And They Said I was CRAZY for Growing a Tomato Tree...

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what's going on growers it's James  Prigioni coming to you live from   jersey fall is officially here but the  harvests they haven't even slowed down   and the tomato plants have grown into tomato  trees so it's time for another harvest let's go let's jump right into the harvesting we'll start  off with this old polish variety the soldaki   look at the size of these ones let's  grab a couple of these this is like   oh man just so beautiful i've talked about  this tomato a lot this is one of the best   sandwich tomatoes there are so good we've got a  lot to harvest here though so we're gonna grab   a couple of these it's always known to be  a good producer for me late into the season   we'll get another one here and then  let's get these two in the back   let's get this one here even though it's  not perfectly ripe it's getting there   and then let's get this one right here so you  can see one plant look at that incredible i'm   going to bring you over to the tomato plants  that have literally turned into tomato trees i   just got to grab a few more things in this section  because there's a lot to grab here like this old   cherokee indian variety also known as cherokee  purple and this is a good reliable one producing   for me uh late as well so i'm happy with  this one look at them more on this side too   this one kind of like i allowed to sprawl on  the ground but you'll notice even though i let   it sprawl it's doing well because it's on top  of wood chips it's just not on top of the dirt   so that's really good and here's the Rose  De Berne this is an excellent tomato too   delicious flavor to it and look at that color  just beautiful so we'll grab this one as well   and it's fall we're getting all these beautiful  harvests from the tomatoes feels like it's never   ending sometimes look at this oh my gosh let  me bring you over here and there's someone   getting a new roof in so there's a little nailing  going on in the background but i still felt like   i needed to share this with you guys look at this  hungarian heart this thing has just gotten massive   this is one of the biggest most beautiful tomatoes  i think i've ever grown look at the size of it   like this is bigger than any fruit that  i grew the whole year like fruit tree   and then my tomatoes are taller than fruit  trees so they're like literally trees   check this out tuck's going for one of the  cucumbers probably wants one of these young   ones we'll get him one of the ones here  or it looks like he wants to get his own he's got his own little cuke we'll let him  snack on that while he's snacking on that   we'll grab some of our own like this one here  i know i've got more another one over here   and then grab this hungarian heart another one  beautiful and uh let's get this cherokee purple and this one and this one so just from that plant this is why we grow food in our backyard  it's the possibilities are endless   this is a great season extended cucumber i love  this thing this one's called the silver slicer   and it's known to be a good producer late  into the season like late into september   and it's proving to be so one of the reasons i  think is because it resists powdery mildew so   at the end of the season powdery mildew likes  to come and kill some of our stuff off like you   can see in here but with a silver slicer it's  resistant to that it's got a good mild flavor   and just incredibly productive so an overall  keeper without a doubt plus i think these white   cucumbers actually make it easier to find them  because sometimes the cucumber plants like to hide   the cucumbers but when they're white they really  stand out so let me put this down here and uh   come come check out all the stuff we got real  quick this is just in this one little section   look at this absolutely beautiful but i want  to bring you over to the pineapple tomato   because that thing is just absolutely massive and  i want to cut into it and show you how beautiful   the thing actually is now let's grab some of  these pineapple tomatoes right here these things   are huge the biggest tomatoes i've grown i  think even bigger than the hungarian hearts   let's grab this one first this one this one  is like perfect look at this thing massive   and look at that oh my gosh look how striking and  beautiful that is these are so beautiful when you   cut into them too so what i want to do is grab  this one right here and cut into it this is even   way bigger than that one look at this but it's  got some damage on it so i just want to cut into   it now to show you what it looks like but man that  thing is just absolutely beautiful let me grab a   cutting board right here and then i just want  to show you this thing is just insane it's just   look how much food that's going to be too this  thing is going to be a nice slicer but let's   see oh my gosh look at that that makes you not  even almost want to eat it how beautiful it is   so on the in the uh pictures in the  magazine or something they cut it like this   and then in like this i think so even tuck wants  to look