Fanatec CSL DD vs DD1 side by side review - which is BETTER FOR YOU?

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the fanataxis ldd or the dd1 which one is for you that is something of a topic that is coming from the release of the cs ldd made worse as the reviews generally make comparisons between both direct drive bases so let's tackle this topic today and risk rustling some jimmies you can use this comparison more or less to think about smaller direct drives versus bigger ones there are some specificities about the phenotech ecosystem but the overall message in conclusion of the video should be pretty much the same no matter the brand but i'm going to spoil the video now the dd1 is better than the csl dd oh at its price it really should be better but this is the case of any wheel of this caliber like the simicube 2 and the vrs wheel and so on any bigger wheel will always be or most likely be pretty much all the time better than the smaller wheel counterparts choosing one over the other is not that simple like any other purchasing choice ever is as a necessary disclaimer both wheels were sent for review by fnatic and i have an affiliate link below if you want to help the channel out all thoughts are my own i'm not being told or paid to say whatever but anyways take this review with a grain of salt these wheels have completely different objectives and of course price points the cscldd is more or less the logitech g wheel of the direct drives it's made to provide a great experience at a more affordable price point while still using a complete ecosystem the dd1 or dd2 is made to provide a more premium experience while allowing for more forces that can be essential for immersion or replicating certain driving experiences that require a high torque to be delivered for the price and features we will start with the big dock today this is the fan attack podium which is essentially a playstation compatible dd1 the podio comes at around 1800 euros because it comes with a rather swanky and nice wheel but for the sake of this video let's go with the non-playstation compatible and wheelbase only dd1 for 1200 it's a 15 newton meter sustained torque and 20 newton meter torque wheelbase that has some interesting features like a 2.7 inch black and white oled display that you can use to control settings of the wheel or even get some information from the wheelbase or game if you want a bit more torque the dd2 will cost 1500 euros for 20 and 25 newton meter respectively for largely the same feature set though it comes with five years warranty versus the tree of the dd1 looking at it it is indeed a sizable beast that doesn't look half bad for something that is essentially a box the frame is built out of metal flanked on the size by carbon plate these carbon plates have this nuanced blue filament that gives a slightly blue speck at certain light angles running the risk of sounding like a total snob the design is simple and functional it's boxy with the details making it stand out the cs ldd on the other hand is a much cheaper wheel and significantly smaller it comes as a replacement of two wheels the csl elite if you buy the five new meter version and the csw if you buy the eight new meter power pack it will start at 350 euro if you buy the 5 newton meter version and 480 euro for the eight millimeter boost pack version if you buy it in the pack it's a much smaller package where the base is its own heatsink and to attach it it uses t-slot rails for m6 bolts it's a more industrial design which has function over form every single aspect of it screams let's not waste any money on design which is fair enough considering the price tag the boost pack price remains a criticism at 130 for a power brick it's quite a lot it's either that or the five new meter version is sold at a very low cost maybe a little bit of boat both wheels use the same set of functionalities driver sets and phanto labs the installation process on the d1 is pretty much the same as any other wheel that can be bolted from below the csldd on the other hand is one of the easiest installing processes in sim racing you just need to half bolt a t-slot nut slide the wheel in and then tighten it up and it's done the csl dd comes with six millimeter t-slot nuts in the box this is done to install your wheel also on a regular rig not all of the side mounted options will take m6 though but the t-slots are compatible with m8 nuts these will have to be purchased separately both wheels can be mounted to the table the csldd has its own mounts while the dd1 can be mounted with the club sport mount but in reality does it mean that you really should the form factor of the wheelbase will make a huge difference in where the monitor placement is going to happen the dd1 is a quite long and tall wheelbase i must say so the options are monitor dependent a large screen or tv could be okay behind the base as long as the fan is not impeded if you select the monitor position on top of the wheelbase it's really gonna depend on the monitor's chin on its size on its bezels and everything else in my rig with the screen i use the csl tends to be a little more comfortable as the monitor will sit lower but still close enough with the dd1 is that the wheelbase is so large so the monitor has to sit higher otherwise it will be too far away at least with the one i'm using anyway this can or not be moots depending on your own setup but generally the csldd because of its form factor offers some more