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if you ever go to israel on a regular commercial tour of israel the first place that they take you to is the holocaust museum and it is a thick feeling that you get in your innards when you walk through that museum and see the photographs of what one group of men did to another group of men for no other reason than they were who they were as though they had anything to do about who they were where museum over 50 million black africans we're talking about racism dr claude anderson who is black and the author of the celebrated book black labor of white wealth in a public meeting held here in the crenshaw christian center fade dome said almost the identical thing that mr coinville said that was the one that we quoted last time in reference to racism dr anderson speaking to a mostly black audience said and i quote i want to i want you to understand that you are in a very highly competitive situation you're going to be competing to survive and prosper and that's what racism is all about contrary to what anybody tells you and i just saw a definition of racism in the washington post just last week who is a noted colonist who is a conservative and what he was really talking about was prejudice and discrimination racial prejudice is about color and anybody can be prejudiced but only a certain group can be racist all right a black person cannot be a racist racism is a power relationship between groups of people that's all it is it means that one group of people have control of so much wealth and power and resources that it can deprive hurt and injure and exploit another group to benefit itself never say never dr anderson goes on to say never in the history of the earth have black folk ever controlled that much resources where they have gone out of their way to exploit injure and do something to white so therefore racism only started in the 16th century racism we're not talking about racial prejudice now you got to keep those two things separated okay when they began to commercialize slavery against blacks that's when racism started there was no such thing as racism before that the other thing you need to know about racism is racism comes from the word race r-a-c-e race means group so whenever you hear people talking about you cannot prove racism because someone fires you from a job they are absolutely right and the power structure and all the white think tanks in washington know that that's why you can no longer prove racism because racism hear this well racism does not apply to an individual it applies to a group because i discriminate against you that the individual that's personal it's not group based and so you can no longer prove group based discrimination the second thing about the word race which is very important is that the word race means being in competition race means being where people are competing from here to there and and we're in competition that's what racism means black people must learn how to compete and survive or not compete and perish the system is stacked against you and if we don't pull together we gonna be in the dugout not out on the playing field we gonna be on the bench not on the court shooting baskets and that's how you subjugate a people is keep them divided and they have done a masterful job now listen again black people must learn how to compete and survive now see we're not talking about being against anybody that's where everybody gets scared when you start talking about it it's amazing every other culture group can come together and everybody thinks it's nice but when black people try to get together all of a sudden there's something wrong with that see that's a part of the mentality and the mindset to keep us divided so that we're fragmented and don't have strength see if you take a string wrap it around your hand just a little small string and take the other string the other end of it wrap around your hand and hold it like this and go you can break that string but you put 500 of them strings together you will never break them all right now in my humble opinion and that's the end of the quote let me read that again black people must learn how to compete and survive or not compete and perish end of quote in my humble opinion these statements by mr kyvel and dr anderson say all there is to say about the definition of racism as practiced here in the united states in other words these two men have given us the technical definition of racism however in this segment of our teaching my purpose is to talk about racial prejudice which traditionally has been interpreted as racism that's what the average person thinks when he hears the word racism he thinks racial prejudice in a book entitled all god's children author stephen l mckenzie associate professor of hebrew bible old testament rhodes college memphis tennessee copyright 1995 by stephen l mckenzie on page 122 makes this illuminating statement and i quote despite the progress of the civil rights movement in the 1960s and the following decades racism is still very much an issue in this country racial integration which has crept into schools businesses and other institutions in america tragically has made little headway in the churches fannie lou hamer's observation about sunday morning church service being the most segregated hour in america is as true today as it was 20 years ago end of quote from the same book mentioned earlier author paul kinville on page 121 says from 1619 now i i don't know i have to read this but do you have a you know have you ever been on a commercial airliner and right in the little pocket in front of you they have little plastic bags in case you get air sick do y'all have any plastic bags with you today because what i'm getting ready to share with you now may tend to cause air sickness to come upon you but i hope you'll be able to maintain yourself from the same book mentioned earlier author paul kibel on page 121 says and i quote from 1619 until slavery ended officially in 1865 10 to 15 million africans were brought here to america and another 30 to 35 million died in transport a journey called the middle passage in all 40 conservatively speaking 40 to 50 million africans were abducted or killed by our white american and european foreparents end of quote now we just quoted a white man not an angry black revolutionary we just quoted from the book of a white man caucasian cockazoid white 40 to 50 million were abducted