at that look how beautiful that thing is   the flesh and everything that's insane so we're  going to eat on this tomato after this video we'll   eat this thing make some sandwiches out of  it or something but let's keep harvesting   because we got a lot more stuff to grab and  put into this old basket this one's got a   few more days on it so we'll just let it go but  i want to bring you over to these sulei pears   this is an asian pear although it doesn't look  like it so they're ripe they just started falling   to the ground and i've had some they're delicious  so although it doesn't look like it this is an   asian pear and it's known to be one of the  better tasting asian pears with you know a   good smell and stuff so i've had them they're  really good but these are the ones that fell   that's why i like grabbing them let's take  a bite and just see how good it actually is incredibly juicy ripe just such a good  flavor and we're gonna grab all these   these only fell over the last two days so i bet  if i come out tomorrow or something there more   will fall off after some wins so we'll just let  them fall off on their own i shook it nothing   else came off so we'll just leave them grab  this beautiful gift and then keep going because   man what a beautiful tree this thing  is this is only its fourth year too and   let's check out the tomato trees now look at this  tell me this thing hasn't turned into tomato tree   if we come over on this side you'll be able to see  the uh apples next to it too it just looks crazy   like the stalk on this thing is just this thick  look at it look at the size this thing's maybe   14-15 feet look at my apple tree right next to me  it's bigger than my apple tree so it's actually   a tomato tree i mean if you want to grow tomatoes  like this there's a there's a reason we do it it's   you can see all the space we're getting out  of it that extra space but it's also getting   it up off the ground to get a lot more airflow  and light so it's not getting many diseases and   it's just completely loaded look at this i gotta  grab all the way up here to get these tomatoes   check out the other one next to me too this thing  has gotten so tall and it's gotten top heavy   because i prune some of the lower things so it's  just bending over and essentially cracking this   uh this steak but that's okay just a piece of  bamboo we'll get more next year but look at   that tell me that's not an actual tomato tree and  it's bigger than my apple tree which is producing   apples and we should actually grab a couple  apples while we're at it it's not a bad idea   let's grab one of these this is the  bell mac check out on this side how   look and you can see the tomatoes in  there look maybe we'll grab this one oh oh yeah and i've shown you before but i love  shining these apples because it's   incredible how much different looks  after it's shined up so pre-shine post shine that's no joke look at that incredible but we got  more stuff to grab i like getting these apples   just like one or two every day because it it  just extends the harvest i get to eat them fresh   i just love doing it like that and we've got  just a lot more stuff to get to be honest with   you and we've got the pink tongue eggplants  here we'll grab a few of these real quick   beautiful we've got the cubanelle semi sweet  peppers this one's got a little bite it looks like   but that's okay we've got the cuban l semi sweet  peppers right here doing that tuck dug underneath   this has got to be like the most productive pepper  that i've ever grown and if you want to grow   productive pepper get these in the ground it's  a good frying pepper good cooking pepper because   the walls on it are so thin so it cooks up quick  so it's a it's got a good flavor to it too i   really enjoy it the jimmy nardello too that one's  known to be one of the most delicious uh flavored   peppers but i got more peppers i want to show  you in the other garden after you grab some more   eggplants so let's get some eggplants here and the  eggplants right here they're some of my favorite   ones i prefer to grow these the rosa bianca  as opposed to the black kings i mean i do grow   some black kings but i always grow more the rosa  biancas because i think they're more beautiful   and they have good flavor i mean chefs love using  these too so it's a it's a looks beautiful tastes   excellent and it's just a great one another one  back here even bigger actually so these plants   are real nice producers for us you'll notice  as you look look down here i came by and i put   compost underneath the basement like mid-summer  that helped give them some fertilizer that will   allow them to produce later into the season so  it's like that added nutrition a little late   and it trickles down as it rains then i'm  gonna grab these eggplants right here one here   and then we'll grab another one back here this  one got a little big on us so got a little big but   that's okay still beautiful get that into there  and then before we get into the other garden we   have a few more things to grab like back here you  may not even kind of really be able to see it but   let me just bring