Farm Tour with me, OLF Wes and The Legend

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but that's that's a oh crap look down on the piles yeah that's one of them you that's there you buy those you don't build those now where's a company Keith Keith the to change its depreciation is that he makes them year but once you got older you got they're good they did follow them in sheds I think it's good for doing a stack that you can shove the stack up in pretty tight in the field we have got lock down I guess the spike grab the tops or the fill with yeah where's the sorghum users in the odd yeah uses for stacking and working in the shed thank God top cool well doc oh it's heavy bill oh here yeah yeah we're about to burn that bumper worth it oh yeah up it's not that I guess well we would use it for a bumper to push stuff well you can slide it out I mean to or by oh yeah but don't they don't want to put full bowels up there freeze enough get a phrase enough it gets very how to start to waggle banging for when you're gonna put yeah those cracking a traffic loading the lorries because you can use it keep it's not a roll you can see the batter will strike where's your stabbing into him you you know you can't you can't get you can game straight but it ain't as good as it the other thing is when you're trying to draw out if the boughs are really tied your quarry trample your times out it's sometimes drag the diode back yeah so is he better I think it's safer for doing the sack super ground you can get older yeah yeah yeah folks at school right yeah together it goes pretty slow though when it grabs about yeah I guess a couple of seconds that's where they saw yeah you'd like that wagon in about what no to really good 15 to think 20 new new to 15 now you super basic spells in yeah when I get with damp eggs am pale stark a pulley yeah be pretty slowly good yeah we don't do three bales it's too heavy for Ruth I don't like beating up in tractor with three bales yeah yeah we're all the time sorting and stacking you know cuz you're gonna you're going to the power plant okay they say about the damp a they run that through there too I'm not that you see your top string okay if it long as it wet ain't parsec top spring they'll hike it Oh like same at the bottom if it hasn't gone past a few string they'll take you but with the bottom if they're black on the bottom you have to turn it to top okay cuz they sit on the conveyor in the Palestine okay then they can churn up then they Jam the conveyor I'll take I'll take 25 percent average over the load on oysters yeah yeah that's crow we used it up but we're we're on we got over it stuff for you I hope I'll put it I like that I need the corner I agree 550 me then I was it is 600 but yeah this is this of the regional style yeah a tronic box in it their parachute box right I don't write in the Facebook it does a job and that'll roll down the road pretty darn fast though 43 more than 43 yeah yeah don't do that I asked which is the testing yeah this is stopping running the fries yeah that's a 7200 now again they even have the numbers different at 7200 for us yeah Cecil oh yeah Cecil for my family but that's a stand but whatever cool move yeah so they call it a 7200 but we're not giving you a not strength honor no no wow nobody's good strength this is a tiny that's suffering this is maybe ahem extremist platinum sir okay but the fighting everybody get over there is a lot like the current one yeah relax yeah that's so cool - that's what it's doing as well see why they call it 5:30 that's tonight right Yeah right man had to 600 but yeah with the chrome yeah 600 550 600 600 events end of spring where this is it it's the way what's in the book center is way before we realized - right sniffing artists about three pallets of across - laughing battle brothers I too heard senator yeah there's a lawyer stream about 600 or which imagines a heavier student in this yeah you know but yeah well no sir it's a good string we'll stick with it over order so but I don't like it I like felt workman will be the French wine at the 600 the 600 right straight at Chrome it was stronger than the 600 not strength yeah the other thing is it's cheaper than the pro I will give you that we used to have Japanese they bought 20 packs like that but the 20 pack the leaves I think is like something like a pair the pack let's camp right that sounds about but won't you get so you show up a little bit welcome power to toilet in here and I used up the Accord EX and I figured that people answer the court accident and by yeah you know as long as I can get to the 650 chrome because I want to have that yeah I'm tailoring the loads so I have a full load yeah and because I've got the scale on the chrome so I know what's coming off the magnet mmm if they do steam out or they do dry out right there over time yeah du Bois pretty please dad but yeah well even if I do bail them at 15% I'll drop the 5% oh yeah especially in this frame HBO right out in the spring I'm illuminated like your mobiie yeah well mold is good because it takes a wax off of it off of the head so much food when it goes the mushroom farm they're dumping water on to constantly dump the water onto the toe to break the wax off the off the dress yeah so if it's moldy the wax is already on the grounds on its and then it will take water and a compost there real easy so with the baler packing them as tight as it is and the water isn't getting into them they're having a hard time with the newer Baylor's they're not able to break down the hay faster yeah yeah we need some what some strong ones to compost out to be wheat straw mm-hmm that to be black grass I went over to Holland somewhere yeah I processed it put the mushroom spoons and everything the lesson back here again to be mushrooms growing on to it so I went away to come back in yeah well the Howard advances they call it the Holland Tunnel system