or killed by our white american and european foreparents end of quote that's awesome to say the least we get upset and righteously indignant and rightly so when we think about adolf hitler and the annihilation of six million jews during world war ii which was without question a tragedy but who gets righteously indignant and upset about 50 million black africans who were abducted or killed by the forefathers of this nation if you ever go to israel on a regular commercial tour of israel the first place that they take you to is the holocaust museum and it is a thick feeling that you get in your innards when you walk through that museum and see the photographs of what one group of men did to another group of men for no other reason than they were who they were as though they had anything to do about who they were where where be the holocaust museum over 50 million black africans well i forgot they don't count they just animals anyway so forget them oh yeah that's the attitude forget them people want to get upset i start talking about this and people get upset you don't get upset with the jews for having a holocaust museum and i agree with them i think they ought to have it thank god they have it and hopefully enough people with enough brains will go there and see that mess and b never be tempted to do that or let that happen again to any group of people but what about the black africans don't go there don't go there i am don't go there i ain't gonna say any more about that uh what does he mean not for you don't worry about it now listen to this in the same book on page 121 and 122 mr caibo gives us an interesting view of one of our most cherished heroes abraham lincoln i always thought that abraham lincoln freed the slaves because of a heartfelt desire to do what was right in the sight of god concerning one man enslaving another man in other words rectifying man's inhumanity to man according to mr kyle perhaps i have been wrong what do you think i quote the civil war was a complicated political economic and social event and while slavery was a key issue the abolition of slavery was not a strong concern of the american public as lincoln wrote in a letter to horus greeley a journalist and political leader and contemporary of lincoln added dear sir i have not meant to leave anyone in doubt it this is abraham lincoln okay dear sir i have not meant to leave anyone in doubt my paramount object in this struggle is to save the union and is not either to save or destroy slavery they didn't teach you this if i could listen this is lincoln talk if i could save the union without freeing any slave i would do it and if i could save it by freeing all the slaves i would do it and if i could do it by freeing some and leaving others alone i would also do that what i do about slavery and the colored wraith i do because it helps to save the union end of quote i mean people you wonder why we have problems see this this this thinking this pattern of thinking it has been passed on from father to son father to son family to family see people don't talk about it out in the open but they talk about it behind closed doors and they have these attitudinal ideas about black people that's why this thing has continued to go as long as it has and the church is the most guilty group on planet earth in fostering this kind of thinking that's an eye-opening statement just what lincoln just said isn't it on page 122 mr caival makes an insightful statement that is sure to anger some i quote the second problem with moving on from slavery is that we rarely acknowledge the long-lasting effects of more than 200 years of slavery although slavery was officially officially abolished by the 13th amendment in 1865 economic and cultural exploitation everyday violence including lynching rape physical attack and other forms of violence political disenfranchisement and also disenfranchisement and also total segregation in the south and the north continued into recent times we have had over 350 years of economic and cultural enrichment of the white community at the expense of african-americans the effects of that exploitation are in the present end of quote now there's one last statement that i would like to quote from mr kybel that i think puts the icing on the cake of this issue of racism in america on page 110 he says and i quote we cannot build trust and an honest commitment to creating equality in this country if we are denying the injustices of the past our good faith efforts to change the system will not be taken seriously if we continue to deny or distort the record of white racism end of quote that's awful but it's awesome i hope you're hearing me america has a lot that it must answer for i don't want to want to get the i want i don't want you to get the idea that white racism is peculiar to the united states it is worldwide for instance we have all heard of apartheid in south africa but we need to realize that most of our information about it is from the media which is controlled by the white power structure i think it will be of interest for our present study to hear from some africans themselves who have had to live under the south african brand of racism in a book entitled the church and racism a black south african perspective by again i apologize if i don't pronounce these words because they i i don't know what let me let me spell it z-o-l-i-l-e though lily m-b-a-l-i z-o-l-i-l-e-m-b-a-l-i copyright by the same person 1987 published by scm press limited london england the author points up the same general facts about racism that we have already have already seen in our study on page 11 the author states and i quote so the economic reason for apartheid can be seen as cheap labor america can relate to that because it be the past master of cheap labor this nation's wealth was built on the back of cheap labor sheep meaning nothing but let me let me quote the author again so the economic and i'm quoting so the economic reason for apartheid can be seen as cheap labor the existence of chief labor sustains the high standard of living of the whites and this is an african wrote a book in south africa about south africa but you know that the devil has a mastercard too you know he flies from one country to the other so you know he's not not just limited to one country it sounds like america don't you think he further states on page 15 and i quote the world council of churches concern over racism goes back to the general assembly