Farming Death for easy XP (every Vocation)

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Welcome Arisen, in this Video i'll go into detail on how to farm Death when you aren't strong enough yet. If you already maxed out this will be all to familiar to you. First things first. You will have to be on your pre-Daimon run. Meaning you haven't killed him on your current playthrough. Secondly, make sure your Knockdown stat is as high as possible, everything above 500 is good. if you are below 500, wait till you have better gear or augments. What will help you the most are the Barbed Nails, you can buy from Madeleine after the Suppliers Demand Quest as well as the Augmentations "Impact" for strength and "Emphasis" for Magick. Just go though your equipment and take what has the highest values. Knockdown is a cumulative value, every time you hit an enemy the value rises till you get to the threshold where the enemy gets knocked down. so the higher your knockdown value the faster it goes. Every Vocation has a different Knockdown skill you have to use here. But more on that later. Now that you are prepared go to the Bloodless Stockade on Bitterblack Isle. Death will roam here and respawn every time you access the area. Again, this only works pre-Daimon! In the last section of the map is a cliff and a waterfall. Clear this room of all the worms first. Those will not respawn, unlike Death. Now you have to lure him in this Part of the Map and up the stairs. Wait till his attack animation starts and run to the cliff, stand on the right platform and look in direction of the Waterfall. Death will spawn directly in front of you. Depending on the Vocation of your choosing you have to attack him with your Knockdown skill. The most effective by far are Blast Arrows, but they are expansive, heavy and can only be used by Strider, Assassin and Ranger. The same Vocations plus the Magick Archer can use Toss and Trigger to push Death over the edge. Based on your Knockdown value you will have to repeat the process a couple of times. Fighter, Assassin and Mystic Knight can use Antler Toss the same way as Yellows can use Toss and Trigger. My stupid recording self deleted the final blow while editing! The next best thing after Blast Arrows is the Sorcerer, with 2 to 3 hits of Gicel you get rid of Death pretty easy. Downside is the timing. You will have to practice this a bit. I start casting at the same time as Death casts his sleep spell. If done right you are just a bit faster than him. Same goes for the Mage and the High Frigor spell. It will be easier if you have the Articulacy Augmentation and or the Wyrmking Ring to cast faster. For the Warrior you can use one of the Lash skills and as for the Mage and Sorcerer you have to get the timing right. Worst case for this method is the Magick Archer. If you don't want to use Toss and Trigger. You can hit Death with the explosive rivet and than hit him to knock him down. This often times results in you dieing with him. But the Magick Archer is strong enough to kill Death anyway fast and easy with the Ricochet Hunter skill. and as always, stay strong and kill death!
Channel: Dugarr
Views: 30,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dugarr, Nintendo, Switch, Nintendo Switch, guide, tutorial, Dragons Dogma, Dark Arisen, Death, farming, farm, bbi, easy, xp, vocation, all
Id: sjyQYGxuG20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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