Far Cry Primal - BECOMING THE BEAST MASTER!!! // Part 1 (Far Cry Primal Gameplay)

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what's up everybody typical game here with another Far Cry primal video for you guys this video is sponsored by Ubisoft so thank you very much Ubisoft for sponsoring this video and I'm going to be showing you guys the first bit of Far Cry primal in this livestream style sort of video I can't really lash from it because it's not out yet this game actually comes out about a week from now it comes out next week on February 23rd and if you want to check out the game and all the details be sure to click the link in the description below without further ado let's jump right into this and I'm excited to finally show you guys what Far Cry primal is all about I mean I did show you guys videos earlier but I actually want to show you guys my reaction in my face and everything uncut unfiltered and I can actually show as much as I want so I'm going to keep this to probably an hour maybe two hours and I am between two videos so this is part one of two so if you guys do enjoy Far Cry primal let me know drop a thumbs up on the video share the video with your friends and comment down comment down below let me know your favorite part of Far Cry primal is this is a third time I've got to play it now man home playing it which is pretty sweet as I wish had the urge to play it but I'm gonna look fencing play here we go those you haven't seen you should watch my previous video dirty little longer that's in this book it's counting down from 2016 to first or 50 times zazz oh man run all the way to BCE 10k all day Central Europe a lot harder than turning on a light switch huh dreadlocks for days it's actually impressive that's a lot of hair Macias are messy genres Vavoom on Seba wind 'red wash Allah to sama we Jung Woo's why - grief our flower wins I damn sure mabye of wama but no loud growl ha dong y'all done hila Aska boos Wow Chris Guam mash the Visconti whinger blaster ball shower wash our gurus sunshine Mars that's pretty sweet I like that interest we got two enemies the flesh-eaters and the Masters of fire when ironic how the Masters fires bring darkness to land who knows but you gotta kill him I mean we're the good guys right this is so beautiful just [Music] some SWAT style tactics over there you guys flanking left all right we going in oh my god all right they're gonna fall down so delsa already stay down low over here mama y de mas tarde OB de Shima's too hard on us sounds good to me I don't know the little mammoth it's gonna be these are all pretty gigantic oh my gosh oh there's one burly right behind us dude okay Johanna polishes William Salamis one must haha Damas sugar Marie mas I won the mus sunshine the goddamn flourish want our poor sheep oh gosh we don't know how well this is gonna work oh gosh okay we're teaching that Larry got a voice get over here oh I believe God he's taking people out more Spears Oh pick up some more [ __ ] all the spears into it we got like an infinite amount of Spears and we set up camp ready for him hey come over here eat Spears should I miss you oh god I got right in the trendy eyebrow in the jugular [Music] I feel bad that we need him we were gonna die if we didn't kill himself so one last time so one yeah a lot of Michelle Spears in him he's not her friend tigré no not Jessica Stephanie's damaged Oh [Applause] stuck on you look great after you know god 11 it style see nowhere no back out like it or you would definitely break something at that point I always loved that I played it before as you guys know and that that scene gets to me I like it a lot it's a bloody mess you know what confusion taka slider boom us up Erskine diringer Rasta Oh slow drug wash was a brutal way to die didn't even get the meat tigre got me Shanthi ITT shocked here dodgy start awesome alright time to get a weapon path to Felicia dosa need about Richie elder would need some some read we need some slate I got some rare reads voice cuts into this and slay should be on the rocks hey look over here no me want Donna Faria Celica manga those little time till I kick it in behold the r34 that hunter vision get all that Slynt Flint what is sleep then we go to click spend open our crafting menu hit blow I was playing on ps4 before so playing on the Xbox one is a little different how to make a bow 101 now we need some arrows don't we or does it come with some default arrows just pick some someone up on the way yeah I got a girl's papaya Party jihad awesome hunting tied to fact Allah approach her pray slowly and press B to crouch hold R to use your hunter vision highlighted nearby animals and blood trails don't get close some animals will flee if they detect it alright ok we have to go find the goats we have to go through in the same spot as before should be ok I see them over that Ridge no shooters it go right here there's just one little lonely goat over here I'm sorry we're gonna call him Billy - goat and now it's a little a little mean to give him a name before we kill him but we're gonna cook oh shoot no Jimmy why'd you scare Billy I was crouched I'm an the goat the goats are communicating at this point oh shoot how do I miss that don't put your head up again this isn't I can get him right in the booty but just look up to feed wake up - just graze and check out the air okay you know what oh I hope you didn't suffer much the same time that looks like it really hurt gonna take my meat you can follow today okay let's go ahead and heal and you kill three of these goats that get scared you're gonna give this goes a long way chat shop Oh baby oh baby the triple I'm not gonna go for any crazy shot over there I'm just gonna take my meat and this goat they're having a little little little party over your little rager nothing gone what are the ghosts I'm just trying to like noscoping all right that one right in the flood okay that one's probably gonna die for me 100 percent off take some sleep while we're at it up okay this blood-trail let's follow it did this go perish the goat trail ends here and I find no goat this guy's also low though I feel like this guilt part shouldn't take his long what was that I just want his head oh I was brutal okay let's take it we're just a beginner hunter here I'm gonna be an expert in no time all right we got the wood we got some food I saw online let's find the shelter we're gonna head over to this section over here you guys hear that oh gosh a goat run go run Billy let's jump up over here yeah all the way up with a nice little campfire over here really with the Tigre little Tigre sign probably shouldn't read that before we came here I'll try to be quiet reverses most of the cutscene during most the cutscene so no I said vs. just see you guys can hear it and this