How This Deli Sandwich Brings In $165K A Month In NYC | On The Job

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ualright 📅︎︎ Jul 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the oxtail Patty is a Jamaican beef patty that we cut open throw some macaroni and cheese inside I throw some oxtail on top and I'll throw some oxtail gravy wrap it in a cocoa bread cut it in half throw some more Oxo gravy on top of it people love it we're on this long ass line it's about two hours the first bite everybody is so in love it's something they've never tasted before it's such a different taste it doesn't matter the way in my mouth my name is Joshua dot I'm 31 years old I'm the owner of that's Deli in New York City and my business brought in 165 000 in sales it's really my dad's story that's because little food my dad came from Guyana at like six years old she was basically in the kitchen where my grandma worked every day after school he grew up in that kitchen and he was there his whole life and I've seen him build Empires for so many other people they didn't value him they promised him things and never fulfilled it and me as a son watching people do that to my father somebody I look up to I'm gonna do anything I could do to stop that it was just in me like nah you're gonna stop doing this for other people and we're gonna do it for ourselves and we're gonna do this together I wanted to see smile on the face while they eat it and he's like wow I opened the store on December 9th 2022. I saved up 70k altogether for the store 60k went towards the sign over the lease to me and for all the equipment 5K went to get in the different paperworks and getting the lawyers to file it for me and then the next 5K went into stock basically to start up everything at the store so I wanted to build it by myself I just wanted my family with me when I did it finally that's why I was so strict on saving my money I didn't want no handouts I wanted to get here by myself so nobody could tell me they helped me get here everyone that works here is family or a very close friend first of all there's my amazing dad he's the head chef then there's my Uncle Tony he's Mr do it all then there's my big brother Bobby he's the co-owner and then there's my little sister Jenny she helps do the register and help make patties for everybody then my little nephew Malachi just started working with us and he's learning how to de-ball Knoxville right now my friend Brandon he does the dishes big sister Teresa she flies in and comes help me whenever I need her to help my beautiful mother she's on the register and helping me get all the paperwork done for the store growing up my mom and dad was divorced and she always used to tell me no matter what you always have your brothers and sisters and you guys always love each other we know no matter what we got to put our differences aside to succeed to be better to become better we're not going to let the past mess up what the future is going to give to us family is the most important thing and family is going to take you to the end like look at where my family's taking us I wouldn't be here without them hungry yeah man I haven't eaten like two days so right now we're about to go get some stock my mom's taking me because I really don't like to drive first I'm making patties in the morning getting the stuff together then I'm doing stock and then I gotta clean up every month for ingredients for the store we probably spend around 15K so this is for um 1289 and we only have 26 items it's mostly oxtail and now I'm about to go to the bank and get some singles and some change for the register so my job is never done yay knock it's hard to come in because you know it's a line so I see the line I'm like oh I can't do the lines no more man but today we got lucky it's the money and at first we was only selling three to five Mac patties a day I just kept promoting her on Instagram and then an influencer came he made a video and ever since then it's just been crap we went from selling four patties to 500 patties a day sorry but we don't order for pick join the line we stood outside for an hour for this it's unbelievable it's speechless it's very stressful right now is just keeping up with the demand because the demand is so high and not anybody that opens up a store in six months has to deal with demand like this five oxtails for me and my family to wrap our mind around us and make sure we're pumping out four or five hundred patties every day and keeping up with the demand and keeping everybody happy it's crazy we still have the rest of our day to go I am extremely tired I work seven days but I don't mind doing it I do this for my my children and I'm I love to see them winning it doesn't bother me to be here all day [Music] first month we only made around eight thousand dollars the second month 19 000 third month 30 000 in March sixty four thousand in April 170 000 in sales may we did a hundred and sixty five thousand dollars in sales everything stays the same flow as it's been going we're predicted to make 1.2 million this year I'm gonna have to pay around 355 000 in taxes if that is the case so you know what they say More Money More Problems it feels good to know that what I've been working for my whole life and that security that I wanted for my family is actually going to be here if I have a lot more work to do because I want to make sure all my brothers and sisters are okay before I even put my fingers down my father he's seen so many businesses because he built so many other people up and he's like I've never seen it something becomes so successful so fast ever and and I told them it's because it's your turn now you just store like 20 to 30 cases of the macaroni in here we just pulled them out and bake them throughout the day so we just don't never run out of macaroni my dad just makes a bunch keep it in here and then we just throw it in the oven throw it in the oven throw it in the oven throw it in the oven same thing with the oxtail we cook the oxtail we peel put it over there I want it to be different I wanted to give people something new to try something new to come to we're gonna let all you like we're gonna start letting taking in the next order okay so like 10 15 we're gonna start taking more orders yeah the Patty's gonna be out at 15 and then we're going to start resuming orders after that it's gonna be out of 15. yeah everyone should be able to taken care of as long as everybody take a two three you know what I'm saying stick to what you believe in and don't be afraid to be different think outside the box just keep working every day towards what you want you're going to be out here for a little while 15 minutes copy don't ever give up because it's easy to give up it's hard to wake up every day and keep going usually the harder option is the option that's going to get you where you need to go in life so just don't give up on yourself and keep pushing no matter how hard it is no matter how much nodes you get just keep going
Channel: CNBC Make It
Views: 768,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CNBC, CNBC Make It, Make It, Millennial Money, On The Job, jobs, businesses, business, entrepreneaur, deli, food, sandwiches, making food, making sandwiches, Queens, NY, NYC, New York, cooking, cook, chef, food preperation, consumers, sellers, economy, food business
Id: UE2wyHYkw0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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