Farmers Are Using Cow Machines You've Never Seen - Incredible Modern Cow Farming Technology

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Hi everybody. With the development of technology, the machines used in cow farms also improved. It is now more modern and functional. In this way, the operation of farms has become more efficient and easier. Additionally, these machines also help maintain the welfare of the cows. Automatic milking machines, animal tracking systems, automatic feeding are a few of them. In this video, we talk about technological and modern machines used in cow farms. Please subscribe to our channel and like the video. TKS FeedBelt and FeedMixer. FeedMixer mixes and prepares various feed ingredients. It creates a homogeneous feed mixture for consistent nutritional intake of farm animals. FeedBelt distributes the mixed feed from its source to designated feed troughs in the barns. In this way, efficient feed distribution is achieved in the barns. Tailwell power tail trimmer. Tailwell Power Tail Trimmer is designed to trim cows' tail hair quickly and efficiently. It focuses on hygiene and animal welfare compared to traditional methods such as scissors. You can quickly cut tail hair in just a few seconds. Hoof Trimming Machine. This machine is a heavy-duty hoof trimming chute with full hydraulic control. The chute allows multiple functions to be operated simultaneously. It uses a serial hydraulic system that makes the hoof trimming process more efficient. The design of the chute prioritizes animal welfare and comfort during hoof trimming. This includes features such as a low-stress environment and the ability for the cow to stand in a natural position. Robotic milking machine. This machine you see is a special robotic milking machine designed for dairy farms. The robot uses a gentle milking technique and prioritizes hygiene throughout the process. Potentially leading to higher milk yield. The design has been specially planned to minimize stress during milking. Cow Spray Race. Cow spray racer is an equipment used to apply insecticides or acaricides to cows safely and efficiently. It is a long, narrow, tunnel-like structure with spray nozzles that drench cows as they walk. Cow Head Holder. The cow head holder is used to restrain a cow's head during procedures such as vaccinations and examinations. The cow head holder is designed to be safe for both the cow and the handler. Electric cow brushes. Electric cow brushes are automated brushes designed to improve the comfort, well-being, and health of cows. This machine allows cows to scratch themselves whenever they need. Calf Hutches. Raising calves outdoors requires providing appropriate housing for the calves to grow healthy and strong. Calf hutches protect calves from weather conditions such as cold, rain, wind and sun. The hut is large enough for the calves to lie down and move around comfortably. Having an open area at the front of the hut allows the calves to get sunlight and exercise. Rotary Milking Parlour. The Dairymaster Rotary Milking Parlour is one of the world's most advanced rotary milking systems. This is an extremely effective way to milk cows. It allows you to milk more cows in a shorter time with less labor. Dairymaster rotary milking parlours are designed to be comfortable for cows. This can help to reduce stress on the cows and improve their overall health. Automated feeding system. CalfRail is an automatic feeding system designed especially for young calves. It's manufactured by Förster-Technik, a German company specializing in agricultural equipment. The calves are fed five times a day by the automated feeding system CalfRail.
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Id: r9u8DDvyXmI
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Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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