Fanatec CSL DD | Which Power Supply Should You Get ?

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following on from our preview video with the fanatex csl dd go and check that out if you've not seen it yet i thought a lot of you guys would like a more long-winded and inappropriate for a 15-minute video talk about the differences between the five newton meter power pack and the high power 8 newton meter power pack and in order to discuss those differences i thought i would load up assetto corsa and the nordschleifer with the porsche rsr and do a full lap with each power supply and talk about what it's actually like with those power supplies whilst we drive so fasten your seat belts and let's get rolling okay so in asceto corsa i've set up everything so that uh i'm getting as much detail as possible from the steering wheel um and from the simulator i might have to move the uh strength up and down a tiny bit if i get clipping through certain sections but i should be about there for getting the absolute most possible foot from this wheel and the sim now i picked a seto corsa for this because it simply put it has the best force feedback of all the driving simulators no other driving simulator has as detailed and communicative force feedback as assetto corsa under the limit on the limit over the limit the actual g load on the on the car the amount of grip you got from the tires grip from the front grip from the rear assetto of course has got it all it communicates everything it's absolutely bloody amazing and uh you know if you if you drive it with a dd or well set a wheel then i don't see how anyone could come to any other conclusion so that is why we're in assetto corsa here and uh as i said in the preview video when you're using the low power pack the actual forces from the steering wheel or from the wheelbase to the steering wheel are very similar to the forces that you get from the fanatec csl elite wheelbase the only real difference is being that there is a little bit more detail there in terms of especially high frequency detail and there's no mechanical resistance from the wheelbase like it's completely and utterly smooth there's no like notchiness or anything no judder when you break aggressively or do anything it's all very like seamless and natural and smooth and it just makes sense it just feels it just feels smooth and intentional whereas with the uh with any belt driven wheel and with the csl elite there's a tiny little bit of notchiness to it there's a tiny little bit of sort of uh built-in dampening there i mean to be to be honest i actually really like this esl elite the fanatex is elected it's a great wheel i'm also quite a big fan of the thrust master t300 as well when you look at the price of a t300 it's it's absolutely phenomenal what you get from it um and the and the fanatex csl elite for me is like one of my or has been for a long time until this came out my sort of recommended go-to wheel for someone that's looking for something before maybe going into dd wheel territory now one thing i would say is with the preview unit i've got here if you've got a csl elite already then i wouldn't say there's enough of a difference between the csl dd with the low power supply uh and the csl elite to justify swapping it over if you were just if you were going to use it with the low power supply it'd be like yeah this tsld you know it's probably going to last longer it's probably going to be more reliable and it does have those benefits i said but it's not enough of a difference to justify you going through the hassle of selling the wheel you've already got um to get a csl elite if you're using a low power supply and if you never intended to upgrade to the high power supply it's a completely different story when you actually put the high power supply on it but we're talking about the low power supply at this point in time or the five i'll refer to it as the five newton meter power supply so one thing that's the case when you're using uh wheels like the thrust master t300 uh the tspc racer the csl elite um should think of other wheels in that range one thing that's definitely the case is that you you still have to be very much on top of this simulator as a driver like it's very easy for you to accidentally over drive the vehicle and it's a lot harder to have the wheel really catch the car for you so when you when the rear gets loose or you really start to you know you're braking hard you're really pushing it on the limit and things start getting a bit squirrely with higher powered direct drive wheels the wheel tends to do quite a lot of correction for you or the forces are such that it's just one-to-one with the simulator at all times and you can then sort of choose how you let the wheel correct itself and you work with the wheel whereas with the low power pack the five newton meter power supply on this um you as i said you really have to be on top of the simulator and it does this is kind of reminiscent to you know i i personally i've had a i've owned myself a t300 a logitech g25 i've got a logitech g293 and i've used the csl elite for a long time and it using the low power supply with the csl dd really puts me back into that process of driving as our drive with those wheels uh and weirdly it kind of i think in some ways it does make you a bit more of an attentive driver because you really do have to like you have to listen through your hands more carefully to to the forces coming from the simulator and you really do have to be on top of things i think you i think a lot of the sim racers using these lower end wheels probably end up in some ways might end up being better drivers because you really have to be in tune with the visuals of the sim a lot more and uh yeah you just have to really really be on top of things almost sort of running the prediction of the simulator in your head more than you have to if you're running with uh a stronger force feedback wheel now because i am using the preview version of the