yeah and that's what they're all building in the United States now they come over to Holland and Georgie mushroom company was the first one that I knew that did it and then Georgie is actually the largest privately owned mushroom barn in the world normal video Georgie of foods and yeah and everything they got all this stuff going on yeah they started with the Holland system the total system food and had a composter that I sell to there they put it on steroids they have taken literally the Worf that I used to haul into before they put the tunnel system good it's all going now and it's a huge concrete bunker system they set the spawn as it comes out of those bunkers to go into the topic you know so go through the tall so yeah good and then right into the barns and a spawn is set and ready to go takes days and days on the north of the processes used to take thirty six days from start to finish the mushrooms yeah now it's twenty six days yeah there's a couple of big Mennonites of it yeah this is your finger getting you know I mean that dad that you want it you know why you love it stronger said well what ones the selfies Obispo yeah silver I've got like a try board on the side Vikon oh no this is what this is big enough it seems you're great yeah move money you like you know random boyfriend hi grandpa already gets wet in the fields you can't get after the sprayer you can always go to drive yeah we can broadcast yeah if you said he'd said it up tight oh goodness I get it for for their shipping included yeah now I'd like to get out bit to be honest around and was that a little bit more because the stuff costs a much nicer than that you've really only just got to put on what you need no I know now I know you know you need to get on enough you don't even show up change it but you don't want to put more on them you need to you're not using nitrogen stabilizers Center well that's what we do in in the tote in a bag this is not that's not very careful and not the blow up everyone yeah I was all like the lucky day okay but this is not an ammonia nitrite which is a new cream it's a stronger it's 40% yeah well the time for tea at home I'm like age 48 no that's when oh we face 32 faith they turn up sent 46 and urea yeah 21 ammonium sulfate 24 sulfur yeah yeah but this is 48 and ammonium nitrates 48 they've got another little thing here from Brussels so we've got ammonia nitrogen sensitive zones and some places you're not even allowed to put more than us at the mill home they actually control you what you put on yeah there's another thing from Brussels because they same again too much and it's a big boys say they force the crop by Chuck your oxygen and then it gets in the wall courses and causes issues you know you know but we only put on what what wait while you read on afford but anymore okay well well the thing is when you're when you're any when you're in products or 120 pounds of tongue and if you get a mediocre crop to and are free time yeah you know that it's you've got a you you've got to be careful what you put on it yeah yeah I just washing down the stream anyway we're out you guys and nitrogen stabilizers like oh well you know night an or night an is stabilized by yeah AG retain I really using any actor team nothing over here no no you see what it does is it's a it binds the nitrogen alright so that it's not volatile right and I've used that in the past very well and I'm using actually copper sulfate to do that yeah in the liquid yeah it's cheaper so you use liquid we have we use krill yeah yeah I used to use this but not anymore because if I tell you to buy it like we get in your ear we can't get ammonium nitrate the companies don't want to do that no they solve the big of all ways to use that system they deal with sprayers and everything like that you know got some fields of four or five acres and behind ours there's a good nice walk you don't want Christian it'll work so this is that's what you call Quinta Shane nozzles yes five holes in the nozzle in that I don't care if the wind is 130 40 miles an hour night you can get it yeah I'd be honest I've never ever sprayed nitrogen so I'm really done and we have got we got notching those holes for ourselves propelled yep we are we're never we never use them Phil yeah this is a motel innovation never liquid more a lot of people say so let's get you in with the packaging yeah you can set up what a good girl okay yeah yeah yeah I got enough tanks you got to be careful with food so yeah Oh everything I had if I had well I've got a building like this was old bunk silo believers they can be able to stand and then come in bulk hey come in with a skid steer and shovel it into the strike into the spreader got a real cool types I can't get it we was caught in both fertilizer some people wants and they come they do the whole thing we we was bowling at 28 ton of time to farms and they send on the bloody great free will fertilizer spreaders it's penny on yeah and it's a lot cheaper and everything but you've got some way to tip it but you know the bloke that we was dealing with was completely not boiling well it was his route these are what we call winter yeah the personal interview that's what we just drew you look sleazebag no I can't take them home on the plane but there were these are these are you field animals are these four big crunching right thing that can be used he would introduce yeah but that's a obviously comes in the donkey bed hmm as well these are ripe ncc bags you can reuse them that you you know you just tie the buckles up and you can go again with them yeah I've used my silver I see down who is being mr. Bean's winter beans yep the cool wizard winter Bane's wizard winter mean yeah yeah we nice ring you get screaming the winter face this winter spring things are a little bit dodgy because you don't combine until about now so let you go you know be careful he's a big one yeah they coated