Call of Duty Modern Warfare Campaign Gameplay Walkthrough, Part 1! (COD MW PS4 Pro Gameplay)

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what's up everybody typicalgamer with your daily youtube livestreams and more and today for you i have the long awaited call of duty modern warfare 2019 campaign walkthrough that is right we're going to be doing it from start to finish here we want to see how captain price has been doing i don't think there's no soap mctavish mctavish in this game but uh let me tell you call of duty modern warfare call of duty modern warfare 2 those were big parts of me growing up so this game has some big significance to me and uh i from what i've played in the multiplayer betas and stuff it it looks to be absolutely fantastic as well so if you watch and enjoy this you want to see all these parts come out really really quick you want to see all of the modern warfare campaign on the channel do me favor hit the like button real quick especially if you're a fan of call of duty and make sure you hit that subscribe button if you are new now without further ado let's hop right into it i'm playing on ps4 uh i try to play on pc but they're having some like server issues so let's go ahead and get right into it then all right let's go ahead and accept all that uh let's put so we need to make sure okay yeah just all this basic stuff here all the basic stuff set our safe area you gotta make sure this is all good you know because then it displays the game properly don't ignore this stuff if you guys are gonna do it all right uh i think everything's good everything's good imagine i'm not gonna do any of this audio mix stuff uh button layout let me go ahead and set it to tactical i'm a fan of tactical uh subtitles enabled say continue all right let's get it let's do it i'm excited i'm excited now this game officially comes out tomorrow but uh shout out to activation they hooked it up with a code so uh we're playing this a bit early i think if you you bought it on i think if you pre-loaded it you can play it early right now though so i think that's what it is oh gosh why do we gotta connect the online services to play the single player that's the real question that is the real question here unable to access um go offline there we go that's it oh look at that look at the campaign ooh that's what i'd like to see okay let's go ahead and get this started campaign player discretion is advised some scenes include graphic or intense content including violence please consult the game's ratings i understand all right story we're gonna go ahead and do [Music] i'm gonna do hardened because regular is gonna be too easy harden's gonna be good going to be a bit tough let's do hardened i want a bit of a challenge i'm going to try to be quiet during cutscenes okay deal [Music] our war is not for our fate we fight to remove all foreign power from our soil we are alcatel we are the killers we fight without sorrow we wage war without sympathy this is the only way to live go chill oh no come on wow okay that's an intense intro i just wanna throw it out there echo three one to charlie 2 actual go for actual lz is in sight looks like our boys are right on time colonel roger 3-1 hitman teams are locked and loaded for assault you are green to go colonel we may have a problem too lately as well we're live not until i say so watch it a three one helicopter station chief laswell send traffic general barkov has sent a new shipment of chlorine gas to his depot but his mercs are prepping to move the chems into urzikstan via convoy tonight you're still clear to engage but live fire on russian military is prohibited we cannot have an international incident no guarantees russian army won't respond on this case understood alex just locate the gas come into your barcode trucks and get off the x before the tide turns out i'll be watching we'll handle it okay all right we're gonna make it a bit more realistic here and uh where is well that's not where that is general brightness i'm going to turn off the film grain and let's lower the brightness a little bit oh there we go dude yo am i tripping these graphics are incredible what the flip drop them we're cleaning oh shoot post up on the ridge and let's get the lay of the land damn can you grab an ak 31 to blue viking five call for fire stand by for target confirmation copy three one vikings standing by let's wreck you the area and make sure there's no russian army down there people coming to the main gate medium transport truck transport for the gas vehicles on the move oh there's another car contractors security good targets no russian military presence call it ncia calling the airstrike all right then blue viking 5 this is echo 3-1 troops in the open south gate you are cleared hot roger 3-1 target acquired weapons three in five seconds five seconds oh my goodness [Music] holy smokes echo 3-1 good effect on target viking is rtb good hunting much obliged viking we'll take it from here holy shoot they really dropped the payload on that one bridge speech breach no there's nobody all heads right multiple guns on foot they must be tripping man they don't even know what's going on hold up foreign isn't it crazy that like i mean not exactly this but stuff like this sometimes goes on in real life it's kind of kind of crazy i'm gonna lower the brightness just a little bit more okay these graphics look nuts uh i'm sorry man put him out of their misery all right finish off oh shoot damn bro that's kind of messed up easy reach it clear element of surprise is not on our side boys stay frosty frosty it is buster open stay sharp we're blind on this breach contact this is how you flank them oh shoot i forgot what moto is on i thought it was playing easy again before they move it look i forgot i'm playing a harder mode than usual so i see you chilling there dog are you still alive man oh my gosh maybe i gotta maybe turn down the uh difficulty a bit i haven't played call of duty on console in so long feels on pc you'd be different but i haven't played on console in a minute nah screw it keep a challenge oh what the same team same team i think we might have hit the gas canister by accident a second here i'm gonna breathe it hurts to lift oh my gosh this kid's like rolling on me it really hurts to live i'm reaching reach up in this oh that's the wrong innate a flashbang them at least stop both i was not giving the proper steel team training here it's hard to see anybody can i turn on night vision night vision would have been helpful this mission are you there yeah what could i have picked up there hold up oh no you can't go back up oh you can't go back up hold up boys i saw something lit over here oh and odin what the heck is this all right