Family Worship #10

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hair is gonna be late grandma rose parish and it Harrison I see itself oh I see oh yeah I see tremendo the evening today Willie Tim hauling Shirley sublet destro warden and Shirley sermon is from West Virginia [Music] quiet enough money to move the tree Srinivas [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] maxime grace says that they're sinking they're worshipping along with us and that's all we can ever hope for that he would worship as here where she's being and not just watch us for joining Jesus it's good to see this today it's good to have you to Molly honestly we we are blessed as we worship and you know these folks most of Emory our requests that you guys have sent to but we very much identified with them my next song will be to the storm passes [Music] we love each other button three times a day well I would say to dick but you know we won't officially started races in here in Ada and you know what it's the rain starts coming out it's a lot more mosquitoes had been out so if you speak some of them you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right next song will be you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] next I'll be Jesus keep me yes good evening - Ronnie Phillip watching from Trinidad Mary aid from Georgia [Music] [Music] Wow [Music] my sister plus how are you [Music] Peters [Music] Wow you play boats yes you will be printing let's get some good sleep Jesus keeping your cross [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in New York and on the Brooklyn Bridge threats it's so welcome please correct me if I'm wrong and hello to all the other folks joining us we hope you are singing among and worshiping our risen Savior somebody said I try things I see what recover from last weekend last weekend of course our 24 hour worldwide concert and you have seen theirs and features [Music] like that but it was [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and support that you gave last weekend did not join us I know that you have regrets because because we have such a wonderful time we recite midnight on Saturday night and went on to midnight on Sunday night and you know at first some people said you just join see what's happening on Midnight's at midnight when a tip arrested on Sunday we happen that some people speed up with us for the full 24 hours some people said they burn their parts which is not good you know moving lots of people so we have to run get some teeth on that one guy routine I said that his smoke is not a cigarette 20 minutes ago and it's gonna free all you need the same quality that God is good and that yes we do something all the artists from around the world some of you had no idea that they were having so many artists of all yet so people who believe that people from you know Singapore you're just everywhere in every Kingdom Jamaica me and go papers you know they all came together for one special purpose and that is [Music] [Music] and so I want to tell you that the preachers were excellent we had great messages singing was beautiful you know we are a 110 we do the viewers thanks for the encouragement because every time you know so we're going to come back and you get a good video response stick together together so thank God for one we can be thinking through the support we can be for share it with your friends and you who did it so keep we keep trying as well now we have seen a whole lot of this person politically so Jesse ratio we seen a whole lot happened around the world not only in America but anywhere on the world to give the opinion and it is this side of the story and what he felt and how he felt and what do you think should happen well I want you to know that God is still from a reverse of what happened around us I have no fear because all bad things like that and we should kind of be prepared for it I mean it's sad you know lots of people killed his family work his community also policemen wives you we have to also pray for this and we also when we prefer with going shopping who got killed and we can reach even those who are you know right that they would just feel bad you know God's presence along demand and behavior party I'm not single in doing this you know here they're all I'm not thinking you know stand on that but I want to say that we need justice need quality and we need people to open their hearts in the heart and then the behaviors ever change so I had prayed that not some cheap so before I go any further given we just thank you all for your support and I hope you know fall into the Train of you know just take it upon yourself I'm doing out there other people or damaging property you know things like that happen for a reason in some special in tradition we get 30 tells me fret not thyself because of evildoers Jeremy fret not thyself because of evil [Music] [Music] the merciful and very [Music] we saw it was and the press were and we said that's too expensive I helped you guys before so it went to have to travel to New Brunswick an effective Brunswick and Nova Scotia the look of the vehicle and he said you look in the United States I searched all three months ago so I think my mom with me and somebody else we know we sell with enemy and there was a space for luggage and research research we look at the prices in the space we're going to Canadian entity duty we were just too high but we saw that people in greeting and one year over one year in 24 that veto who knows if you like I sell also desire so one he'll be working one day we walk in and we and whatever I got to look at that when people's was still there it was we are coming up