Fantastic New Plants at the Nursery | Gardening with Creekside

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hello friends i am jenny welcome to gardening with creekside and our weekly nursery tour it is mid-october here in dallas north carolina and we got some really fun plants in yesterday we have a great wholesale supplier here in our region and i had the absolute most fun ordering a lot of shrubs and then a couple of perennials from them so we're going to walk through and show you some of those fun new things that we got along with things that we grew here at creekside nursery some plants that are just looking fantastic all sorts of fun things so grab your favorite beverage get your gardening journal out get ready to take some notes and let's start talking about plants i will say that it is a saturday morning and we are open so if you see people coming in and going those are just employees just ignore them just pay attention to me and the plants and everything else will be fine now the first thing that we have is this beautiful shrub right here this is a really fun neat new for us certainly not new in the world of horticultural this is mount airy father gilla and i practiced on this it is a native shrub that you might know as a bottle brush now right now it's just a nice looking green shrub but this is a dwarf father father gilla and it will only get to be about three to six feet tall and wide we'll put all the information up there in case i get anything wrong it is extremely hardy a nice range of growing zones but what is so fun about this is that in early early spring before it even puts out any kind of leaves is it does these beautiful white bottle brush blooms and those will last and then the you know the foliage will come it will provide a great interest say if you want to do it like in the back of a border and then in the fall it will turn beautiful reddish colors nice fall colors so this is a fun one we are going to be incorporating this into some new beds that we're going to be doing here at the nursery so again really fun neat different shrub than what we've offered in the past so we grabbed those and had fun with those coming on down of course this is not um we've had this for a while because we are growing this this is the new hydrangea from proven winners this is fire light tidbit now fire light tidbit is basically the mini version of the fire light which i have grown for several years in our landscape and love and adore it now as jerry is showing you those blooms the reason that we have a lot of creamy white blooms this time of year is because we planted these shrubs in i want to say it was july so the creamy white blooms are not going to be typical for this time of year what is going to be typical are these beautiful rose colored pink blooms fire light tidbit and fire light are one of the few panicles that will reliably turn pink for us here in the south limelight little lime those will turn pink in the fall for our folks who have cool nights our nights are so hot and humid that a lot of times those will just go from like a cream to a lime to a brown firelight and firelight tidbit turn that pink and tidbit is a nice little tiny one it's only two to three feet tall and wide so it is perfect for landscapes if you want to put them like in the front of your bed it's perfect for containers lots of options it is a panicle so it does need those sun environments so at least at a minimum i would say four to six hours or more of sun fantastic now another fun one that we got was camellias us southerners doing juilliard camellias and so this is one by southern living this one is early wonder now early wonder is going to be there's two types of camellias there are cesanquas that bloom early first like in the fall to christmas and then there are japonicas this is a japonica japonicas will bloom um basically kind of from january-ish anywhere through to the spring early wonder is a sun-loving camellia it has a gorgeous double pink bloom very reminiscent of like a rose bloom it is absolutely gorgeous this guy will get six to eight feet tall four to six feet wide so it's going to be a little bit more tall and narrow than it is wide and it is zones seven to nine so camellias are one of those things that us folks in the south it's one of the few plants that the southerners like we have gorgeous flowers in the wintertime so we do love these of course camellias are evergreen but i just wanted to show you this early wonder because that bloom is just oh magnificent and in those kind of those dreary months of january february march we need a little something extra in our garden so this is when this one will be blooming we did um we were able to grab some other camellias that are a little bit more shade tolerant so we have those over in the pines so if you were local and you were looking for both camellias or rhododendrons we have both of those and um because those are i don't know for whatever reason they're kind of hard to get right now so we were able to grab some up and we have them i am so excited about this hydrangea you may have heard about it and you may have not have this is brand new from proven winners and as far as i know it is the only one on the market this is a cascading hydrangea this is fairy trail bribe now of course it's in the fall it's not blooming fairy trail bride is like i said the first cascading hydrangea that i'm aware of it is hardly in zones seven to nine so again it's for the southern climates this beautiful thing will be a 4x4 bush shrub now because fairy trail bride blooms on both old wood and new wood proven winners recommends that you not prune it at all because no matter when you prune it you're going to affect the blooms at some point so when you're picking out a space to put this hydrangea you want to have ample room for it to grow to its fullest maturity where you don't prune it at all so again four feet tall four feet wide it is going to be a sun loving hydrangea but with a lot of hydrangeas in the southern climates if you can give it a break from the afternoon sun that hot intense afternoon sun then that would be fantastic it will perform a little bit better they do gorgeous white blooms on it hence the bride part