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[Music] finally bacon Terry hi chef look  at that smile I know I love bacon and his   great southern baking challenge so tell me  how much inspiration are you getting right   now from your sister oh I'm getting a lot  of inspiration from my sister she's also   an amazing Baker and we bake a lot and we  dig these cheesecakes together before this   cake yeah another can just take three ways three  cheesecakes I am doing tricks in 60 minutes six   minutes but I believe I have something  to prove all right I'm excited [Music] hey Pearlie hi chef Michael so what have  you decided to make her dessert I'm doing a   flourless chocolate ganache tart this is a dish  inspired by my grandma she's fun she's bold I   hope to one day grow up to be just like her I'm  getting a sense where you get some of this wrong that's great thank you very much oh that smells  so good they're having anything that's hot that   should be cooling at this point because I do not  want to put a cool liquid on top of a hot cake I   need to get this in the blast chiller immediately  I can't put the chestnut cream on to hot cake   thank you wait I need to wait I've lost my cake  oh my god a disaster this is an absolute disaster   Michelle is still flustered but I know she can  salvage what's left of her cake okay three molds   Veronica and suggests to me to make a smaller cake  it won't be as elegant and as pretty but it's my   only choice that's okay that's okay I can't  give up now I want my kids to see how much of   a fighter their mother is we still do it [Music]  the last 10 minutes it's all about the finishing   touches it's the filling its the stuffing it's  the layering of the icing marry right now has   that laser being focused I need to show the judges  that I'm the best Baker here I want the judges to   see that even though I'm not much of a baker that  I can still hold my own I'm gonna go with as many   layers as I can I want this cake to be really  over oh wow that was amazing no Japanese broke [Music] Oh freak Jeremy is definitely  struggling the icing is running down   because his cake is just too hot you  cannot ice a cake when it's hot icing   melted Michelle is an absolute fighter I  cannot believe as she's pulling through this [Music] to [Applause] [Music] the judges have been observing  and sampling throughout the challenge they now   take one final look before selecting the  most promising family inspired desserts [Music] we were blown away by what you did tonight  the first home cook we'd like to call up   was inspired by a loving and supportive parent  and bad home cook was Veronica I am super proud   I know my family would be super proud I'm just  hoping all the flavors are there it's a Japanese   matcha roll cake with the chestnut cream in the  center it is impressive Thank You chef I don't   even know how to do these patterns myself I'll  be honest I don't know how you pulled that off it's extraordinary [Music] there's a perfect  balance between the chestnut cream and the   green tea and that white chocolate crunch  outstanding thank you shopping [Music] extremely light in the sponge is incredibly  moist did you do anything to the sponge to   make it so moist no I just have a good recipe  and the vase I'll help out the extraordinary   presentation technique I can't find  anything to fault on this thank you   thank you Jeff my dad would be a static to  see me now he would be so proud the second   home cook whose dish we'd like to taste  tapped into their passion for baking and   plated a beautiful dessert Terry please  bring out your dish I am thinking about   my sister as I walk up with my dish because I  know she's gonna be very proud of this moment so I've got three different types of  cheesecakes on the dish I've got a   raspberry cheesecake or lemon cheesecake and  on milk chocolate cheesecake the presentation   to me is absolutely beautiful between the  simple piping he tuxedo dressed strawberries   the feather work on top of the chocolate a  lot of different technique yes yeah I put   all I had into this Geist case it all comes  down to taste though Terry yes Jeff it does Carrie it has got that rich creamy but  ever so ultra smooth filling that crisp   lemon just cleans it up nicely as you  chew through it and then you've got   that wonderful crisp base to it Thank You  chef sister would be very proud [Music] a slice Thank You chef it's like the crust is  perfect nice and crunchy you got the nice ratio   of crust and cream cheese and course it looks  good well done Thank You chef I feel as to what   the world the third home cook we're calling up  didn't let their lack of baking experience hold   them back for one second and that home cook was  Sean please bring your dish up I'm super happy   my dad would love this cake this one's for you dad  it's a layered Key Lime cake covered with a Swiss   meringue and torched and then just a little lime  zest that's a pretty impressive looking dessert   thank you very much the kind of thing is a little  kid you want to stick your finger in and just take   a big lick right now let's see what happens when  we cut this open mission accomplished [Music] you've got that meringue that is very soft  at sponge cake wonderful moist but has a   little flavor from the lime which cleans it up  really nicely it's got it all going on thank you [Music] kaboom it's awesome that lime zest  just jumps out cake is beyond moist take a   look at that what you achieved definitely  proud I hope my parents are too I couldn't   be happier with myself I wish I could save a  piece of this cake from Annette all three of   you did a fantastic job you need to take a  few moments to discuss the Cheesecake that   Terry did and they showed immense technique I'm  a go-getter second best is never good enough I   always want to be first in everything I  do Veronica was very precise the sponge   cake was absolutely beautiful I've never won a  mystery box and I want to take control of the   competition Shawn creations its innovative I'm  quite accustomed to the comfort of the balcony   and I don't have to fight for my life  all right let's go [Music] it was clear   that you were all inspired by your loved ones  tonight and you've made it extremely hard for   us to choose a winner the home cook who created  the most innovative and delicious dessert was Veronica [Applause] I know how  difficult executing this cake   was this is the best dish I've made  since I came to MasterChef Canada
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,934,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Culinary Tribute, Family-Inspired Desserts, Michael Bonacini, Mystery Box Challenge, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world
Id: 1IrSeXkmFGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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