Farmall 706... DEAD ON ARRIVAL!

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all right it's the next day uh i've raked all the hay i cut yesterday i don't know if it's because it's wet or because it actually is uh a lot of tonnage or uh thick for you know a lot of bales per acre but these windrows are monsters and the farmall 706 is dead on arrival maybe coming out of retirement wasn't a good idea yes i know i should have maintenanced it do i have time to that for that no do i have money for that no you know want to be farmer which also means i work full-time job and i raise two kids and my wife's a stay-at-home mom i ain't got money to sink into this tractor right now plain and simple uh and being that it's september 10th i don't have time to rebuild it or whatever it needs so uh to jonathan i think it was fracking he said that he bets that the fuel tank's plugged i am probably 70 percent uh agreeing with him so i brought my tool bag with my other carburetor some fuel hose i'll show you what i'm going to do with that and you'll probably criticize me for it but it gets you by and a couple tools to see if we can figure out what's going on with this thing so let's get at it all right so the first thing i'm going to do is loosen up this fuel line i think there's a screen in the nut that is right there but i don't remember i don't know that i ever had it out of my other carburetor i never had a single issue fuel-wise out of the the carburetor when the other 706 was gas so being that it's not leaking out of there it's probably the tank and you'll get to see what i'm going to do with that when i get it popped off if i ever get it popped off it's probably hand tight now but uh yeah the other one i never had any problems out of whatsoever it never coughed spit nothing so i know it's good carburetor and if i have to put it on i'm going to will i eventually rebuild this carburetor yeah because i kept the other one because you never know when a spare is going to come in handy right but i don't have a fuel filter with me i probably will pick me pick one up tomorrow because i have to get bailing twine on my lunch break oh yeah drippity drip drip so what we're going to do is we're going to pull that out here a little bit that'll make it really fun to put back together then you grab your fuel hose hang on i'm gonna set you down fuel hose that i've got right here it's a little too big but it at least slid over the nut and uh the petcock is open let's go check that just to make sure and if you're ever doing this you uh oh i did have it shut off let's go see what i was gonna say about it is uh if you ever are doing this yeah i don't see any fuel flowing through the petcock usually you can see like bubbles or something you know it's not coming out of my hose either uh it's going to though got my fuel hose hooked up to my fuel line my petcock is open got my hose here it is a little bit too big but at least it slid over the nut and if you're ever going to do what i'm about to do i do advise getting a long piece of hose because if it is uh partially clogged and still lets fuel through or if it decides yeah it's flowing now you don't want to mouth full gas because that shit's nasty but here it goes i don't know if you heard that or not but it uh i don't know if it's gonna flow out of here or not i heard plenty of bubbles and i mean plenty of bubbles come out of the tank after a while oh there it goes see now that is good fuel flow now while your gas is running all over your hay and it's a total fire hazard you run over and shut your petcock off real quick now with the uh fuel line hooked back up we will open this guy see if we see anything flowing and if we don't see usually i do see a little bit see the stuff dusting around in there that means the fuel is flowing sometimes this little bubbles usually it's just a little cloud now the next thing i'm going to do is take this drain out of the bottom the carburetor good thing they don't go in very tight because they're a tapered thread we'll see what kind of stuff we get out of it i mean it runs too good when it does want to run the only thing the only reason why i don't like this carburetor is because it always uh because like these don't have an accelerator pump like a car would right no it's coming out pretty good see that's coming out way better than it was yesterday if you remember video from yesterday it was not coming out that much yeah so what i was saying about these not being like an excel like a car carburetor car carburetor this is my other carburetor when you actually open the throttle it has a pump that shoots extra gas in and that's to get over the drop in vacuum you know or raise and manifold pressure depending on how you want to look at it that's what the accelerator pump does now these kind of this kind of equipment stuff doesn't have that uh you have what's called a transition circuit and oh man there's stuff falling out of this thing but anyways you have what's called a transition circuit it's usually a slot uh just below in this case it would be just below the uh idle mixture circuit in a car or downdraft it would be just above the throttle blade or the mic where the mixture idle mixture port would be but so that that's what leads me to think that this that carburetor i just don't like it you know it doesn't uh when you put it full throttle it always goes you know hesitates now i'm cleaning out this spot so i can show you what i'm talking about hopefully you can see okay i can see it i know what i'm looking for but right in the center of that uh bore where the blade is there's a little tiny hole see it that is your transfer circuit this up here is your idle mixture screw so again it's you know below the idle mixture screw because it's an updraft carburetor well that could just be plugged on the carburetor i have but if i have a good carburetor to put on it why would i not you know and i'm not yet but either way i'm going to rebuild that one just to have a spare like i said so that being said i know right now that i could start this tractor up and use it at minimum until the fuel tank plugs again now it's getting darker it's actually really cloudy and earlier it was raining over that way but god graced me with that type of sky instead and there's a breeze to the hail dry but what i'm getting at is it's about 7 20. i've got a bale tomorrow as soon as i get after out of work i'm not really going to have time to be messing with this so i've got about 45 minutes of daylight left i'm gonna take that petcock out and uh see what i can see what i can find if it has a screen be honest i'm going to rip it the hell off there and buy a fuel filter to put on it tomorrow and then yeah let's check out and see what's in this thing i've got a bucket and some hose like you saw to drain it so that's what i'm going to do all right so sure enough uh this thing does not have a screen i did pull like a couple little tiny flakes out of the petcock um but i blew through it and it was fine now i was draining it over at the carburetor with that hose like you guys saw me blow through and i noticed the stream slowed way down i thought well crap you know this is is going to take forever right now it's 7 45 so it's been 25 minutes uh you know i'm running out of daylight so i thought okay well i've got a funnel i've got that hose and i've got my buckets and my gas can i'm just gonna take the petcock out hold that funnel there and