that that's that's a fleeting moment and that makes it something special and these light rays really do it for me it really really brings it to that place and I really liked that so those are probably my favorite shots from the trip we came away with just an absolute ton of photos a lot of them didn't didn't even make it into the videos because you know I was editing the videos on the road while I was still there just in my downtime in the hotel room or in between workshops which meant that when I'm editing the video I also have to edit the photos that go into the video and a lot of times I don't like to rush that's that stuff because you know I'm traveling a long ways for for these photos and I don't want to rush the edit because if you brush the Edit most likely you're not gonna do the best job and then once you edit it once the likelihood of you know reesh airing it on social media is very low because you're only gonna do a little bit better so you want to take your time on those edits and I always feel feel bad when I'm rushing my photo edits so a lot a lot of my favorite photos I haven't even edited yet because I'm just now getting home just now getting settled on my real computer where I like to edit so those are some of my favorite photos I just kind of wanted to talk a little bit about the Faroe Islands stuff if you guys have more questions about this this set of videos leave them in the comments below and we'll kind of continue the conversation down in the comments below hopefully you guys liked this set of videos I've got a little bit of a break coming up in front of me here so it might I don't know what my next photo trip actually is it might not be for a while so I'm home might be going out to do some Astro photography maybe that'll be the next video and anyways thank you guys so much for watching and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Nick Page
Views: 20,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, vlog, nick page, faroe islands, music, video editing, images, critique
Id: 5huj6lFMY28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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