kind of reminds you of a lace cap bloom um but it's really just its own interesting bloom unto itself again i've been excited about this been waiting for this and then when our sweet folks had it on their availability list i grabbed it up and yesterday we had a couple of great customers coming in and when they saw it they were so excited and they grabbed them up as well so if you were interested in this again this is not a sales tactic but folks who were close by i would highly recommend you come get them because i'm not sure how long they're going to last and the availability and these are beautiful three gallon shrubs so fairy trail bride now if you were looking for another fantastic hydrangea now this is not new but this is a great one again from proven winters this is gatsby gal gatsby gal is a fantastic oak leaf hydrangea that you can see they're called oak leaf hydrangeas because their leaves look like oak leaves now gatsby gal is going to be a little bit more of a sun loving hydrangea she is going to be five to six feet tall and wide she is hearty in zones i can't see so we will put that up on the screen she is more sun-loving than what you think of your traditional oak leaf hydrangeas if you will remember my mama's high oak leaf hydrangea from that tour we did not too long ago hers was massive that's kind of an old-timey one this is had a little bit more breeding into it so she can handle more sun beautiful creamy white blooms that will have fantastic fall color even the leaves on the oak leaf will have great fall color so got the gatsby gal and gatsby gal really does perform quite well in our southern climate i have it back at the patio and she is in full sun sun up to sundown and she is doing great another one that i was so excited about native azaleas don't know if you are familiar with native azaleas this is gibraltar now again if you've been around us for any length of time you know that we are big clemson fans and so of course i love gibraltar because it has these gorgeous vibrant clips and orange blooms on it in fact a sweet customers of ours gave me a gibraltar a year ago and i put it in the garden at the house and she only had a few blooms her first year but they were absolutely gorgeous and stunning now native azaleas are different than traditional azaleas in the fact that they are one they are deciduous so yes they will completely lose their leaves in the fall winter time this one is going to be part shade so part shade so that about a half a day of sun if you of course if you have it in the hot afternoon sun if you can just kind of make sure it gets a little bit of water but once they're established they're pretty drought tolerant so they're pretty easy to go this will be six to seven feet tall three to four feet wide we'll have all the specs up there on the screen for you but native azaleas are fantastic it just brings a whole different whimsy to your garden of course they're going to be one of those early spring bloomers it's kind of a once and done but when they bloom they are magnificent so this is just a lot of fun if you want to add something different to your garden then you might want to think about the native azaleas and this gibraltar all right ooh let's talk about the north poles north poles and of course we have sprinters we got some sprinters in this is one of the one of our best sellers it's a great boxwood from proven winners very easy now north pole north pole arborvitae it again is from proven winners these are seven gallons and these are nice sized trees already so north pole obviously is going to be an evergreen you can use them as a screen or you can use them as a specimen tree either way that you want to do it they are going to be for sun in zones 3 to 7. now i know that we are a zone 7b so we are right on the line for these guys but they have proven to do really well in our climate they are going to be um 10 to 15 feet tall three to five wide so if you need something narrow but to fill in a little bit of height but not like a massive tree the north poles might be a great option for you and so we have them very disease resistant pest resistant easy peasy love them we're going to um go this way i think there's so much that i want to share with you beautiful we got the pinker the pugster pinker butterfly bushes we got the pink and the white we love the whole pugster series because again nice and petite if you think of traditional butterfly bushes they can get mammoth and huge the pugsters are only a two by two semi evergreen so that means even in the winter time they're not going to go what i say they're not going to be naked um they will have some foliage on them obviously they're not going to be blooming but they're not going to be just sticks like a hydrangea zones five to nine very very adaptable later on this afternoon once the dew dries there will be butterflies all over this and for whatever reason this time of year for us is a lot of monarchs so yesterday jackson was out here chasing monarchs with my phone trying to get some pictures but they are fantastic so there's the pinker the white if you want more of a purple then the amethyst is a nice light purple kind of that lavender color and then if you want something a little bit more intense then we have the blue which is up here as well so when that truck came yesterday we were kind of slinging plants everywhere we got to move some things around now two things that i am so excited about all right irises both of these are japanese irises so we're going to start with this one because the foliage alone is exquisite this is simply called a variegated japanese iris so it is a non-branded just great beautiful foliage on this thing it does gorgeous deep purple blooms on it japanese irises are going to be one of the if not the latest blooming irises deep purple but what's neat and what i'm going to use it for is that it likes to be have wet feet consistently moist soil in fact this one can actually be a little bit submerged in water so if you have a water feature you can put actually really kind of in the water in that growing season time fantastic beautiful again all the information is up on the screen again if it never bloomed you've got this gorgeous foliage