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[Applause] [Music] um hello everybody my name is farmer phil and today we're gonna be getting the rollers ready because it is that time of the year and it is time to get the rollers ready to start rolling ground so as you seen there at the start denmark ii i have her running um so just to send the car off and get it sorted because we never got the car lift in and they just don't seem to ever have time to go out at the center but the charger on it get her ready to go now i have to take down filter numbers and get filters order first because we wanted to do the rolling a couple of different reasons one being novelty factor why yeah run and get using it fine those are in igloo bits two it doesn't have one of our larger tractors it'll do the rolling ground for us and it leaves other tractors free but then the downside is that tractor's on two hill drive and some of our ground is still wet can't get our roller just yet but we get another few dry days we'll be able and put the yeah two hill drivers with a bomber bag so these are the two rollers we have an eight foot and a ten foot fleming excuse the wind i lost me um little hairy lad to knock out the wind noise but what happens is that arm swings around this daybar catches it and it lets us go 18 feet with the roller which okay it speeds up the job so it does do this is quite a slow rig on the road because you have to take her handy it's a racket mix but anyways what has to be done one of these sides is cracked and won't hold water i can't remember which side it is but i have to take off the bearings so it's literally just them two balls and same the first side lift that up split the two rollers and then grind out and really well the crack is on the inside uh these were down the bottoms where we used last week drained the water out the back end uh so they wouldn't bust but frosty one is busted with frost from a couple of years ago before guess what this time and unclean brought them up and yeah as you can see the bottoms maybe is a bit too wet for that job and i hope quite a bit of them okay anyways that's neither here nor there this one what has to be done the bearing is gone which side is the other side i think so i have to replace the bearing so it's quite literally bang them off take them out new block in that's it grease it up that roller is ready to go maybe might need to reset these lads maybe a bit tighter and just the general freeze up and it's ready to go so yeah that's all it has to be done biggest job is with this one but i'm going to get started i had father phil's nearly finished with his bearing on the bowser and when he's that done he'll come in and we get these done so we can go rolling and maybe this will be a video in its own right or it'll be a video tied in with maybe rolling with that tractor probably not rolling with the zephyr because there's just that you have to get filters and stuff for but um yeah we'll see how we go on anyways and see what the video is going to be about but that's the job that has to be done with them so we get cracking so that is all burn out now don't defend the newborn i don't know i'll figure it out anyways i have to get tucked up so that can be in center so to bear enough on back in the balls get a hip of grease into it and she should be ready to go all i'm short then is attracted to polish because everything at the minute has stuff on us [Music] so we have that lined up fairly well so we'll just get grease into this cartridge of grease good as any and lots of grease never have enough grease in wearing parrots fire this in just to get it lined up come on now tighten these by tighten it all up back together and then that is ready to go do some rolling and i actually did something mechanical by myself quite pleased even though it has been a few days since i started it could be a week or more but no never good job [Music] just run away with me [Music] so now that is that oiled up grazed up that's ready to go bar just fill up with water so i might actually just don't have a tractor to put out the zephyr is just not running yet i might just put it under 35 and pull it around to to fill my water but first things first got tidy up on me two i think we'll do some damage with this machine so we will 35 on the 10 footer so that wasn't that easy go off took that back york the bad boy there to get it off there's one of the things just to leave them easier to get off rub grease on them just help stop it from creating that seal with the rust a little bit easier maybe that next time we need to get off i think it's ready to go rolling just don't think 35 is going to hack it too well probably maybe maybe not maybe it'd be all right but you can see her getting stuck however that's ready to go [Music] we'll get free get real long [Music] i know where we can go where the sunrise lasts forever so i'm actually quite surprised i've managed to do that by myself rollers are now split so some part of here is gone where i don't know that there doesn't look great cracked and that so that could be where it is but then go to this side and i do have some water leaking here and it looks like it's coming from that deer well i'm not i'm unfortunately no expert at this so i'll have to get fatter phil's opinion and advice and then probably just let him weld it because otherwise it won't last place in time with my kind of welding but anyways yeah i'm actually very surprised i managed to get that done by myself well unclean trying to give me a hand pulling out the bar and he was one who suggested that other knight kept hitting until he got it out but anyways camera is rolling so there was water leaking when i rolled that coming up that way in two strikes i think anyways that's the fuller of the two [Applause] there's a crack here