let's move it guys must be inside unless we're too late yikes lady clear clear everything's clear here oh inside masks up i don't know what that means but oh let's do this [ __ ] they killed the power oh flashlight time baby it's pitch black in here oh this is terrifying yeah this looks so realistic find him contact where yeah bro oh shoot oh my gosh if you're not hostile do not pop out at me like this boys i've been hit that was really close where do you shoot me from oh you were behind that what the flip we got some hostiles literally everywhere i'm just putting on suppressive fire get a boy i think i might have got him got him we clear oh i heard something maybe one more dude somewhere clear clear clear let's get the power up screw you in particular on this gas rod view your current objective let's hit the road turn on the power oh lights coming out lights on hey we got a problem this guy's a russian army that's nice oh no good one watcher markov's hired guns or spetsnaz we've got russian army yeah we need to bug out now negative command wants mission accomplished on this i'm swamping this i got to swab it [Music] interesting swapping technique the idea in the gas solid copy 3-1 load up and get back to space roger that let's move out uh oh we're good okay do i get to drive big shotgun all right wait oh over there we still got a gas mask on for any reason in particular or all stations we are oscar mike to the rv watch your sectors good work alex rally is the hook point for egress [Music] uh but we've lost like three dudes already [Music] oh you three boy [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is that yikes none of them want the other one to know that they're there i go 3-1 to watch her alex what happened terrorist attack multiple marines k.i.a gas stolen we need evac now roger tracking multiple russian forces headed your way sit tight we're pushing to you for fast exhaust watch her out yikes that did not go to slander mentalized what the hell does that mean means you no longer have clearance colonel those are my marines we need a qrf in there right now that's not advisable and that is not your car colonel laswell general my men norris give us a minute ma'am we've got a situation the kremlin has suspended all deconfliction channels the sixth fleet is pushing into the black sea and chemical weapons are now in the wild yikes your fingerprints are all over this laswell fix it general right now intelligence is our best weapon we've tried intelligence get me a better weapon damn that girl's in another game i don't know if i could talk about the other game but we're in another game that's coming out soon occupied oh price russians what travels fast chemical weapons have fallen into terrorist hands they could be anywhere paris new york london what can you breathe we just did level is now critical possible multiple attackers or something worse do we have snipers in position negative sergeant count on yeah crystal out looks like we're on our own lads we'll handle it let's get it done yeah we'll handle it in it sergeant heads up white fan bands are always so suspicious man look at that van that's them save it to raven white van multiple military age males weapons visible moving to a set roger unless an attack is imminent do not engage what do you mean they freaking have guns [Applause] oh what the oh oh shoot that guy had a bomb on him oh that you're on my team okay i missed going on down there there's been a destination at piccadilly circus shots fired officers down we need medical down here now oh oh this is a war zone let's move what the hell oh i'm sorry you gotta get in the way this is messed up get out of here save the bloody queen what the [ __ ] raven's safer too office is down outside this mess this is messed up messed up the tanto building process [Music] get blow fly i'll show you you warmed up yes sir surprise [Music] captain price sergeant garrick you're with me oh yes i am sir sir yes sir damn bro i cannot get over the graphics oh no yeah wait hold up [Applause] okay um please get it off me sorry i need you over here help me tell me i'm not one of them all stations we have a man with a bomb strapped to him you don't want to tell me i want to go home i want to see can you help me try it let me see my goal it's going off [Music] dude all stations warm is clear prep medical are coming up hey everybody stay calm we're gonna get you out of here you broken i'm good this story's intense what the heck [Music] holy smokes the graphics are so good it's nuts you save lives today sergeant it shouldn't have happened in the first place sir they sent us in half fast so everyone could just keep pretending when old war yeah like the [ __ ] century that is why have we got our hands tied let's just take the bloody gloves off and fight sir it's cool we don't stand a chance in hell with these rules of engagement captain they can tell us where they can tell us when don't tell us how i remember tracking herself for weeks you were actually inside on this quite a bit sir you're with me dude price is so cool alcatel is claiming responsibility alex is on the ground there looking for the stolen chems you only need the liberation force on his side so have him contact the ceo you know commander kareem you're acquainted use my name or don't kill him is your message from captain price meta kareem call me alex i'm listening alex this is classified hello the graphics are nuts i'm just gonna keep talking about it it's so crazy 48 hours ago terrorists stole a shipment of russian gas only alcatala would do this the russians make no distinction between alcatel and your people and i make no distinction between alcatel and the russian army they're both terrorists we would never use these poisons then help us track it before they before they what take it to europe or america we live like this every day commander it's time to go who is this alex this is my brother and lieutenant hadir you're cia works with captain price then you kill russians yes i have friends who can help us but your sister decides what's next of course my sister is in command and the russian army is still here this occupation must end that we can all agree on yes general barco's men control the city we have plans to change that we have no missiles but we have our ways if you stay we can help you but if you stay you fight alex follow me [Music] dude dude i'm liking this campaign so far i almost forgot to admit like call of troop commanders are in town today we're going to ambush them how explosives that'll get their attention and pull security away from the russian base leaving it open to an attack we must hold nothing back too far on that path and we lose ourselves get set for the air base attack