is way harder than turning on the light switch they had a hard back then we have it easy some survival tips for you guys then I don't think should be taking some relatives from the game that's just like it it made so you know useful win jihad Aashna porky we jump sock with loosing pop all right yeah we can do that if you want block to you stumble watch that to jump up or bottom alright alright I make a club to carry fire I like the way you think we need some more alder wood scrap some right here is that gonna be enough or some yeah we got times three looks like we can make club created a club got one little piece of stick just jam it off right in there we're good to go alright so we can bludgeon something like this and it goes bludgeoning skills okay let's go ahead and carry the fire here we got ignite it there we go alright on our way here we got to follow the wind attracts went through here with Shasta wash through dogma let's bring them binds good stuff Oh what's that oh shoot um I don't really want to head this way anymore I fear for my life okay so it looks oh oh I didn't know it was that much of a drop did I fell a distance oh my goodness okay looks like someone got injured over here or something like that looks like something's dead over there looks like it's recently dead though let's search it ba Wing jaha go hot strong wind oh one boo Rockwater Chicago all right I'll scare them with fire don't you worry where you wolves at oh I see it sighs you'll come at me come at me you want to mess your back away I got fire bro just gonna hold it out in front of you like that stay over there y'all are jacking my style think I'm plate I killed one kill you too yeah where's your last pal where do you go oh shoot I'm saying this whole thing place okay I'm gonna take some wolf meat play via the other one knows not to mess with me let's search this we got some bone out of it pack is full of these items okay I don't know how much you singing to get from the burnt wolf here we go we got a wolf skin it I the other guy just dashed for it oh there he is shake he'll feel like it's just rude if I killed his two like friends and I don't kill him get over here don't run that part I don't want to run all the way back oh he's leakin he's leakin there we go okay you got a got a farm GXP while you can you know I can't I just burned myself a little bit quite literally oh gosh oh I don't know it's starting here this half forest fire started in 10,000 BC okay alright looks like the tracks went up hearing and the need this torch clearly let's jump up yep let's let's do a little G Slide there doesn't sound all that good take the slate hope you got some that's what over here for us you can set that on fire it's funny somebody's campers are here Shaw son one lucky wink Ashanti I mean there goes my torch if I jump in Geronimo okay you can ignite using animal fat gotcha thank you tips it's really scary down here we collect this we go ahead and grab this let me set on fire all right we got our vision back boys all these winter tracks we collect that okay the winter went this way flip that my full battery all right here roars and stuff and some blood oh do you guys see that okay set this place like we gotta make it warm and cozy switch this thing maybe we can go up there or no we can take some slate see profit oh shoot there goes our frickin oh wow it's a nice little flame can I ignite my thing on it oh we could that works I'll have to use animal fat all right eight sir madam please come back oh [ __ ] sake mushrooms I light this on fire like this back on fire yeah fire just on the way back you know all right I'm gonna have to crawl through here I'd be a little claustrophobic in here wouldn't you guys I feel like this rock above me would just collapse on top oh there's a little rat over here your food nap like oh you 5xp gonna skin it what the hell can you can eat rat yeah I know it's pretty much petty but we got to get it this XP out of your voice don't don't mess with me rat never yet if we got 10 XP off that strike ball a good story last club let's see the Windsor tracks and we're gonna go in the dark here all right somebody grab the rock over here I think I'm in up there that's so good say the tigre got his meat for the day alright madam I mean no disrespect at all but I have to save you let's talk about this for a second I know even that might not speak the same language here's a dead dude Oh sh t [Music] yeah it's some work to it bucum your I'll fight the tiger he killed my homies I still be - apparently she's coming it's a rocks and stuff bad tummy Tiger just slide here it's a nice little she likes it hi it's a beautiful day in the land of morose that's just a beauty groups ah nah or it Osby builder ears on her necklace Ashwani inshallah dr. Hasan sila tigre showers on TV by a Marty's tickly food and of budem shouts okay Dawson you know meet some girls they have some weird hobbies like that's cool I guess who I got wash that look like those years that's creepy move me how a hot mama we don't know if we fauna5 a year's ceiling lady don't know if we want to follow her but we're gonna follow her she looks a bit injured let's see what she has to say about this this land of arrows there are many rare items Norris from delicate plant roots to the toughest woods and skins of rare beasts look in the pack menu for more Zillah seed other tribes and humane pest be crushed or enslaved it's a very nice drawing of a mammoth woolly mammoth yes hunter vision will highlight enemies animals and resources in the world good stuff good tips yeah okay coming to your lair oh we don't we don't know if we want to eat what she has probably eating ears at this point or just seeds hmm all these berries well what's that even this painting in Europe quiet on your wing John you take three years to did you Oh Dom cha John whinge Adams ax cuckoo Jarrah [Music] sorry lady we're done pie who enjoy who Guana winter how you wash some buncha degrade and shadow not we I won't allow Baha Kista Oh me butter she said a lot of words for that sometimes I felt like there was less words there she's really long words okay all right we're off into the land of horas over here the main main part of the game wow man happy Walter libel why data near the river sweet okay we're doing a mission called deep wounds now we have our heroes so sweet we have a new upgrades unlock let's help this reward stash real quick row stash this place for extra resources and items restored for you look for the the thing icon of the map connects reward stash in the village at any point claimed outpost bonfire campfire I don't replace your automatically when you claim an outpost as you population grows silo the gallon the gatherer will add new items each day as you build your Hut including rare items that