options the quick release on boat is slightly different fanatex option is easy enough to use but in terms of stability it could be better and soon it will be replaced by a new version that i've tried in simracing expo we will see in the future if future versions of these two wheels will come with the new quick release system pre-installed the csl dd1 is okay with the csl mount the clip sport mount is loose side to side requiring the bolts to secure it it doesn't make it a very good quick release system in that case the old v1 type mount requires some force and moves all about even with the bolt i've seen a report of a broken p1 mounting so exert force in the middle of the wheel going towards the dd1 it is indeed a tighter fit that sometimes requires a bit of silicone grease to make it easier to take it off and to insert it especially with this podium two completely different wheelbases with two completely different purposes therefore we should have two completely different experiences well yes but actually no what i mean by this is there are so many similarities in driving between both wheelbases this is likely true much due to the firmware and driver package they are both direct drives indeed and while the dd1 outrunner motor is a different technology than the csldd flux barrier the driver and firmware combination make the usability quite similar if we stay at or below the eight new meter range both wheels show excellent detail they respond super fast to what is happening to the sim of course the dd1 is stronger and peakier even at below eight newton meters it just responds faster and it's more noticeable when drifting having said that in regular use you'll have to squint to notice any difference with all the sims that i've tried the story is pretty much the same so wasseto corsa in drifting in regular use sato corso competizione race room and even eye racing csl dd just excels at that price point and it will mimic the bigger brother it punches way above its price point in all use cases the wheel loads up the force feedback and it's super snappy responsive crisp and reliable it has the capacity to deliver high fidelity force feedback with the loading and uncompressing of suspension in the sims that i've tried even eye racing with irffp felt nice with it i would say that the biggest noticeable difference between both except on the drifting part is the smoothness of the csldd the dd1 has a slightly rougher drive in certain circumstances and depending on settings it might even send a loud clank raising the dampening and lowering the force it back effects fixes the csu but it can feel disconcerting at first at the higher torque levels close to weight newton meters you can say that the cs ldd will start to lose some puff in that way the dd1 will have more dynamic range and still provide information maxing out at eight new meters the cs ldd loses some definition in all the sims but lowering around to 90 percent or 7.2 newton meters it combats most of these issues in terms of getting the settings right start from the recommended settings available at fanatex website and then go from there setting up a dd wheel can be sometimes a headache as these wheels are so close at below eight newton meter mark the main driver of choosing one over the other is what you really need in your sim i would say that most people would be content with the eight new meter version of the csl dd the five newt meter is a bit too low in my opinion but if you need the torque the dd1 has it for days 20 newton meter peak torque is a good way to train shoulders and triceps if you need a gym in your office my conclusion to this video is as such the fanatec dd1 is a better wheel than the csldd there is no other way around it and let's not mince words but the csldd in many ways is a better product than a dd1 far more accessible providing a level of performance equal to the dd1 at below the eight new meter mark it's far easier to install in most rigs as its form factor is really small it is compatible with all the fanatic ecosystem all of this at the fraction of the cost of the dd1 with all of this in mind it really opens up the idea that i normally have in towards a budget stream racing of why spend more when you can definitely spend less especially in a circumstance where the core experience of having the direct drive wheels such as the csldd pretty much covers all the bases of a bigger one except for the strength and i think the main takeaway of this video is exactly that why spend more unless you really need the more torque and i suppose this will be very much the case with other wheels on the lower um power mark like the sematic m10 or even the alpha mini between the two i'm not even sure which one i'm gonna keep on my rig i do prefer a little bit of the extra speed that the dd1 has but in terms of form factor i much rather have this on my rig it allows me to lower the monitor so it's a really really tough choice for me but it's a good choice to have
Channel: random callsign
Views: 92,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fanatec csl dd review, fanatec dd1 review, fanatec wheels, fanatec dd1, fanatec csl dd, fanatec bentley wheel, direct drive, simracing, direct drive wheel, csl dd, sim racing, fanatec dd, best sim racing wheel, csl dd review, fanatec direct drive, fanatec csl, csl elite, Fanatec CSL DD vs DD1
Id: BesGJUn4ouk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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