be safe alex take these charges okay sifu alright thanks watch my sister good luck you too [Applause] oh damn i'll be watching her but not like that i swear dude civilian disguise damn she just low-key called me ugly what's the report kind of russians are just outside if they see your weapons they will shoot that happens our plan fails before it starts alex our guns give us away keep it hidden no weapon follow me i'm just a normal dude what kind of dirty work punishment for fighting women to the trucks this is where we split up we'll need to apply the question sorry sorry i need a piece of stone yo can you give me a piece of stone there we go i need a cinder block please one oh this guy's gonna take it first okay hold up i need a cinder block yeah give me that one give me that one that's a nice cinder block why can't i take it take it try to pass as a worker i can't they keep stealing it before i get it oh there we go i can get this one can i pet you a little doggy i'm zooming past these other workers i'm the best worker [Music] that's what you get for beating up ladies jerk don't pick up another cinder block move i got this let's go wait hold up oh i got an ak i have contacts posted just ahead that'll have more explosives for us oh no that's not good [ __ ] i got this don't worry about my contacts they may be dead already can't go loud need a suppressor find an oil filter it will silence your weapon really an oil can you drop that uh any more cars are you in the garage here oh there we go oh i'm gonna have a nice oil filter here oh okay that'll do it that'll do that's a nice fit i gotta be honest all right bang bang bang oh you need help i i think she's good holy shoot lady i'm gonna get an uzi that's uh yo far we kind of like a team team huh about your contacts i have the explosives oh damn they really weren't nice though throwing knife throwing knife throwing knife hide the gun we're going back outside oh yeah it's all good it's all good follow me i got you you're basically a gun you're like an assassins creed oh shoot that's messed up um [Music] please can we do something stand up i know what you guys if you understand why we do this they hang because they killed our soldiers now look at them wow that good movie dude you're messed up you're lucky i don't have like eight nine war crimes punishment who caused this pain michael blames us for stealing it what can we do i'll be back for you one two three four five i remember what you look like oh helicopters we take them out from the basement playing explosives on the helicopters on the helicopter i'll cover you yo get in your way take them out quietly meet that kid when you're through lady i i honestly want to say he's just i can't walk in that wire um guards on the entry all right watch this i'm assassin's creed up in this oh what is this attached site oh shoot you guys seeing this yo i got a little jack pistol now go what are these blocks of can i go through it oh my gosh bro i didn't no i didn't know let me try that what the heck did i just do okay wait let me plug in my controller apparently plugging into my pc did nothing um i need to plug it into my ps4 give me a second i haven't played ps4 in so long uh there we go shoot yes there we go okay we're good all right okay yeah my controller gave out that's why i died guards get in your way take them out quietly meet back here when you're through watch me do me lady first and foremost i'm gonna go ahead and grab this site easy i'm gonna put away my gun then i'm gonna come around the corner and i'm gonna oh gosh you shot me man i'm gonna die again oh my gosh i forgot going like this in public probably won't be perceived very well all right watch this is how you do it this is a speed run of this mission [Music] hello sir ow you still shot me i'm like maybe this isn't the way to go i don't know maybe i have to shoot him all right i'm going to go the other way first get in your way take them out quietly meet back here hold up i got to get an oil filter on this thing oh shoot black and loaded baby it's looking meaty it's looking greasy all right let me put a little side on this thing you want to mess with me all right all right we good we good we good all right you got a little helicopter over there yeah we good lady uh cinder block oh hello sirs uh just trying to do my job [Music] oh i have a cinder block i have a cinder block chill chill both of you relax over there look this guy laughed at me huh ha ha ha ha look who's laughing now i spit on your grave i'm just kidding although you know he does deserve rude man he laughed at me man all right what's this oh hello damn bro oh fudge did i throw my throne knife oh no i think i just tried to stab alex are you on the roof near the helicopter still looking for a way out [Music] i mean i'm pretty much here um just go ahead and put this here i got a little present for you guys it's gonna make one hell of a distraction package from amazon all right now we got to go that way am i going to break my legs we can make an example are we good we good we had weird okay um let's see oh i can go with the cinder block through up there okay here we go it's cinder block time baby [Music] bro you need me to check your gun for you yeah we good that's b bro you must be tired me too put that center block down just die russia is your ally huh right uh i could have went there to get the helicopter huh who's the stairs you okay they feed you okay yeah you look like a giant rat i don't even know if you look like a dog you look like you look like if a werewolf was shrunk down into a dog size because you don't look right man i don't think they feed me right or something shut up tv let me gabby no okay he's not happy he's not happy you got cat-like reflexes i'm more of a dog person i'm more of a dog person well you should come check out if this is a dog or not because i'm genuinely confused all right i'm coming back parkour baby parkour baby okay i can't jump over that but there we go well done now this way [Music] oh there's mass panic let's go let's go take a left [Music] there you go there you go quickly quickly [Music] there we go all right let's keep moving the next street will lead us back to the tunnel [Music] oh okay that's a way of doing it there's a lot of stuff going on i think they know we're not good we'll see them oh no what the hell is this alex get down hide your this is messed just up dude [Applause] foreign i didn't shoot him i shot it oh bro i got him right wow oh item with a special right there give me that knife we good quickly more maybe coming look reinforcements from the airbase our plan is working wow they're they're sending a lot of people yikes um okay will you lead the way oh wait he lost good people