csl dd um i am only using it with the mclaren gt3 rim which is a 30 centimeter wheel rim that's right um and i was going to say 30 millimeter i was just talking about that with someone else earlier that's too small uh 30 30 centimeter wheel rim and i would say if you're going to use this with the low power pack what you'll really want to do is um you'll probably want to use smaller wheel rims i mean unless you're really happy with very light force feedback which a lot of people are to be honest but if if you want as much force feedback as possible from the low power supply the smaller the wheel rim obviously the the better you're gonna get because there's less torque from your arms and the motor doesn't have to work as hard to to move you if that makes sense so you can you'll feel more of the motor the smaller your wheel rim is so if you if you want to get the most out of it maybe using one of the fanatec formula rims might be a good idea and also the same thing will apply to some extent with how heavy the wheel whim is so the lighter fanatec wheel rims will likely be a lot better with the csl uh csl dd's low power pack so maybe like the wrc wheel rim you know the the wheel rings that people would typically use with the uh phantek csl elite um but yes uh pretty good it's pretty it's very similar to the cs elite pretty good but let's move over to the eight newton meter power pack and talk about how that drives in this exact same situation and we're back on the track if only it was that easy in real life in reality they're about to have closed it four times now due to motorcyclists trying to decapitate themselves into armco right the uh the large the large power supply the 800 meter power supply is there and we are ready to go here now the really nice thing is you can just literally you just plug in the large power supply and straight away you've got the power and i will say maybe i've been maybe i've been uh dd spoiled but uh it just feels so much better straight away you feel like you know you feel like there's a much more of a car under you so the forces that become much more noticeable when you put the large power pack in and this is also the case when you use uh dd's or just more powerful wheels in general the main thing is is that you really feel like the sort of g-force loading a lot better on the car and the weight of the vehicle it really helps sell the illusion of of you being in a in a mass that you're pushing through in this case the german countryside uh at a rate of knots you know it really really sells the illusion that you're in a car and so much more so than with lo with the low power pack in this case and with the with forcing that wheels that just don't have the uh the force output to them and i think maybe if you're someone that doesn't really use force feedback to drive from maybe that's not gonna be a huge thing but if you really like to like use the force back as a reference to how much you can lean on the tyres and how much you are loading the car through the corner and how close you are to the limit then it makes a massive massive difference also if you're going to be using larger wheel rims then you've got that extra force there to still get a good amount of force through the wheel and through to your hands despite using a larger or heavier heavier wheel rim of course as well what you also feel with the 8 newton meter power pack is just um a little bit more snappiness and response to things like suspension compressions like if you go hit the kerbs or you go over a little undulation on the track those little the little details which are very very minutes with the low power supply the the five newton meter power pack become just really obvious and just nice just nice and firm nice and detailed and again really helps sell more of the illusion that you're in an actual vehicle that's got weight to it and it's bouncing around all over the place [Music] i also find with the larger power supply uh eight newton meter power supply the car just it's like it's driving itself as well and you're working with it this is really hard to sort of explain unless someone's actually driven a simulator that has good force feedback with a with a sort of stronger force without will you might not even be aware of this but that sensation of you working with the vehicle um is is so much fun and really takes into just another level that you can't get with the with the low power pack in this case or with lower powered force feedback wheels and the nice thing is when you've got that sense of you working with the vehicle you become much more aware of the vehicle's actual innate personality in the driving simulator because you can feel what the vehicle is trying to do and then you know you come to some kind of there's a bit of conversation there you come to a bit of a compromise with it and hopefully the end result is you get it to it does what it wants to do but you also get it to do what you want to do and that that is just such an addictive quality of sim racing now unfortunately the force feedback in many of the simulators just you know it's really not there so unfortunately really asceto corsa certain cars in in our factor two um the new philosophy back in race rooms actually really quite nice that's not out yet but that's quite nice um you know you do get cars like automobile blister one as well there are there are occasions where the force feedback is quite good in other sims but i would i have to say when you get to like the high power pack the eight newton meter power supply with this um concentrate through a little bit you when you get to the eight newton meter power supply you know you're just getting you you get into that zone that you can only really get with dd wheels and you just it it just takes it to another it takes it to another level i can't put it into better words i can't put it into better words now you know if if you're just going to play if you're going to play iracing without ir ffb or i'd know acc uh