Family Food: One of a Kind Italian Deli Food at Tony's Beechhurst

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when you go someplace and you get an espresso when you put the sugar in and it goes right down it's no good see how it stays up it takes a while it has to be creamy it has a little cooked coffee a good machine and a guy that makes it has to drink it too and it's my fourth one of the day already [Music] hi hon how are you my name is emilio polito tony is a nice italian name if i would have called it amelia's daily it wouldn't have worked the people can even spell my name a lot of people well not everybody all the food that we make we make it from scratch my wife does the cooking and we do the eating we work very hard we spend more time here at home they get up at 5 15 day here by 10 to 6. i went shopping and i got here about 7 30. [Music] the boys the first one is gaetano we call him tommy that's my father's name the second one is mario the third one his name is angelo like my father-in-law we work very hard my wife in the back and the boys are in the front i me i'm the middle guy i do whatever i can in 1992 tommy was working as a stock boy and the people that were here were selling the place 9.50 brother and you say you're staying all my uncles had like pizzerias they all were in business restaurant we were the only ones my dad had a real job with vacation time and everything and uh he was like you know well let's try so my mom was a medical assistant yeah she had no idea she just cooked like she cooked at home started cooking here and it worked out great you know we bought the place and then i kept my job quite a few years i was working seven to three over here four to twelve on my job [Music] we're going to make portobello mushroom stuffed i started cooking my grandmother since i was very very young and my first dish was just boiled rice and that's it but i learned everything mostly with my grandma this don't know she didn't make no stopping mushrooms we come from the same time but we met here but we knew each other since we were little but not as boyfriend and girlfriend just friends as soon as he comes out i hooked him that's what he says it's not true oh she's a wonderful person she's a hard-working person she cares for the family and everybody around i can't take any credit for it but uh because the boss she's she's the cook she makes me believe i'm the boss [Laughter] [Music] mario always talked he was nine months old and he had no teeth he was walking and talking and it's still like that it never stops we'll see we have a gail's uh baby shower coming up oh yeah one day you guys got to get on the phone and call each other i know maria get moment it's people i know we need people waiting okay i'll be right back the quiet one was angelo but now he talks a lot more think about who's really got not that who's really coming in the middle of the week you're working or you don't really have time to make a mess like what i'm talking about is more like peanut butter okay interested you that's it guytana was just like his father and things has to be just soft yeah and you don't make anybody touch whatever he does because he gets upset it's like they'll still like the coffee like on the car like next to me and they'll just leave it there wait for me and they know i'm gonna get like crazy and i have to wipe it and they're like and they laugh and giggle and it doesn't faze them it drives me nuts we get into a fight it doesn't it ends when we leave here we're on the way home we're all in the same car so you're not gonna keep fighting until you're on your way home so even no matter how bad the fight was it's over by the time [Music] i started working here when i was 14 but i've been coming here ever since i was a little kid they've known me my whole life we don't like him but he's gonna kill me every day though [Music] hey oh right here what can i get you buddy they got me already they got you can i help you dear if you come in five times we know your name selena how was it that's the idea sometimes we'll give you the wrong name you know you're stuck with it hi kitty hey pete andrew sally boy what else henry you know that is tomato on yours you know what's up dino dominic no problem buddy all right friend and joe you wanna let us know hi lucy hi hey where's pops help me out big victory thank you victor but 90 we know like just about everybody thank you and have a great day ciao majority of our customers you're happy they're here they're they're just a good family feel you know this is my friend josephine cavalieri hi her husband he built this place many many years ago yeah he's a good friend of ours we are very close and when i go to italy i go visit them in the mafia and the amalfi coast wonderful people yes family family family they're like my family too yeah she's from amalfi she's from there and i don't know she don't want to cook when she goes she's on vacation she said she don't cook and when he's on vacation i don't make the bed people come from all over and they remember us they go to long island they come from long island couple guys from connecticut sometimes thank you always good to see you always a pleasure over there they're all they're like family the day's not completed 10 times a day we're in here yep how many times do you come a week um how many times you come a day yes sometimes i come in twice a day but i come in pretty much every day yeah the best place in the town best coffee in a row all the pie sounds then all the feel from my sand from my town a lot of them moved into white stuff there's about 60 families here in this town from a lot of this yeah it feels like you're home you know yeah it's really nice the name of the town where i come from is named sacco this is where we go every summer my father's house is right down here somewhere sako it's like your first love you'll never forget where you came from my heart is dead when i was in italy i only went to school and i didn't do anything and then when i came here i joined the navy and i was in the navy for four years i was trained as a jet mechanic i worked on the airflow phantom that was during the vietnam war and we were training pilots from there i went on uss independence as a aircraft carrier it was like i won the lottery over there because i loved it hello how are you how can i get you my day are you going to be on the tv yeah yes smile you want to have my daughter if you were giving me gifts my brother had the same thing we gave him him gifts it was nice so you feel like you're part of something here you know it's a nice family feel you know some of those people that you really you can talk to and they they're really nice there's also some of them as soon as they come in you want to choke them because they mean right on top of the fridge it says benvenuti translated tinker says everybody brings a little joy some when they enter and someone they leave [Music] my dad you know honestly he's like my idol mom too she's a good inspiration for me you know they always work hard no one ever gave nothing and then we got here the first six years my dad had both jobs he worked every day for six years straight until we were able to maintain our bills with the business itself i know he always did whatever he could for us i can't complain about anything and without my parents who knows where we would've been today definitely wouldn't have the life of the great life i have now that's for sure my parents are golden they are you know they're not selfish at all in no way shape or form they don't think for themselves they think everything's for us everyone becomes part of the family almost my mom feeds everybody but they have money or you don't have no money you come in here you're getting fed [Music] hi fringy face hi jen come in this is my principe so leave ya she's such a good girl oh my goodness [Music] this is a sunday dinner two of them married two beautiful girls and two beautiful granddaughters you know everything yeah we eat a little too much sometimes but i know what else i like to eat you know saying i come here i know i'm gonna get a good meal no matter what so like i'll eat somewhere during the day maybe but then at night time i always come back here yeah she's not gonna she does me it's good keeps everybody together you only sit there and waste time say no no where are you oh you got it [Laughter] [Music] this place means everything to us we all together and we work very hard and we put up with each other a lot of things go good a lot of things go bad but we always together [Music]
Channel: Munchies
Views: 7,830,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family, restaurant, Italian food, whitestone, New York, Deli, how to, cooking, Munchies, Munchiestv, food, drinks, eating, chef, VICE, documentary, interview, interviews, culture, underground, travel, funny, journalism, vice guide, vice presents,, vice, vice mag, vice videos, vicevideos, healthy food, bodega, deli food, hero sandwich, prosciutto, family meal, whitestone new york, immigrants, tomatoes, pasta, beechurst
Id: vLQeb8LWyh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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