today that is the cost of this war now let's take parkour's airbase so their deaths are not in vain we're in for a hell of a fight so what are they idea has a plan all right let's get it that was cool kind of stealth half action mission [Music] you are in my house now alex i set up on the edge of barcode space keep those [ __ ] dogs in check friends close enemies closer i told you we have our ways no grenades so we improvise not bad wow okay i think we fight this war with sticks and stones i mean like molotovs oh my gosh okay that's not a molotov the russians only understand violence so i show them violence got a sniper too so we have one too all right bro let's get it can i customize these weapons i don't think i can rc planes nothing with c4 are we ready yes commander let's fly let's fly some rc planes then i'm in what [Applause] i'm going in second team would cover us with the cannon echo three one to watcher forces are moving in on barkov's air base requesting close air support copy three one a task in an unmarked gunship to your position stand by hold here oh no we attack our armories take their weapons and take that airfield cousins we fight to free zika and take back our country for urzakhstan oh my that tower is missing get in there i think i just quit i think a quick scope one i'm gonna be honest they're getting lit up right now i'm kind of insane i'm one man army here get up in it [Music] we gotta help out the homies real quick all right let me get this helicopter out that's one give me another one [Applause] that's another one you good oh brits go quick scope this is what i get for not playing on the easiest difficulty [Applause] oh wow that really takes him out wow these plates are super effective away from that grenade all right i got you i got you don't [Music] worry let's move up move forward move forward the plane's out more planes [Applause] is the best rc okay all right that was messed up oh who who is shooting me the whole time bro somebody was riding a little plane and shooting me or something i don't know how he shot me you're good because like oh that this guy this guy behind us laser light light light we're good to go yeah hold up i might have taken out a few people on our team there but that's okay [Applause] i don't know what i'm aiming at anymore stand by for next week all right we good i think almost everybody reinforcements [Applause] they're really on me right now oh hello [Applause] again okay i'm tripping i don't know where i am anymore move up a little bit i need a sight on this gun i don't know what that means is everyone to the gate yo honestly they got some stuff in here oh they got a scar fortnite fortnite oh there's everything here oh you guys were stacked origin 12 shotgun car 98 mk2 carbine model 68 oh my gosh oh this is kind of nuts i'm gonna take the car let's go with that uh there's an og there too i got a scar and an og are we good this mustang get open someone else we need to take back off their face i know what to do i'm going to ram it where's that air support airport honestly i have a pretty good shot slightly done for he's done four oh there's a lot of them on a higher difficulty you gotta make sure not to try to eat a lot of damage fbi open up oh you're not even okay dude until then okay don't worry i got this the train sniper in that tank oh my why were you there i thought i had armin right beside me armin what the hell are you doing you're fired army you bought roger that i see where did she go why you leave me sada who's shooting sana cover me you're useless cause she useless damn freaking bangers on bangers over here yo can i stand up here you guys literally move my bots i am superior human collateral yo is it like everlasting amount of enemies is that what's happening we reload this thing anybody else left from the hangar come out with your hands up nummah guy oh okay am i dead i'm dead freaking bloody act mate i blame that chick again it was all her fault where's my cover fire where's my checkpoint okay yeah that's a good checkpoint stop literally exploding in my face you don't need a bloody molotov dog oh you lost your ankle huh yeah now i'm sure you raise the butt behind the bed what are you gonna do now huh oh they're hucking nate's like crazy it's scar time baby it's scar time baby come on out come on after the price is right this is america not really but you're good oh he's trying to drag his buddy yo your boy dead what who crouches behind a container you coward die with the rest of them all right you know what i'm chilling in the truck reload this bad boy really oh this guy's making this he watched one too many action movies he's running in like look look at this guy are you behind here still uh look now you're burning how unfortunate oh you're actually behind that box now are you where did you get that grenade from fbi oh no last time i did i got shot in the back because i have no cover fire from you freaking yourself alex get the dog i'll get the door [Music] you got my back that's bull you know that's bull all right here we go get in there there's a hatch on the roof alex help me up really no help me out i got one of them oh you want me to come up to yeah here alex [Music] fbi open up oh shoot last armory is secure resupply on me easy make it quick enemy reinforcements are here okay yes i will grab the grenade launcher thank you for asking and you know while i'm at it shoot i want everything chad i want one of everything can i do that well i feel like i need a scar because i feel like it won't work without a scar i feel like i really don't need the grenade launcher should i just yeah that's pretty cool alex we need you out here now yeah yeah i know you need me just give me a second i'm testing stuff uh you know i'm gonna keep it i'm not i decide i'm gonna keep it the fight's not done oh i use the scar already though let me use the oh let's get that famous dude oh here we go i got you don't worry stop i'm sorry what is happening three one viper one one on approach what's your position air support plane god damn good to hear your voice in the hangar taking fire from oh gosh a little hello it's messed up square or thing to disengage i never get enough everybody done for i think we got everybody okay we good i think we're getting all targets destroyed tarmac is clear of enemy movement over without only the bad ones today was a great victory for us thank you we make a good team yes we've bought time but parker will retaliate so will we honestly alex and commander kareem's forces have destroyed general barkov's forward operations base temporarily limiting russian air capability in ezekiel we need to move fast sergeant garrick thanks for your intel we tracked the alcatel cell responsible