upgrade to come back often take items as you need them yes we just take everything I don't know if you have like a limit so we're going to take what we can she doesn't seem to have anything else for us - interesting okay let's see the new skills been locked here just click over here alright just the map we got so far as you can see there there is a deer here with a medium hunting difficulty vigilant prey animal this map is huge geez okay crafting we can craft a arrow quiver we need the whole skins need for skins for the guts bag skills though let's say so we have primitive takedowns hunter vision primitive stealth we could throw rocks from the fire and we got splint in the G slide over here we can heal we can heal while sprinting we gain an extra health bar what should we add to this well this one's only unlocked at two skill points maybe that would be better let's add ourselves another health bar let's do that so what's in her pack gosh you got a whole menu all right let's give me some land or else over here all right down by the river we're gonna stick by the river here visually this game looks pretty great I did it's my sort of style I kind of like games nowadays that are that are heading back in time I think it's a sweet changeup to things a lot of games are set in the future this one when developers take a step back and I like to know what maybe people want to see a stuff alright I don't know I scared them or okay swim swim dear there's a lot of Nick ships so walk wise rivers don't shoot oh man why'd you notice me nothing sizzly nothing here head over to this first marker no research there's one over there okay let's deal with the stealthiest Oh sugar gosh haha Christopher actually be with them in a life butum stealth eater stealth eater whole did I just say okay there's one guy there wonder if we get stuff Oh is he looking at me it's not looking at me maybe we could stealthily take him down take down that guy take out both those guys stop eating people it's not a good trade tab you shouldn't want to eat people oh god I just like directly took his guts oh god that guy's leaking it looks like we have our pack full of these goodies so let's just search this guy real quick we can move their bodies which is convenient for my stuff let's pick these green leaves another one and then the other ones that we need the two more seem to be on this side what is happening over there this guy's going ham on the snapchat what are you doing alrighty what were you doing oh my gosh who's brutally does this guy have a head anymore dude chill no chill this guy looks like a Jaguar oh oh it's a little heart they nocturnal should be like sleeping or something let's make it back to her chick that this world is not we don't know if this world's for us there's a lot of dangerous things going on over here we should probably stay away from I'm gonna turn 100 ition some times to see if I can spot anything maybe animals or something that I should kill because it's always good to have that deer stuff I can upgrade some stuff a five-tier I hear someone I killed him wait who owes that never mind okay shoot I get scared sometimes I don't want those flesh-eater diesel I just get the jump on me you know me neither would you let's be real here is there any deer down by the river now up top near here oh shoot about y'all down that was a gnarly headshot you got to give it up guys come on that was pretty gnarly little [ __ ] okay look at that do you know dude wasn't expecting that at all take that you flesh eaters your people years I don't respect your people even kind I respect most people in their opinions but the in flesh is just a big no-no in my book that's a huge no-no let's see if I can craft anything I pick up any deerskin thought I did I didn't need your skin progress and story to lock this South stone south rock dust into cars cave gotcha unless you need you need two cars cave for a bunch of things I need you you piss off club to get it that that one oh yeah you got plenty of goat skin you need goat skin I'm your guy Wow oh I want this the double bow we need jamya John J Maas Hut there's some pretty sweet things okay let's make sure there's no enemies on our way here I'm scared I'm traumatized now those guys just they scared me I killed them all but they couldn't easily got the jump on me there if I wasn't careful if I'm stealth I'm pretty sure they don't even know exists at this point oh here you go lady here you go lady side what's she doing before I again t1 she looks like she's tripping out Tonya chill out Oh slow walk Tonya okay boo-boo one I'm high school that's what she said one second feel it sticking mouth method expect you to make a full recovery with this treatment blush oh you're welcome Lou hiya or squat bottom habayit are wool purse hairs dumb Salwa teacher I'll win Joe Weider who I par thus I will I will alright we got a new village just insulting why doc are you sorry schwa de hecho ha Salwa I'll let them know be the girl deep once has been completed this is my crib now I would shoot oh okay we got 10 say the shaman bring 10 state of sharm to your village you will teach you how to tame beasts and call an apple yes we need this let's go to this let's get this Neku tea bonfire which gives us a waypoint on the map because we can drive fast travel let's do it a little cribs episode of area this month it's much grant I got a new healing recipe oh cool shows your progress interesting oh cool alright anyway that's not great wait let's a little oh there's a little stash over here oh it's full of hard wood we got new unlocks here let's get a crafting if we get some alder wood we can build these Spears and I think that's about it we don't unlock any skills yet okay so let's let's get on with it here I don't think this thing has anything new for me Oh does that's some part of it but we can't really can't do anything with it thank you I will go into the wilderness now can ignite this all right just I'm a little paranoid walking out here the last time we walked out here got a little got a little scarier pretty fast so so I smart to turn on that hunter vision every once in a while but we want to be able to tame animals we want a bear ever or own and/or so forgot how she pronounced it you're gonna see you enter a hundred vision lodges to be safe and not sorry what is this we see a little sad thing on the radar like under here hey crazy now here it is all right give me that goat skin baby and feathers what else do you need to survive in the world I think those are also goats we're gonna leave the goats alone don't need too many goats so we're gonna scare this girl come on Jimmy we air this thing down we can okay so those have animal highs list lists the oh shoot this thing's really pulling off the cliff with geez all right I