with any in turned out they just claim to acclaim you as clean water cuz they seized on bag Grigri clean Dudley Monsanto has death of genetics all locked up you can't clean your own seed any what we don't do genetics right now I know you have those soybeans compared to then no wrapper you don't actually care that good they're round doing little marbles little Andy everything you have what I could pigeon baby well yeah we I used to grow peas for a sugar peas recount yes is enough to know we we've cut it in for for for yeah and unreal bastards if those were hard yeah that example the college this ship did you say and I said to you your tunnels Krampus it you've got about 3/4 a ton to the acre he said yeah but we get about 190 l subsidy on Namibia and in an effort pitching's to feed pigeons loving is right you have enough pictures is there next to us down oh come on reserve jobs yeah and our big dogs fancy CC yeah yeah this would be what I would call pigeons I thought cheating but wait a minute yeah ID know well our jobs we have what you call a morning tough yeah there's only a third of the size of that yeah now we go there are you Randy what would you know so much a pigeon in size to that a little bit big at that site okay yeah totally different animals that I'm used to yeah they should they like fizzy shoes around here our wife please act agent shoots at home they were fun but the the tree huggers all got together yes that's cruel to the animal if it dead is dead yeah here's a funny thing if you've ever gone to a facility where they kill those things chickens and they do doves and pigeons and fancy food they pull their heads off put them in a little conveyor and that's the sewer comes along I'd rather be shot then no my head's come on mommy they stunned me at first there's electric charge stones and right there that is machine Bryson next yeah when I got him next machine cool cool yeah it's totally different families hitches just dropped in here to drown yeah sorry yeah the front will get back on there please OMG ah slightly to the rent desk and if you say self only races benchmark he's got chassis back actually goes to the track hoe chefs each other just like it's local area so sure yeah this is why they handle so well huh yeah it's what I handle so well she's got hump a hundred kilogram white yeah here on the back ownership stepping back what you don't like they was all really bad night well I had him on the 4960 when it came from your venom Bo yeah but we stopped you about sixty years ago yeah now they have them we took them off and yeah I put the cuz nothing would fit in them yeah the balls the balls that you have to have on the pins that we don't have that size ball you can get different sized poster there got it yeah they wouldn't fit oh no different category yes yes just three different sizes yeah yeah yep category up to category four till you leave your boobs on machine just pack them under look for in the back lift it up yeah and think they'll get out put you middle link oh well we have what they call a fast hitch yeah which goes on how you frying that yeah it's a yeah it's a you frame actually what we go down we got on the mouth on Georg's from yeah by its nightly yeah that's Castile and then you have the locking numbers on the top so when you hook in they lock automatically then you got to get out of tractor to unlock yeah yeah yeah you see there anything good leap up think I take down I've got them yeah yeah yeah they're pretty good that the problem with those that are soft they're a softer rubber yeah just add if you're on the road you're gonna wear them out I'm instantly knew that Mitch they do that one these but you know Trelleborg's are very expensive at home they wear away at ready boobs on the front and flick it that's what I had on line and I guess you have to about 50% and they split that that's what that's every time yeah for money on it recognizer was nothing would be royal blowing that's the old one yeah didn't get her Cologne nah sorry buddy dude it's a shame you know about you think you must know ladies especially still wills yeah there's her cash Center yeah well we have half of them okay see that this is a mashie first another yeah that's is it that's got granddad like some tin back on this bad boy ain't going you ting for it yeah oh no Jim what models this 466 what I wanted love me pal oh very rat there's not a lot of them about in these new multi pal packing it I we've got a split it out this winter and put motive power packing it the multi power don't work it also runs the other columns problems with the Milan say the problems its Massey Ferguson turn you have complicated transmissions in order to do a simple job you gotta experiment whoa geez cease okay that's a little more yeah I wouldn't touch a gearbox ability to do end up really neighbor friend of mine John Todd Likud he's got he roams Massey Ferguson's there and calls me up says hey I got issues with my transmission of the Gary I'll come down pulled the shifter off a little different position at the battery wasn't there a different model try was a one-off 1105 11 five pull that shifter off there I went down there it's a wet bar that shaft runs the full length in there just split in between and it runs a full leg you gotta split twice to get to that no well do you want to fix it I said no not really did you want a baby to do this but that one splits toys as well yeah it doesn't great join something yeah yeah they do yeah friend of mine he got drunk and drove this man she Ferguson into a bridge abutment Boston fern yeah oh yeah that's 140 birthday present tech be a birthday present why Freud for me yeah yeah that's what cut me tea for my noisy Levin bond in an auction did yeah time you say there was seven six or seven of them there that was the only decent one yeah I was ruined got low compression it's got like impression but you know you get a bit