for the piccadilly attack to a townhouse in north london three sas teams will get inside and connect the dots if the wolf is in possession of the stolen russian gas in kazakhstan we need to find him be advised there may be non-combatants on target random pregnant lady all right we must reach a clear bloody townhouse in london in it so we're gonna go do it because that's what we do over and out price if you guys are watching enjoy us let me know what you what do you guys think what do you guys think so far apparently this mission is really sad according to some people in chat um hit that like button if you are enjoying this though you want to see more modern warfare not just campaign like multiplayer as well and make sure to subscribe if you're new we're back with price clean house oh jeez okay copy i got the upstairs boys don't worry oh shoot how'd you guys get up here so quick why did i take the ladder oh there were stairs the whole time quiet lady in the east after the attack trust the wolf oh i didn't i didn't i guess i should have thought the lady was bad too i i just didn't think i don't know why i thought the lady was okay no we're gonna make this easy we're gonna oh we're gonna do it so tactfully ready this is how they want you to play it like when they're doing a little game plays like this [Music] but this operation portion of flashback now they're all blind secure hell for free entering through the front door so much iq secure the first floor i'm on the first floor i'm on the stairs oh shoot this is terrifying are you really gonna take a hostage okay here we go i got this door two x-rays down copy make sure this floor is secure i didn't mean to kill her x right down you good oh shoot what the heck i thought he was taking you hostage i thought we were cool i literally reloaded for you oh god i think i think they're done we're good first floor secure oh wow he really he really got bodied wow okay all right third floor let's go bravo six moving to the second floor i consider this the third floor in my opinion i don't know about you guys but apparently we just need to body everybody you guys aren't really bro why would we walk past the door like that [Music] why are we hiding behind there like that that's messed up all right third floor you're a cat daddy chill oh no no no no no [Music] you're put the gun down put the gun down put the gun down sir i see you under the bed but what the [ __ ] i i gave him a chance and he shot me bro i'm gonna go in there full auto now bust open this door dog you wanna hide your husband idiot [Music] tried to take on my life hello get down stay down don't you please i won't i want you then we're going to count come on yeah you're fine roger damn bro just apply sergeant see what you can find you told me to keep her alive bro i don't know if that was all right what is this i mean oh [ __ ] hell she was going for a bloody detonator oh okay no you know you're right we made the right call sir i'm about euros we've got a location on a wolf the attic of the alcatala townhouse was a gold mine looks like we found the wolf communications from the laptop retract to ramaza hospital in urzakhstan where the alcatala leader is believed to be holed up pharah's forces will track terror activity at the hospital while a marine ground force can be mobilized to advance on the complex echo 31 will capture the wolf for interrogation about the stolen russian gas okay okay um my soldiers confirmed that the hospital is under siege that's a damn cool language about it it's human shields they're protecting someone or something the more we find out all clear sister hadir is my best sniper you can rely on him and all my fighters we're just going through a pound of flesh by leading the charge on this i told you we would help you can you keep in your word i don't do this to keep my word the invaders of my country have no regard for human life the gas kills all things even food in our gardens if you use these tactics you are my enemy no exceptions none al capala has given my people a bad name and we have paid dearly for their crimes i want to see the wolf punished i'll make sure you're at the embassy for the hand off the prize and you where will you go when this is over wherever they send me north dakota you don't choose hard to farm not exactly dressed up tomorrow's a big day what about you and your man we'll be here until sunrise i'll cover the open corner [Music] the graphics are nuts i just want to throw that out insane hunting party the hospital is at the end of the road half a click i'll be offering it with the marines echo 3-1 sergeant greggs all day call me alex no locals on this one not my call you kareem all day nice work hitting the russians we share friends and enemies [Music] watch the windows good guys look like bad guys around here shit's [ __ ] up demon one two viper three five piper where you at poppy rally at the intersection and one mike ribbons cut let's move follow the armor how do you pronounce that okay [Music] pop smoking flying screw you also gosh there's a lot of guys wait who's shooting me oh shoot bro where did you come from okay i went for a jump shot but come on okay watch this i'm gonna look like a professional called remember i actually got a harder difficulty so damn bro okay okay why did i think that spot was safe i kind of like that it's hard like i don't like missions that i can do right away you know oh gosh i shot that little premature oh my god oh okay you're evil i have to confirm real quick you guys think i can snipe it out oh [Music] going in all right let's do this oh my gosh that's cool first deck clear yeah check all the quarters of the room uh all right i will take care of that in a second good all clear third floor three four third floor region all three down three all styles down [Music] defending the south entrance of the hospital danger gloves those aren't even real shots all right let's move up [Music] the dirt they are absolutely bombarding that building exposed vector they laid waste to that building we're good oh oh i'm shot apparently you know what that means in games that you're not shocked the shots have come so close at least that's how they explained it in uncharted to explain that like you know a bullet or two could kill you but that's not what that indicator means apparently in a lot of games i missed the jump shot hopefully it doesn't i think it starts right behind that car again you run way slower than this than in like we're lighting them up gonna get some assistance west side where's the side tangles down call that the kobe apparently shotguns have no effect of rage in this game all right we good oh wow we really look the place up okay this hurts target down load this thing