hopefully no large like tuna I'm gonna lie tuna would attack me but no large fishes are in these waters no all right because I have no idea what's in these almost prehistoric times I don't know if is II mean history still there so I don't know prehistoric but 10,000 BC was a long time ago a long time ago my plate that wouldn't know there is a deer away know Bambi Oh got him with that head shot I didn't kill the Bambi looking one so it's all good look I'm just doing it for survival here not for sport okay let's get that would get wood when you build another club so stops giving me that scary message that I'm gonna run out of stuff let's see if we can craft that's a new thing now with the spear we need more alder wood okay let's work on that get our alder wood funds up That's not me red on my radar those weird here's what that was oh shoot it seems like there's a guy up there what we can do is now build our new spear so let's craft this spear get stuff we grab somewhere we have full ammo so we have two interesting all right so we've got some we got some tools now like the bonfire to claim that gosh I think it's all the way up on that hill it's the best way up it we're gonna go up this do you hear that I don't know I'm so scared I hear his footsteps holy shoot I haven't seen one of these before no always he's sort of pissed off he's not gonna die is it get some wood see if we can follow his trail I kind of want to kill it this guy this guy's too faster than he was trained by some some elder deer or something shot him in the butt oh shoot bonfires what fires are large beacons that make mark your territory once claimed get rid of nearby enemies and light bonfires to claim them for your tribe clean bonfires unlock fast travel points and offer safe place to rest and access your your rewards - gotcha [Music] holy shoot no no I'm so dead dude please please I beg forgiveness I beg her I'm really gonna die this stupid thing oh my gosh he killed me dude this okay we learned one good lesson from that interactions never mess with him I thought he was done with me like once I shot him a couple times I'm like oh we're good he's not gonna mess with me anymore but he literally ruined my day he ruined his life actually okay so I guess it didn't save so we got to go back at least we got our spear oh it did save some of our stuff let's craft there we go alright we craft some arrows and we can I hit sweet okay let's set our radar back over here alright we're gonna set this bonfire don't worry we just got to run all the way back because we now learned a valuable lesson and we will take with us throughout the land of arose as don't mess with those guys yet maybe in the future maybe when we get stacked stacked up a bit more but so right now definitely not people you want to mess with maybe when we get like a tigre of our own but you can see why I was terrified anything in this land can like kill you pretty easily you got to really watch out everything is out to kill you I swear all righty ice caps over there don't know how it the air would smell back then I wonder all right let's run through through the six with our woes over here I'm just gonna cheese it like my thing on fire shooter from distance works for me all right let's go all the way up this time let's not get distracted with any huge antler mofos he's still gonna be there waiting for me watch just gonna be bleeding out be like oh you want some more that I dealt with this funny how my first death comes from an animal and not from an enemy when you see it was my enemy technically we don't think going head-on is the best idea so I'm going to go over here and scratch it out up here I feel at least one no foot hiding out here or not all right well if nobody's going to show themselves I'm just going to take this place that's cool with you guys clearly it is let's light this club on fire my now the Apple says so [Music] we got 400 XP from that and our wind chip population got increased light all these bonfires fast travel when you claim a bonfire or enemy outpost you unlock a new fast drop point to move around the world quickly you can also fast travel to your village or to build huts to build or upgrade huts to faster oppress thing the same blah blah blah okay gotcha sweet you guys we got a phat stash over here oh I guess it didn't have anything unique you see a bag over here we got like five new villagers from that we profited a run button alrighty we got one skill point we can add plants are now displayed reveal 200 uncovers more activities let's do that alright thank you oh shoot how about fire out gosh you stupid little thingy okay let's go over here and we got we got an unknown location over here we got to be careful there's not a little location there there's bears everywhere let's go ten state a shaman let's see what he's up to let's see let's see what he's got for us a little distance away near those uh I'd like to say ice caps gonna take this greenly if they can it's down there till invaders and save captured wonder where is this all going down are these goats the captured window tell me they're like down there and have to Delia what's that it's a big shiny rock a big shining out rock was not the one - all right let's keep going to our destination here we can't we can't be stopped we lost some some some time with that dear thing slide down VP oh shoot home speed running now let's walk over this log thing very stable who is your footing that that's that what's this it's nice to layer it down here there's a bird with bird marking over there very curious very curious splash alright let's walk all the way up here we climb I'll shoot can Oh what's this check our radar where we walk all the way over there that's an escort okay we'll do that after get to this dude this dude's important we need an animal you need to quite literally free the Beast we're not saying that we don't need animal fat you learned our lesson oh shoot it's going to be a steep climb that looks super cool though super artsy okay it's the grand photo of that alrighty we see his big icon here let's make our way all the way up this hill oh there's some routes over there all the way up to still a little fork in the road we're good 70 steps away now who like we might have walked in something all right we cool we cool all right we came to visit you breath weird good things namely that you can teach us how to tame animals and that's pretty cool in my book don't be saying that weird stuff now let's got from the intro I think ah d zaxxon bacala hot let's dig oh no it's 5 XP T mu Salwa by the wider Oh height up the inside hey nice Jessa will just sign up son I shine badger okay don't ever do that I spy fearsome Budiman is Zilla leaders are attacking the window and threatening the tribe survival all right let's see you