from Washington DC and we got a difference that people and that is the bigger we are and we see well if you put it that way then okay so we come tomorrow and the day after this run to all that money to the regular people and then we came back and when we came back we went to got them to give them license and when we went here and it works because of the tax was run to let I crazy we have to be 30% because the people and it was crazy when we please she said well this bill 13% and with the same kind of freedom night oh my god I started free and not movement who won above that the Turner's we have to and that it's a bus this is a bus so we look at a commercial inspection we are a commercial insurance who have to get life speed forum box anonymously model bus is a frightening people it's for my family she says more than eight seats so it's a bus so I asked movement repeat we have a week tournament and I just put my head on the counter talking I said she was and she said okay so we were leaving the week ago so it could be a post will be Friday I was like thank you Jesus and she continued processability with people which possibility and she process everything especially whenever given a license Creek and she put a sticker inside it and she came back to me and then she said horrible pain well I have all this money on my car my car so my car and then took my car [Music] [Music] and there was no question of that I you know I don't know what happened I knew what the change of money because it's private I cannot tell you the reason but I knew that God give us the desires of our I can expand up into water and evil to us is it complete angular to the Lord Trust also in him and he shall bring it to pass he shall bring for the righteousness of the light and then judgment as the new breast employer and wait patiently for him fret not thyself because of him who prostrate in his will because of the man bring it quickly devices to pass cease from and you don't have some really uptight people these are people that you know to be defined morning man the magnetic secede from under a single rap front Malaysia in any way to do evil for evildoers shall be for those they shall be watching good shall inherit you know evil to us would end up in prison the evil to us would pay for the deeds it was who lose their families the evildoers will cause riots and everything like that good so if the signal woman do you know you feel some peace of mind forgive my land with it shall not be healed no shall religion they shall not be but in me the meek shall inherit the earth and shall like that themselves in the abundance of peace the wicked project begins the just and natural upon the him with his teeth the Lord shall laugh at him for his heel that day that his day is coming there's always there's always a big committee on weekly weekly on the sewer and I've been the poll to cast on the pool and lead and display such me of a bright conversation you know top-level boo I actually saw a piece of news of regard a bow and arrow lately so I would accuse you know some people continue to do and it was a service car it was a far cry from what he said his days coming to this as America I saw in didn't come but what I'm saying is the Bible says that all those if all those who think evil all those who are you know season and party against then the is the soldier entered into the and opposed shall be broke a little a righteous man hat is better riches of you know we we do the house of the country in Canada we want to be in the city servility we will we the country [Music] [Music] you know this is of many wicked that's what we wanted Wow $20,000 but a few days Li not tremendous athlete I went to the gas station we all go to the gas station to buy gas I saw the man who was living across the street and he was shows nappies he was about four inches of his ankle he looked Haggard maybe just even from prison and it was fantastic for me we we we were your neighbors and to see him in that condition I turned my face away so he not see me looking at him you know right there are two days of right and the inheritance shall be for ever it shall not be ashamed in people time and these are funny they shall be satisfied we just was 25 just 5 reverses to but the wicked shall perish and the enemies of the Lord shall be as we shall consume into smoke and you know the oh here error if you wanna see these videos but it will be born and what the right merci and everything for such people and bigger story shall the good man are ordered by the Lord and in the United in is with the Lord in with his hand verse 25 let's switch wherever you are let's read together are you ready I have been young and now and old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor is seed begging bread another old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken not is feed very great thing about that your seal shall not dead program if you are righteous if you do the right thing your seat will give proper call you blessed the righteous will never be forsaken you will never be forsaken the lattices if you plan even if you do if you decide to kill some your problem but if you do righteously legacy you will never be for sale and a/c will never be great let's play semi to this week unless people as forces Oh father we thank you that we are Institute addresses many people can make it to Paris time it will faint or because of fear which are crisis that if you will remove all straight and we need to mount up with wings as equal to so we wielders community forgive us may our thoughts eat you we are and all hands between me - Peter he must we begin for the freshest okay you know that when I