you over look how well some  of our brassicas are doing too the next round of   things and take a peek into there too look at the  lettuce this lettuce is almost ready to harvest   so even though it's fall we're still harvesting  summer things because we're extending our summer   season but we're also gonna be harvesting some  fall stuff soon too and look at these cucumbers   more cucumbers over here and more over here so  let's grab these cukes looking pretty good in   this garden and let's move to the other food  for us let's grab some more peppers now we'll   grab them from the old food forest check out this  raised bed look at the color of the peppers and   how productive they are this is exactly what we  want to see we'll start off by grabbing some of   these gilboa orange peppers look at them in the  center there look how beautiful they are the color   the the orange versus the dark green is just  it's insane it looks so beautiful i love it and   like i had mentioned the cubanelle semi-sweet  like this one right here here's a kubernetes   semi-sweet these are known to have thinner walls  so they're good for like a frying and cooking   these have those like thick crunchy walls  so this thing's good for fresh eating too   so let's grab a couple more of these gobo oranges a few more of those guys put them there  actually let's get them into the bowl   where they belong or this guy's gonna end  up stealing them right boy we'll put these   ones in and then let's move around this back  side we've got some red marconi and we've got   some jimmy dardellos over here so this jimmy  nardell and variety looks like it's just a little   bigger this phenotype is a little bigger than  the other one i have a little wider which is nice   grab a few of these because we know the  environments can affect the way things grow   so even different microclimates will affect the  way different kinds of um even the same variety   of pepper will grow so let's get some of these  these are the red marconis not perfectly ripe   but this one's a little better look at  that the flavor on these is just so good   and then we'll have some more creole de cocinas  back there but i have another location where i   have some creole that casino is planted too i  want to show you something that's cool though   right over here the amount of birds nests  that have come into the garden this year is   it's been crazy it's just more and more nests  every time i look so here's a new one up here   in the this is the apple tree that we grew from  seed the prisgioni apple but in there they're   actually eating some of the perisione apples  and i think that's pretty cool how they're like   eating some of the food that we grew from seed  the apple tree so it's just it's just something   that gives me another reason to come out here  to know that some of the things that i'm growing   and something that i started even from seed  that like the birds and nature are enjoying it   even as much as i am so i think it's really cool  let's grab some of these apples this one right   here is the liberty apple one of the most disease  resistant apple trees on the planet and it's still   loaded with apples a good late producer so i love  that it's fall and we're still getting these fresh   fruits right off the trees and we're going to  be getting stuff much later with the persimmons   that thing actually came off pretty easy look at  the color on that that thing is just so beautiful   let me let me shine this one too so we get just  a little bit of that shine that's the before look at that after that's crazy so beautiful  it's just incredible i mean just looking at it   brings me joy and watching it grow and eating  it it's uh the whole process is really fun so   let's grab a few more things though and one thing  i want to show you is the size of these tomatoes   right here too look at this i wasn't kidding  when i said that these tomato plants have   actually turned in tomato trees i mean it's got a  thick stalk i've pruned it like you would a tree   all the stuff's just up top and the fruit is this  fruit's way higher than the the apple tree well so   again we're next to an apple tree and the apple  tree is smaller than my tomato trees loaded with   fruit this is uh it's so fun it's just i think  it's really cool but i'm gonna grab some of these   i'm not gonna waste too much of your time doing  that because it's pretty obvious let me get some   of these lemon boys and take a peek under here  on this side on actually how many there still are   i've been harping on season extension and growing  some hybrids that are disease resistant to get   the good harvest late because that's kind of why  you want these in here they don't taste maybe as   good as some of the heirlooms but you have those  heirlooms like the saldaki and the rosetta burn to   make sure you get the good flavored ones and you  have these hybrids to extend your season so when   you can grow plants not only for their beauty for  their flavor but also for their function it adds   another element that i think helps to increase  the overall harvest so i don't even know if i   can get at some of these ones they're so