up demons are on the hunt let's bag this son of a [ __ ] griggs long as we take him alive i forgot all my training it was a second of panic all stations lobby no sign of the war demons are on the hunt let's bag this son of a [ __ ] griggs what's up here we take them alive you know what bro eat this i'm really hurt damn all right get moving i can't jump through this little window just subscribe that's what's up caleb what's up everybody in chat don't forget to like button if you enjoyed the subscribe if you're new we are playing on a hard parting difficulty the second hardest one or the third hardest one oh what a nice nade to the north east yo i shot him and he went directly on the operating table that's kind of moving what the heck wait what movement aren't you not good over there oh when you lean yeah i honestly just send me an alone at this point let's move i think i got this don't need myself okay oh who just pushed me you're gonna get me killed this is suspicious it could be an ambush don't pull out again okay that guy's evil this guy's evil dog i know you're about to come and shoot me you tell me this guy's not suspect demon three this is one two what's your status anybody else one two to demon three how copy demon three dropped off sergeant find them get moving okay okay we're gonna have to smoke it out yes push up oh get the heck out of my face bro oh what is this guy in the corner he's like i'm gonna shoot it all the time [Music] come on man oh hey hello you keep responding dude you're a failure oh you're a failure too my tiger and an elephant you snake cam the heck is a snake oh shoot you were sent here to kill me but you will die because of your continued we got a breach i mean it was bound to happen right dying the same to the same tripwire twice as an accomplishment i'd say break some right inside standby hold demon set take this animal alive alex don't shoot him get him on the ground we got you brother man you're all right good alex good drinks omar suleiman you are now in custody of special operations force do exactly as you're told but you're a dead man hell yeah all demon teams marines are secure wolf is in the bag let's move them to the embassy well i don't know what they're saying oh they want him back [Applause] 2-6 echo is on the third deck for rv hillary clinton's primary entry point it's clear but that window is rapidly closing well down to three mics two six out three minutes in three minutes my people will be inside they will kill all of you i chose to take you alive i could still change my mind you'll have the wrong man lies tell them what you've done we did not steal the gas who did someone very dangerous where is it i wish i knew the butcher is outside they'll burn the city if they have to save yourself daughter join us do not talk to her hey tap the brakes i am not your child old man i lead soldiers you train killers but we are all killers here no oh bro you're so deep you're so freaking cheap we gotta move now three one two six shots fired moving to secure the hbi we'll advise copy three one robo's on station reposition and prep for rebate thirty seconds thirty seconds [Applause] oh [Applause] oh oh that's really cool you broken oh good that's probably three one construction you broken what's the call there's a safe room in the basement head there will be right behind you roger we're moving [Applause] man he should ask him one day just be like are you broken all right let's kill it baby bravo one two three they ever see personnel i could totally see it for the wolf so oh [ __ ] i gotta check this uh human resources department of justice services visitors area that's where all the enemies are gonna be because they don't they don't actually belong here though good you're here they need five minutes to finish up what can i do to help prime weapons barricade the doors to the extraction team [Applause] you open this door lock it behind us let's do this price oh that's not good that was jenny's car she was gonna give me a drive home oh my god the butcher is outside yellow shirt okay that's illegal in the usa bank [Applause] who has the keycard i do how about you captain are you gonna let them die oh shoot oh no you leave it i'll open it i'll freaking open it just don't kill it okay that was not fair okay it gives you the option man it gives you the option because it wants you to i don't want to watch this part if i think what's going to happen is going to happen open this now everyone i only want the move no one else has to die today who has the key card i don't how about you captain are you going to let them die nope now sorry mercy is weak i think the kid's okay i think the kid's okay look at him hold on hold on i need to make sure the kid's okay hold on there's no way they would do that right who has the key card i do how about you captain are you going to let them die now sir mercy is weak ah okay that's what they did bro you didn't even shoot him you missed there's smoke there butcher bring the paper up look at him yeah the kid's all right right now stop being canadian man man up what does that mean oh they black like i they take you down so quick i'm gonna see if i can shoot a couple times with a pistol first i threw a dope grenade oh you ran in my way okay yeah i saved your life glass big brain tg bulletproof glass [Music] open the door let's get to the basement car checkpoint locked popcorn okay you've got it crowbar oh oh there you go i got you chief are you oh you are awkward sergeant three one we're here all right i'm still fighting a good fight always got them the ambassador's still inside sir he's trapped okay keep him on the line he might be our way out of here idea thanks for the assist our pleasure sir umar suleiman have we met yeah back when you were on our side the wolf was a freedom fighter i still am brother the butcher's men are closing on the ambassador captain kyle mann these cameras direct the ambassador to safety we'll need this key card to open the rear doors rest of you on me oh no um mr ambassador can you hear me stacy hi ambassador [Applause] wait right now [ __ ] captain the ambassador is down but i can lead his assistant to you hello um hello can you hear me this is sergeant kyle garrick stacy stacy davidson just do exactly as i say we'll get you safe okay um take the ambassador's key card and move to the door [Applause] okay okay i have the keycard what now um don't go that way there's a cabinet at the end of the hall there's a cart by the door stay tell me where hello sergeant derrick there's a cart near the bookshelves go now someone else someone else knows i don't have someone else i have you go to that middletown my bad my bad don't have someone else i have you hide in that body all