here all righty oh you you haunt me even in my my spirit visions great look are we friends now I guess we're friends now okay it's about body washed up oh shoot oh-oh I literally turned my Dubourg I follow the guide now do you like the game speed like crazy what's up friends I'm following you bro shoot don't know oh sure I what alright let's try that again I lost the guide clearly wasn't I didn't clearly put the thrusters on me enable thrusters on this bird okay don't mess around with the the I was not joking yeah I was not playing serious business no time say hi to my my dear friends hello my dear friends yeah all right well just die bomb in here with you it's like an Atlantis looking this is trippy these trippy sequences are quite trippy say at least oh gosh it's not a waterfall underneath water oh and a fall again alright man you brought them again doesn't like me very much out well I think you should understand this magical world PS a drinking blood will not do this for you so only happens due to car Bambi all righty boom dice love me love me bird not again No it's mainly use some MLG stunts this is beautiful though where they got their inspiration for these landscapes to be amazing I know I know this does Oh for water mammoth baby mammoth be killed you whether just something that's all I don't think those are all Adil's now he's so trippy if that actually out those honey badgers better have your badgers so it's a honey badger meeting got wolves at the tea graze Jaguars this dude will never leave me alone not even in my dream world beagle bear oh let's tame this out come with me oh man it was he fills all the dreams what's the dream vision of beasts completed for pious quest so far i imagine this to be true P quest throughout the game fine destroy these ela ceremonial master break their morale alrighty we're back to life over Amelia we're goona na seuk now apparent shy you Wapiti kala quite petite raha oh hi Parvati Oh Baracus I go to seed aha Oh sir do you the Haggadah [Music] all righty I am very messy Farren haben beta coupe Allison guar abandom Agatha blocka well why the well was one Iowa see Barbara shy you to see da ha maganda already I can do that I can find the white wolf I can't guarantee it'll be tame though I could definitely find it I can do that for you let's make her way out of here we've got some rare skins oh gosh grandma I definitely took a wrong turn somewhere we don't know if this is the way I came in alright yep there's some dudes over there oh shoot okay we call our a leer foot press the up one get slowed down send Beast Waypoint [Music] we got one dude you've got three dudes anymore due to running three dudes supercool you can just fly the owl though and you dudes above yeah I believe you can attack with the owl at least that's what it was in the Alpha so you got three dudes over here there we go that's cool you guys left me that's cool like I'm cool with it just going to go ahead and grab this hand we got one one of the hands and if memory serves oh we need two more for the next reward let's get a second one Oh Mandy they have a lot XP and there's red late - alright was that pig Alderwood yes need one one more for the next reward all right look this is these guys left me alone so I'm all good over here let's take this read while I'm at it already and let's open up our map and the next quest is over here so let's go ahead and do that let's make our way we want a team we want to take you some animals that's a major part of this game that's a major key to success in owning Oros and saving our tribes let's hit over there already through the bushes we go open up our vision nothing too scary oh gosh I thought those a bear all right that's not bears all right it seems to be a small camp Oh rear what was that guys I chose it go all right better just be a goat just let it fire over this is our camp now y'all we're not really okay let's keep making her Oh needs to be a couple guys over there I guess they spotted me for like a split second let's get the jump on them or see if you do all right guess I was seeing things all right let's keep making our way over there move it goats oh my gosh nothing are gonna ram into me for a second we weren't having any of it what's this this is some serious question mark set this on fire open Open Sesame that should do it right maybe maybe not [Applause] I guess not yes your that I I guess you can't enter right now close this don't go dear dear dear the owls in the trees maybe I'll give you some here I mean it we're nah let's get this guy's scout ahead just in case we should be good okay I don't know what to do with that over there that's fine see if we could slide down this hill this slide alrighty so over here yes and I neat there's literally Wolf's heads on this little stick just like let's walk up to this let's accept this glass line I shuffle so you have to kill it ooh damn that are hunting Z wolves the Apple press thing you can also tag your enemies so if we build a shaman hunt we can get their new abilities obviously let's get our boat in our boats we got to prepare for war where does this quest call us - where is Z wolf zville Oh pull her out right now spot these mofos da budem one thought oh yeah we got three of these bad boys know which way to go now the best would've attack I'm unsure right now it looks like two we're looking in different ways possibly three people around making it the jump let's do that all the way around no no no no no I didn't mean you leave missions I don't give me a second I just want to get the jump on them I don't think I know like drop assassinations or is that learned by default garius I don't know if that's something these guys would death from above yeah yeah that's not something I can give you Queen Cho who don't go we just shrub [Music] this dude doesn't even know what's happening here we go quick and efficient I'm going to need those arrows back now champ thank you we go ahead and take that you're a skin that wolf already craft bait it's got a bunch of bait crap the narrow take is we're missing one now we gotta follow the blood trail just bait oh this is bait I have to craft it all those meat rather take out one of these poor suckers gosh poor me somebody missed some blood trails and lick here and then one paw print one paw prints maybe over this hill go and new blood stain oh god oh god no knock off bigoted cheese I'm just trying to look for the frickin I wasn't looking for you I was looking for the wolf big wolf by Nia tame la Shanti now there is like that oh shoot bait and taming beasts crap bait from the walking wheel hold lb and highlight the bait to view details throw bait with RB to lure beasts when the animal is eating approach slowly and hold X to tame the Beast press write d-pad to see your tame beasts okay a