held at uppsala in 1968 section 4 of the uppsala report reads a in parenthesis racism is linked with economic and political exploitation end of quote doesn't that sound just like what we read from mr caivill and paul anderson uh dr claude anderson it's the same thing see racism is economic we are back at the same point that mr kyvel and dr anderson pointed out to us racism is as i said economical and political exploitation whether america or south africa is the same old garbage mr mbali goes on to say on page 18 under heading b rationale for an ecumenical program to combat racism that's the subtitle okay page 18 under b rationale for an ecumenical program to combat racism under numeral two we have savvy to recognize that in spite of the battle that has been fought against racism by the churches mission agencies and councils of churches with often heroic personal sacrifice racism is now a worse menace than ever we have also savvy to confess that churches have participated in racial discrimination many religious institutions of the white northern world have benefited from racially exploitive economic systems many church members are unaware of the facts of racism and of the involvement of their religious and secular institution in its perpetuation lacking information about institutionalized racism and about the possibility of developing sophisticated strategies to secure racial justice christians oh lord christians often engage in irrelevant and timid efforts to improve race relations too little and too late end of quote now i want you to get the enormity of this because this statement was made in 1969 now i want to refer to one more statement that mr mbali makes that i think every american and every person who styles himself a christian should think about very seriously i think that the future of our nation and the church rest upon the recognition of the truth revealed in this statement on page 17 mr mbali states under roman numeral 2 recommendation regarding an ecumenical program to combat racism under numeral one and i'm quoting since its inception the world council of churches has consistently denounced the sin of racism oh you didn't get that oh you missed a good time to shout you missed that listen since its inception the world council of churches has consistently denounced the sin of racism the world council is saying that racism is a sin and if it's sin it should be repented of and repentance means stop doing it that's one reason why our nation is going through the hell it's going through this nation has never repented i said the nation has never repented listen now since its inception the wcc world council of churches has consistently denounced the sin of racism that's the bottom line issue racism called by any other name is still a sin and sin must be dealt with the question must be asked how did or what allowed america to get into the position of being racist or color prejudiced against black people how'd that happen how'd that start where did it come from we know that slavery was and is an economic proposition but what conditions prevail that allowed wasp so-called christian men and women to condone racism and racial prejudice and if you don't know what the wasps are wasp i'll tell you white anglo-saxon protestants i didn't coin the word i'm just there's a word i picked up in my research that's how they refer to themselves white anglo-saxton protestants we need to look at that question how so-called christian men and women could condone racism and racial prejudice we need to look at this very carefully so that we can see how to reverse the situation we definitely have some monstrous racial problems both in secular america and in the church of the lord jesus christ what could enter the minds of intelligent rational thinking people that would cause them to mistreat a whole race of people who had never done anything negative to them to treat them in a way in which they themselves would not want to be treated the cause the big lie black people are inferior this has been taught in the schools in the homes and in the history of this nation the lie must be corrected some people will deny this assertion and will attempt to defend themselves they will become angry with me and threaten to stop watching the program or financially stop supporting the program all i can say is do what you have to do because i must do what i have to do and notice i didn't say all so if you're not guilty you don't have to get upset if you're not a part of the problem then you must be a part of the solution jesus said it this way see there is no middle ground there is no neutrality jesus said it this way real simple cut to the chase jesus said if you're not for me you are against me that's it is that simple [Applause] that's how he interprets it you may say well i'm not for and i'm not against jesus i'm neutral he says if you're not for him you are against him and i say if you not for me you are against me let's look at some historical documentation to see if there is any validity to what i have said in regards to the lie about the inferiority of the black man if we do not know what causes our thinking patterns about other people we can never make any corrective adjustments before we get into the historical documentation i feel it necessary to address the possible criticism that may be leveled at me from some african-americans concerning why would i bring up racism racial prejudice slavery and all of the other unpleasant things of the past actually that is a very legitimate question and frankly i really don't be i really don't mind being asked from a book entitled the journey of the song hey people copyright 1987 by calvin r robinson redmond battle and edward w robinson jr the authors answer this question for me in a way that leaves little room for debate why would i bring this up why would we talk about all this stuff why plumb the depths of the past this book i don't even have to answer the question they it for me on page 21 of this book the journey of the song hey people they state and i quote oh you got to get this if you don't get this then you're not interested in blacks if you're a black person and you don't get this you're not interested in yourself and if you're a white person and you don't get to you're not interested in us now get this i quote knowledge of race history is to the race exactly and as an individual's memory is to that individual uh let let me let me let me drop that