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Sefuri Twon,Kanzaki City,Saga (What kind of dough is this?) This is a white dough. The dough is made from homemade natural yeast, wheat from Hokkaido cane sugar and a little natural salt. Homemade yeast is tasty and fragrant In order to make the most of it, I don't put anything extra in it So children with allergies can eat it safely (There's really nothing around.) Nothing really. I wanted to live in the middle of nowhere I wanted to live in a place where it was dark at night. The city is lit up even at night, and there are many things going on I think it’s not bad to live in the city But in the mountains you can see the stars It’s a lot cooler in the mountains Compared to the city, the temperature is 6 to 7 degrees lower Once you live in the mountains, you can't go back to the city But on the other hand it’s very cold in the winter The bread was originally made by my wife alone She sometimes was prone to get sick with migraines and things like that. But if we are taking orders for the bread You can't just say you are unable to bake bread So I learned how to make it and started helping out Before I knew it, I was able to handle everything The wife has changed since the birth of the child She became more concerned about the food. You have to take care of the food that is the basis of your body. So, my wife said that she would make her own food that she could eat with peace of mind. She used to fail a lot at first I have to help them out. Recently, swarming has started They will part with their nest in the spring I’m setting it up so that they enter the new nest When there are a few more bees, I want to make bread with honey Sometimes I can be mistaken for a bagel shop Bagels are popular When I started selling bread in an old farmhouse, I only sold to locals I was expecting only locals to come But some customers came just to see the old farmhouse Unlike a bakery in the city, they had to go out of their way to come here There were people who buy bread and go home immediately The altitude is nearly 500m So I didn’t want them to come all the way up just to buy bread. I wanted them to stay and relax, enjoy a conversation, so started serving tea and coffee in cups that I handmade So, I open up the living room on days that we are open Have them eat bread inside This is curry with spinach from Tonbo Noen which I made into paste yesterday It's a very delicious spinach made by a friend of mine So that the color of the spinach does not fade, it is tossed here and then wrapped in bread (What makes the spinach have this color?) I just boiled spinach and made it into a paste If you sprinkle breadcrumbs with olive oil and bake it It becomes crispy as if it were fried This is mugwort picked at home Because I only use tender shoots I can't pick it anymore at this time of year It's still available, but it gets hard and doesn't taste good anymore (What's inside?) Brown rice koji I searched for a type of natural yeast which tasted the best for me As a result of trying various things such as grapes and apples Brown rice koji was my favorite flavor Brown rice koji, whole wheat flour and bread flour At first, I kneaded it by hand, but now I have the help of a machine I kneaded everything by hand I got tendonitis. I gave up kneading with my hands (It’s amazing that you thought of opening a bakery in this place.) I like bread too much I like to eat bread, and when I moved here, there was no bakery You have to go far to find a good bakery So I thought why not make it myself Even if you go to the bakery., it's hit or miss It’s hard to find the type of bread that I like So, I did research on how to bake the type of bread I like But I wanted to be able to provide safe food for when my children were born As much as possible, make what you can by hand I look for additive-free products and be selective with ingredients (Did you buy an old house and renovate it?) ) Right. I bought it We bought it and did what we like I told my children that if they don't live here in the future, To give it away to someone Regardless of the efforts of parents, depopulation is inevitably progressing. When people are gone from this area, it will be a sad thing. So just like us, people who want to live here should have a chance to live here I would rather have someone like that use our home I told my children to not feel attached My children have grown up here and experienced a lot of things. This home has definitely done its job (What kind of water do you use here?) ) Well water (And is it used in bread?) ) Right. The water of Mt. Sefuri It's delicious I want to share what I find delicious with someone I don't want to put out something that I don't like If you ask me, If you can’t make it yourself, then you will have to buy it But even if you buy it, the price is very high But if my wife decides In the end, I'm the one who will make the compromise Chocolate is the most expensive thing in our house I was really conflicted. But I can rest assured that it tastes better And I chose it because it tastes the best (What type of chocolate is it?) ) People Tree Chocolate and I wanted the other one to have a little more dark bitterness. So I looked for organic chocolate I'm making bagels now The cocoa used for the dough is not alkali-treated Anyway, I found cocoa that was completely natural I thought this was the one, and when I used it, it was delicious There are a lot of people who say it's delicious and keep coming back Some people can just tell the difference It is mugwort taken from the garden Good morning Please I really like it because it's surrounded by nature and full of energy (It's the first time I saw someone get in a car to go to put up a banner) I want to make a signboard along the way. But it's further than just hundreds of meters, so I have to write how many kilometers to go When a wild boar climbs a cliff, stones fall The feeling of life is good, and the air is good. This is the world I long for People who come for the first time, they inevitably get lost along the way (How do customers find this bakery?) I think there are a lot of people who come by word of mouth (What kind of work do you do now besides being a baker?) I usually work as an occupational therapist in rehabilitation Originally, the university I went to was an art-related university. I majored in pottery. You see people get injured or sick You help them get back to their old life While working as therapist, I started thinking what I really wanted to do That crossed my mind I enjoy rehab work, but I like making things, so I started again. Soil called red clay During the day, I'm working in rehabilitation. I feel like I'm using my hands all the time Thank you very much After getting married, my wife told me to make things that were useful I started by making a bowl (Are you turning this with your right foot?) ) Yes Before being injured in an accident, I used to spin it with both feet, but my knee is bad and I am turning it on one leg This way is more difficult, but it's interesting because it doesn't make me feel like I’m being forced to make it with a machine
Channel: Japanese Bakery Tour
Views: 3,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: 00hD4u2u6pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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