right this guy's a bot this is not your lap no wait please you don't want me to come to your country and take your people other side of the desk go i can't help you go to the hallway now go to the hallway now that's too bad for around the corner it's actually a really cool mission [Music] no no don't talk to adam [Music] [Applause] oh adam's really dead holy smoke move yeah adam got bodied we'll get you there stacy you're almost out he's gone uh the cubicle go other side now hug the wall down the line next one go to the other cubicle oh no oh i mean like you know all right all right stacy you got this don't worry next one stacy we're gonna wait for this little bot to come through all right [Music] yeah you think you're a big man huh with your big ol cubicle can she buck it all the way here oh no i have to get back over there i can't see squat oh no where am i yeah i'm here i'm just trying to figure things out move to the printer there's a guard block in the exit you'll have to distract him what do i need to do the shredder go now now use it other side now hug the wall get to the exit run there we go [Music] [Applause] the embassy has fallen marines are setting up a rally point at the ambassador residence this is captain price sas we're working our way to you gary we're leaving where's that can we get like a an apc or something hop in there what's the plan then car with the marines at the southern compound where's the compound not far through the alley across the street let's get there all right open it up me okay yeah i got it thank you sergeant you saved my life this kid caught myself if she died don't be upset expect that i got you move it [Applause] this is your fault i can't shoot oh my kid like she's like yolo running into the streets how am i supposed to stop her like just chill expect concert oh that was pretty smooth that was really smooth actually i can't even see you brightness down low baby boom echo 3-1 you're clear to move up [Music] all right dude i won't what are you watching reposition now i'm trying to watch the game all right are your tvs going out bro what the heck is that what are you watching bro i think you're on their side i don't know watching some weird stuff garrett use the key card get us in this is bravo six say yes didn't think it meg we're in a secure room to store prisoner yes sir secure room in the residence follow me oh hey this is illy park just left to do nothing out here watch him i'm so sorry we will be back for him i will be gone brother but we will meet again i'm going in there with them um you want me out here negative zero six can't risk another bird okay get me something we'll be fighting the whole bloody city yeah i like her cool voice like oh don't worry about it join price and fur on the rooftop roger well this is our last hurrah i guess captain marines have got the embassy covered if they follow nothing out there sir they'll be back they'll come from the other side how do you know because i would she's right reposition across the roof now oh you have two snipers here seven four across that floor there we go okay we got some stuff check 12 cafe multiple military age males unarmed stay with them two more i'm ready for the collateral chief that messengers dear god this ain't right ah this is weird we got more unknowns far into the field probing oh fighters they're here for us no thought they were here to sell us cookies [ __ ] lost alex all quiet i don't see nothing hang on god movement midfield 11 o'clock where bro just the wind you're right bro they're probably all like another word and i'll send you out there yes sir damn this is creepy i'm getting like chills oh we're getting the lights clear to engage guys quiet eyes on the grass launch your plan all right let's do it merry christmas you filthy animals is i got i got it watch another flare shot him in the kidney yeah oh you know what just leave it all up to me huh i kill everybody i gotta set up the [Music] flares i just collateral yeah they're really moving up here i'll be eating a grenade one more yeah no i agree is there any more ammo lying around maybe somewhere cold trucks moving so far into the field probably get the [ __ ] out of dodge the repositioning the reposition am i clear to engage captain price they got smoked were they like [Music] how am i not dead you're buying something price stop standing out of the open oh shoot i mean headshot like eight people in a row they're giving us hell man i can't even i need to choose somewhere that's like further back apparently they just flooded in there and i was taking out so many i just shot price fight i'm gonna be real you're standing on the fricking dog i love you i love you a lot but uh you're gonna die like that oh this really hurts price remove the tree please i want my wife to get i'm gonna i'm gonna freaking i work my cover i'm gonna throw like eight grenades of them that's it you guys ready for this backing up here there are so many what is happening i'm dead man this is the hardest part of the game so far i think i'm gonna move back even further i think all in the way i don't think i got to get any more in the way i shot pharah like vidcon i can't tell enemy to the north there we go we good okay one of y'all one of y'all gonna shoot all stations what's that security roger let's top off and gear up inside sergeant all right lead the way bro stay low and do not leave this building sergeant load up come and see me roger bravo jaguar 4-1 on station for close air guns stand by for target all right he's going to take some of that one drone i need you to mock targets we should roll up the wolf and go off the x negative we defend this position we live to fight another day cut bait we may have to we need that drone that does not mean a shoe i'm sorry my finger was on the trigger finger i forgot waiting on your marks [Applause] is on station standing by for your mark east side east side east side unknown vehicle across the field yeah that's not suspicious at all or a cobble i mean come on that's closer no visual sir we're gonna need you to not pull up in here right now you good dog ah he looks fine are you going to go home we're good i just saw a body did he jump off okay we good zero six jack four one you've got enemies inbound from the east over solid copy rifle eat it again gotta visualize nice [ __ ] hit kyle yeah that's why they call me kyle that's why they call me kyle dog impact [Music] [Applause] negative i am the best pointer of the lasers nobody appoints lasers better than today 141 is bingo fuel egressing at this time [Applause] thanks for your assist what does this mean he's out of gas we're on our own again purple goblin the golden goblin's pretty dope corporal goblin's dead oh love from