now the other one right now it's just some green foliage right just brings you some interest this is lion king again it is a japanese iris but the bloom on this is gorgeous it is that bi color of the white and the purple it is going to be three i'm trying to get the tag out three to four feet tall and it is going to be in zones four to nine extremely adaptable again it will bloom later than your other irises and it is likes that consistently moist soil with the sun so oh my gosh so excited about these we're going to be using these in the landscape all right moving on wanted to show you let's go this way i wanted to show you some fun interest because the people that have been coming to the nursery here lately are just absolutely loving this water trough so you'll remember this water trough that we have planted it numerous times in this year what i did is i had it with just foliage so these are three prince cut grasses from proven winters they are annuals it is a type of paparazz grass so of course it loves it hot it cannot handle frost and freezes again it is a water hog so if you put prince tut there is prince tut baby tut king tut so this is kind of the middle size of the plant of the family if you put it in a container you're gonna have to make sure it's a nice big pot so that it can have lots of water the more water it gets the bigger it grows and then heather who is a fantastic part of our creekside family planted it up for me we have got um i mean just a whole interest of all sorts of different things types of like kales and sorrels and artemisia and not dahlias excuse me euphorbias and violas lots of beautiful things in here but this is a great example of how you can transition your pot from your spring summer planting all the way into your fall if something looks great leave it take out the stuff that doesn't look good and then replant it underneath so this is a lot of fun all right moving on over here we got in some soil and soil amendments this week we have got plenty of the proven winter's potting soil so if you're going to be doing up some fall containers this is a great thing to use of course we still have our the espoma the land and sea compost this is a great way to amend your beds going into the winter fall so if you're about to lay down some fresh mulch or pine needles or whatever it is that you use that's the perfect time that i love to reapply by land and sea i top dress my beds with that that way all winter your it is leaching down into the soil and those roots are soaking up all those nutrients and just absolutely love it so we have the land and sea we've got plenty of biotone so if you are planting your fall things perennials and shrubs we have that great starter fertilizer for your roots we got in we had sold out but we now we have more of this is the black gold natural and organic ultra outdoor planting mix that is a mouthful this is a great option for folks who have clay soil and you're looking to amend your soil when you're planting those new perennials or trees or shrubs because not only does it have compost in it but it has the aged pine bark finds that provides the irrigation that we need with our clay soil so what you can do with this is you mix this in with your native soil together and then fill your hole back in and then you can top dress or if you're creating a whole new bed you can just throw this on top of the bed and as you're planting your plants it gets all mixed in and does fantastic a new one that we got is the raised bed and potting mix from black gold if you are looking to create new vegetable gardens or you want to do container plantings for your herbs your veggies raised bed mix is a great option for you it is the omri listed certified so it is organic this will provide everything that you need to grow beautiful healthy vegetables in your garden so i'm going to be using this um we already have some raised bed mix raised beds at the house and i'm going to be planting some garlic for the winter so i'm going to add this in because i need to supplement my garden boxes with it so that's what we're going to do all right we're going to go this way because i want to show you this bed back here when you come to the nursery this is one of the beds that you're going to see um pretty pretty soon because we created this bed it's either two or three years ago um on this bank because this bank has proven to be kind of tricky because we have in the winter especially lots of water that comes down it was kind of unsightly obviously we wanted it to make it look pretty so we designed it to have year-round interest so i just wanted to show you just real quickly we have been here before you know this we were back here in march trimming and pruning and doing all sorts of fun things but i just wanted to run through for some new folks to show you what we have so this is a mix of both evergreen shrubs flowering shrubs perennials annuals are in here and i have bulbs these are kaleidoscopeabilia's fantastic evergreen shrub that is a little wider it's not very tall it's only like two to three feet tall two to three feet wide lots of fun interest and color these are doing great and then also we have distilliums distilliums are these wonderful evergreen again that kind of low wispy wide shrub i just learned it's actually part of the witch hazel family because in late winter it will do little tiny like fringe flowers very much like a witch hazel on the stems nice deep maroon burgundy color those are great in the back we have the grand cascade butterfly bushes these are wonderful beautiful huge massive blooms on them again the butterflies the pollinators love these and they just are fantastic butterfly bushes i was just sitting here thinking because you'll notice that we this is right kind of on the edge of the trees that we sometimes they start to stretch for the sun so we're going to have to kind of limb these guys up a little bit so that they can get more sun and i will say that none of this bed is on irrigation so if you don't have irrigation you can have beautiful shrubs growing now it was just yesterday i posted a picture on instagram about our little lime hydrangeas one of my all-time absolute favorite hydrangeas so this is again little