lot i leveled up - I'm all right let's get this bait out so we're just going to press r1 to throw it right bumper rather night the night is a dark and dangerous place visibility is low and more predators come out to hunt explore a night to find unique animals plants and collectible items like oqe is set weapons on fire all right we already know that all right all right bro we at wolfy insolvable nothing oh yeah I'm gonna throw my Glock dumb nosh maka you like it don't you coming for you we're gonna be best friends I need an amp room mr. scruffles scruffles star juice coffee please we're friends now oh yeah nice he's got a nice coat beasts command you can order beasts attack target or go to location when your base is wounded approach it and heal it with meats your Beast dies revived from the beasts menu or tame another in the world okay alright job pal I'm so sorry you got serious but listen here buddy you're saving all this for me let's burst this open til nearby odom alright we don't want to be caught in this here brand bearskin wait I'll let me some brown bear skin what's this oh it's just like a nice little nice little ritual thing gotcha okay let's get to this we got our little wolf chasing us there's not little he's like the wolf pack meter so you want some revenge revenge command away wolf to kill the udom got a feed you're not gonna like this job block what I'm gonna do here you go kill him you got that guy I'm gonna watch you kill that guy just because you deserve to get revenge oh gosh he literally trampled him I'm used to that that's pretty good beasts menu press right to open the Beast mini already sweet updates we completed a piece master booyaka shot ranking up pretty quickly over here let's pick up this red leaf we got eight villagers what's that is that our camp Tensei has joined the tribe we can fast travel now sweet letter rate give us that fast message all right no good luck with that bear I'm not helping you guys are not on my team let's not forget that see the Beast master skills oh when can my Apple kill stuff when we need build tents a hut can free caged the animals oh jeez I can only imagine the chaos that can ensue when you do that okay so let's go over here and let's fast travel to say Lea it's fast travel boom we out just set clubs and arrows on fire from inside well Camille by pressing X and using some animal fat just some animal fat no biggie just got to use a little bit all right let's check if your beast cannot fall you can call them later gotcha I think I mean ah just playing and we got two people who can talk to you is there like a resting station over here for me we want to sleep until dawn we don't like nightfall that much it's pretty scary out we saw bear and at least in my visions I saw a honey badger normos of the honey badger or Mongoose might been a mongoose I don't know we're scared of honey badgers though [Music] okay so it's nice and bright Oh what's up man that are you itching your blood with that using your butt with boomerang yeah I'm not one to judge to talk to this dude real good he seems to know what's up step oh shoot wanna fall down alright you did her here buddy slash slash bow Chagas win jayasudha jam MA some quite dosa alright so glad Lisa to diadem she her crap is shy you quaaack alright build your village your villages safe haven for wenja upgrade huts to unlock skills weapons and more find Hut resources cross the line of arose press thing to browse the village and pack minis when you have enough razors go to the village and look for upgradable huts got you can I build your Hut homie oh I can't well you know what $0.10 you deserve you deserve it another one build your Hut me to friends cuz he builds a hut God Dakar missions pretends to the shaman shaman skills 1502 next week let's figure out some more villagers do it thanks bro we upgrade your Hut again you need get a population of 40 you really upped his ante at that point he's not playing around anymore yeah quiet buddy loud ball to God he talks another why winds that devotee died stop okay Oh primitive health you can get camouflage and stuff fireproof antidote ultimate boost interesting if you click right we can see all the animals allegedly that we could tame rare stripe we'll look at how different stats is there anything that's maxed out always blood bank saber-tooth jeez that that's probably the one that attacked us what's the difference yeah any powerhouses in here I think the blood banks that's going to be our end goal here blood fangs super - sounds cool - we should have build sailors huh actually we go over here do our skills now that we upgrade his Hut contain wild cats rare back a lot black lions if you will um well let's get the dive attack forever that's really useful how do we have another skill to is this one this one's two skill points well I can kill powerful enemies from that damn you can go real ham on that I'm gonna hold off on building that let's go over to this chick and see what she wants you gotta hold her bozos just so we're menacing that we can't hold it top cop ya habiba girl are teaches Comanche Laos Irish machi win Jaguar mush hog Wapiti patch our ice cow Haddam Shamas eyelash wash wider win Jakarta Chaya all right I can do that for you annoyed what do you need we need slate and reads all righty maybe we can grab it from this little thing come on slate and reads no no bueno all right Slean read shouldn't be too hard to get feels like moaning and groaning over there we have a nice base going on though all right here slate moon reads I guess I should have collected stuff when I was out and about shin-hye werewolf he's coming on wolfy alright slate and read Slayton read all right see the read slate might prove to be a bit difficult maybe not difficult but I don't have to go out of my way of it to get it like some more read just in case I want to keep that skill point for extra cool stuff but I know that this is late okay sweet I know that if you spend the skill point you can actually identify resources close by which would prove to be quite useful actually let's take this altar would to thank you and we don't need that that's that's from my experience it's just animal fat which seems pretty easy to come by not sure why they hide up in the trees it might be other stuff too though look at this entrance oh man who built that who killed the mammoth literally all my homies died killing a mammoth and one of you guys got the skull of one so good job entering village he's gonna come gotcha okay all the way here we got to build her her Hut tap a gem path cut Oh what we need one more slate my bad yeah my bad I've cut tut-tut alrighty let's look for this one slate I thought we had it I thought you get a couple slate from like collecting one low pile resources but I guess I was incorrect