drain it that way so that's what i was doing all the gas came out looked good i mean whatever sediment is in the bowl that's what they're there for that's why they're called a sediment bowl you know are they there to catch a ton of rust no but if it's not too bad you know most time it catches it so i don't think i'm going to get a fuel filter because the petcock was not clogged and after you know i had no sediment barely in there from using this thing for a couple hours yesterday whatever during that thing no screen it wasn't plugged that leads me to think either a my line is clawed because the stream did slow down earlier or b my carburetor is just full of junk off camera i pulled that little nut off the 5 8 brass nut where the line screws in i said i've never had it off the other carburetor and it did have some stuff in it what was weird is it had like red paint like flakes of what looked like red paint and a little bit of rust build up uh wasn't clogged but being that it's at the inlet screen maybe some of it got by i thought that screen was supposed to be a sock there's no indent on it it was just a cylinder screen so i don't know i'm going to start it up i'm going to drive it and get the miller off hook it to the baler see how it drives you know and i'll run a wide open across that field you know 20 miles an hour or whatever it goes put it under a load and uh you know if it wants to cut out and stuff like that then yeah i'm just going to switch the carburetor but i guess i'll let you know here in a minute i think it's starting to sprinkle on me which is that's that's not good all right so here goes hopefully i've got enough battery lights are bright oh she's got black smoke already oh yeah and for uh one person said that it could have been that that bounce in my three point could have been uh oh yeah i don't like that i know what it is somebody said that was uh certainly not the engine oil pressure it's gotta be i don't know hopefully that doesn't keep up probably needs a filter change believe it or not i have a filter and gasket for it uh do not have it with me may consider changing that tomorrow but anyways the guy who said that my three-point problem could be the cylinder bleeding off it is there's more deer i'm not going to try to do it for you but uh it is definitely my three-point cylinder bleeding off i don't really know why i'm trying to shift you guys know how this is if you've ever had an s6 usually what i do is put it in between high and low let out the clutch yep and see then they'll go i don't know how that works but for some reason it does there's third oh yeah but uh yeah what are they saying oh yeah i don't know how it does that where you when you turn uh the light goes off it comes on i know it's really directing with the ta pressure uh she's already starting to cut out again there she went i'm at least gonna get it to the mailer yeah i gotta change that carburetor that's just all there is to it trust me guys this is not how i want to run my equipment you know i mean this is not the most favorable thing for anyone this is just what i have to do for right now and there's the uh oh come on don't kill me in the gate that will really suck at least get off the gate i do have another access to get out of there yeah she's she's done son of a biscuit well now that i just drove all the way away from the truck i guess i'll walk over there come back over here change this carburetor out and see if it does anything different because i know the tank's not plugged it does always suck to have to walk all the way across the farm to retrieve your vehicle especially when you got rain in the background see those up and down white uh yeah it's gray i don't know why the phone makes it look white makes my hair look yellow too but uh it's raining over there and the wind's coming this direction uh apologize if i've seemed short on the last video and on this one it's just really frustrating to have your main tractor go down when you know there's not much time left in the year trying to make as much as i can off of the hay you know because farming it yet can be profitable it's not cheap to get into even when you're using old stuff uh i didn't have a single piece of equipment i bought my first tractor and 2015 that was the front end loader i think i had a clip of the engine hanging on it that i put in the diesel tractor i actually traded a car that i bought for 300 bucks for that tractor and it had a rusted tank and the carburetor was junk same stuff i'm going through with this one but you know it just takes a lot to get into an entirely different profession or trade you know skilled trade because i do believe farming is a skilled trade you really have to know what you're doing so i really thought this year i was going to be profitable even including buying that other tractor this would be our fourth year farming uh but the first year was only four acres of hay and uh then the second year was four acres of soybeans and i don't know if i had this property then probably i had this property then i went to the 18 acres now i'm up to 28 acres i still have this hay property you know we're growing but it's slow going at it you know when you got to buy literally every tool you need to farm with and uh you know i don't want uh i don't want my taxes to reflect negatively when here in a few years i plan on uh asking to borrow money so i can get a real farm you know not have to rent stuff and and what have you try not to back over any of my windrows i think we're okay i did have to run over one but yeah i'm gonna put the carburetor on tonight i don't really want to i want to go home see my kids before bed eat supper because all i had was a couple gas cheeseburgers today it's about how every day goes uh because it's cheap three dollars and forty nine cents get me two cheeseburgers for speedway uh you know and i get the powerades three for four dollars a speedway uh i drink water you know um see i really wanted this year to be profitable having my big tractor down that sucks a clutch 300 bucks okay i can live with that but the fact i know is the ta is out why the hell would i split the tractor put a clutch in it and not replace ta that being said that add like a lot of money to that clutch job and i'm not dumb enough to not do the ta when i split the tractor had i known the ta was going to give me fits when i put the engine in i would have put a ta in it then but we're back at the tractor i'm not going to video uh putting the carburetor on because i'm running out of daylight but i will video when i start it up it is now 8 23. new carburetor installed i i did take that needle thing out and let some gas run through it turn my choke off [Laughter] well then well guys no good news uh it's raining i don't know if you guys can tell that or not tractor's wet my hay's getting wet i'm getting wet this carburetor is better but it is hard to start and the fuel nipple is leaking so being that it just rained everywhere i doubt my hay's going to be dry tomorrow to bale so i might go ahead and i'm going to take this other carburetor with me and maybe pick up a rebuild kit stay tuned we'll try to get it going try to get some hay made try to not have such a gloomy day thanks for watching i appreciate it
Channel: wanna be farmer
Views: 8,299
Rating: 4.9635258 out of 5
Id: ecLuOHRg9-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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