lime so it is the miniature version of limelight they will be about three to five feet tall for us in the south they go for five feet tall all the time but if you have cooler climb if you're in a cooler climate even if it gets hot during the day but your nighttime temperatures will cool down and you're not you know as hot and sticky like what we are then your little limes and lime lights will turn a beautiful pink just like those firelight tidbits do our nights are so hot and humid a lot of times our little limes and our limelights will go from that cream to the lime to the brown so they they have just a hint of the pink to them but not a lot so if your little limes limelights don't turn that beautiful pink color that maybe you see online you're not doing anything wrong it's more about our climate and our environment rather than how you're treating your plants so don't freak out about it it's just a different fall look but it's still just as equally as beautiful so we have those throughout this whole entire bed we have the sunshine ligustrums which are the great limey green they are evergreen shrubs in the back lots of fun color and then what we do in the front where we have the mums right now in the summertime we will have we'll plant them in the spring this is where we plant our petunias so we'll take a hanging basket take it out of the basket throw it in the ground and we have gorgeous flowers all spring summer early fall season and then what we've done now is taking those out and put some mums and just as a little um a little gardening hack they're not technically planted they're still in their pots we just kind of dug the hole out and put the pot in there you know because mums for us we treat them as annuals so why go to all that work just you know fake it fake it till you make it um we're still waiting on the greenhouse it's coming but you know this is one reason why we planned on doing it having it installed this time of year as opposed to like january because we knew that we have a nice window of opportunity we're not stressed out that they're not here that they're running behind it is no big deal we have got it um it is all good we still have lots of pansies we've got the cascading pansies so the trailing pansies if you're looking for those we have got those we have got hanging baskets let me see if i can pull one down for you here uh jimmy's got to short girl problems right here let's see if i can get it out there we go all right so again our wonderful creative heather took these wire coco line baskets and she planted them up in just a beautiful arrangement of both pansies violas perennials all sorts of fun things again these baskets will be beautiful they need probably at least i would say five hours of sun to maintain their health and vigor and their flowers so they won't stretch too long but you can see how nice and full they are each basket is different so this has the ascot rainbow in it she has some that have lavender in them some of them are they're just all different so if you are local and you were looking for something fun this would make a great gift to somebody if you want to need to give a little thank you or somebody's not feeling well take him a gift teacher gift whatever all you have to do at this point is water it but a beautiful nice full basket nice and something different for the fall all right let's see jerry what else should we talk about got any ideas he's not helping me he just says go [Laughter] bless his little heart let's see let's come over here oh let's talk about the camellias and the rhododendrons that i was talking about because we have got a lot of different ones available now these are all the rhododendrons and so i will just tell you rhododendrons of course these are going to be more shade loving plants evergreen we have some that are white blooms pink blooms purple blooms shorter to taller lots of just gorgeous nice huge blooms on them when they bloom in the late winter early spring absolutely gorgeous on those we do have available we are starting to sell the linton roses so linton roses hellebore we had gotten these in from walters gardens potted them up and they are really starting to put on you can see this nice bright green lots of new growth on them so we love the hellebore linton roses because they are evergreen they are extremely low maintenance perennial they are deer resistant because as their leaves mature they get a nice really tough texture to them but they're called linton roses they're not a rose at all because they are one of the earliest bloomers in your garden a lot of times around the season of lent so they hence the name they have gotten is linton rose but they come in a ton of different colors we have a lot of the honeymoon series from walters gardens so again if you are local and you are looking for linton roses we have got them anywhere from like almost what we call the black to the burgundy to a light pink to a white all sorts of different colors these are going to be part shade to full shade fantastic to add to your garden your shade garden kind of that low understory fun pops of color we could not for us but you could have snow on the ground and your lit and roses could be blooming because they are hardy in zones four to nine extremely adaptable and diversified i think we are going to wrap it up for today because we are starting getting very close to the nursery opening and we need to wrap it up so as always thank you so much for gardening with creekside y'all have a great day we'll see you next time bye friends
Channel: Gardening with Creekside
Views: 34,446
Rating: 4.9842253 out of 5
Keywords: gardening with creekside, creekside nursery, pollinator garden, garden tour, plant nursery business, Plant Nursery, butterfly garden, coleus, shrubs, gardening 101, Nursery Tour, horticulture, charlotte nc, hardscape, landscaping, landscape design, plant nursery, proven winners plants, proven winners perennials, garden answer, plant shopping, plant haul, southern living plant collection, zone 7b gardening, summer garden tour, little lime hydrangea, proven winners, zone 7b
Id: bX4EtBl9qvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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