happens to the best of us let's go through here we've run along the side of this area here we should be able to find some slate I think it's closer to the bottom of these areas but we're gonna stay a hundred mode just we get spotted easily potentially be up here though good opportunity to get some resources nonetheless or or no resources at all oh there we go we got some slate boys got to slate more sleek than we asked for oh you just fast travel back let's see if there's anything else if you take Alderwood and there's nothing else I could say oh there's a blue stone thing sweet down below sir cave here there's a cave here yes we can explore the cave - you go for a yellow jump yellow job post she yes it works out of the hand okay let's grab it let's do it we get when we get the hand so we got a ton of xp for that you got +1 skills we're getting one hand but what do we get you thing is just skills all right I'm thinking the little painting of a bear means you probably shouldn't go in here you probably really shouldn't go in here I mean what can I explore would we be oh my goodness gracious all right well I got my wolfy with great I get out here I'll do that get him I know this is little these are going at it who's gonna win good mother rooting him I have to do something hit this dude's wolf friend just bounce out here that's a rare wolfy thing now it doesn't look like it I don't know what the bird statue means here he asked me buddy you deserve it I don't think this leads away uh I don't know if we can go through your poison we run through the poison food no no this is a bad idea I made it through the poison horrible idea definitely Oh found something [Music] all right Wolfie I'm glad you didn't come let me say that was very very not worth it and no we did not find a bear know who or so so there's all myths it was all legends don't worry about it yes there might be a bear somewhere but bear is not here the bear is left I have a village stuff interesting okay we can upgrade her stuff ooh look at this one by a ruse oh wow geez there's tears and stuff there's levels to these bezels um let's rank up this so sure let's just hold on to her stuff right now and let's teleport over oh wow wow map's getting bigger now perhaps getting bigger now boys okay let's head over here that's trouble let's build her in the village she wants and deserves she deserves it again guys if you want more information about the game be sure to click the link in the description below has ton of information about it games coming on next week be sure to go check it out I enjoy playing it alright let's build a site we get recipes gather skills three items or rewards - that's not for me it convinced me Sayla you convinced me just stop counting the years and we'll be good I think personally she's really happy well you know I like to buy you the fans and things you like girl you gotta talk to the Sailor just a little fence I don't know why I was put there hello I can have my own Hut - all right we gotta go get some more slate let's do this do you think the slate respawn where we got it from I know you can mount animals eventually which is pretty neat you can ride them I believe skills who is this this is this Takhar skills we need - oh no meaning she's hot dude I need me crush look wait where's Krrish you can ride your saber-toothed tiger and brown bear jerusha's of savage is okay we need to meet this cruise dude you don't play no games we like kuru SHhhh we're gonna build our hut before we talk to sail over here oh shoot I guess we can't build the high yet okay we're gonna hold off on building that hut we're gonna go talk to Sayla they made me it was all part of her mission all part of a plan to get more wenja ears all right we got cool huts though we got we got hella buildings starting I'm the project manager this this beautiful project all right ooh you lit up the cave a bit good job girl what's that no you don't got to beat me no my spiral of we enjoy Gua Sha ddongchil Yaga sila wha-ha water Pattie batch's to Guam apasa hyah cha was a child um no a Kista me John Haase washa jaha margwa Odom wider it's a shower scene atcha oh she still face ears what did you do how can I say that boo them Shia gwandma who I am why specifically tomorrow oh I shoot duck he's my heart ma wetland all righty well I guess I'll do that I'll bludgeon them with their own weapons card took a little nap daily resources we get more rock and all I need is oh man I just needed a bit more slate give me just a little bit of slate girl okay melee combat clubs are fast weapons I can hit multiple targets in one swing Spears are slow and powerful hit directly in front of you they are more efficient when thrown hold arty and let go for a heavy things done in reason deal high damage bring weapons are held in front of you we got our new club this one yeah looks good different when Joe wanted OPA oh damn shanty hustle llamas how I cuss my wings a team must [Applause] my Marchesa wynjym who like one shooter one Hal who da Hustlas no dr. Massey hi Alda I got you guys don't worry nobody be scared me and wolfy over here mr. scruffles we got this not like us without like us I just cannot digest my gosh this guy's literally launching arrows from leave that guy alone oh man I'm tagging them no gonna enter my village there's two more guys in this rock yo wolfy you take care of that guy got a little a long-range plate over here I hit that I would have been impressed to be honest a wolf he's got it out I'll finish him finish him finish him all right we got alright looks like stuff's going down over here Wolfie I need your help strong swing oh [ __ ] Strong's me break you oh snap just not the deer over the head oh my gosh oh dude this guy just to a stink bomb oh my gosh okay Wow come over y'all Helius come o she eat the meat Queen Queen a nice catch oh man this is enough time to ditty daddle more people they're killing our people out here okay except I got to go kill this guy over the assassinating so I good one more over here I jump shoot well I gotta get that meat quick oh shoot her back again just guys don't let up oh well okay eight club all right I think we took care of them Kushina GWACs say what kite alright how you look man shanty Iowa Ohio yoga Marwin one one day she just some marijuana we've got the Yei alright alright let's go kill it oh he's more than just get us healed let's see if we can collect anything from these guys they might have some valuable okay looks like I'm stuck all right let's go kill these guys and their bone trees we need vengeance for this savagery that was performed on our base we're taking wolfy with us we ran all the way to this bone camp where is it don't see it on my radar toggle interface oh cool you can get just like a raw view of the map let's see okay