motion in this year but that was about it but that's me that wagon there that's very rare what is that guy at the Leyland that's a pressing out the running pieces they need enough field and then they did like okay that time is the Marshall eyesight 88 you're powerful will drive a Thomas what the force for a toast but we MC engine in it British motor so they stuck that on to the engine originally and they have no more modifications and that had a lot of trouble with it so they had to heavy up the bottom end and the heads and that to stop it blowing them yeah it's a runner it's just that the drive shaft in the backs come on couples of God take it apart but it's um as it stands it's complete yeah they probably worth about 500 thousand laughs if I restore it anything up to ten grand I only paid him an hour for it one of the way but I thought we'd avoid formats so it's a love way to live I'm not allowed to sell it really now you can either sell it must be a lot smaller because she used to sit on like that wall just in from Italy yeah nice and close not too far away but that's a good little tractor I had two of these and a 272 here's an isometric view and his time you say it was middle middle of the range sort of getting middle range uh pi'illos pal around there yeah it was only really the last but your gears when it comes to oh boy how is going Scotty would well in the United States there's less farms yeah they're they're just bigger bigger game is more you gotta come faster you'd Banzai fantastic 7,000 acres and heat they go free if riff Wow that in the summer that summer start with Alice ten or twelve of them the winter corny look good yeah right back well you know it's funny about twenty years ago the first time I went out into the Midwest well you drive down highways and you see farms pretty regularly you know there's a barn on in the middle of the court of either quarter section or a full section which is a square mile right so it used to be a quarter section you had four farms in the corners and then they farmed the yeah the outside that's what I saw twenty years ago I was out well me and her went out there those quarter sections are all their whole sections down the barns the houses are all bulldoze down there no trees left them and there's a well and that's where the the irrigation is yeah tip over I'm still eating run it will either run for around four quarters well I don't think anybody actually runs the full the full thing there's no no buildings anymore they throw a match on a berm down dig a hole dump the ash in those nails and everything else into the end of the hole bury it up to plant corn yeah it's changed the United States has changed a lot back to you fella don't go it that's you're right it is and you know and industrial farming commercial farming I guess I'm considered a commercial farmer now because we just it's it's see I could you do I'm not I used to do everything yeah we had hogs we had you know cattle Melton milk cows we you know all grains whether it was wheat corn soybeans you I barley we did all that hey alfalfa clover Timothy orchard grass we did it all and now you know after the cows left you know is we were grain and hay and with the deer the amount of deer that are in the area now we can't even afford that can't grow alfalfa or clover and we're dirty bastards only get right to the ground you plant it they smell it 20 miles away yeah oh they're terrible they're terrible you can shoot until your barrels red-hot and then next morning they're right back yeah get yourself a butchery illegal is illegal Mitchell later you can you shoot a deer you have to bury it unless it's during the hunting season if it's during the hunting season they pull your permit then you got to do it the old-fashioned way sitting a stupid tree and wait for him to run by well that don't work for me cuz when I was a kid I loved to hunt God you know hey we had we had a month that you can hunt and you know hunt deer now it starts and once it started Teresa's like October early October I usually work up the store and they have fun they had deer checking station yeah so I start in October they don't lend until February and you just pick the days you can go yeah and then nobody goes hunting at one particular time they do they do rope yeah you know rule was just going ons you know that's good all the guidelines - yeah honey bride could be I don't know I was doing anything wrong but oh the game wardens took a lot of guys out of the out of hunting they just they just harassed and harassed her as her point we look you know what they won't even take their kids honking anymore and the kids grew up without hunting and now they don't hurt nobody hunts chiding tradition yeah it is yeah well I saw horses here I'm on the way everything beautiful on horses we used that do that too yeah not anymore no no no would you call Green Lanes here right are the Green Lanes in this yeah and they ride the horses on that mm-hmm we tolerate the offices because they're really for us true as in you there's always these to keep after those in a round table right Road and that's open there though we tolerate them but they can be a pain if they're not trained right and you're trying to get past them if this they load it with straw and I and a tractor or no it's not so much the or give your side imminent in the tracker Shh yeah we know then they look at you like a piece of no it's not your fault well we what I always say to people that write these back roads were built so the farmers could get their crops to market yeah so they could draw it they were drovers roads and Lea know
Channel: George Saunders
Views: 107,028
Rating: 4.9672704 out of 5
Keywords: george saunders, olf, onelonleyfarmer, wes pandy, john burrows, the legend, legend, jwb, jwb farmservices
Id: jw6eXuDl3Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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