above [Music] oh no oh come [Music] on i've got my earplugs but i think i'm gonna be all right [Applause] i'm pretty good at what i do and what i'm doing pretty good at literally dropping bombs i feel like they would be highly discouraged at this point it's not popping out a deer is up in it butch campbell what is all right i gotta clear the border house do i have to go up there i have to go up there i was thinking it was getting too easy all right oh maybe i should go a little slower when i push up my gun is like automating onto them but like i think it's just collateral bridge spring freaks just lose it go crazy [Music] don't be real this hurts push up push up push up maybe we should all go hear that wow that guy got dropped zero six target building moving in syria say hello to flashback surprise surprise twice he he held a finger on a stringer oh sir damn bro he does not have kneecaps anymore and like i expected it but i did it you know i just threw the nade up in it there's no way he spawns right see there's no way he spawns peekaboo mother trucker up son stupid all stations bravo two six alma is down building is clear running back at the compound yeah that's what i thought sergeant let's get back to the compound they're bringing in more fighters oh my goodness oh my goodness gracious [Music] the clouds you guys did a really bad job defending that place over a gun whatever just blew up you were killed by oh okay i didn't know he just blew up around the corner which was a little unfair buildings this is what i get for playing on a harder difficulty management please don't kill me [Applause] i expected it but not at that time a deer you want to go first buddy [ __ ] stacy how did stacy die it's not even we'll possible [Music] he's gone they bridged the wall [ __ ] hell the golden captain we will find him adir get your team to the crossroads bring everything you've got yes sister bring everything useful the wolf is with the butcher terrorist cells in the city will hide them bravo will clear house to house in search my people will help you if they try to escape to the mountains there is only one road tariq the highway of death the russians bombed it during the invasion killing the people trying to escape there is a village at the crossroads i sent hadir and his fighters there to prepare an ambush alex and i would join them and take up firing positions above the rope lying in wait for the wolf they were the highway is below us idea has reinforcements position to ambush the wound we're easy prey for the russians out here yes our window is short parkour's man will be on the hunt he has lost control he will come to take it back home let's move we have to cut the wolf off at the pass all right before the war this village had families and laughter laughter is the best medicine tell me a joke what happens when the cia goes to sleep what wow this is nuts what the heck happened here well chad i think this is the perfect time to wrap up episode one of the call of duty modern warfare walkthrough this game so far has been pretty freaking good i mean the graphics are insane the story's action-packed it's a little messed up but you know that's what call of duty does and i think that's what makes their um their story mode so interesting so if you watched and enjoyed this you want to see more of the call of duty modern warfare walkthrough i'm going to need you to hit that like button real quick and if you're new around here make sure to hit that subscribe button as well if you do want to copy some fire merch head on over to the typical dot store stefan tangy and unique b thank you both for becoming members welcome to enjoy those emails if you want to join as well link in the description below and i got walid with the two and the two and i've never played much cod but i used to have so much fun on battlefield 3 4 campaign this is amazing big thank you to joey and brian for helping earlier when chat was a bit messed up and slow best mod team tg lean alberta you have to have it on the most difficult settings third games just better environment and challenge in harder settings canadian league shady walid appreciate that and yes i definitely i definitely i definitely i definitely need to uh put up to the highest uh the settings the highest difficulty rather so be on the lookout for that let me know if you guys want to see that in the next part shout out to lemons i love your channel for so long i was so happy to see this early don't have anything to plan on shed lemons i'm glad you enjoyed the channel glad i could uh provide some early footage for you youtube god vlogs thank you for that nicholas collins game is actually beautiful tgg enjoy shout out to you man i will um ty iverson thank you we have auxiliary exedy servers are up on ps4 i'm live oh well i don't know i didn't mean to read that because he just self-promoted but uh busy with the 10 just wanted to say that i watch every stream and each time you make my day i've been a subscriber since 280k and you always seem to make me feel better no matter what thank you busy that means a lot big shout out to you for the love really do appreciate that and glad i can make your day in any way guys i know a lot of you guys are sad but i want to make sure that i got these in like enjoyable time you know like a lot of people won't click on like a four hour stream i want to make sure that we can do it like in two hour chunks and then we'll have nice four episodes stuff like that so um yeah i think that's the way we're gonna do it i will be streaming again today so make sure to to stay up for that and uh yeah if you want to follow me over on twitter typicalgamer let me know when you want to see more call of duty modern warfare and the best way to let me know is by hitting that like button thank you guys for over almost 6 000 likes on this really means a lot so that's going to be out for this one i will see you guys in the next stream really really soon bye thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and peace out you
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 1,498,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty modern warfare, call of duty, modern warfare, mw, cod, typical gamer, tg, modern warfare gameplay, call of duty modern warfare gameplay, mw gameplay, cod modern warfare, call of duty modern warfare 2019, call of duty modern warfare multiplayer, cod modern warfare gameplay, new call of duty 2019, call of duty gameplay, call of duty modern warfare 2019 gameplay, cod mw gameplay, cod mw, call of duty 2019
Id: QfqbG-qI1C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 18sec (8418 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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