it's 500 meters that way I say meters but it's actually just step all right we get vengeance now is the time when we get vengeance okay let's go all the way over here that's going to be a bit difficult fun let's go around this way up three years for the revenant moment took place last time so I'd be very wearing very cautious you guys can watch the other video bear literally attacked me I kept throwing bait to try and get it to go away and it was quite the quite the scene okay let's make our way all the way through here almost there luckily no bear this time I don't think I'm gonna get it happen like right in this area we had a checkpoint sweet what was that that's alder wood yeah mind if I do and here's somebody yelling let's go around this right side over here I like this brooch took last time we're gonna take stone area oh shoot keep telling people don't tell people a story or anything these guys know too much all right do this quick and stealthy stealth throw rocks crouch to make less noise detect hide and vegetation break line of sight gotcha okay these guys know don't fall that way it was bad way to fall should be okay here let's call our bird the Apple knows man we're gonna spot up here spotted quite a few people [Music] go ahead and kill this guy oh that's what I'm talking about argued a bird just killed you guys go investigate let's get one oh shoot star you're far and wide to the street please stop oh my gosh why why not marry Oh wasn't very smart Oh maybe use smarter than we thought all right these guys are playing it I just need you guys to chill for a second here can't even fire this arrow right now [Applause] take care of one of these boundaries we got some reinforcements that so they might have done some reinforcements - wait I got an idea that guys in that Hut there's one way to get somebody out of a hut this guy's trying to play smart with me Oh we got money freaked out of my face back up I said somebody or something on fire oh [ __ ] all that quick scalp baby a little totally slow quick scope Wow do we gotta go down there herself approach didn't work very well oh shoot correct that dude stay oh yeah all right we need oh my goodness I'm stealthy approach tune-up works very well over here but we did kill them all so there's that we burned their village which i think is just a proper proper good step oh shoot I mean to light that on fire yeah screw your little bone tree thing you guys get for coming into my village well my things up I'm your Legolas in the paint boy okay eat that there's my frickin life yeah you get him wolf here go back up her boil rear should this guy even notice me right through the net eh cannot reset oh shoot right in the hurt let's go heading in the hut I won't shoot you see each other on the way in now I return to the village attack of the Damned oh yes set your clubs and arrows on fire from where we got this tip man do damn deserved that though those flesh-eater up to no good people oh man oh there's a lot of carnage Oh who don't wanta buddha mari bull hockey - a lie one hyah Shahji well who wynjym our ears sadja i'll who threw the my wings a ball Tasha why from us so schools Dhalsim son equation she butter shy Salwa wynjym Arawa Margie Sami garbage in Napa not ready means are ye when Joey when Japan we Jaya Jaya I mean Joey I brought my chickens just some some Sasha already lost wind ja oh well we can go find the other the other whinges here you'll find that help me oh okay this this guy is the guy we want Koosh the warrior okay that guy knows what he's talking about ruch boy crush rare resources reveal terrain find rare plants search take down oh wow that's pretty neat yeah okay and get the album cooldown out can drop stuff now so we have four points I'm going to keep them though it's up create our place real quick we need one more slate ok let's get the one more slate upgraded and then wrap things up for the oh there we go sweet I worked out perfectly in our favor let's build this place down my house there's a kid now we really got defend this place it's sweet do I get anything for upgrading it give me all the resources what is this South sweet okay alright well sweet we got it cool crib over here we can rest and then the rest of our crib still looks the same this is pretty cool enough you can upgrade this more later we need a higher population seems like that's the case a lot of the stuff let's see what crafting stuff I have so you can upgrade it you just need south stone south stone rock swing to hit multiple enemies we can help create a bunch of stuff yes we can just sting Balmain EB clusters though alright so stuff we're really looking for the stuff I really want is this chick here because this chick can get the double bow this guy gets to in a club which is pretty sweet there's cold meters and stuff okay so this chicken this guy so for the next video let's go when you get this chick Jayma the hunter right I think that it looks like her it's literally your silhouette so we'll go with that and then we need to Roush the warrior and then I don't know if there's another chick over there I think it's definitely others two more people I guess they're there later on that the acre there's a bunch of more stuff to do I don't even know actually I don't think we can go get them next episode because of this red line but we will see what we can do we'll do a bunch of mini missions we'll just do some exploring and see what we can get up to but that's going to be it for this episode for this video right here I want to thank you piss off again for sponsoring this video truly appreciate the support and thank you ttg for all the support without you none of this would be possible so thank you thank you thank you if you did enjoy it be sure to check out more information about the game link will be in the description below and it comes out next week so this is early access and giving you deftly it look into Far Cry primal which is a pretty sweet game steel Bentley a pretty sweet game so thank you guys again if you enjoyed the video drop a like on it and subscribe if you're new and I'll see you guys the next one thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and peace out
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 1,390,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: far cry primal gameplay, typical gamer, far cry primal, typical gamer far cry primal, saber tooth tiger, far cry primal saber tooth tiger, far cry primal typical gamer, tg far cry primal, far cry primal tg, far cry primal part 1, farcry primal, far cry primal gameplay walkthrough, far cry primal walkthrough
Id: Rmg43VgvCY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 53sec (6713 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2016
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