Family Guy Cutaway Compilation Season 12

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all right that's it Peter we've got to do something about that awful breath I'm making an appointment and you are going to the dentist geez you are not gonna let this go are you you're as stubborn as a four-hour erection well she's long gone so uh you can go too oh no you got me for another three and a half hours pal go ahead seek medical attention I'm not going anywhere you can't stay I'm chaperoning my daughter's Girl Scout dinner in 45 minutes well tuck me into your waistband and try not to pee up your shirt heat up the map is a joke you're being played for a fool like George McFly hey Lorraine whatever happened to that guy Marty from high school don't know never saw him after the prom really sure you didn't run into a mo say about 16 years ago George what are you talking about I'm talking about the fact that our son who you insisted we name after that guy Marty looks exactly like him you think I'm an idiot that I wouldn't notice that our son is a dead ringer for the guy who fixed us up Mom Dad I accidentally Set Fire to the living room rug I am not going easy on him when not sharing this with anyone Peter come on are you serious if Joe or I found this we'd want you right alongside us well yeah we're like peas in a pod wait wait don't go in there he's doing his podcast oh that's cute now that I like what do you think about this you old bag oh no come on you think the fat man's gonna figure out those Clues he's an idiot I guess you're right yes I mean he's the guy who put all those little bald men in incubators because he thought they were babies look at you you came early but you're gonna make it I'm a senior vice president at an investment firm oh someone's your fussy britches this is more painful than sitting through those parent-teacher cheetah meetings so in short your kids are all doing great keep reading to them every night and I think we're gonna have a great year so unless there are any questions thank you all for coming uh yeah I noticed the hot lunch menu doesn't feature any gazelle I'll bring that up to the board yeah see I I heard that last year and here we are again all right but just be careful you know you don't want to rush an important decision I'll take the cheeseburger meal would you like to make it an extra large meal uh [Music] all right no yes no you sure it's only 29 cents more yes no geez I don't know what's going on with him but I guess love does funny things to people look at Forrest Gump hi Forrest I know you just got back from Vietnam and you love me but I'm gonna go run a train with this group of black panthers I just met okay Janae hi Forrest I know you came all this way to New York to visit me but I'm gonna go do blow and have sex with a bunch of stock Brokers okay Jenny hi Forrest now that I have the most contagious and incurable disease known to mankind I'll finally have pity sex with you okay Jenny and I'll mow the grass and raise the AIDS baby Meg you gotta find a way out of this fight yeah Meg you can do it you're a smart woman and women can do anything nowadays I guess you're right but it's not like it's the 1950s so I see you graduated number one in your class from Princeton that's right and I'm certified as an accountant and also have a law degree that's all very impressive we'll keep you in mind let's see pointy boobs medium pointy boobs not so pointy boobs that's a shame so you're all gonna ditch me when I need you most yeah Meg it's natural selection this is how it works in the wild hey hey how you doing hey there hey nice spot huh oh yeah oh yeah it's great especially because of that thing over there you know what's in there corn really wow I could go for some corn you're dark Raj I don't care well I'm awake now Brian and I know what I gotta do well before you do anything for God's sake put some clothes on Ryan calm down in some countries this is a compliment oh my goodness oh please come on it's just something I threw together wow a race I guess this means I can afford to set up this cutaway with a fancy new transition [Applause] [Music] trust me you should take my advice I mean I'm the guy who told Michael Chiklis to wear tight shirts I'll tell you anything you want just get your boobs out of my face you know the difference between you and me Dirtbag no matter how muscular I get I will never be muscular well fine I don't need your friendship I got other friends I got my silent movie Friends [Music] well I suppose I could talk to them see if they'd go for it but why wouldn't they I mean it wouldn't be the craziest idea in Show Business when I grow up I want to stick my head through a circle at the beginning of movies and Roar what's up now oh come on you can't fire a writer in the middle of a show that'd be like a doctor leaving in the middle of a surgery help I'm supposed to have surgery but my doctor disappeared okay Josh this is the shot you've been waiting for okay Derek this is the shot you've been waiting for oh man now everyone's gonna remember me for this I wanted to be remembered for my achievement in film [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right this is the greatest Sunday tradition ever except for getting all my cutaway gags ready for the week okay my great uncle wears a ski hat all the time Griffin will be followed by Nick Nolte's handkerchief followed by Japanese Abe Lincoln and then monkey Rabbi Hey where's the monkey Rabbi here's your Torah you'll be here on Tuesday at nine check in with Shirley you're gonna need me this week ah maybe maybe Friday uh now where are the gays over here no no the really cartoony gays oh there you are we're gonna need you guys all week oh my God poor Chris he's a social outcast like Scarface okay we have a deal to bring the money I'll get you a cook you got it Scarface oh my God you can see that the doctor said you wouldn't be able to yes everyone can see that that's why we call you Scarface wow wow why can you smoke and to get out of anything finally I'm above the law like my 14th century ancestor king of Denmark Griffin more wine more women more table t I'm having a heart attack is anyone at the table a doctor I am to be a hurry run but the very far away doctor couldn't make it in time and that's why here in Denmark we have very small tables wow Stewie we're gonna work perfectly together like Sherlock Holmes and Watson Watson a clue the Intruder has tracked in a red clay which can only be found near London's homosexual Bath House amazing homes how did you know that just from like books and stuff Peter's right we've just got to accept the fact that well we're we're kind of cowards I know yesterday I even went to a college Anonymous meeting hello my name's Cowardly Lion and I'm a coward I'm afraid of small dogs girls with pigtails flying monkeys there's flying monkeys that's a thing sure they got shop claws God they sound terrifying wait you think so too yes and fear is a logical response to actual danger because you're right hey I'm the rational lion so guys well we need to teach him a lesson he's a menace like that coked up giraffe at Studio 54. yep yep people are watching I'm that good you've done a summer why yes I am I just want to thank you for helping me reach a state of cocaine fueled 1970s euphoria Robert maplethorpe can I put this fire extinguisher someplace interesting and take your picture I would love that and you guys don't know nothing about staying up late I used to pull all-nighters when I work for that lesbian carpet cleaning company lesbians have regular carpets too you pervs when you're done with that can you help me plug the hole in this Dyke I'm kind of a jack of all trades hey help me fix this gash somebody's been having scissor fights on this thing absolutely you should you should always fight for what you believe in like Patrick Henry Give me liberty or give me death oh that was easy I know right Ryan wanted to give him Liberty you do the paperwork Ryan God I can't get any peace and quiet in this house well now you know how I felt at Mardi Gras [Music] hey keep it down trying to get some sleep up here show us your boobs my boobs I don't think I oh my jewelry I wonder what I'll get for showing this the rules of this city are very unclear did you sleep okay out here Brian no I was so cold and you have no idea how many terrifying things there are out here in the dark my nephew Scrappy Brian didn't even make it through the night hey Uncle Brian let's go check out that noise I don't know Scrappy Brian might be better just to stay put I'm not afraid he'll never get him let me get him damn it I told my sister this wasn't a good weekend
Channel: Godfather Peter
Views: 273,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: odR9i6l33Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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