have so the toy folks we're going to sing one song they were going to close in Korea for those of us trying to take their place that's one of our factory your specifically request you requested [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] somebody asked what number is this song this is a beautiful song but because we're singing in the Mennonite churches in the u.s. so you'll have to look it up if you'd like to see the words I'm not sure the name up there you know but this song is called our bodies like he's a like that but the first line of the song is called there is there is beyond the azure yes our God is our life okay just Persephone right here so we from the Facebook paradise first and I'm just gonna read in my lap first so that I think cover Mary Austin has lost her father you weeks ago Chairman be Eric's paper her family and friends Genesis Samuel Sun unfortunately passed away so playing for Judas coach Jeremy Jonathan pansy and Frank but trying to understand is paid for the miry family at my treat all and her niece Lisa Anderson Denise Spencer she's paying for herself and her two daughters of the worlds of God Planet Miller and all is praying for her children Erica Kristy Campbell's is playing for Derek and Sonia that they were both of these people are praying that their children will come closer to five he bent each Wells his preferred herself her brother and her niece brother's name is John releases to pool no Coleman is paying for the kita Campbell and today surely Yolanda Yoli of us being is praying for her friend's husband and passed away Keira Mackenzie's pray for her family herself in her family through coltd 19 Tina Campbell is preferred her mom Pamela Campbell's Creek for her family herself and her brother Matt even Oh someone named going right through it and was in the hospital there's so many missed Oh even H Wilson her brother his paper for healing for herself her brother her knees anta Christians praying for the Ambrose family in passing of Wayne Ambrose Angela Colvin sons this papers sons and their personal issue to provide every burden has put forth the Ingrid family as they have lost a loved one and he's played for the uncle Murray a paper protection and diagnosed more debt is praying for arthritis and legs and peace and the family of her co-worker who passed away I'm gonna get laid low personal walk with God and daughter Kendra as she will come back to Floresta Holly or the USA he cannot is pre for herself and family here cells are free for our uncle was a pastor he was admitted to the hospital - Tiffany she was home there okay so he has he is going now and we are also praying for report their family has lost an orange mother so I'm free right now but we will continue to keep you guys in prayer there are some names I've been praying for for a while that I had not mentioned that I've already get to a hard hand I can tell you that and place our pray for [Music] you God thank you so much for this day thank you for getting us I wonder meat then through another day borass be with us that some of us are about to go to bed and some of us are just waking up with more you know at what point in the day that we are but you will buy this and will protect us from this daily I pray for those who are asking for healing your great physician and there's nothing that you can see we do everything for good reason some of us you will heal us with your time some of us will have to go two minutes and summer bustard natural means but avoid all of it is in your hands of a watch and take care of all of us lowly people who are you and with and what I ask that you will the new people free to subscribe the resource of peace if this was a comfort to those who are lost look like this mother easy introduce some rule of whether by death whether by no matter what it is that how happiness is one easy and asked that you be a great comfort but those who have also was more that used to love them that they they are not alone as boney as if they are and for those who have passed away they know that one we will come again and will call their boys that they have died when we've done we will call them and they will rise up from the grave and then we meet David here and we will go to heaven with you and Laura asked that he will cover those who are suffering through organizing those who are sick those who are suffering with mental illness those who are who are struggling with not being able to touch will be near people as that he will comfort them that they will not feel as beautiful of others even if we cannot touch each other in it can't force each other they she I know that one day we will be able to talk and walk and spend time with each other and she won't have to you know have a hard time explaining yourself boy these are the many the and we enjoy it when you guys sing along I'm thinking next week let's have a testimony time it you guys keep spending your testimonies you can you do the butter message or we can share next time a priest another black but those who feel in Tibet those of you are waking up a blessed day [Music] you
Channel: The Chitans
Views: 5,691
Rating: 4.8169932 out of 5
Keywords: TheChitans, Children, Gospel, Adventist, Grenadians, Canadians, American, Boys, Girls, Christian, Kids, Japanese, Scottish, Trinidadian, Toronto, Church, Flow, Ministers, Ministering, Music, Youth, Singers, Teens, Siblings, Acapella, Southern Gospel, Black Gospel, Caribbean, Fan Favorite, Fan Favourite, Family, SDA, Vlog, Five
Id: zu20ctiGvjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 21sec (5121 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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