on you again cause that heavy that this deep we get we going deep down you got to get this though you got to get that listen to this because i know that this is see this thing just went to the air today um and and when the rest of it gets to there people are going to i know what black folks going to do the field folk they're going they're going to get they're going to be upset with me they're going to announce me they're going to denounce me they're going to talk me that you watch it your friends and relatives they'll do the same thing or the house yeah that's the house i'm sorry stop don't know the field folks they're the good folks yeah we to feel folks hey feel folks i'm sorry i'm at the house folks you know them house people they're gonna jump all over me about this but here get this now quote knowledge of race history is to the race exactly as an individual's memory is to that individual the masses of american the masses of african americans suffer from partial cultural ane amnesia because of a certain deliberate program which wiped the slates of our memories clean of true african events prior to the cotton fields of america but the monsters who perpetrated this cultural genocide were not satisfied after wiping the memory slate clean they rode upon those slaves a series of vicious lies they wrote on the slates on the minds of all black and white alike that the african is really an ape which can speak they wrote on the slates of the minds of all that the african evolved in the heartland of the jungles of africa where not even the faintest glimmer of light of science and learning could penetrate they wrote on those slaves that this african sub-human has neither the genetic ability to learn nor the ability to behave properly they program all of this upon the minds of all black and white alike in the quote i agree with this because the history of this nation bears it out on page 23 and 24 of the same book they ask an important question and answer it superbly why study modern history or any history at all two of the greatest benefits that can be derived from the knowledge of history is not only the receiving of a better understanding of the present but more importantly that knowledge of history will provide the information with which to shape the future place yourself in the position of a successful businessman who as a result of an accident has a sudden loss of your memory you would not know where your office is nor how to get there you would not know what successes you had achieved what you are supposed to do today know how to plan for future successes for all of your knowledge and experience would be entirely lost you would have to start all over again you would not know the reasons for your present situation you could not call on experience and knowledge to plan for a successful future if your business rival stole your records they could tell you all kinds of falsehood they could reduce you to an impoverished blubbering idiot that condition is called amnesia amnesia is not just limited to individuals a whole wraith can have amnesia it is a truism that history is to the human race what memory is to the individual now that's awesome but how true cicero first century roman writer statesman and orator said and i quote this is this is awesome listen to this there is very little that is more important for any people to know than their history culture traditions and language for without such knowledge one stands naked and defenseless before the world in the quote we don't know where we came from all of our names are white names taken from the slave masters we don't know what our ancestors called us they wiped the slates clean that's why we've been defensive because we don't know self we don't know where we came from someone else is well said and i quote he who does not understand the past is doomed to repeat it in the quote these statements sum up in a nutshell my reasons for bringing up the past moving right along let's examine some documentation that sheds more light on how this inferiority of the black man black man lie got started oh this this is in a book entitled infected christianity by alan davies copyright 1988 by mcgill queens university press page 13 the author states and i quote the philosopher david hume who happened to be an 18th century scottish historian and philosopher the philosopher david hume had this to say about the black man and i quote i am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all the other species of men for there are four or five different kinds to be naturally inferior to the whites there never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white nor even any individual imminent either in action or speculation no ingenious manufacturers amongst them no arts no sciences end of quote and i mean i can understand how he could come up with that i mean i could see that i mean how in the world i mean you know ignorant black folk couldn't have done anything but build pyramids i mean that's you know you know apes apes yeah they built the pyramids and modern science they still don't know how them folk built them to this day they still can't figure out how they got them stoned up on top these are people that don't have no science but these are the kinds of attitudes that have been promulgated down through time and some of you got these attitudes in you now you know it and i know it and god knows it and you need to be cleansed you need to be washed and i need to quit because i am out of time we walk by faith not by [Applause] is where you need to be if you're about growth and evolving as a person and is about truth oh no not my truth god's truth and if you're not about god's truth then this isn't the website for you if you're into gossip then this isn't the website for you and if you're not into learning and growing as a person then again this isn't the website for you so come on have some knowledge dropped on you or are you scared of what you may find out so go to or if you're into a listening mode go to my podcast at anchor dot fm forward slash marvin dash fan for fan line 100 either way you'll learn something and every so often i'll give away cash prizes but you'll have to check out
Channel: Marvin Fant / Fantline
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Id: 0R7kuEocnL4
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Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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