maybe it doesn't matter i mean the stronger force feedback will with ace with both eye racing with iiffb and acc you do have really good self-aligning forces in those simulators so it will make driving easier in those sims um for the sense that the back of the car automatically catches itself um so you do you will benefit from it a bit but you know it might depend on your driving style and what you look for from force feedback because there's definitely a lot of drivers out there that i don't think really actually use the force feedback to drive the cars that much whereas there's some drivers like me where it's like forced feedback and feeling what's going on in this sim is like 99 of the simulator i don't drive from the visuals i drive from what i feel through my hands and i think if i'm driving or when i've driven go-karts don't go cuts so abrupt it's hard to really say but i think if i was driving a decent sports car in reality i'd be driving through my backside and what if the g-forces i wouldn't be driving through the visuals you know so you know for me um the the high power pack and stronger force feedback um it's the way to go it's the way to go and i would say in in this case when it comes to the fanatex csl dd my recommendation would be if possible just try and get the high power supply version like it's worth stretching the money to get that over the low power pack um you know sure you could get the low power pack version i guess you could upgrade at a later date but you would have you'll have you'll have this like piece of equipment there that you're not fully utilizing that would drive me mental so in some ways it's a little bit annoying let's keep tradley master talk a bit here in some ways it's a little bit annoying that fanatec haven't just done done the csl dd for like i mean maybe like another 60 60 pound 70 pound and it just comes with the one power supply and that's what you get and that's just where it is but you know here we go i'm going to crash it but i i unders i understand uh why they've done what they've done to to get that price down it's especially going to be relevant when it comes to uh selling these wheels at this point in time it's got xbox compatibility but you know i'm sure they'll do like a playstation version i'm sure they'll do packages uh like what you saw with the um the f1 esports edition of the csl elite and you know when you when you get those bundles which they they come sometimes with the pedals and the wheel and everything the pricing of it all sort of makes more sense there but part of me likes that sort of simplicity of all this company doing one product and that's it and uh i'm definitely i'm sure finance is gonna get a lot of grief from the uh power supply uh from the way they've done the power supply so you know i understand why they've done it from uh from a business perspective and i think actually even from a consumer perspective it's going to be beneficial for a lot of people in the they're going to be able to get access to something and upgrade it upgrade it at a later date but i mean you know if you've never driven a seto quarter with a with a good quality force feedback wheel and driven around the nordschleife you could just do it oh you could just do it non-stop i highly recommend also doing it with vintage vehicles just keep going forever around this one track like a lunatic absolutely amazing well you notice actually we're coming up to this section it's worth saying so the these um when we hit the curb back there that's kind of situation that's a little bit harder to catch with a lower powered wheel and the lower power supply on this and this section here actually i just particularly noticed whilst i was doing a lot of the testing of this csl dvd preview unit um here this corner coming up um on the brakes next one so when you're braking here and when you're trail breaking you come down this corner this is the kind of corner where the back gets very loose you've got the car loaded up and you can lose it quite easily or you're going to have to balance it right at the limit and uh nicely with the high power supply that's not hard to do in assetto core sir because you can feel what the weight of the car is doing you can feel where the tires are you can hold it you can work with it even though it's the kind of corner that absolutely kills sim physics and is the nightmare to drive also probably very hard in reality as well the high power packs uh the eight newton meters is enough to really make that quite obvious what to do and relatively easy to be honest whereas with the five newton meter power supply corners like that are just way way harder um than i think they otherwise would be because you just you just lack that load and immediacy to be able to really get all those details for you to then respond to the very dynamic and very dynamic transient and in some ways quite light at the limit situation um so yeah but i think that pretty much covers it you know for the main differences the in this in this uh more long-winded video that as you can now understand why i didn't include this in the uh in the previous video um but hopefully hopefully this has helped you decide as i say if you can afford it just get the high power pack obviously some people can't but i so much better with a high power pack but hopefully this has helped you decide uh if it has let me know if it hasn't let me know um but uh i look forward to your comments as always if you're buying fanatec equipment remember i do have a fanatec affiliate link i really appreciate people using that because it helps support me in what i do but um but until the next video thanks for watching happy tea drinking and goodbye everybody [Music] you
Channel: GamerMuscleVideos
Views: 143,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation, sim, racing simulator, gamermuscle, fanatec, simlabs, Gamer
Id: LtLm5JDCj3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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