tight in  here let me just grab this one pretty good looking   and uh and we'll get this big one back here  oh yeah this is a good one if i can get it off   cool that's a nice one that's really nice a  little bit of a mark right there but still   absolutely beautiful now i just want to take you  back to one more spot in this palette bed because   i want to show you some of the tomatoes  but even more than that i want to show you   the insane amount of monarch butterfly larvae  that's back here it's they've literally eaten   all my old carrots but look at these tomatoes here  look at these ones oh my gosh these are so cool i can't think of the name this second but  i'll put the name in oh yeah pink bumblebee   look look i love the streaking on that that's so  cool so that's just an absolutely beautiful tomato   i wonder if i can get like a large beefsteak  one that had that kind of striping that would   be really cool and then let's get these jimmy  nardellos down here so i'm always sticking   things in extra peppers and stuff people don't  realize how well some peppers can grow in it   in a partial shade i've even mentioned that in one  of my videos but let's swing around i just want   to show you this one more thing and it's really  cool because this bed has this kind of goes back   to what bill molson says if you come around this  side i'll show you this bed has a high level of uh   yield in regards to tomatoes i've got  a lot of tomatoes out of it i mean   everywhere i look there's more here's another  black cherokee purple beautiful but it's also   got this other yield now of monarch butterflies  so coming close look at the carrots they've   been absolutely decimated but as we look close  right follow my finger and you'll see we've got   one here little monarch butterfly lambert here  let's go up here we've got more little baby ones   another one over here the other day i came out and  i counted ten so they're eating all the carrots   but that's going to be so cool in a small amount  of time there's just going to be even more monarch   butterflies than there were loving the zinnias  soaking everything in and just it's kind of   painting the picture of what i talked about in the  past how this is actually a paradise for everybody   and everything that's today's video growers thanks  for watching i hope you enjoyed it i hope you got   something out of it here's the harvest this  isn't even all of it but i just wanted to give   you a picture of what we did get monster tomatoes  pineapple tomatoes silver slicer cucumbers apples   orange peppers it's just uh such a blessing to  be a part of fresh pears in the back so anyone   can do this if you have the space and you have the  opportunity that's why me and tucker love making   these videos and i always say me and tuck because  this guy is truly a leader out here he's a master   gardener and he's we learn everything from this  guy so he's the best he's the king of getting   ear infections but he's still always out here  snacks on everything and look at the look at the   as i'm always making the videos he's always like  snacking on peppers look he stole the pepper   took a couple bites of it left it so  he's always leaving like remnants of him   so it's fun he's always a piece of  the garden and a piece of the video so   we love that about him so much i want to thank  tashura smith thanks for being a part of team   grow and starting a membership it means a lot to  me and tuck that you're willing to give back and   i hope i pronounce your name close to right and  we also want to thank everyone who's giving super   thanks for the channel that means a lot to me and  talk also so again we just want to say thank you   before we let you go though you got to hit the  like button the subscribe button share with your   friends don't forget to check out the merch down  below and remember whenever you're on amazon start   your shopping with our amazon affiliate link  and i know you hear the uh people doing roof   work in the background that's because i live in  a suburban neighborhood this isn't a big backyard   people always think that it's huge i grow on about  one-ninth of an acre total we just pack things in   and we use the height which gives us such a  incredible amount of space and then we also   just follow principles and then constantly  refining so it's not a lot of space and i   think the the nailing in the background is kind  of like you know it's just a piece of suburbia   so meantime we'll catch you in the next one  the leader the boss the master the king of   the garden big tuck and his apprentice James  we'll be back at you again real soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 2,617,890
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Keywords: tomatoes, how to grow tomatoes, grow tomatoes not leaves, growing tomatoes, organic tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, gardening, organic gardening, pruning tomatoes, staking tomatoes, tomato tips, epicgardening, gardenanswer, migardener, James prigioni, tomato harvest
Id: ak_EsZ-_gtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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