yeah is oh yeah oh yeah let them go first you ready to go rolling yeah accident all right lift your loader hello so we are here now with my lovely livi she is now full-time farmer and shopkeeper so uh we're going to show liv how to do some rolling bro without rolling into 64 right here and the 10-foot roller unfortunately the 8-foot still hasn't been fixed and this is going to end the video i know i said today's video should have been the zetter but it's still waiting to go into the shed there's just so much going on but anyways show them what to do so live second gear and forward to it and break off [Music] right give her throttle to about 1100 just means that's not going to accomplish yeah no you can go up into b no you want to drive with your wheel kind of you can see the line yeah to save with your tire not on the line but this side of the line tenfold roller is slightly wider than you probably over that way more yeah the edge of your wheel can be the edge of that line you have you probably have about six inches of an overlap with the tractor you can go faster again if you want and you see now have your back window open if that's okay if you don't want to open just leave it on the latch and the reason for that is just to hear any obstacles if you hear a bang that means it could be a stone so just get help and check that it's not if it's loose pick it up put in the cab or put in the hedge if you can't pick it up it and if it's sticking up in the ground it looks like the mower could hit them do damage mark it and if it's level just leave it and that's really it just go round and round the field so bro has a good bit done from yesterday so this is doing this today i'm going off heroin you can either give her a little bit more trotting or go up into d if you want yeah you don't really need lots of trouble at this job because at the end of the day all you're doing is driving in circles you're coming to the corner now so yeah but remember your turning circle isn't great with that i know but when you get as you go more and more into the corner it's getting tighter tighter and tighter just go wider when you know what you do is you go around in a circle that way so if you want to try it there just go around that way it's hot you can full lock that way and go around so full lock you see you're not going to get caught turning that way because the way the drawbar is so you can do full lock and then straight from now on you'll have to do it that way you might you might get away with it that's just what you do if when your turning circle runs out no not so you don't have your forward look you can turn off your forward drive that way yeah if the middle of the field is fine so you have no issues with getting stuck but if you are in trouble you turn off turn on the photos right for those of you they're also wondering is the 60 for it he finally serviced and fixed it you know what he's not it is running and it works and he's not sorted still waiting to get into the workshop hopefully i keep seeing it hopefully we might get it done before the silly season starts which is getting closer and closer also the reason why the 64a here is good for this job is the loader because in the first run around the field you can use the loader to pick up any sticks branches and that's debris that's falling into the field you can get rid of them with that easy peasy lemon squeezy so yeah it's very straightforward there's no you don't really need me to go around this you do you no [Music] just a painting we didn't have another roll around you'd be going 18 feet at a time you think you managed time just about so we're back here and liv the genie ass that she is has come up with the brain wave which is actually quite good to go around the field the underway so therefore you're turning the other way where you can turn sharp and you won't have to do the big turn in circles on the headlines and it's actually going to save a compaction because it's always been this funny thing to me rolling land i know we need to do it but we're always we're fighting compaction in the ground but then you're also trying to roll the ground and it seems like two contradictory things to me but the way lift's said to do it is actually going to save compaction because should be able to turn harder in the corners so anyways i'm going to leave you to a div have a good day and i will see you at dinner hopefully you'll have it all on [Music] there she goes so i think i'm just going to fire up the drone just say abroad with me just to get a little bit drawn first to finish off the video it wouldn't be a machinery video without a bit of drone footage anyways you can just see there it's actually just leveling out the tracks and everything just nicely there yes i'm gonna leave it at that for today's video as always videos every tuesday thursday and sunday please like and subscribe to the channel make sure to leave a like let's push the videos on and leave a comment down below and a bedtime story for father phil but that is it for me good luck [Music] [Music] just go away with me [Music] let's go [Music] run away with me [Applause] again
Views: 53,593
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: farm, agriculture, tractor, combine, slurry, countryside, cows, bulls, farming, ireland, farmer, dog, machine, machinery, feed, silage, jcb, ursus, massey ferguson, new holland, fendt, john deere, work, work wear, farm work, cattle, calves, crops, cereal, corn, johndeere, ford, farmlife, tillage, irishfarmer, farmtofork, sustaniblefarming, dogs, claas, grassmen, joysoffarming, farmlifebestlife, farming in ireland, irish farming, farming life, BRITISH, rolling, rollin, fixed, fixing, farmer phil, tom pemberton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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